Electrophoretic analyses of serum (Plasma) protein of rheumatic heart disease were performed, in order to prove the allergic anibody which has been expected to adhere in γ-globulin.
The results were as follows:
1) In comparison with serum (plasma) protein values of healthy adult which were reported by foreign authors, α-globulin was smaller and γ-globurin was larger, in the present experiments.
2) In 3 instances of 79 patients, T-like peaks appeared, but it was doubtful whether these peaks appearing between β and γ globulin were the allergic antibody or not.
a) Compensatory valvular diseases:
24 patients were analysed. Protein fraction levels showed no characteristic changes. In nearly all instances, myocardial damage was proved.
b) Congestive heart failure:
34 patients were investigated. Generally, albumin decreased and γ globumin increased. In many cases, α and β globulin somewhat increased but in other cases, decreased. In all cases, myocardial damage was proved.
c) Myocarditis:
16 patients were analysed. Albumin slightly decreased. α-Globulin increased in 8 patients, showed no change in one patient and decreased in 7 patients. β-Globulin was normal or increased in all cases. γ-Globulin increased in 4 patients, normal in 8 patients and decreased in 4 patients. Every patient had myocardial damage.
d) Pericarditis:
5 patients were investigated. Albumin decreased remarkably. α-Globulin increased remarkably, β-globulin was normal and γ-globulin increased. Myocardial damage was always proved.
After all, patients with rheumatic heart disease indicated almost always an elevation of γ-globulin fraction level. Serious cases were ccompanied bay high γ-globulin fraction level.
3) Patients having myocardial damage showed generally increased γ-globulin fraction level.
4) It was suggested that γ-globulin fraction level was often increased in patients who had low complement in serum.
5) On the tonsillitis as a focal infection, tonsillectomy was made. After operation, albumin increased more, α and γ globulin decreased more than before.