An oral fat tolerance test was carried out in 16 healthy men. The lipid concentrations of plasma and each lipoproteins, and apoproteins in VLDL and HDL
2 were analysed.
The concentration of VLDL-TG was significantly increased 2 hours after lipid ingestion. A correlation between lipoprotein-lipids and apoproteins were observed, i. e., a positive correlation was found between HDL
2-TG and apo-CII, and HDL
2-chol. and apo E
1. A reverse correlation was found between HDL
2-TG and CIII
0, and LDL-TG and CII & CIII
The prevalence of apo E
4 was found in 18.7% of the healthy men. However, there was a 22 year old man whose apo E
4 was not observed before the tolerance test, whereas it was observed after the test (Case 1). These suggest that an appearance of apo E
4 is not only due to an autosomal dominant transmission but also to other factors, such as diet, diseases of endocrine and metabolism.
A deficiency of apo E
3 was found in a 21 year old man (Case 2) who had a type IV hyperlipoproteinemia. It leads to a possibility that the deficiency of apo E
3 is not a single disease, and is easy to complicate with variable hyperlipoproteinemia.
An oral fat tolerance test has possibility to discover a latent hyperlipoproteinemia, and is a clinicaly useful test.