Densitometry is a technique very often used in the quantitative analysis of various substances by paper electrophoresis or paper chromatography. In most, if not all, cases, coloured spots measured by densitometer are not rectangular (or nearly rectangular), but spherical or ellipsoidal. When these kinds of chromatograms or electrophoretic diagrams are scanned by densitometer, a portion of light from the slit of the densitometer passes through coloured parts and another through uncoloured parts (white parts) of the diagram. Extinctions measured at such positions of the slit must be corrected for the effect of white parts to give true values of extinctions. Theoretical considerations on the correction procedure for the effect of white parts are presented
As colour intensity of the diagram varies with the distance measured in the direction of migration, extinction of the part illuminated by light at any fixed position of the slit is usually not uniform. Extinction obtained must, therefore, be corrected for nonuniformity of the colour in the direction of migration. This is also treated theoretically in the present article.