Online ISSN : 1347-7617
Print ISSN : 0389-1313
ISSN-L : 0389-1313
17 巻, 2 号
  • 森谷 〓, 井川 和夫, 広重 力
    1980 年 17 巻 2 号 p. 59-64
    発行日: 1980/10/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    持久的運動鍛練によって, 寒冷耐性が強められるか否かを知る目的で, 40~45日齢のラットにトレッドミル強制ランニング, または35℃の湯浴中での水泳を各群6週間負荷した。負荷量は1日15分から120分まで順次延長した。運動鍛練ラットについて, ノルェピネフリン (NE) 注入時の産熱 (非ふるえ産熱) 反応と, 本産熱時の血漿遊離脂肪酸 (FFA) 利用を測定し, 非運動対照動物および5℃, 6週間寒冷曝露動物のそれと比較検討した。
    (1) 水泳負荷ラットでは, 直腸温と呼気CO2排出量を指標とした非ふるえ産熱の亢進が顕著で, またこの時FFA酸化が亢進した。亢進の程度は対照動物より有意に高く, 寒冷適応動物と同一傾向であった。
    (2) ランニング負荷ラットでは, NE注入時の直腸温の上昇は対照動物より有意に大きいにも拘らず, その他の値には, 差がなかった。
    (3) 水泳負荷を, 3週間と6週間行ったラットについての比較から, 負荷量によって非ふるえ産熱とFFA利用の亢進に差違が生じることが判明した。
  • 柴田 裕行, 平田 耕造, 永坂 鉄夫
    1980 年 17 巻 2 号 p. 65-71
    発行日: 1980/10/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    3群 (CA群: 4±1℃で4週間以上飼育した寒冷適応群, CT群: 22±2℃で4週以上飼育した対照群, NE群: 0.4mg・kg-1のl-norepinephrine (NE) を毎日1回4週間以上皮下注射した群) のWistar系雄ラットを, 無麻酔下で1匹つつ直接熱量計に閉鎖し十分熱的平衡がえられてから, 生理食塩液に溶かしたNE0.4mg・kg-1を皮下に注射し, その後の心拍数 (HR) , 熱産生量 (M) , 熱放散量 (HL) , 結腸温 (Tcol) の変化を連続的に測定した。熱量計壁温 (Tw) 14℃では, 安静時CA群のM, HL, TcolはいつれもCT群より高かったが, HRは逆に有意に低かった。このCA群では, NE投与後M, Tcolの増加がおこるのに反し, CT群では逆に減少がおきた。HRも, CA群ではNE投与直後僅かに減少するものの, やがて安静時の値に近いレベルまで回復するが, CT群では有意に減少し, その低い値を維持した。Tw25℃下では, CA, CT両群ともに, NE投与後M, Tcolが増加, HRの減少は両群ほぼ同程度で, かつ僅少であった。繰り返しNE投与ラットでは-NEの昇圧反応が減弱し, Tw14℃下でもCT群でみられたごときM, Tcolの著明な低下は認められなかった。以上の結果から, 動脈壁圧受容器反射の正常に作動する無麻酔下では, NEはCTラットで強い昇圧返応とそれに応ずる反射徐脈, その結果の心拍出量の著減をおこすと思われる。この心拍出量減少は, 末稍熱産生臓器の代謝のlimitingfactorの一つとして働き, M, Tcolの低下をおこすが, CA群ラットでは, 末梢熱産生臓器の代謝率の亢進と平行して, この圧受容反射の減弱あるいは昇圧反応そのものの減退がおき, NE投与後も十分な組織へのエネルギー基質の供給が維持されるため, 高いM, Tcolが維持されると考えられ, 末梢血管平滑筋レベルでのα-adrenergic recepterの感受性減少も一部関与するとの結論をえた。
  • 村上 雅健, 垣本 毅一, 矢永 尚士
    1980 年 17 巻 2 号 p. 72-77
    発行日: 1980/10/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Humoral immune responses of mice against sheep red blood cell (SRBC, T cell dependent antigen) and Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP, T cell independent antigen) were compared at various ambient temperatures. Mice acclimatized to 25°C (Balb/c mice and C57BL/6 mice) were immunized by intraperitoneal and intravenous injection of SRBC or PVP, and immediately after that, they were transferred to and kept in cold (7°C), moderate (25°C) or hot (37°C) climatic chambers. Five days later, these mice were sacrificed and splenic anti-SRBC or anti-PVP IgM plapue forming cells (IgM PFC) and serum haemaggulutinating antibody (HA) titers were measured. Delayed type hypersensitivity reaction against SRBC was also measured as the parameter of cell-mediated immune response in Balb/c mice. Results were as follows;
    1) Mice anti-SRBC IgM response at low ambient temperature was significantly enhanced in C57BL/6 mice compared with that at moderate temperature, while no remarkable change was found in Balb/c mice.
    2) In contrast, the enhancing effect of the low ambient temperature was not exhibited on the IgM PFC response against T cell independent antigen, PVP, in C57BL/6 mice.
    3) At high ambient temperature, anti-SRBC IgM responses were depressed in both C57BL/6 and Balb/c mice, and depressed anti-PVP IgM response were also observed in C57BL/6 mice.
    4) Delayed type hypersensitivity reaction against SRBC determined by measurement of hind foot pad swelling was not changed at each temperature in Balb/c mice.
    These results suggest that enhancing effect of the low ambient temperature on mice IgM immune response may be mediated through regulatory T cells (helper T cells or suppressor T cells), whereas macrophages or B cells may be responsible for suppressing effect of the high ambient temperature.
  • 中村 正, 堀 清記, 菅原 和夫, 槌本 六良, 飯塚 平吉郎, 菅原 正志, 野原 博, 桑野 紘一
    1980 年 17 巻 2 号 p. 78-86
    発行日: 1980/10/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Basal metabolic rate (BMR) and serum protein bound iodine (PBI) were measured on inhabitants of Okinawa in August and January during 1972-1974.
    Following findings were obtained;
    BMR in terms of kcal/m2/hr showed monthly change being higher in January than in August, and the level of mean in the both months of all 122 measured values was almost the same as the Standard BMR for Japanese (the Welfare Ministry) . No significant difference of BMR was found between the subjects native of Okinawa and migrants from mainland of Japan. The variation index of BMR between the both months was almost the same as that in inhabitants of Nagasaki obtained before by our colleague, Dr. Chen. Climatic temperature in January of Okinawa is almost equvalent to that in April of spring and in October of autumn at Nagasaki, where BMR of inhabitants is very changeable in these seasons, thus BMR in Okinawa inhabitnats similarly increased in January.
    FBI values in Okinawa inhabitants showed smaller rate of increase from August toward January compared with those in inhabitants of Nagasaki. Tsuchimoto, our colleague pointed out already that PBI was higher in the cooling-down season of autumn than in the warmingup season of spring.
    Thus, it is thought that BMR is very variable due to the change in the temperature conditions of the seasonal climate, however increase rate of PBI, which is an index of secretion of thyroxin as a most important hormone controlling metabolism, depends upon the velocity of temperature change, being lower in Okinawa and higher in Nagasaki. [Jpn. J. Biometeor. 17 (2) : 78-86. 1980]
  • 孫 章烈, 磯田 憲生, 小林 陽太郎
    1980 年 17 巻 2 号 p. 87-94
    発行日: 1980/10/15
    公開日: 2010/10/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Spatial distribution of thermal conditions; air temperature, air velocity, humidity and heat radiation, in four shops of a printing factory were measured. At the same time, thermal sensation vote of workers in these shops was taken in order to investigate the relationship between thermal condition and human thermal sensation.
    The investigation was performed fron 8: 30 to 16: 00, in three seasons; summer (air-cooling season), winter (air-heating season) and autumn (non-conditioned season) . DBT (dry bulb temperature), WBT (wet bulb temperature), globe temperature and air velocity were measured at many points on the same horizontal plane at 20cm, 70cm and 120cm above floor. Effective temperature (ET) and corrected effctive temperature (CET) were calculated by the chart.
    The horizontal range of DBT was wide in summer and winter, and the vertical range was wide in winter. The relative humidity was 40-60% at the most of the measuring points. Globe thermometer showed about 1.0°C higher than DBT in summer, and a little lower than DBT in winter in average. Air velocity at the most of the measuring points was less than 0.4m/s and the highest velocity was 1.4m/s.
    The graded comfort class based on ET or CET was determined in accodance with workers' thermal sensation vote, and percentage distribution of each comfort class were shown in a diagram for the purpose of practical use. [Jpn. J. Biometeor. 17 (2) : 87-94, 1980]