Online ISSN : 1884-3395
Print ISSN : 0026-0614
ISSN-L : 0026-0614
24 巻, 6 号
  • 電着ニッケルに関する研究 (第3報)
    井筒 昇, 小浦 延幸, 米田 登
    1973 年 24 巻 6 号 p. 306-312
    発行日: 1973/06/01
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effects of anions and pH on the passivity of bright or semi-bright nickels were investigated by potentiostatic measurements of anodic polarization curves in the electrolytes of 1.5N SO42- or 1.5N ClO4-, and were also studied from the standpoints of electrochemical thermodynamics.
    The results obtained were as follows:
    (1) The relation between the critical current density for dissolution of nickel (Ic) and pH of the electrolyte was introduced as follows:
    It was cleared that this relation was in good agreement with the values observed.
    (2) In case of semi-bright nickel in either SO42- or ClO4- electrolyte, it was considered that the passivation occurred at the equilibrium potential of EC by the following oxidation reaction:
    C) Ni+H2O=NiO+2H++2e; EC=-0.14-0.06pH.
    Whereas, in case of bright nickel, reactions of the 1st and 2nd passivations appeared in complicated state: these reactions and potentials were proposed as follows.
    i) The 1st passivation in ClO4- electrolyte of low pH region and in SO42- electrolyte:
    D) 3Ni+4H2O=Ni3O4+8H++8e; ED=-0.05-0.06pH.
    ii) The 1st passivation in ClO4- electrolyte of neutral region and the 2nd passivation in SO42- electrolyte of neutral region:
    G) Ni2+2NiO+2H2O=Ni3O4+4H++2e; EG≅0.59-0.12pH.
    iii) The 2nd passivation in SO42- electrolyte of low pH region;
    J) 2NiO+H2O=Ni2O3+2H++2e; EJ=0.51-0.06pH.
    iv) The 2nd passivation in ClO4- electrolyte:
    L) NiO+H2O=NiO2+2H++2e; EL=0.98-0.06pH
    (3) It was found that ClO4- had a stronger power for breaking the passive film as compared with SO42-, and the codeposited S in bright nickel also largely contributed to the breaking of the passive film.
  • アルミニウムの陽極酸化皮膜に関する研究 (第9報)
    大久保 敬吾
    1973 年 24 巻 6 号 p. 313-317
    発行日: 1973/06/01
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effects of various conditions such as heat-treatment temperature, chemical treatment, and material for experiments on crazings of anodic oxide films were determined by observation of the surface; in addition, impregnation of a lubricating oil into the anodic oxide film was investigated by experiments under various conditions.
    The following results were obtained:
    (1) Many crazings were produced by heat treatment on the films treated in boiling solution of sodium acetate or sodium silicate-nickel acetate. However, it was known that less crazings were produced on the films of higher porosity.
    (2) The number of crazings of sealed films increased with the rise in temperatures of electrolyte and heat treatment.
    (3) The impregnation amount of lubricating oil increased with the rise in temperatures of electrolyte and heat treatment; but the amount was remarkably smaller when the films had been treated in boiling solution of sodium acetate or sodium silicate-nickel acetate.
  • アルミニウムの陽極酸化皮膜に関する研究 (第10報)
    大久保 敬吾
    1973 年 24 巻 6 号 p. 318-322
    発行日: 1973/06/01
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Most of studies on abrasion resistance of anodic oxide films have been performed on dry or wet contact surface, and very few reports have been found for the films impregnated with lubricating oils.
    This paper describes the study on the abrasion resistance of anodic oxide films impregnated with a lubricating oil by using Okoshi's Rapid Wear Testing Machine.
    The results obtained were as follows:
    (1) Lubricating Oils of high viscosity and silicone oil remarkably increased the abrasion resistance at a low friction velocity, but the resistance decreased with the increase in friction velocity.
    (2) The abrasion resistance of the films treated in boiling solution of zinc sulfate was higher than those of films treated with other chemical treatments, and it was also found that the resistance decreased with the increase in number of crazings on the films.
    (3)The maximum value of resistance was obtained when the films were heat-treated at 200°C; but the value gradually decreased when the treating temperature was higher than 400°C.
  • 陽極酸化アルミニウムヘの電気メッキに関する研究 (第3報)
    佐治 孝, 秋山 明胤, 真野 徹
    1973 年 24 巻 6 号 p. 323-328
    発行日: 1973/06/01
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Nickel platings on pure (2S) and alloyed (61S) aluminums anodized in a phosphoric acid solution were investigated, and optimum conditions for anodizing and plating were examined by determination of adhesion and covering power of nickel deposits on the anodized bases.
    The results were summarized as follows:
    (1) Nickel was satisfactorily plated on anodized 61S Al in Watts bath.
    (2) In case of 2S Al, no nickel deposit having 100% of covering power was obtained under ordinary conditions. The 100% of covering power could be obtained by application of a two-stepped anodizing: the formation of anodized film as the 1st step and anodic dissolution of the film at the 2nd step.
    (3) The electron microphotographic observation of the film formed on 2S Al by two-stepped anodizing suggested that the defects of the thin film acted as effective centers for nucleation of nickel deposits. The thickness of the film should be within the range of 0.5-1.5μm.
    (4) The electron microphotographic study also seemed to support the assumption proposed in the previous paper that the deposition mechanism of metals on anodized 61S Al was not applicable to anodized 2S Al.
  • 沖 慶雄, 森 文雄, 田中 厚夫
    1973 年 24 巻 6 号 p. 329-332
    発行日: 1973/06/01
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Effects of external contamination on photodegradation of polyvinyl chloride was studied by infrared spectrophotometry and observation of molecular weight change.
    Staining materials used were 3kinds of metal powders, 5kinds of metal chlorides, and 2kinds of metallic oxides.
    Fe, Pb, and Zn powders showed great effects on photodegradation of polyvinyl chloride by means of infra-red absorption of carbonyls, which is an indicator of photodegradation.
    Metal chlorides showed effects similar to those of metal powders, but the effects of metallic oxides were slightly different from others.
    Iron and zinc oxides showed rapid increase of carbonyl absorption of polyvinyl chloride during initial stage of accelerated test by weathermeter, but tended to saturation in a long term weathering test.
    In conclusion, the effects of external contamination of metal powders and metal chlorides on polyvinyl chloride were proved to be important factors for improving its weather-proof property.
  • 田辺 良美, 須藤 俊久
    1973 年 24 巻 6 号 p. 333-338
    発行日: 1973/06/01
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Galvanically substituted Au films were deposited and developed on single-and poly-crystals by using hydrochloric auric chloride solution, and the crystallographic correlations between Au films and Cu substrates were investigated by direct observation of an electron microscope and by electron diffraction.
    The results obtained were as follows.
    (1) The correlations on the coherency between galvanically substituted Au films and Cu substrates were found to be as follows:
    {(001)Cu||(001)Au [100] Cu||[100] Au……(1)
    {(011)Cu||(011)Au [100] Cu||[100] Au……(2)
    {(111)Cu||(111)Au [011] Cu||[011] Au……(3)
    {(111)Cu||(112)Au [101] Cu||[111] Au {(111)Cu||(112)Au [110] Cu||[111] Au {(111)Cu||(112)Au [011] Cu||[111] Au}……(4)
    {(111)Cu||(011)Au [121] Cu||[100] Au……(5)
    (2) The coating rates of Au films depended on the Miller indices of the surfaces of Cu substrates. The coating rates for the substrates of high indices were higher than those for the substrates of low indices.
    (3) The growth rate and the shape of crystals on grain boundaries in the Au films inherited from the Cu substrates depended on the directions of grain boundaries as well as the Miller indices of the surfaces of Cu substrates.
  • 発色皮膜の加熱脱色過程の検討
    阿部 隆, 内山 利光, 大塚 達雄
    1973 年 24 巻 6 号 p. 338-343
    発行日: 1973/06/01
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The decoloring processes of colored anodic oxide films by heating at various temperatures, were investigated by spectrophotometry, differential thermal analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, and X-ray diffractiometry.
    The following results were obtained.
    (1) Anions incorporated into sulfuric acid film and sulfosalicylic acid-sulfuric acid film were decomposed at about 900-950°C, but decoloring of the film occurred at 450-550°C.
    (2) An exothermic peak was detected at 950°C on DTA curve of sulfosalicylic acid-sulfuric acid film, but the peak was not detected on the curve of sulfuric acid film.
    (3) The decoloring of oxalic acid film and the decomposition of anions contained in the film were observed at about 750-850°C.
    (4) There was a difference in the rate of structural change from amorphous-Al2O3 to γ-Al2O3 between oxalic acid film and sulfuric acid film.
  • 広幡 兵伍
    1973 年 24 巻 6 号 p. 344-351
    発行日: 1973/06/01
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー