Online ISSN : 1884-3395
Print ISSN : 0026-0614
ISSN-L : 0026-0614
32 巻, 5 号
  • オルヴィット ロバートエス, 工藤 忠人
    1981 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 226-234
    発行日: 1981/05/01
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 伊藤 征司郎, 鈴木 充, 岡田 光弘, 桑原 利秀
    1981 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 235-239
    発行日: 1981/05/01
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Hydrophobing or organophiling treating of an aluminum plate was performed by using TTS (isopropyl triisostearoyl titanate) after pretreatment with nitric acid. The degree of the modification was determined from contact angle of water, surface free energy, and surface polarity. The modification was affected by nitric acid pretreating conditions to a greater extent with increasing treating temperature, nitric acid concentration, and dipping time. The modification was also affected by water rinsing time after the pretreatment; thus the rinsing had to be finished within 9 minutes. The effect of TTS treating time is not so notable in the case of the pretreatment with nitric acid of high concentrations and temperatures. In the case of low concentrations and low temperatures, the TTS treatment effected modification for a period of less than 10 minutes but didn't for over 10 minutes. And in the case of the pretreatment with 20% nitric acid, surface modification was effected sufficiently even by TTS treatment of 1×10-3mol/l.
  • 新井 透, 杉本 義彦, 小松 登
    1981 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 240-245
    発行日: 1981/05/01
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The double carbide layer consisted of VC or NbC and (Cr, Fe)7C3 was formed on chromium-plated steels immersed in a borax bath containing powders of Fe-V or Fe-Nb was reported in a previous paper. Present paper deals with the mechanism of carbide and boride layer formation onto chromium-plated steels immersed into a fused borax bath containing powders of Fe-V, Fe-Nb, Cr, Fe-Mn or Fe-Ti, and on to the resistance spalling of the formed layers. In the bath for carbide coating, chromium plated layer near to the substrate transformed into a carbide layer of (Cr, Fe)7C3 by the reaction between Cr in the plated layer and carbon atoms in steel, but chromium near to the surface dissolved into the bath. When plated layer disappeared completely, a layer of VC, NbC or (Cr, Fe)7C3+(Cr, Fe)23C6 began to form on the (Cr, Fe)7C3 layer, by the reaction between V, Nb or Cr, dissolved in the borax and carbon atoms supplied from steel substrate through the layer of (Cr, Fe)7C3, and then the parabolic law was applied to the reaction between the thickness of those carbide layers and treating time. In the bath for bonding, chromium-plated layer near to the substrate transformed into (Cr, Fe)7C3, and on the surface, a boride layer of CrB was formed by the reaction between Cr in the plated layer and boron atoms in the borax. The parabolic law was applied to the relation between the thickness of layer of (Cr, Fe)7C3 or CrB and treating time. It was recognized that chromium plating will not accelerate the spalling of the formed VC layer.
  • 掛川 正幸, 見崎 吉成, 田辺 良美
    1981 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 246-252
    発行日: 1981/05/01
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    The mechanical properties of electrodeposited Ni-TiH2 composite coatings annealed at 1, 000°C were studied and discussed in terms of metallographic structure. The hardness and 0.2% proof strength of the annealed composite coatings increased from Hv 150 to Hv 300 and 260Mpa to 830Mpa, respectively with increasing Ti content in the coatings from 5.2at% to 10.3at%. It was considered that these increases were due to the multiplication effects of solid solution hardning based on solute Ti in the matrix, dispersion strengthening, and keeping of the matrix fine grains caused by the dispersion of fine particles produced by heat treatment. The annealed coatings having a structure of fine matrix grains and fine dispersed particles were formed in a short-time annealing (15min), and further, the structure and mechanical properties did not vary durring further annealing (20h). The ductility of the annealed coatings was improved to a greater extent as compared with that of as-deposited coatings.
  • 松田 好晴, 伊丹 淳, 花田 祐策, 田中 良枝
    1981 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 253-257
    発行日: 1981/05/01
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
    Effects of organic brighteners, formalin, cresol sulfonic acid, and a surface active agent [Emulgen C18H35O(CH2CH2O)9H], on the bright electroplating of tin from an acidic sulphate bath were investigated and the mechanism was discussed. The different effects were observed among the brighteners, benzalacetone, cinnamic aldehyde, cuminaldehyde, and benzaldehyde. By the addition of Emulgen, the depositing potential of tin and hydrogen evolution potential shifted to a less noble potential. The addition of formalin also shifted these potential to a noble potential and thus formalin is considered to be a sub-brightener.
  • 植木 憲二
    1981 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 258-264
    発行日: 1981/05/01
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 菖蒲 次憲
    1981 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 265-270
    発行日: 1981/05/01
    公開日: 2009/10/30
    ジャーナル フリー