Online ISSN : 1882-1006
Print ISSN : 0015-6426
ISSN-L : 0015-6426
13 巻, 5 号
  • 池田 良雄
    1972 年 13 巻 5 号 p. 359-367
    発行日: 1972/10/05
    公開日: 2010/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 諸岡 信一, 裏辻 憲昭, 芳沢 宅実, 山本 弘幸
    1972 年 13 巻 5 号 p. 368-375
    発行日: 1972/10/05
    公開日: 2010/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    著者らがさきに行なったF. nivaleの代謝産物の抽出分離法に準じ, 昭和45年香川県産の赤カビ自然罹病麦およびその分離株の培養液から, 毒性物質の分離を行なった. その結果を要約すると,
    (1) 赤カビ被害麦からはFusarium, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Penicillium等が分離されたが, その主
    Fig. 4. Infrared spectrum of Rd-toxin isolated from moldy barley (KBr pellet)
    Fig. 5. Mass spectrum of Rd-toxin isolated from moldy barley要寄生菌はFusarium roseumまたはそれに近縁の菌株と考えられた.
    (2) 赤カビ自然罹病大麦に含まれる主要毒性物質はRdトキシンおよびnivalenolの2成分であった. このうち, Rd-トキシンは新しいscirpene系マイコトキシンと考えられた.
    (3) 分離株F. roseumの培養ろ液からはRd-トキシン, および自然罹病大麦には存在しなかったbutenolideが分離された. 一方, 罹病麦中に認められたnivalenolは産生されなかった.
  • アスパラガスかん詰のかん内面腐食と, シスチン, システインによるスズの溶出との関連性
    堀尾 嘉友, 吉田 千恵子
    1972 年 13 巻 5 号 p. 376-382
    発行日: 1972/10/05
    公開日: 2010/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is well known that canned asparagus dissolves tin from uncoated inner surface of the can in the short term of storage after manufactured, however the cause of this phenomenon has not been known. The present paper deals with the internal corrosion of canned asparagus and its correlation to the tin dissolving activity of cystine, cysteine and asparagus.
    Extract of asparagus freeze-dried and stored at room temperature for 0-3 years was subjected to the test packing in baby-food cans. Closed cans were sterilized at 120°C for 20 minutes and stored at 38°C.
    The corrosion factors were easily extracted with boiling methanol. They are inactive against cation exchange resin and stable in the acid medium but considerably unstable against alkaline solution. Thus, the action of detinning of four sulfur containing amino acids and relative substance were examined. When more than 500ppm of cystine is contained in the packed can, severe corrosion and sulfur stain was accelerated. Dried asparagus contained more than 15000ppm of cystine+cysteine.
    The influence of oxygen or nitrogen substitution in the reaction medium were studied in the conection with the detinning action of cystine and cysteine. Cystine accelerated severe corrosion in the absence of oxygen, but cysteine promoted severe corrosion only at the presence of oxygen. Cystine and cysteine are assumed to be the factors which play one of the main roles in the proceeding of the corrosion in canned asparagus.
  • 食餌性タンパク質量による生体内βおよびγ-BHCの消長
    大柴 恵一, 川北 兵蔵
    1972 年 13 巻 5 号 p. 383-387
    発行日: 1972/10/05
    公開日: 2010/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    シロネズミを用いて, 食餌性タンパク質量による臓器, 組織内蓄積BHCの減少効果を比較し, さらに摂取タンパク質量の差異が臓器, 組織内へのBHCの蓄積量に影響するか否かを測定した.
    1. 食餌性タンパク質量による臓器, 組織内蓄積BHCの減少効果はタンパク質の摂取量が増加するにしたがって高くなり, とくに肝でこの傾向が著明であった.
    2. 臓器, 組織内に蓄積したβ-BHCとγ-BHCの食餌性タンパク質量による減少率を比較すると, 5%casein食で減少率比 (β/γ) は1/3.5~1/98.0となり, 30% casein食では1/1.6~1/5.1となり, 摂取タンパク質量の増加がβ体の減少率を著明に促進した.
    3. BHCを10ppm添加したタンパク質含質の異なる飼料 (5~30%) を連続摂取した場合の臓器, 組織内へのBHC蓄積量 (28日間) を比較すると飼料中のタンパク質量が高くなるにしたがって, 蓄積量は明らかに低くなることが認められた.
  • 市販食肉およびカキより分離した病原大腸菌の薬剤耐性およびそのR因子について
    佐藤 昭子
    1972 年 13 巻 5 号 p. 388-391
    発行日: 1972/10/05
    公開日: 2010/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    The strains of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from commercial foods in Niigata prefecture from 1969 to 1971 were surveyed for drug resistance to several chemotherapeutic drugs and distribution of R factors. Of 28 strains were examined, and 8 strains (8/28) were resistant to a number of chemotherapeutic drugs such as tetracycline (TC), chloramphenicol (CM), streptomycin (SM) and sulfonamide (SA), however, all of the isolates were sensitive to kanamycin, nalidixic acid and aminobenzyl penicillin. Of these resistant strains, 7 strains (7/8) were resistant to two or more drugs, and one strain (1/8) to only one drug. The majority of these drug risistant strains were the isolates from fresh meats.
    It was also found that 4 strains (4/8) of these resistant strains carried R factors. All of the resistance patterns of R factors were multiple drug resistance.
  • 無加熱摂食用冷凍魚介類の細菌学的検査とマツブガイより分離されたブドウ球菌のエンテロトキシン産生能について
    藤原 喜久夫, 芦野 和子, 河野 美弥子
    1972 年 13 巻 5 号 p. 392-397
    発行日: 1972/10/05
    公開日: 2010/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ten kinds of frozen ready-to-serve sea-food were investigated bacteriologically. As the results, almost all samples were found to contain living cells of E. coli, Enterococci and Staphylococci, however, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Salmonella and Shigella could not be isolated.
    Among staphylococcal strains isolated from shellfish (Neptunea polycostata), two strains produced enterotoxic substances. One strain produced enterotoxin A, B and D, while another enterotoxin B and D. The production of these toxins were evidenced by precipitation against antienterotoxins and monkey feeding tests.
    A refference strain of enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus (S-6) produced more than 3.8 microgram of enterotoxin B in one gram of this kind of shellfish after incubation for 8 hours at 37°C. It seems that this amount of enterotoxin is enough to provoke food poisoning symptoms in adult when it is consumed.
    It was confirmed experimentally that it needs boiling for ten minutes to sterilize frozen shellfish (Neptunea polycostata), completely.
  • 水谷 民雄, 松本 正義
    1972 年 13 巻 5 号 p. 398-404
    発行日: 1972/10/05
    公開日: 2010/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    Technique to determine residual polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) has been complicated by the fact that PCBs are not single compound, but complex mixtures of isomers having various degrees of chlorination.
    A method is described for the determination of PCBs through exhaustive chlorination.
    The procedure is as follows.
    1. Approximately 1μg of the ordinarily cleaned-up sample of PCBs is treated with 0.5ml of antimony pentachloride at 220°C for 2 hours in a sealed glass tube.
    No prior separation of PCBs from DDE is required.
    2. Decachlorobiphenyl formed is taken up into 20ml of benzene, and the solution is washed successively with 30% hydrochloric acid, 10% tartaric acid solution and water, dried by passing through micro-column packed with 1g of silica gel containing 5% water, and concentrated under stream of dry air.
    3. Decachlorobiphenyl is analysed by gas-liquid chromatography with electron capture detector by using liquid phases such as DEGS-PA and OV-1.
    At levels higher than 1μg, the described procedure gives almost quantitative yield of decachlorobiphenyl.
    By this method total PCBs can be determined unequivocally as decachlorobiphenyl equivalent. Therefore, on assuming that residual PCBs constantly contain 50% chlorine, estimation of the amount of PCBs originally present can also be made with an error of up to 25%, because the chlorine contents of the common commercial PCBs preparations varies exclusivelyb etween 40 and 60%.
  • 堀江 進, 荒木 敏明, 佐伯 和昭
    1972 年 13 巻 5 号 p. 405-409
    発行日: 1972/10/05
    公開日: 2010/03/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    低温性大腸菌群の自然界における生息場所を明らかにする目的で, 東京都の多摩川上流, 北秋川および御岳沢の山岳地において, 土壌, 川底の泥土, 水から菌株の分離を試みた. また住宅地域の土壌についても調べた. 試料を乳糖ブイヨンに接種し, 5°で10日間, 選択増菌培養し, これをBGLB発酵管に移植し, 30°で培養し, ガスを産生したものからEMB培地で菌株を分離した. 72菌株を分離し得たが, IMViC型, 運動性, ゼラチン液化性によりI~XI群に群別された. その中の44株はI群すなわちIMViC型--++で, 運動性+, ゼラチン液化+のものであった. 山岳地における16調査点の中の大部分において, 土壌, 川底泥土, 水などからI群を中心に各種菌群の低温性大腸菌群菌株が分離された. 住宅地の土壌試料では検出率が低かった. 分離菌72株の中で, 31株は5°で1~2日以内に明瞭な発育を示した. また今回の分離菌株のほとんどは37°で発育し, 40°で発育しなかった.
    低温性大腸菌群は山岳地の土壌, 川底の泥土, 水などに広く分布していることが明らかにされた.
  • 鮮魚の腐敗した場合のミクロフローラ
    堀江 進, 奥積 昌世, 木村 正幸, 赤堀 正光, 川前 政幸
    1972 年 13 巻 5 号 p. 410-417
    発行日: 1972/10/05
    公開日: 2010/03/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    水揚直後の鮮魚4試料, 小売店で入手した鮮魚6試料を0.5°で冷蔵し腐敗させ, 新鮮時の皮膚, および腐敗時の皮膚および筋肉の生菌数を測定し, 菌株を分離した.
    新鮮時の皮膚から104株, 腐敗時の皮膚から150株, 筋肉から148株, 計402株を分離し, Shewanらの群別法にしたがって同定したところ, Pseudomonas III/IVが大半を占め, そのほかVibrio, Pseudomonas II, Pseudo-monas I, Moraxellaが主要なものであった.
    またPseudomonas III/IV群には好塩性 (Pseudo-monas III/IV-H) と非好塩性 (Pseudomonas III/IV-NH) の明確な2群の存在することをみとめた.
    Pseudomonas III/IV-HとMoraxellaの大部分は海水塩分要求性があり, Pseudomonas I, II, III/IV-NHは完全に非好塩性であり, Vibrioの多くはわずかながら塩分要求性をもっていた.
    新鮮時の皮膚ではPseudomonas III/IV-H, Vibrio, Pseudomonas III/IV-NHが多く, Moraxellaがこれについだ. 腐敗時では皮膚, 筋肉ともPseudomonasIII/IV-Hがもっとも多く, Pseudomonas III/IV-NHとVibrioがこれについでおり, この3群が腐敗魚のミクロフローラの中で主要なものと考えられる. また腐敗時にはPseudomonas IIおよびIが少し増加しており, Moraxellaは減少した.
    ブリ肉に各菌群の純培養菌を接種し, 5°に放置し, 腐敗臭の産生を官能的に検査したところ, 典型的腐敗臭を産生する菌株はPseudomonas III/IV-NHにもっとも多く, Pseudomonas III/IV-HおよびVibrioがこれにつぎ, Pseudomonas I, IIおよびMoraxellaの3群にはみられなかった.
  • 解凍魚の腐敗した場合のミクロフローラ
    奥積 昌世, 堀江 進, 木村 正幸, 赤堀 正光, 川前 政幸
    1972 年 13 巻 5 号 p. 418-421
    発行日: 1972/10/05
    公開日: 2010/03/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    冷凍魚5試料を0.5°で貯蔵し, 解凍, 腐敗させ, 凍結時の皮膚および腐敗時の皮膚および筋肉の生菌数を測定し, 菌株を分離した. 貯蔵前の凍結魚の皮膚から74株, 腐敗時の皮膚から75株, 筋肉から75株, 合計224株を分離し, 前報に記載した群別法にしたがって同定した.
    凍結魚の皮膚ではMoraxellaと球菌類が多く, PseudomonasとVibrioは非常に少なかった. 腐敗時の各試料における各菌群の分離菌株数をみると, Moraxella, Pseudomonas III/IV-H, Pseudomonas II, あるいはPseudomonas Iの多いものなどがあり, 試料によりまちまちであった. そして鮮魚の腐敗の場合に比較するとPseudomonas III/IV-NHおよびVibrioがきわめて少数であり, Moraxellaが比較的多数を占めている点が注目された.
    各菌群の0.5°における発育を検討したところ, Pseudomonas III/IV-Hがもっとも速く, ついでVibrio Pseudomonas III/IV-NHが速く, Moraxellaはこれらに比べて遅かった.
  • 母乳中の残留有機塩素農薬
    武田 明治, 森 量夫, 堺 敬一, 斎藤 ミキ, 宮永 徳一, 高橋 秀雄, 吹野 秀亀, 春田 三佐夫, 福山 裕三, 塚平 弘人, 楢 ...
    1972 年 13 巻 5 号 p. 422-437
    発行日: 1972/10/05
    公開日: 2010/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    Organochlorine pesticide residues in mothers' milk were examined in twenty-four prefectures at the beginning of 1971 (January to March).
    In the present study α-, β- and γ-BHC, pp′-DDT, pp′-DDE and dieldrin were detected in mothers' milk. while pp′-DDD detected in cow's milk was not detected.
    In general, the levels of organochlorine pesticide residues in mothers' milk were higher in West Japan than those in East Japan. Especially, BHC levels in mothers' milk were much higher in West Japan than those in East Japan, but other pesticide residues were not so different in both areas.
    Compared peasant wives with non-peasant wives, the levels of organochlorine pesticide residues in mothers' milk of the former were a little lower than those of the latter.
    Furthermore, when the results in the present investigation were compared with the tolerance of organochlorine pesticide residues in cow's milk, most of these mothers' milk were lower in the levels of the residues. However, if special regard was paid to the point that the tolerance of pp′-DDT were applied to total DDT, in total DDT residues, about 50% of the mothers' milk examined in the present study was over the tolerance of DDT.
    The relationship of organochlorine pesticide residue levels in mothers' milk and some foods (meat, dairy products, and vegetables) were also examined.
  • 授乳婦の血液中の残留有機塩素農薬
    武田 明治, 森 量夫, 堺 敬一, 斎藤 ミキ, 宮永 徳一, 高橋 秀雄, 吹野 秀亀, 春田 三佐夫, 福山 裕三, 塚平 弘人, 楢 ...
    1972 年 13 巻 5 号 p. 438-450
    発行日: 1972/10/05
    公開日: 2010/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    It was published in the previous report that mothers'milk was contaminated with organochlorine pesticides. At the same time, organochlorine pesticides residues in the blood from which the mothers offered their breast milk was examined.
    In the presented study, α-, β-, γ- and δ-BHC, pp′-DDT, pp′-DDE and dieldrin were detected in mothers' blood during the lactation period, while pp′-DDD, aldrin and endrin were not detected.
    On the whole, organochlorine pesticide residues in their blood were a little higher in West Japan than those in East Japan. The residues in blood of mothers in Hokkaido and Tohoku area were lower than those in other prefectures and then other prefectures were not so different in the residues each other.
    Compared peasant wives with non-peasant wives, the levels of organochlorine pesticide residues in mothers' blood of the former were a little lower in β-BHC and total BHC than those of the latter, while the other pesticide residues were not so different between them.
  • 1972 年 13 巻 5 号 p. 496a
    発行日: 1972年
    公開日: 2010/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 1972 年 13 巻 5 号 p. 496b
    発行日: 1972年
    公開日: 2010/02/22
    ジャーナル フリー