Online ISSN : 1882-1006
Print ISSN : 0015-6426
ISSN-L : 0015-6426
8 巻, 6 号
  • 浦久保 五郎
    1967 年 8 巻 6 号 p. 489-493
    発行日: 1967/12/05
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    35SでラベルしたPonceau MXを合成し, その水溶液を動物に投与して生体内分布排泄をしらべ, つぎのような知見を得た.
    1) ラットに経口投与した色素は投与後3~6時間で大部分が腸に移行し, 24時間後に胃から消失した. また血中吸収は少なく, 6時間後投与量の平均0.23%となり24時間後には血中から消失していた.
    2) ラットに経口投与後取り込みの比較的大きいのは肝であり, 腎がこれに次いでいる. この所見はウサギに静注した場合でも同じであった.
    3) ラット経口投与後の放射性物質の排泄はおもに糞中になされ, 尿中へは少ない.
    4) ウサギに静注した場合, 血中濃度は投与後1時間以内に急激に下降し, その後はあまり下降せず約6時間停滞している. また排泄は投与後6時間で投与量の平均約70%が尿中にみられた.
    5) 静注後尿中に排泄された放射性物質は, 尿の簡単なペーパークロマトグラムにより, 排泄量の約50%は未変化のPonceau MXであることが推察された.
  • III. ミカンかん詰のスズ溶出量に及ぼす硝酸イオンの影響
    岩本 喜伴, 堀尾 嘉友, 小村 祥子, 前田 〓子
    1967 年 8 巻 6 号 p. 494-499
    発行日: 1967/12/05
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Further studies were made on effects of nitrate on dissolving of tin from an internal surface of can containing acid products.
    In order to investigate the behavior of nitrate contained in syrup for use in canned fruits, a canning experiment test of mandarin orange was conducted, using syrups containing various amounts of nitrate. Syrups in general for use in canned fruits contain rather a small amount of water (18%), so-called preparing water, in comparison with syrups intended for use in canned soft drinks. In this case, they contain water at the mate of 63%.
    With the increase of the amount of nitrate added to the syrup, the rate of detinning increased in the early stage of its storage (within 3 months). No significant changes regarding vacuum level, pH, organoleptic quality, etc. were found in the samples containing nitrate, indicating that nitrate attacked the metal directly without accompanying any reaction with the content.
    Water samples from wells of canning plants in a certain district of Japan were found to contain significant amounts of nitrate. It is recommended from the above results that the preparing water ought to be checked as for its nitrate content, and that water containing less than 5ppm of nitrate-nitrogen can be used for preparing the syrups.
  • 都市川水から2次分離操作によって得られた腸炎ビブリオとその類似菌とについて
    安永 統男
    1967 年 8 巻 6 号 p. 500-507
    発行日: 1967/12/05
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    昭和41年8月中旬から9月中旬にかけて長崎および諌早市内で, 同年12月上旬と翌年2月下旬佐世保市内で川水を採取し, 2次分離操作 (Fig. 1) により腸炎ビブリオの検索を試みた. その結果, 生物型1が2株, 生物型2が3株, ならびに生物型1類似の好塩菌が3株 (1株は腸炎ビブリオに含めた) 分離された.
    以上の腸炎ビブリオの母体となった1次分離の原菌株は食塩無添加ペプトン水でも生育可能な食塩嗜好性菌であるが, 食塩無添加ペプトン水中の菌は完全な非好塩性を示し, その他の性状においても, 腸炎ビブリオとはかなりの相違がみられた. したがって, これらの原菌株は好塩型と非好塩型菌細胞の混在集団と思われるが, 溶血性およびK抗原型別試験の結果から検討し, 両者の菌はもともと同一母細胞から生じたものと推考した. 上記非好塩菌の一部のものと類似の性状を呈する菌は川水から1次分離操作によっても直接に分離しえた.
    数種の分離非好塩菌について若干の検討を行なったところ好塩性の出現とそれに伴う腸炎ビブリオへの変換現象が認められた. 海水域に分布する腸炎ビブリオは主として川水とともに混入した, このような非好塩菌の変異によって生じたものと推察される.
    また, 12月の川水からは生物型2の腸炎ビブリオが検出されたが, 時期的にみて海水由来とは考えがたいことから生態上注目される.
  • 冷凍および乾燥食品中における食中毒原因細菌の分布について
    藤原 喜久夫, 大木 尚子, 松下 幸子
    1967 年 8 巻 6 号 p. 508-512
    発行日: 1967/12/05
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Commercial preserved foods, frozen fish, shellfish and vegetables and dried fish and prepared products were investigated bacteriologically. Two strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus were isolated from samples of frozen tuna-stick and salted, halfdried sillago. Three plasmacoagulase-positive strains of Staphylococcus aureus were present in frozen pampano, green peas and dried spaghetti. All of the samples had an average aerobic plate count of less than 213200 per g.
    From the fish meat samples separated aseptically and inoculated with strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus experimentally, the inoculated bacteria were reisolated after freezing and storage for three months at -20°C.
  • I. 冷血動物由来腸球菌について
    鹿江 雅光, 戸田 光敬, 神笠 武昭, 久楽 由雄
    1967 年 8 巻 6 号 p. 513-517
    発行日: 1967/12/05
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Enterococci were obtained from 410 samples (45.2%) of 906 various poikilothermal materials. Of these samples examined, enterococcal strains were isolated at fairly high level (70%) from intestinal contents of fish and insects, while they were not frequently detected from those of frogs, plants and soils.
    The bacterial counts of enterococci in certain samples tested were at the level from 103 to 105 per g.
    The classification method for enterococcus group reported by Shimazaki et al. was used in this stndy.
    According to biological properties, the majority of the isolated strains were identified as the type B-II (Str. faecium). Most of the remainders were classified as the type A-II (Str. faecalis and Str. faecalis var. liquefaciens), and only a few strains showing the beta-haemolysis were isolated.
    Furthermore, some strains among the isolated could not be clearly classified.
  • 第2報 ナイシンの微生物学的定量法
    田中 昭二, 小野 輝昭, 松田 典彦, 宮井 久子
    1967 年 8 巻 6 号 p. 518-523
    発行日: 1967/12/05
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    A vertical diffusion method for quantitative analysis of Nisin in canned food was discussed. Bacillus stearothermophilus IAM 1035 was used as test organisms for this study.
    Results obtained may be summarized as follows:
    1. Dispense 9ml of nutrient agar (meat extract 0.5%, Polypeptone 1.0%, NaCl 0.5%, Agar-agar 1.5%, pH 7.0) in sterile 16mm×160mm cotton-stoppered tubes. Sterilize in an autoclave for 15 minutes at 121°C.
    2. Spore suspensions of B. stearothermophilus are prepared in nutrient agar slants with incubation at 55°C for five to seven days until 80 per cent or more cells are in the spore state. Spores are suspended in sterile saline to give the desired concentration (6×106-6×105/ml), and heat-shocked for 10 minutes at 80°C before putting them into the test media.
    3. An one ml portion of spore suspension is added to the test media which have been melted in water bath. After thoroughly mixing, the media are dispensed in sterile 5mm×75mm cotton-stoppered tubes and soiidified at vertical position in cold water.
    4. The sample adjusted to pH 6.0 was stratified on the agar media and stored for 120 minutes at 30°C.
    5. After incubation for 18 hours at 55°C, the length of inhibited zone is measured through a projector (×20) and read at the level of 0.01mm. The concentration of Nisin is obtained from the standard curve.
  • 陽イオン交換樹脂呈色によるデヒドロ酢酸の簡易検査法
    堺 敬一, 伊達 洋司
    1967 年 8 巻 6 号 p. 524-528
    発行日: 1967/12/05
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    A rapid and semiquantitative determination method for dehydroacetic acid (DHA) in foods was studied.
    An adsorption technique for testing DHA to cation exchange resin soaked previously with titanium trichloride was characteristic. DHA adsorbed effectively by this resin from its aquous solution produced persistent reddish violet color, the reaction of which was not obstructed by most of other substances contained in foods except a few.
    50ml of a sample solution was acidified by diluted hydrochloric acid to pH 1.0, in which 0.3ml of Dowex 50 precoated with titanium trichloride was added. The mixture was shaked in a flask for 5 minutes. The intensity of developed color on the resin was compared with those obtained by standard samples which were previously prepared from solutions containing known quantities of DHA; 0.5 to 3.0mg per 50ml water.
  • 陰イオン交換樹脂呈色によるデヒドロ酢酸の簡易検査法
    堺 敬一, 伊達 洋司
    1967 年 8 巻 6 号 p. 529-531
    発行日: 1967/12/05
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous report the authors introduced a rapid detecting method for dehydroacetic acid (DHA), using cation exchange resin. In the present study, the method using anion exchange resin was investigated. In this method, DHA in an acidic aqueous solution prepared from a food was extracted by benzene and reextracted by alkaline solution, in which 0.3ml of anion exchange resin was added. This mixture was shaked for 15 minutes. After decanting the supernatant, 3ml of a TiCl3 solution was added. Blue coloration indicates the presence of DHA. DHA concentration range to be detected by this method was 0.2 to 1.5mg of DHA per 50ml of a sample solution and the color was retained for about 3 minutes.
    Several food preservatives, except sorbic acid, benzoic acid and salicylic acid, and food colors, except xanthene series did not interfere with the color reaction of DHA.
    This method seems to be simple and useful for the detection of DHA in various foods.
  • 永田 致治, 安藤 則秀
    1967 年 8 巻 6 号 p. 532-539
    発行日: 1967/12/05
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    各種食品添加物と共存する亜硝酸塩を正確に定量できる比色法を見いだすため, model systemを用い, Follett and Ratcliff変法について種々検討を行なった結果, この目的にそうつぎのような方法を考案することができた.
    Follett and Ratcliff変法で亜硝酸塩を比色定量する場合, 還元性物質とヘキサメタリン酸塩が阻害を示すことを認めたので, まず亜硝酸塩と各種食品添加物を含むmodel systemに赤血塩を加えて還元性物質を酸化する. 赤血塩と還元性物質の反応で生じた黄血塩もまた阻害を示すので, これを沈殿除去するため酢酸鉛を加えると, この際同時にヘキサメタリン酸塩が沈殿する.
    これらの沈殿をろ過すると, すべての阻害物質が除去されるので, このろ液についてFollett and Ratcliff変法で亜硝酸塩を比色定量すると, 各種食品添加物と共存する亜硝酸塩の量を正確に定量することができる.
  • 吉柳 節夫, 井口 定男
    1967 年 8 巻 6 号 p. 540-542
    発行日: 1967/12/05
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    It was clarified that the trans type of 2- (2-furyl) -3- (5-nitro-2-furyl) -acrylamide (Furylfuramide) has two kinds of crystal form by infrared absorption spectra, differential thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction method. Crystals of new modification (α-form) were obtained as prisms by slow evaporation of ethanol solution and their IR spectrum was quite different from that of the usual crystals (β-form) which were obtained as thin needles by usual recrystalization from methanol or other organic solvents. Furthermore, it was observed that a transition from α- to β-form occurs at 140°C.
    Both crystal forms belong to monoclinic system, and their lattice constants and other crystallographic data were also determined.