In this paper, a generalized interactor is defined for non-minimum phase systems which correscponds not only to zeros at infinity, as for the conventional interactor, but also to unstable finite zeros of a given plant. Then, a state feedback which makes a closed loop transfer matrix the inverse of a generalized interactor is presented. Since any unstable zero of a plant is not canceled in this closed loop system, it can be regarded as a generalization of the “inverted interactorizing” control with a internal stability for linear multivariable non-minimum phase systems. It will be also shown that the generalized inverted interactorization is the maximally unobservable state feedback under the condition that the closed loop system is internally stable. The structure of multivariable control systems such as the decoupling control, the model matching control, the disturbance decoupling control, and the arbitrary pole placement for linear multivariable non-minimum phase systems can be unified as a special case of the generalized inverted interactorization by state feedback.