Quickness and precision are the important properties of industrial scale or weighing machine used in production lines, and the requirement for quickness and precision of weighing has recently become more stringent than ever.
In this paper a software-oriented approach has been presented to develop a high-speed weighing machine which meets the requirement. The basic point of the approach lies in the idea of microcomputer-assisted real-time data processing of the transient output signal from the measuring system, utilizing its dynamic mathematical model.
First, a procedure has been described to derive the various types of dynamic massestimation algorithm, which play an important role in real-time data processing of the observed signal. A special attention has been paid to the fundamental characteristics of the dynamic mass-estimation algorithm of displacement and velocity sensing type, which utilizes informations on the displacement and velocity of the goods-plate oscillation of a spring scale for real-time calculation of the mass value.
Secondly, discussions have been extended to the development of a simple but effective massestimation algorithm to be used in practice.
Finally, a microcomputer simulation study has been made to investigate the feasibility of the resulting algorithm. It turns out that the algorithm shows several desirable features suitable for microcomputer-assisted real-time data processing and is capable of being put into practice.
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