Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
Online ISSN : 1883-8189
Print ISSN : 0453-4654
ISSN-L : 0453-4654
Volume 50, Issue 9
Displaying 1-10 of 10 articles from this issue
Special Issue on Sensing toward a New Horizon
  • Akio NAGAMUNE, Junichi YOTSUJI
    2014 Volume 50 Issue 9 Pages 626-632
    Published: 2014
    Released on J-STAGE: September 27, 2014
    A gas flow velocity measurement principle based on the Doppler radar modulated by a pseudo-random signal is newly proposed. In industrial applications such as gas flow measurement in the top of the blast furnace for iron making process, many particles of the dust drift at the same velocity as that of the gas which is to be measured and controlled. Although the ordinary Doppler radar could measure the gas flow velocity by detecting the particle speed, there arise some problems due to the undesired signals such as the turbulent flow by the air purge for antenna protection, the direct leakage between the transmit and reception antennas, and the reflection from the structure nearby. The Doppler radar modulated by a pseudo-random signal can limit the measurement range, eliminate the undesired signals and detect the extremely weak scattered waves from the dust particles. In this paper, its principle formulation and design criteria are introduced. Then a prototype of this radar and experimental results confirming its effectiveness are also described.
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  • Toru KANO, Michihiko KOSEKI
    2014 Volume 50 Issue 9 Pages 633-639
    Published: 2014
    Released on J-STAGE: September 27, 2014
    X-ray CT is one of the most important diagnostic techniques which can generate cross-sectional images of an object. However, X-ray CT is still facing some technical issues; in particular, metal artifacts are a significant problem in CT imaging. A metal artifact is a radial noise caused by a discrepancy of projection data, and makes it difficult to diagnose patients with metal implants in their body. Even though various studies to reduce metal artifacts were conducted, the problem is not resolved yet. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to propose a method to reduce metal artifact, so as to widely disseminate a superior diagnostic technology. First, we propose a method for two dimensional CT data in this paper. The proposed method is divided into three processes, metal extraction, non-metal interpolation, and synthesizing. The algorithm is highly effective in metal artifact reduction because it is not sensitive to the discrepancy of projection data. And then, we extend the method to three dimensional CT data, and evaluate the effectiveness.
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  • Takahiko OSHIGE, Takahiro KOSHIHARA
    2014 Volume 50 Issue 9 Pages 640-645
    Published: 2014
    Released on J-STAGE: September 27, 2014
    Concave and convex defects on steel sheets sometimes become problem in steel production line. These defects are usually invisible because their height or depth is as small as surface roughness of steel sheets. Therefore they could be detected by human inspection only after grinding steel surface using grindstone. This paper describes optical characteristics of such kinds of defects on steel sheets with certain roughness, especially on low-angle light incident condition, and proposes optical inspection system utilized “Magic mirror” phenomenon with low angle laser incidence to detect these defects without grinding. The on-line inspection system has been built and proved to have the capability to detect such kinds of invisible defects.
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  • —Improvement of the Prediction Accuracy of Mixed Ratio—
    Shogo TOMII, Hiroaki ISHIZAWA, Shouhei KOYAMA, Mika MORISHIMA
    2014 Volume 50 Issue 9 Pages 646-651
    Published: 2014
    Released on J-STAGE: September 27, 2014
    All textile products are obliged to display the quality in order to protect the benefits of customers. For this reason, it is necessary to display the name of the composition fiber and the mixed ratio. In order to display the components, the type of fiber is identified and mixed ratio is analyzed quantitatively in a manner of the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS). However, JIS method has many problems. To solve those problems, we study the rapid nondestructive inspection method using infrared spectroscopic measurement. In our method, we measure IR spectrum of Cotton/Polyester mixtures, and analyze the absorption information by Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR). In this report, we tried to improve the prediction accuracy of mixed ratio by using Moving Window PLSR that determine the effective spectral region for constructing a calibration curve. As a result, the prediction error reduced and samples that satisfying the target precision increased.
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  • Yusuke SAIGO, Shinji OHYAMA
    2014 Volume 50 Issue 9 Pages 652-661
    Published: 2014
    Released on J-STAGE: September 27, 2014
    In wireless sensor networks, localization of sensor nodes has been required; precise ranging is one of the most promising techniques. In this paper, asynchronous RF propagation time measurement method using two heterogeneous operation clocks is proposed. It generates new virtual time resolution which is smaller than original time resolution of two low clock frequencies. In order to obtain propagation time information without synchronization between two node systems, round trip time of RF signal is used in this system, where one sensor node transmits RF signals at prescribed time. Propagation time is estimated by obtaining the set of round trip time which changes according to the amount of propagation time. In addition, to get more precision, a novel phase shift method is proposed. To verify the signal processing of these proposed methods, we measured round trip time of pulse signal between two nodes via delay lines whose delay time corresponds to propagation time, and validity of signal processing realizing proposed method is confirmed. This indicates that it is possible to precisely estimate RF propagation time without synchronization with low cost and low energy consumption hardware.
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  • Masato ITO, Tadashi ITO, Naoya OHTA, Yusaku FUJII
    2014 Volume 50 Issue 9 Pages 662-668
    Published: 2014
    Released on J-STAGE: September 27, 2014
    Images recorded by security camera are often severely degraded due to dirty lens or secular distortion of the recording system. To restore these images, fully determination of space variant point spread function (PSF) is required. To measure PSF, we propose a method using a liquid crystal display. Based on the PSF measured using an M-array pattern displayed on the LCD, we made an attempt to restore original image from heavy degraded images by a CCD camera with intentionally distorted optics.
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  • Yoshihiro TACHIBANA, Syohei MORI, Toru NAMERIKAWA
    2014 Volume 50 Issue 9 Pages 669-676
    Published: 2014
    Released on J-STAGE: September 27, 2014
    This paper proposes a cooperative control of multi-agent system with disturbance. First, we introduce the second order model with disturbance for agent. The network topology among agents is undirected and connected, and information of reference is allowed to be available to at least one agent. Second, we propose the control law consists of graph theory, consensus algorithm and RISE. Graph theory and consensus algorithm are utilized to converge the states of agents to reference value, and RISE is utilized to suppress the disturbance. Then, we show the proposed control law guarantees the agents achieve synchronization, and derive the condition to achieve the control objective. Finally, simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed control law.
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  • Takanobu SHIDA, Hiromitsu OHMORI
    2014 Volume 50 Issue 9 Pages 677-683
    Published: 2014
    Released on J-STAGE: September 27, 2014
    In this paper, we propose a distributed coordination algorithm to solve an electric power dispatch problem. The objective function is the amount of costs of electric generations and power flows. The constraints include the supply-demand balances and the limitations of electric generations and power flows. The proposed algorithm is applied to a continuous time multi-agent system which manages a power network by a distributed manner. An agent with the algorithm is installed in each area on power network. Each agent only has knowledge of its area and can only feed back signals of its own and neighbors. Every agent computes the optimal solution of power dispatch in its area by using the local information, and the solution minimizes the global cost.
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  • Shota NAKASHIMA, Ryo MIGITA, Hideaki HAYASHI, Taro SHIBANOKI, Keisuke ...
    2014 Volume 50 Issue 9 Pages 684-692
    Published: 2014
    Released on J-STAGE: September 27, 2014
    This paper proposes a markerless infant movement assessment system for general Movements (GMs) evaluation. This system calculates twenty-five types of evaluation indices related to the movements of an infant such as movement frequency and rhythm of movement from binary images that are extracted from video images using the background difference and the frame difference. Movement discrimination based on GMs is also performed using a neural network. Medical doctors thus can intuitively understand the movements of infants without long-term observations. This will be helpful in supporting their diagnoses of disabilities and diseases in the early stages. The distinctive feature of this system is that the movements of infants can be measured without using any markers for motion capture and can discriminate movements based on GMs automatically using a neural network. In the experiments conducted during the study, evaluation and classification of infant movements based on GMs are demonstrated using the proposed system for full-term infants and low birth weight infants. The results revealed that the proposed system can evaluate infant movements similarly to a licensed evaluator and can classify GMs with a certain accuracy (average classification rates: 76.2 ± 2.83% for four types GMs classification, 92.9 ± 1.98% for normal/abnormal classification).
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