Online ISSN : 2188-9406
Print ISSN : 0584-1380
ISSN-L : 0584-1380
56 巻, 3 号
通巻 173号
  • 一九二〇~三〇年代日本の住宅言説における「明るさ」をめぐって
    西川 純司
    2012 年 56 巻 3 号 p. 3-18,190
    発行日: 2012/02/29
    公開日: 2015/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー
     Although the earlier studies on governmentality in Japan have shown that thegovernmental system used hygiene as an opportunity to incorporate modern Japanesefamilies, not enough attention has been paid to technologies and materials. However, it isimperative to pay attention to them in studies on governmentality. Therefore, this paperwill consider the state of living space for the modern family and its status, by analyzingthe word “brightness” in discourses about the house in 1920s-30s Japan. In particular, itwill focus on the windowpane in the house. The conclusions of this paper are as follows: first, “brightness” or “bright” space in thediscourses about the house during this period functioned as a word meaning a “hygienicand homely space”, and the image of that space was valued as desirable and wasregarded as normative. In addition, hygienic practices by housewives were also seen inthis “brightness”. It was understood as the practice being related to the gain of identityas housewife and the home peace. Second, this paper demonstrates that the technology of window glass was important inthe government’s system in which the modern family became the strategic foothold. The“bright” space and the appropriate positioning and maintenance of windowpanes becamethe essential elements for making rules regarding the hygienic environment of themodern family. Window glass played an extremely important role for the lives of peoplein modern Japan.
  • 「システムによる構成」から「システムの発生」をめぐる問題へ
    高橋 顕也
    2012 年 56 巻 3 号 p. 19-34,189
    発行日: 2012/02/29
    公開日: 2015/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー
     Dieser Aufsatz zielt darauf ab, die Position und die Entwicklungsmöglichkeit des Begriffes „ Medium“ in der Gesellschaftstheorie Luhmanns darzustellen, die durch das Konzept eines geschlossenes Systems charakterisiert werden kann. Dazu verweisen wir auf das Problem, das System zu identifizieren, das wesentlich und entscheidend für seine heorie ist. Das hat zur Konsequenz, die Bedeutung von Luhmanns Theorie zu negieren, wenn das Ergebnis negativ ist. Wir argumentieren wie folgt. Die Aufsätze von SATO Toshiki nehmen wir erstens als eine typische Kritik daran auf, was das Problem der Systemidentifizierung aufwirft, und die darauf negativ antwortet. Wir formulieren ihre Argumentationen um, um ihre Annahmen deutlicher zu machen. Der Grund, warum der Begriff „ System“ in Luhmanns Theorie postuliert wird, wird zweitens dort bestätigt, wo Luhmann den Aufbau seiner Theorie mit „ Kommunikation als Operation“ beginnt. Die ablehnende Haltung zu dem Problem, die SATO einnimmt, wird drittens aus der Sicht der Theorie Luhmanns selbst überprüft, um einen Mangel seiner Theorie aufzuzeigen. Schließlich wollen wir beweisen, wie der Begriff „ Medium“, den Luhmann in seine eigene Theorie eingeführt hat, zum Problem der Systemidentifizierung beiträgt, um einen Ansatz zu finden, der die Genese eben dieses Systems erklären kann. Die Folgerung ist, dass der von Luhmann aufgebaute konstruktivistische Ansatz der Theorie sozialer Systeme, der von vornherein Systemidentität annimmt, sich mit dem in diesem Aufsatz vorgeschlagenen generativen Ansatz ergänzen soll, der nicht von Systemidentität ausgeht, sondern von Medien, die immer im Sozialen gegeben sind.
  • ありえたかもしれないもう一つの映像文化史
    赤上 裕幸
    2012 年 56 巻 3 号 p. 35-50,188
    発行日: 2012/02/29
    公開日: 2015/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー
     The purpose of this study is to explain how film was expected to take the place of print media when it emerged as a new media form in the 1920s and 30s. Recently, many people have proclaimed the imminent arrival of post-print culture due advances in information technology (e.g. e-books). It is not first time, however, for the Gutenberg galaxy (print media) to be in a crisis. In the 20s and 30s, media systems dramatically changed. For example, the publication of Enpon (1926) and the Iwanami-Bunko pocket-sized edition (1927) easily and cheaply spread information. Facing these changes in media and knowledge acquisition, some people hoped and believed that films, which had great influence on the public, would supersede print culture. They asserted that print culture had produced many elitists full of abstract notions that had nothing to do with real life. In particular, supporters of the post-print theory predicted that film could integrate enlightenment and entertainment. In other words, films as entertainment were expected to easily raise public cultural awareness. This is the central problem of the post-print theory, from which we can learn a lesson for the future. As the technology of visual media such as e-books, YouTube video and 3Dscreens becomes more sophisticated, it is more and more important for visual culture to perform an archaeology of post-print media.
  • 中国東北地域の朝鮮族村を事例に
    林 梅
    2012 年 56 巻 3 号 p. 51-67,187
    発行日: 2012/02/29
    公開日: 2015/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー
     Based on a case study of an ethnic Korean village, this paper examines how villagers and the village committee reacted to the conflict between local practices and government policy concerning interment in the context of land use policy. Conventional studies on Chinese villages have mainly focused on the dysfunctional nature of the village structure and the self-governance of the Han Chinese, the majority ethnic group. While these studies have sought to illuminate the possibility of self-governance for villagers, they have disregarded village structures and the particularities of ethnic minority groups vis-à-vis the multi-ethnic nation of China. Based on this assumption, this paper focuses on the funeral services of ethnic Koreans. In particular, it examines villagers’ management of burial sites and the religious beliefs and practices of villagers in their everyday lives. By comparing the outcomes of this research with conventional studies of Han Chinese, this paper aims to contribute to Chinese village studies as a whole. There are three positions regarding interment reform in the village. First, the attempts of the government to implement policy for burial reform; second, the position of the committee of senior villagers, who represent the will of all the villagers to continue to pursue a life based on their own tradition; and finally, the village committee which has to mediate between the different opinions of the villagers and the local government, and carry out the policy smoothly by means of practical interpretation of the policy. The examination of the relationships between these three positions illuminates the transformation of land management and the conventional funeral services that were part of the villagers’ everyday practices and based on their needs. It also explains how village committee members, who are both members and administrators of the local community, flexibly interpret government policy. As a result it will be asserted that the existence of the tripartite relationships, as above, increases the possibility of the self-governance of villagers as well.
  • 下位文化理論とコミュニティ解放論の観点から
    赤枝 尚樹
    2012 年 56 巻 3 号 p. 69-85,186
    発行日: 2012/02/29
    公開日: 2015/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー
     The purpose of this study is to explore the complex generation processes of unconventionality. Unconventionality is defined as the urban way of life by C. S.Fischer, who advocated the subcultural theory of urbanism. This theory insists that unconventionality is generated by the subcultural variety of an urban place. However, since some scholars say that unconventionality is generated by the community liberation process, as advocated by B. Wellman, opinion varies as to the generation mechanism of unconventionality. What causes this disagreement? We believe that this disagreement has arisen from the breadth of scope of unconventionality, so we here propose that unconventionality displays two main facets. One is ‘orientation to variety’, defined as an attitude of toleration towards various lifestyles, while the other is ‘orientation to change’, defined as an attitude preferring change to preservation of the status quo. In this paper, we investigate separately the determinants of the two facets of unconventionality, using the data of the Japanese General Social Survey (JGSS) 2003, which have been linked with aggregate-level data. Using a multilevel structural equation model, we examine the subcultural theory of urbanism and the community liberated perspective. From analysis of the multilevel model, we found two results. First, ‘orientation to variety’ is generated by the mechanism of the subcultural theory of urbanism. Second, ‘orientation to change’ is generated by the mechanism of the community liberated perspective. The results from this study indicate that the subcultural theory of urbanism is not the only one to explain unconventionality; unconventionality is generated by complex processes which contain the mechanism of the subcultural theory of urbanism and also the mechanism of the community liberated perspective. Moreover, they suggest that both the subcultural theory of urbanism and the community liberated perspective are supported in Japan.
  • 音楽雑誌のベートーヴェン批評を手がかりに
    川本 彩花
    2012 年 56 巻 3 号 p. 87-102,185
    発行日: 2012/02/29
    公開日: 2015/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー
     The purpose of this paper is to examine how the media played a role in constructing the representation of the “Autonomy of music” through modern European society. We shall consider the case of a music magazine, which was the main medium of music criticism in its day, and analyze reviews of Beethoven in a German music magazine: Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung (AmZ). Concentrating on Beethoven enables us to reveal how the mechanism of the “Autonomy of music” was first generated, from the viewpoint of the media. First, we give an explanation of AmZ and the social background at the time when it was published and when it had great influence in German-speaking areas. Next, we analyze in detail the function AmZ served, by examining the discourse of its reviews of Beethoven. A paradoxical aspect of the magazine is pointed out from this analysis. That is, AmZ served a function as a mediator between the public and music or musicians when the music was publicized and commercialized; however, through this behavior, it came to represent the distance between them and to find great value as art on the ground of that very distance. Finally, applying the discussion to this result, we conclude that what can be seen here is the paradoxical dynamism whereby the mediatory behavior awakes distance rather than connection between two objects, while in this manner the music magazine as a medium made a contribution to the construction of the “Autonomy of music”. The intent of this paper is to propose a new idea in the sociological consideration of knowledge of the representation of the “Autonomy of music”, and thus to help the further development of the sociology of classical music.
  • アパルトヘイト期南アフリカの日本人コミュニティに注目して
    山本 めゆ
    2012 年 56 巻 3 号 p. 103-119,184
    発行日: 2012/02/29
    公開日: 2015/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー
     There were at most 800 Japanese residents living in South Africa during the era of apartheid. They were predominantly expatriate employees sent from Japan who were permitted to reside in white residential areas. The existence of this resident population group who would normally have been classified as “non-white” in terms of South Africa’s race categories under apartheid led to the Japanese being described as ‘honorary whites’. In this paper, the ‘honorary white’ status will be discussed, with a focus on what is called the ‘looping effect’ (Hacking), or interactions between a concept that classifies people and those who are classified. For this study, 15 Japanese people who had resided in South Africa under apartheid were interviewed, and documentary materials were also collected both in Japan and in South Africa. These data were used, first, to create a general history of the status of the Japanese in South Africa from the beginning of the 20th century. The study follows the genesis of the title ‘honorary white’ in the early 1960s, and considers the influence of the concept on the Japanese and Chinese communities at that time. Finally it describes the way in which the title ‘honorary white’ affected the identities and actions of the Japanese residents in South Africa, and at the same time how their actions in turn constructed the image of ‘honorary whites’.
  • A・W・フランク「コミュニカティヴな身体」を導きにして
    伊藤 智樹
    2012 年 56 巻 3 号 p. 121-136,183
    発行日: 2012/02/29
    公開日: 2015/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー
     In his social theory, Arthur W. Frank explained that the body is often consideredproblematic in terms of its “functionality” (or “system”). However, considering itproblematic in terms of “actions” is more in line with a phenomenological approach,rather than a functional approach. The concept of the “communicative body”, in particular, is applicable to the case ofmany sick people who wish to communicate with others face-to-face: both verbally andnon-verbally. I observed communication in a few self-help groups. However, Frank, whoonly argued that the telling of “quest stories” is an ethical practice of the “communicativebody”, did not clarify the ambivalence between various illness narratives and the body. I observed as a group individuals suffering from Parkinson’s disease who wished tobe rehabilitated, and prepared a short ethnography of their group. In the participants’communication, their language as well as their bodies constructed their illnessnarratives, which were characterized by hard-working protagonists or their handicappedbodies. However, the relationship between an illness narrative and the body is notsimple. On the one hand, their bodies sustain their illness narratives that give them hope;on the other, their condition deteriorates and they feel that they are “getting worse”. The “body” is a very important element in the study of illness narratives; it sustains orhinders the construction of the narratives. Therefore, the “communicative body” is notan “idealized” one. The concept is applicable while observing the relationship betweenvarious illness narratives and the body, and considering how the body develops and failsin its style of usage when it suffers from a debilitating illness.