Online ISSN : 2188-9406
Print ISSN : 0584-1380
ISSN-L : 0584-1380
57 巻, 1 号
通巻 174号
  • 「子どもの最善の利益」をめぐる父母の攻防
    善積 京子
    2012 年 57 巻 1 号 p. 3-20,182
    発行日: 2012/06/30
    公開日: 2015/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー
     The Swedish legislation on Custody, Residence and Access enacted in 1998 declares that “the best interests of the child” should be the primary consideration in any decision. In custody litigation, each parent makes claims alleged to be in the “best interests of the child”. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the rhetoric and structure of the debate carried out in order to justify their claims, and to clarify how the concept of the “best interests of the child” is construed in court decisions, using the Toulmin model through legal cases in district courts in 2004 to 2005. In custody disputes, mothers plead “domestic violence by fathers” or “serious conflict between the partners” as facts, and claim sole custody for mothers for the reason that the father is incompetent as a caregiver, or that joint custody is difficult due to lack of communication. Fathers deny these facts, and claim joint custody using the rhetoric of “the need for fathers”. In residence disputes, fathers plead as a fact “children remaining in their home is good”, and claim residence should be with fathers, using the rhetoric of “the wishes of the child” and “rearing experience”. Mothers plead that staying in the father’s home is bad, and respond with the rhetoric of “manipulation of the child’s wishes by the father”, “different sense of nurturing”, “problems with his father’s upbringing”, and claim residence should be with the mother. In visitation disputes, against the father’s complaint of “visitation interference by the mother”, mothers argue with the rhetoric of “denial of visitation by their children”. Against the mothers’ complaints of “risks of visitation”, such as sexual abuse, violence, or kidnapping by fathers, fathers deny these risks and argue with the rhetoric of “the importance of interaction with the father”. The academic knowledge of “what is best for the child” after the separation of parents is fluid. Treatment of joint custody has swung like a pendulum during this decade. Court decisions on “what is best for the child” have changed.
  • 祭礼組織の構造と担い手のキャリアパス
    有本 尚央
    2012 年 57 巻 1 号 p. 21-39,181
    発行日: 2012/06/30
    公開日: 2015/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー
     This article clarifies the “Figuration” (Elias 1969) of Kishiwada Danjiri Festival, focusing on its management by tracking competition within and around the organization, and the members’ career path in this festival. Kishiwada Danjiri Festival is one of the most famous float festivals in Japan, known for the danger inherent in its performance. Running in rhythm to the music of bells, flutes and drums, hundreds of people pull the 3 to 4 ton floats (named danjiri) as fast as possible. The highlight of the festival is called Yarimawashi, when a float turns a corner without slowing down. To achieve the perfect Yarimawashi, the members are required to have strong ties of solidarity and high-quality techniques. The festival’s organization consists of two groups, one whose members pull the floats, and another which controls the whole festival. The former is called cho-nai, and it recruits members from neighboring districts to perform Yarimawashi; the latter is called nen-ban, selecting and associating members from the cho-nai organizations to run the festival. Observing these two organizations, we see that the cho-nai organization is structured vertically based on seniority, while the nen-ban organization has a horizontal structure based on the members’ careers. In this article, we analyze every aspect of competition between organizations, groups and individuals. Since the festival is run by two organizations, a unique and original career path is created, which develops “festival-elites”. These elites alternate, and gain experience in both organizations to develop a network and skills by competing with others, in order to obtain “capital” to become the future leaders of the festival. In addition, we show that the mechanism of this festival has a nested structure, in which competition and solidarity coexist. This article points out the figuration of the festival as a complex and dynamic cultural event.
  • きょうだいデータに対するマルチレベル分析による検討
    藤原 翔
    2012 年 57 巻 1 号 p. 41-57,180
    発行日: 2012/06/30
    公開日: 2015/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー
     The aim of this paper is to estimate within-family effects, between-family effects, and effects of these interactions on status attainment. The author analyzed the effects of sibling configuration, especially those of the number of siblings and birth order, on educational and occupational attainments, by applying a multilevel model to sibling data. The result showed that the number of siblings had a negative effect on educational attainments of children in the 1953-68 cohort, but its effect decreased in the 1969-86cohort. This negative effect of sib ship size was smaller for children from wealthier families. In the 1953-68 cohort, birth order had an effect on educational attainment. Elder siblings were more likely to have higher levels of education than younger siblings. This negative effect for younger birth-order siblings, however, decreased in the1969-86 cohort. Moreover, the negative effect was smaller for children from wealthier families. The analysis also indicated that both sibs hip size and birth order had effects on occupational attainment. Children with few siblings and elder siblings were more likely to have advantageous jobs. These effects, however, were mediated by educational attainment, although the direct effect of birth order remained significant at 10% level. These analyses supported the resource dilution theory and the selective investment theory, which suggested that educational strategy under constraints of economic resources led to within-family differences in status attainment.
  • 沖縄戦の戦後処理と済州四・三事件の過去清算の事例から
    高 誠晩
    2012 年 57 巻 1 号 p. 59-74,179
    発行日: 2012/06/30
    公開日: 2015/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー
     Among the numerous historical conflicts in the middle of the 20th century in East Asian societies, the present study focuses on the Battle of Okinawa (Japan) and the Jeju April 3 Events (South Korea) as two representatives of slaughter and infringementof human rights committed by national governments. Given the massive number of abnormal deaths in the two cases - in particular the deaths of civilians who did not have any relation with the nation - this study discusses how their deaths have actually been dealt with. As a strategy to overcome the past, the governments of Japan and South Korea established laws such as the ‘Act for the Relief of War Victims and Survivors’ (Japan), and the ‘The Special Act for Investigation of the Jeju April 3Incident and Recovering the Honor of Victims’ (South Korea), and then applied them respectively to the case of Okinawa and to that of Jeju. In accordance with these laws and institutions, the Japanese and South Korean national governments judged the dead, and pronounced selected people to be ‘officially-recognized dead’. In the case of Japan, only those civilians who were recognized as actively involved in combat in Okinawa were pronounced, under the ‘Act on the Relief of War Victims and Survivors’, to be combat participants, while in the case of South Korea, only those civilians on Jeju Island who, so to speak, did not discredit the national identity were regarded as victims under the ‘4/3Special Act’. Meanwhile, apart from those processes in the public sphere, ascription of meaning to death is also carried out in the life-world. It is conducted according to the convenience, needs, and initiative of people who at times accept or resist the enforcement power and order that attempt to integrate the meaning of death into the justification of the nation in the post-conflict society. It means that through the logic of the life-world, they redefine the dead who are related to them.
  • N・ガルシア=カンクリーニの理論を手掛かりに
    白石 真生
    2012 年 57 巻 1 号 p. 75-91,178
    発行日: 2012/06/30
    公開日: 2015/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー
     This paper examines the theory of hybridization formed by the Mexican cultural theorist Néstor García Canclini. My aim is to highlight the analytical implications that Latin American hybrid cultures have for cultural studies in general, through clarifying the theoretical and political significance of hybridization analyzed in Hybrid Cultures. In the first chapter, I briefly explicate the analytical significance of García Canclini’s theory of hybridization. In the second chapter, I overview the conceptual constellation of popular cultures in British cultural studies and reexamine it from the vantage point of Latin American cultural studies. By doing this, it becomes clear that careful attention must be paid to the ambiguity of both popular cultures and mass culture, and that their interaction must be a focus of cultural analysis. In the third chapter, I take up the phenomenon of hybridization which now blurs the oppositional schema of modern culture. According to García Canclini, hybridization is propelled, on the one hand, by the capacity for appropriation of popular culture, and, on the other, through the mediating force of mass culture which transcends the boundaries and disrupts the purity of modern culture. In the fourth chapter, I locate the possibility of cultural democratization in the hybridization of cultures which is often seen as contamination or degradation. In the fifth and final chapter, I demonstrate the faults of anti-essentialist criticism of hybridity. By so doing, I posit specifically the theoretical possibility of Garcia Canclini’s theory. Although hybridization of cultures is not specific to Latin American societies, only there has it developed to such an extent that it almost breaks down the hierarchy of modern culture. It is the specific potentiality of Latin American modernity to fight against the hegemony of Culture.
  • 「認知症」発症期に関する介護家族の語りから
    木下 衆
    2012 年 57 巻 1 号 p. 93-109,177
    発行日: 2012/06/30
    公開日: 2015/05/13
    ジャーナル フリー
     In this article, the subject of my analysis is “how does the category become relevant, initially, at different times, and in different ways, in the life of a person?” (See Lynch2001: 249 about “dementia”.) Sociological studies on early dementia (Deguchi 1999; Amada 2007; Iguchi 2007) focus on conflicts among family members. The early symptoms of dementia are always vague (e.g., forgetfulness, character change). Therefore, family members may differ in regarding whether certain “troubles”(Emerson & Messinger1977)can be termed dementia symptoms; this will lead to conflicts among the family members. While considering the abovementioned studies, I examine how Ms. J and Ms.I define their mother, Ms. K, as being demented, despite the inconsistency in their early decisions. I emphasize the following two points. First, considering the accountability of family members regarding the “deviances” in the elderly, a family member’s perception of “deviance” in the behavior of an elderly person does not necessarily imply that the elderly person is demented, because there are many possible interpretations of such behavior besides dementia; the behavior could result from non-dementia illnesses or factors such as family discord. So family members attribute the elderly person’s “deviance” to dementia and disregard other possible causes for such behavior, only when the context of social interaction suggests it. Second, considering the importance of acknowledging social settings, the mere “deviances” noticed in behavior cannot be categorized as the symptoms of clinical disorders such as dementia. As suggested above, family members’ decisions regarding the symptoms of dementia should always be based on an elderly person’s pattern of everyday life and the context of any specific interaction. Therefore, they must consider the social settings that form the context of social interaction.