It can be said that vibration isolation system is the most useful method reducing vibration and structure-borne noise generated by various kinds of machinery and equipments etc. if proper design and execution were carried out. However, the isolation performances of isolation systems are insufficient and so it is difficult to predict and control these effects according to the theory.
Then in this study, the way of presence of isolation effects was examined. From this examination, we have extracted the insertion loss as a practical vibr-ation isolation effect, and experimental investigations were carried out.
From these investigations the followings were concluded. Insertion loss was influenced of mainly excitation by air-borne sound and vibration characteristics of source and the measured insertion loss was lower than the theoretical value at high frequency range. Also, Isolation effect at the frequency range lower than the resonance frequency of isolated base can be calculated by the formula of vibration transmission loss at two-mass model considering vibration characteristics of isolated base.