The osmotic value of some algae was determined in 1928 under the direction of Professor Kiichi M
IYAKE, of the Tokyo Imperial University, by observing plasmolysis of the cells due to varius solutions. The results are summarized as follows: -
(1) Fresh-water (
Spirogyra and
Cldaohora) as well as marine algae (
Chaetomorpha, Sargassum, Euchuma, etc.) were used as given in Table 1.
(2) The solutions of cane sugar and of sodium chloride were used as the reagents for determining the osmotic values.
(3) The osmotic value is by far higher in the marine algae than in the fresh-water ones, but that of surrounding media, in which either group of algae grow, is much less than that of the aquatic platns respectively.
(4) The value in question is nearly the same in the marine algae growing in the same zone, that for the plants in sublittoral zone being higher than that for the littoral algae. See Table 1.
(5) The osmotic value is not the same in the entire many-layered algal body, that for the outer cell-layers being higher than that for the inner ones, as shown in Table 2.