Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
1 巻, 5 号
  • クロシビ(ホンマグロ)及ビ其の仔魚メジに就いて
    木村 喜之助, 石井 一美
    1932 年 1 巻 5 号 p. 221-229
    発行日: 1932/12/31
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The young bluefin tuna of I age-group are abundantly captured from April to June by the keddle nets along the southern coast of the north-eastern end of Suruga Bay. The catch of the young fish is first abundant on the western side and then on the eastern side. The arithmetic mean of the frequency distribution of the catch was computed for the western and eastern respectively and the median for each was also obtained. The value, (arithmetic mean)-(median), is thus positive for the eastern catch and negative for the western. The adult are mostly captured from the middle of March to the beginning of April, and also around the beginning of July, larger ones (beyond 100kg) being mostly fished in spring along the western part of the fishing area and relatively large number of smaller ones (below 100kg) in summer on the eastern side. The arithmetic mean of the frequency distribution of the daily catch of the young at the Sigedera fishing ground from March I to July 31, 1924 to 1932 shifts by degrees from the end of April until it reaches to the end of May and then abruptly goes back to the end of April or the beginning of May to start the lag again. The youngest bluefin tuna captured by the keddle nets in the fishing area measures about 20cm in length and is fished since the beginning of August. The duration of the fishing period of the young at the Sigedera fishing ground covers about 20 months of the life-span of the young fish with several maxima of the catches during this period. The period of the abundant catch of the young at this ground ranges from 12 to 17 days.
  • 鐡本 總吾
    1932 年 1 巻 5 号 p. 230-236
    発行日: 1932/12/31
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present paper deals with the bactericidal activity of saturated monobasic acids (CnH2n+1COOH) on Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, Proteus vulgaris, Hauser, Bac. typhosus and Vib. cholerae. The methods and experimental conditions are the same as described in the previous paper.(1) When tested with the same concentration, the bactericidal activity is nearly the same in 6 acids-from acetic to isovaleric acids-and is less than that of formic acid. The activity in question increases, but solubility in water decreases, with the number of C-atoms of the acids higher than caproic acid (C8) when examined under the same pH-value, namely, it is extraordi narily strong in caprylic (C8), pelargonic (C9), and capric (C10) acids. It is always greater in the normal than in the iso-acids. Its greater activity is evident in the same concentration of mineral acids such as HNO3, HCl, H2SO4, H3PO4 than in C1-C5 acids. The bactericidal activity of monobasic acids has much to do with their undissociated molecules. This is especially the case with higher monobasic acids. The anions of monobasic acids have insignificant bactericidal activity but those of higher acids appear to show greater activity than those of lower acids as bactericides.
  • 木下 虎一郎
    1932 年 1 巻 5 号 p. 237-240
    発行日: 1932/12/31
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    With a view to propagating the spiny lobster, Panulirus japonicus, several measures have been successfully put into force in the Wakayama Prefecture with coöperation of 29 fishery guilds there. But as to biology of the animal there remain many points to be made out. The biological minimum size of th species in the Wakayama Prefecture was determined by the present author to be 150-160cm in length, morphology of the pleopods being used as a critelion to distinguish adult from immature (Fig. 1). Tagged 163 specimens, 66-206cm long, were riberated and seven were recaptured about five months afterwards. Of these seven, five retained the tag (C. von Bonde's tag) in a perfect condition, and their rate of growth was determined as shown in Table 1.
  • 末廣 恭雄
    1932 年 1 巻 5 号 p. 241-243
    発行日: 1932/12/31
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The osmotic value of some algae was determined in 1928 under the direction of Professor Kiichi MIYAKE, of the Tokyo Imperial University, by observing plasmolysis of the cells due to varius solutions. The results are summarized as follows: -
    (1) Fresh-water (Spirogyra and Cldaohora) as well as marine algae (Chaetomorpha, Sargassum, Euchuma, etc.) were used as given in Table 1.
    (2) The solutions of cane sugar and of sodium chloride were used as the reagents for determining the osmotic values.
    (3) The osmotic value is by far higher in the marine algae than in the fresh-water ones, but that of surrounding media, in which either group of algae grow, is much less than that of the aquatic platns respectively.
    (4) The value in question is nearly the same in the marine algae growing in the same zone, that for the plants in sublittoral zone being higher than that for the littoral algae. See Table 1.
    (5) The osmotic value is not the same in the entire many-layered algal body, that for the outer cell-layers being higher than that for the inner ones, as shown in Table 2.
  • 岡田 光世
    1932 年 1 巻 5 号 p. 244-252
    発行日: 1932/12/31
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー