A plankton pump has been devised to make continuous or sectional vertical collections easily from depths as great as 200 meters or less. By one method of operation it is passible with this apparatus to pump continuously from 100 to 0 meters 40 lit ?? es in 6 minutes. Another method of operation pumps up any desired amount of water sectionally from any desired depth. To change the volume of collecti on, and consequently the plankton, a mere change of the position of the tow line on the pulley over which it passes is all that is necessary. The water thus obtained may be filtered by using the bolting silk of No. 25. The distinctive feature of this pump is that by rotating its operating axis it winds the tow line of the suction tubing automatically on the winding drum (3). When the pump is equipped with a short suction tubing, say one or two meters, 50 turns of the winding axis draw up about 10 litres of water about 75 turns of the operating axis are required when a greater length of tubing, say 100 meters, is attached.
As may be seen from Fig. 1 the pump consists of the following essential parts:
1) Pump. Pump used is a common wing pump with suction and forcing tubings of 20mm, inner diameter.
2) Suction tubing. Suction tubing is of 15mm. inner diameter and 23mm. outer diameter, having a length of 100 to 200 meters, wound on a drum about 55cm. in diameter.
3) Winding drum. This drum having a diameter of 32cm. and breadth of 13cm. is capable of holding 100 to 200 meters of tow line.
4) Winding pulley. The diameter of this pulley is varied at different parts so as to change the speed of winding.
5) Turning handle. By turning this handle the collection of water and the winding of the line can be made concurrently.
6) Combined three pulleys. The pulleys which move by mutu ?? l friction have a diameter of 20cm. e ?? ch. The uppermost pulley can be feed from the other two by lifting the lever (8).
7) Release. By using this release the winding pulley (4) becomes free on its axis.
8) Lever. By means of this lever the uppermost pulley (12) is feed from the other two pulleys.
9) Suction tubing. Suction tubing is of 15mm. inner diamete.
10) Outlet tubing. This is also of 15mm. inner diameter. The outlet water from this tube is filte el through the small plankton net of bolting silk No 25.
11) The mouth of the suction tubing. To the mouth of the suction tubing is hung a sinker of sufficient weight.