Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
1 巻, 6 号
  • Juzo HORI
    1933 年 1 巻 6 号 p. 269-276
    発行日: 1933/03/18
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小久保 清治
    1933 年 1 巻 6 号 p. 277-280
    発行日: 1933/03/18
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A plankton pump has been devised to make continuous or sectional vertical collections easily from depths as great as 200 meters or less. By one method of operation it is passible with this apparatus to pump continuously from 100 to 0 meters 40 lit ?? es in 6 minutes. Another method of operation pumps up any desired amount of water sectionally from any desired depth. To change the volume of collecti on, and consequently the plankton, a mere change of the position of the tow line on the pulley over which it passes is all that is necessary. The water thus obtained may be filtered by using the bolting silk of No. 25. The distinctive feature of this pump is that by rotating its operating axis it winds the tow line of the suction tubing automatically on the winding drum (3). When the pump is equipped with a short suction tubing, say one or two meters, 50 turns of the winding axis draw up about 10 litres of water about 75 turns of the operating axis are required when a greater length of tubing, say 100 meters, is attached.
    As may be seen from Fig. 1 the pump consists of the following essential parts:
    1) Pump. Pump used is a common wing pump with suction and forcing tubings of 20mm, inner diameter.
    2) Suction tubing. Suction tubing is of 15mm. inner diameter and 23mm. outer diameter, having a length of 100 to 200 meters, wound on a drum about 55cm. in diameter.
    3) Winding drum. This drum having a diameter of 32cm. and breadth of 13cm. is capable of holding 100 to 200 meters of tow line.
    4) Winding pulley. The diameter of this pulley is varied at different parts so as to change the speed of winding.
    5) Turning handle. By turning this handle the collection of water and the winding of the line can be made concurrently.
    6) Combined three pulleys. The pulleys which move by mutu ?? l friction have a diameter of 20cm. e ?? ch. The uppermost pulley can be feed from the other two by lifting the lever (8).
    7) Release. By using this release the winding pulley (4) becomes free on its axis.
    8) Lever. By means of this lever the uppermost pulley (12) is feed from the other two pulleys.
    9) Suction tubing. Suction tubing is of 15mm. inner diamete.
    10) Outlet tubing. This is also of 15mm. inner diameter. The outlet water from this tube is filte el through the small plankton net of bolting silk No 25.
    11) The mouth of the suction tubing. To the mouth of the suction tubing is hung a sinker of sufficient weight.
  • 山田 鐡雄
    1933 年 1 巻 6 号 p. 281-286
    発行日: 1933/03/18
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    At the beginning of June, 1932, a series of simultaneous oceanographical investigations in the Japan Sea were carried out by the fishery experiment stations located on the shores surrounding it, and plankton samples were collected at every observation station. I worked with the samples which were collected from the se between Kyûshû and southern Tyôsen, and divided this area according to the distributions of the temperate plankton into 4 regions: A, B, C, and D. In the material from “A, ” I found subtropical plankton such as Ceratocorys horrida STEIN, Stroptotheca indica KARSTEN, Calocalanus ?? pavo DANA, Candacia ethiopica DANA, Candacia truncata DANA, Centropages gracilis DANA, Centropages furcatus BRADY, Labidocera acnta DANA, Lab. detruncata DANA, Phaenna sp., etc., and thus I am inclined to think that this region is greatly influenced by the warm current “kuro-siwo.” The above-mentioned species could not be found in the samples from the “B” region, where a number of species of temperate oceanic plankton were seen. In the region “C, ” I saw many cosmopolitan temperate plankton, such as Oithona plumifera BAIRD, Evadne tergestina CLAUS, Penilia schmackeri RICHARD, Doliolum nationalis BORGERT, Chaetoceros spp., Rhizosolenia spp., Ceratium spp, etc., and some kinds of neritic plankton which seem to point to the conclusion that the coastal water of the southern part of the Yellow Sea or of the East China Sea influenced this area. In the region “D, ” I found none of the temperate oceanic plankton, and judging from the constituents of the plankton I consider that the water from the southern Yellow Sea or from the eastern China Sea flows into this region. The findings of the plankton material as given above coincide well with the distributions of the temperature and the salinity in these waters.
  • 島田 清, 馬場 良助
    1933 年 1 巻 6 号 p. 287-290
    発行日: 1933/03/18
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    “Ika-no-siokara” is a Japanese food-matter and is formed by ripening of a mixture which consists of table-salt, muscle, and hepatopancreas of cuttle-fish. We studied the relation between the amounts of added salt and the chemical changes in the ripening process and obtained the following results. With less contents of salts the decomposing velocity of the protein, the amount of amino-acid, glucose and lactic-acid are remarkable and the time required to emit the offensive odour is short. After 11 days at 20°C, lactic-acid is increased 0.508% in 10%, 0.347% in 20%, 0.162% in 30%, NaCl and glucose is increased 1.11% in 10%, 0.93% in 20%, 0.75% in 30% NaCl. The amount of ammonia does not change before the formation of the offensive odour. The mixture has formed the offensive odour at 20°C after 11 days in 10%, after 17 days in 20%, but not formed even after 6 weeks in 30% of salt. The decomposing velocity of protein obeys the monomolecular reaction, the velocity constant being found to be K=24×10-6 in 10%, K=14×10-6 in 20%, K=31×10-7 in 30% NaCl.
  • 宮地 傳三郎
    1933 年 1 巻 6 号 p. 291-298
    発行日: 1933/03/18
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Japanese fresh-water mysids are treated in this paper and their ecology is compared with that of a glacial marine relict Mysis relicta.
    Japanese relict Mysidacea shall be identified with either of Neomysis awatschensis and N. nigra. Those from Etorohu-Sima of the Kurile Islands, Hokkaidô and the Kwantô Plain belong to the former, and those from the Japan Sea coast of southern Honsyû are refered to the latter.
    The Neomysis-l ?? kes are all shallower than 22.5m, lying at lower altitude than 10m., within 18km. from the nearest sea. They are accepted as relict lakes, and neither any effect of glacial process nor any active migration of the animal are necessary for Neomysis to reach them, since it is nothing other than the original marine fauna adapted to the change of salinity in them.
    The Neomysis-lakes of Etorohu-Sima were nearly homothermal at less than 15°C in July-August of 1932. In Tôro-ko, Hokkaidô, the temperature may reach 27.5°C at the surface and was 22°C at all strata in October. In Honsyû, the surface water may rise above 30°C and the bottom water above 20°C in summer. Thus N. awatschensis and N. nigra seem to have a wide temperature range, being contrasted to M. relicta which is a typical stenothermal organism. M. relicta is a steno-oxybiont appearing in Tanytarsus-lakes. If it appears in Chironomus-lakes, it keeps off the hypolimnion with insufficient oxygen to be restricted to the cool well-aerated middle strata. Japanese Neomysis-lakes are all eutrophic plumosus-type, and in. some of them the oxygen in the hypolimnion may become absent in summer. There is no relict lake of Tanytarsus-type in Japan
    Both N. awatschensis and N. nigra seem as M. relicta to multiplicate in winter season.
  • 木俣 正夫
    1933 年 1 巻 6 号 p. 299-308
    発行日: 1933/03/18
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー