Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
13 巻, 6 号
    1948 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 227-231
    発行日: 1948/05/15
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山田 紀作, 北野 榮一
    1948 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 232-236
    発行日: 1948/05/15
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The denaturation of myosin, which is the chief protein constituent of fish muscle is studied by means of measuring the change of the electric resistance. While fish is very fresh it decreases with the time and reaches the maximunn value and then again decrease with the time and reaches the maximun value and then again decrcase with the time. The increasing of electric resistance is due to the acidification of myosin which is brought about by autolysis.
    Eletric resistance measuring procedure: taking 10g. of fish meat preserved with toluol and chloroform mixture at room temperature, 10cc of distilled water and 3% of NaC1 being added, and keeping if in the state of brei at 20°C in the measuring bottle, the electric resistance change was measured by kohlrausch bridge at given times.
    The result of experiments is shown in the figures 2-7. In each figure the ordinate shows the elaption of the measuring time in minutes and the co-ordinate shows the electric resistance.
    fig. 1. shows the relative viscosity of myosin in each concentration of NaCl. ?? (pH. 7.1) 24, ?? (pH. 6.6) 36, Δ e, (pH. 6.4) 48, ?? (pH. 6.2) 60, × (oH. 6.1) 72, the elaption of time after fishing is expressed by hours.
    fig. 2. shows the electric resistance change of the myosin suspension of. carp meat against the elaption of time.
    Roman figures showing the experiment No., the elaption of time after fishing expressed by hours is: 20 (I) (pH. 7.1), 44 (II) (pH.-), 68 (III) (pH. 6.2), 92 (IV) (pH. 5.4).
    fig. 3. shows the elctric resistance change of the myosin solution of shark meat against the elaption of time.
    Roman figures showing the experiment No., the elaption of time after fishing expressed by hours is: 39 (I), 63 (II), 87 (III), 111 (IV), 135 (V), 159 (VI).
    fig. (4-7) show the electric resistance change of the myosin suspension of shark meat preserved at various pH. against the elaption of time.
  • 岩田 清二
    1948 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 237-240
    発行日: 1948/05/15
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A glass rod (6 ?? 8mm. diameter) was inserted between the shells of various bivalves and 2cc. of neutral potassium salt solutions such as KCl, KNO3, KBr and K2SO4 were injected into the visceral cavity. Venerupis philippinarum and Meretrix lusoria can be induced to discharge their reproductive substances by the injection and the percentages of the discharging to the total individuals were 67 and 40 respectively, while Mactra sulcataria and M. veneriformis were 100 percent in reaction. Injections of sea water or aqueous solutions of NaCl, CaCl2, MgCl2 or MgSO4 sometimes induce the discharge of reproductive substances. In this case, however, the amount and the duration of discharge are much less than the case of potassium salts injection.
    When the adductor muscles are removed form one side of the valve in order to open the shells widely and the injections are made in the same manner as above mentioned, the percentage of discharge is much increased in both cases of the potassium salts and the sea water (or the solution of NaCl etc.) injections. A larger quantity of eggs or sperm is also obtainable by the potassium salts injection than by sea water (or etc.)
  • 右田 正男, 荒川 清
    1948 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 241-244
    発行日: 1948/05/15
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Jores reported that melanophorhormone in pituitary body is closely related with sight in darkness of animals and plenty of this hormone is found in nocturnal animals or animals kept in darkness.
    Investigating with a dozen of fishes, the present authors confirm that the same holds good for fish, and pituitary bodies of bottom fishes or deep-sea fishes are far richer in the hormone in question than pelagic fishes.
  • 谷井 潔
    1948 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 245-247
    発行日: 1948/05/15
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The modulus of elasticity T/θ, the breaking load Tc, and the twisted angle θc of the Japanese agar-agar gel were estimated, using the Sheppard's torsion dyna-mometer, on the six samples collected from Nagano area (A, E, F), Osa a area (C, D) and South Saghalien (B).
    The modulus of elasticity has the close relation to the jelly froming power and to the amount of the syneresis water too.
    The so-called “jelly strength” depends on Tc but not exactly on T/θ.
  • 畑 久三
    1948 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 248-250
    発行日: 1948/05/15
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The spawning season of Anadara subcrenata ranges from the end of June to August in Nakano-umi, but the singe indivedual seems to discharge its reproductive substance for long time.
    The first occurrence of the swimming young shell was known on 22nd of June from the collection of 2 indeveduals in my net. Since that time till 29th a few indivduals were seen every day, but since the tyhoon of 31st of July the swimming young shells increased to maximun nunber on 6th of August.
    The main factor of the sudden increase of swinning young shells in the sea seemed to ascribable to the sudden decrease of the temperature and the specific grvity of the lower zone of the sea by the typhoon.
    The swimming young shells were by far the most abundant at the zone deeper than 3 meters from the surface.
  • 新田 忠雄, 乾 淑子, 鈴木 正也
    1948 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 251-253
    発行日: 1948/05/15
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    We tried to find the methods of discrimination. 1. The diamino acids contents are as follows: -Fish-meal paste Arginin N 6.11 Lysin N 9.26 and been paste Arginin N 11.64 Lysin N 2.36, 2. We tried to find isoelectric point of the protein tracing the titration curve. We found that the curve show the knicks at the pH of isoelectric point, where the protein precipitater. pH of that knicks are been paste 6.0, fish-meal paste 4.8 and that of the mixture of both paste are two knicks of pH 6.0 & 4.8.
  • 藤田 正, 宇野 寛, 八柳 健郎, 久保 田善二郎
    1948 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 254-258
    発行日: 1948/05/15
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    By injection of pituitary hormone of frog, the ripening process and discharge of eggs in the ovary of loach, and the hatching rate of the eggs by artificial fertilization were examined.
    At 24°C; of water temperature, about 17 hours after injection of pitutitary hormone of frog, unripe eggs in the ovary of loach were ripened and discharged, but the effect of the hormone appears at first on the lower part of the ovary, 5 hours after injection and advanances gradually from the dorsal to the upper and finally to the ventral part of it which is around the intestion.
    In the ovary of loach, we generally can distinggush the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees of eggs in the development, and among them only the 1st order eggs we let possible to be discharged by the injection of the hormone.
    We may be able to make almost of all the loachs (body weight 8-40gm.) discharge the eggs by injection of 2 pieces of pituitary hormone of Rana nigromaeulata, but in case of the larger bodies, it may be necessary to use the more volume of the hormone.
    In this experiment, we obtained the result of 79.6% in the average hatching rate on the artifical fertilization of the eggs which were produced by injection of the hormone.
  • 中村 一雄
    1948 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 259-262
    発行日: 1948/05/15
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Formalin and sea-water disinfection methods were examined for water-rnold, growing on egg of Kyuri-uo. By the use of 5% formalin for half an hour the best hatching rate was obtained. But its application should be avoided for hatching eggs and showed no effect on water-mold already grwon, as the dead water-mold body covered the egg to die. Sea-water had the same desinfecting power as formalin, showing no bad influence on eggs in the case of 4hours-immersing.
    A few other factors affecting the hatching and the method of treating eggs were studied and discussed.
  • 預報2タラ二重落し網
    宮本 秀明
    1948 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 263-266
    発行日: 1948/05/15
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The resistance of a set-net for cod to the various currents were measured by a model net, of which the original net was shown in precious report (Bull. of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries Vol 13, No, 2).
    Results obtained are recorded in Figs 3 and 6. Fig 3 is the resistance of the bag and Fig 6 that of the trap, each of which os a part of one set-net.
    Makng R (kg) the total resistance of current and V (cm/sec) the velocities of curren, then we obtaon. R=KVn
    The value of n and K obtained from Fig. 3 are 1.83 and 1.58-1.83 respectively, while from Fig 41.60 and 5.5-8.4 are caluculated.
  • 天野 慶之
    1948 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 267-271
    発行日: 1948/05/15
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The heat resistance of the bacterial spores, isolated from swelled canned oysters, gradually decreases with the cultivation repeated eight or nine times on dextrose agar slope (1% Liebig's meat extract, 1% Witte's peptone, 1% pure dextrose and 2% agar which processed at Nagano Pref.) Author has attempted to secure the former heat resistance i. e. 90 minutes at 102°C and 104°C in phosphate buffer solution at pH 7.0 and 30 minutes at 108°C, keeping the spores under oxygen-free condition in an ordinary garden soil which had been autoclaved three times at 120°C for 60minutes. After the storage in the soil for one or two months at 22°C, the spores developed vigorously on the same agar slants, though the heat resistance, it was found, not yet attained. Complete recovery of the resistance was observed after 5 or 6 months storage.
    The thermal death rate held by the reactivated spores was also determined as to the influence of concentration of the spores, sodium chloride and hydrogen ion concen ration.
  • 金田 尚志, 齋藤 喜彦
    1948 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 272-274
    発行日: 1948/05/15
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Soy-sauce, Japanese seasoning for daily use, is generally manufactured from soybeans by hydolysing with Aspergillus orizae to trun protein into amino acid, but another process of hydrolysing with HCl, is also adopted.
    We have thought of another way of manufacturing soy-sauces by adding HCl directly to raw fish meat and heating it, in the initial period of hydrolysing, after separating the oil that floats on the surface, we heat it to keep the hydrolysing going on. By this means we have got oil of excellent quality with low acidvalue after washing the oil by water several times, and we searched the best industrial condition of quantity of acid to add and the time to heat.
    As for the Sardine, as we showed in Fig. 1 and Table 1, amino N: total N became constant, when we hydrolysed in 15-20% HCl decity and about, 4hours.
    We have also tried alkail hydrolysing to compare it with that of acid, as we showed in Fig. 3, 4, Table 3., we have found that it is utterly unfit to manufacture amino acid, because of the loss of N by over yielding of NH3.
  • 大島 泰雄
    1948 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 275-278
    発行日: 1948/05/15
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper deals with an experiment carried out on the shoaling reaction in fish for the purpose of giving a qualitative and quantitative expression to the shoaling behaviour. In five species living in shoals as shown in Table 1 the reaction of an individual fish on another one or several individuals took in a glass vessel was investigated, and the bearing of the results obtained was discussed, especially on the relation between the reaction (P) and number of individuals in the vessel (N) which was represented by an empirical formula, P=K•log N+C, within a certain limit of N.
  • (1)群馬県城沼産のフナ1) 2)
    岡田 彌一郎, 中村 守純
    1948 年 13 巻 6 号 p. 279-284
    発行日: 1948/05/15
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    “Funa” or the crucsian carps, Carassius carassius (L.) found in Jo-numa, one of the small lakes of Gumma Prefecture, may be divided into. three populations* basing on fresh colors and external features.
    The fresh one, “Kin” or gold “Funa”, is light reddish orage or yellowish brown in fresh, having ?? slender and wider body. The second one, “Gin” or siler “Funa”, is greenish brown, with a comeplssed body. The third one, “Gengoro Funa”, intrduced from Lake Biwa, is greyish white with a much complessed body.
    From the satistical observations we have distinguished somewhat difference in three populations: -in the depth of body (Fig. 1), length of the longest caudal ray (Fig. 2 ), the length of the base of dorsal (Fig. 3), the number of dorsal rays (Fig. 5) and of gill rakers (Fig. 4), excepting with a head length, depth of caudal peduncle, length of middle caudal ray and of the longest pectoral ray.
    From the ecological observations there are found some differernce in the sex ratio, growth rate, inhabiting depth and food habit. It is remarkeble that the males of “Ginfuna” are much fewer than the females.
    As they spawn approximately in the same season and place, it is provable that they may interbreed freely with each other. A Genetical experiment may be necessary for the problem on the three populations are relatively stable.
    From the results of the present studies, the writers concluded that three populations may be considened at least racialy independent respertivey and may not be regarded as a fulctuation or an enviromental difference.