The denaturation of myosin, which is the chief protein constituent of fish muscle is studied by means of measuring the change of the electric resistance. While fish is very fresh it decreases with the time and reaches the maximunn value and then again decrease with the time and reaches the maximun value and then again decrcase with the time. The increasing of electric resistance is due to the acidification of myosin which is brought about by autolysis.
Eletric resistance measuring procedure: taking 10g. of fish meat preserved with toluol and chloroform mixture at room temperature, 10cc of distilled water and 3% of NaC1 being added, and keeping if in the state of brei at 20°C in the measuring bottle, the electric resistance change was measured by kohlrausch bridge at given times.
The result of experiments is shown in the figures 2-7. In each figure the ordinate shows the elaption of the measuring time in minutes and the co-ordinate shows the electric resistance.
fig. 1. shows the relative viscosity of myosin in each concentration of NaCl. ?? (pH. 7.1) 24, ?? (pH. 6.6) 36, Δ e, (pH. 6.4) 48, ?? (pH. 6.2) 60, × (oH. 6.1) 72, the elaption of time after fishing is expressed by hours.
fig. 2. shows the electric resistance change of the myosin suspension of. carp meat against the elaption of time.
Roman figures showing the experiment No., the elaption of time after fishing expressed by hours is: 20 (I) (pH. 7.1), 44 (II) (pH.-), 68 (III) (pH. 6.2), 92 (IV) (pH. 5.4).
fig. 3. shows the elctric resistance change of the myosin solution of shark meat against the elaption of time.
Roman figures showing the experiment No., the elaption of time after fishing expressed by hours is: 39 (I), 63 (II), 87 (III), 111 (IV), 135 (V), 159 (VI).
fig. (4-7) show the electric resistance change of the myosin suspension of shark meat preserved at various pH. against the elaption of time.