By using a modified Ekman type bottom sampler, monthly sampling of bottom mud and benthos was made on 30 stations within Tokyo Bay (Fig. 1.), from May, 1947 to March, 1948, the temperature of the mud measured and the benthic animals studied quantitatively per unit area. The analysis of data, made to present moment, indicates the facts as shown below.
In a limited area in the northern part of the Bay the temperature of the bottom was found to be lower than in the surrounding area during the months of May to September, 1947, but from December, 1947 to March, 1948, this area showed relatively higher temperature. This particular area was, here, called a “stagnant” region. In the soulh part of the Bay including Uraga channel, it is generally stated that the temperature of bottom mud is 1°-2° C. higher in the east side than in the west throughout seasons.
The total weight of benthos per unit area roughly corresponds to the temperature of mud (Table 2.). On the other hand, the number of individual of animals perunit area showed two peaks, June and September respectively; the writers interprete this phenomenon derived from the fact that the animal forms such as molluscs and annelids which dominate in the fauna spawn in these two month.