“A burazame” -
Squalus suckleyi G. -is a shark abundant in Hokkaido and northeastern sea area of Japan.
The authers have studied on the vitamin A content of its liver and the results were summarized as follows:
1) As shown in Tab. 1., the vitamin A content, varies by individuals from 5.0 to 126 C. L. O., being influenced by its extraction method whether the liver was cooked with water or extracted by ether after treated by anhydrous sodium sulfate.
2) The distribution of V. A. in the same liver appears richer in the basis (3), but poorer in the middle (2) or the tip (1) (Fig. 1 and Tab. 2), while oil content with the reverse.
3) Tab. 3 denotes the difference of V. A. conc. by the colour of liver, such as, pink grey 5.0 (mean), greenish grey: 148 (mean) and brownish grey: 154 (mean) C. L. O., respectively.
Tab. 4 showing the mixing ratim of them in one barrel of separated livers, viz.
Pink grey: greenish grey: brownish grey=83:12.5:4.5 (%). Therefore, the weighted mean value of V. A. of the liver was estimated 29.6 C. L. O. units-this value is far richer than cod liver oil in market sale.
4) The relation between body length-body weight, body length-liver weight, and liver logth-liver weight are as shown from Fig. 2 to Fig. 4.