Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
15 巻, 10 号
  • 橋本 鶴夫
    1950 年 15 巻 10 号 p. 515
    発行日: 1950/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Cooking of fish meat by Joule's heat was studied by applying alternating current of 50-200 volt to fish meat in a pessing cage. Pressure on the fish meat was kept at 0.01-0.05kg/cm2. Empirical formula for the relation between the specific resistance of fish meat and temperature during cooking, the time required for cooking and the quantity of water squeezed out of meat during cooking were obtained.
  • 山本 孝治
    1950 年 15 巻 10 号 p. 519-523
    発行日: 1950/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    11 specimens (10 ??, 1 ?? ) of a spider crab belonging to Chionoceetes were collected at the “Okitai” Bank (36° 42' 30" N., 134° 26' 30" E., 450m.) off the coast of Tajima Province, on Oct. 2, 1948, by means of a trawl net. On examining them, the writer recognized that they are exactly. agreeing with the description of Chionoecctes japonicus by Rathbun (1932), as well as that of Chionoecetes angulatus bathyalis by Derjugin et Kobjakowa (1935). So he refers those specimens to Chionoecetes japonicus and proposes that Chionoecetes angulatus bathyalis is to be regarded as a synonym of Chionoecetes japonicus. He compared the difference of some body proportions, form of carapace, spines and tubercles on the carapace and color of body between this species and the most common Japanese species Chionoecetes opilis elongatus. He gave them a new Japanese name “Beni-Zuwai” (carmine-red-colored Chionoecetes), due to the color of the dorsal side of carapace and legs.
  • 右田 正男, 横山 和吉
    1950 年 15 巻 10 号 p. 524-530
    発行日: 1950/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    It has been proved that tannins can be estimated by the chromium content of the precipitate formed from tannin and potassium bichromate (This Bulletin, 13 (1948), 146). But the determination of chromium in the precipitate is rather a tedious work.
    We established a new rapid method of tannin assay, in which tannins are precipitated with potassium bichromate as in the previous method, but in the presence of potassium eyanide. The rôle of potassium cyanide is to prevent a part of unused potassium bichromate from being adsorbed on the precipitate and to enable us to calculate tannin content from the amount of potassium bichromate consumed.
    Tannins will be expressed in terms of tannic acid by multiplying the amount of consumed chromium by one of the follwoing factors, depending on the amount of the latter.
    Cr consumed. Factor.
    Below 15mg 1.6
    15-40mg 1.7
    40-100mg 1.8
  • 山本 孝治, 木部崎 修
    1950 年 15 巻 10 号 p. 531-538
    発行日: 1950/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The spiny dog fish, Squalus suckleyi, are captured in abundance by trawl nets in the south-western part of Sea of Japan in spring (March to April).
    The writers examined on the frequency distribution of total body length, the development of genital gland and clasper with growth as well as the states of pregnancy and parturition in the same district and obtained the following results:-
    (1) The modal value of the total body length of the spiny dog fish in spring is 110-120cm in female and 80-90cm in male.
    (2) The male seems to mature sexually at the total body length of 70-80cm.
    (3) The female becomes pregnant for the first time at the total body length of 90-95cm.
    (4) Some ova which are to be born in the following season begin to develope in ovary in connection with the development of embryo in uterus. There seems to exist a certain relation between the decreasing of diameter of yolk sac and the increasing of that of ovum in connection with the development of the embryo in uterus. Those ova are thought to enter the uterus shortly after the embryos are delivered. So the female seems to be always pregnant after she has matured sexually for the first time.
    (5) The spiny dog fish are thought to have a delivering season at least in spring in the south western part of Sea of Japan.
  • 中村 一雄
    1950 年 15 巻 10 号 p. 539-543
    発行日: 1950/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Gold-fish fries which were hatched at the same time, from the same parent fish, grow up in different grade. It seems to be not only due to the heredity but also the fact whether they were given enough feed soon after they were hatched. Four groups were put into experiment; that is, the one was fed immediately after they were hatched, and the other threes were begun to feed on the fifth day, on the tenth and on the fifteenth after they were hatched respectively. They were fed in the pots for 153 days and their growth, survival and decolaration of the body were examined. The result is as follows.
    1. The fluctuation of growth of the newly hatched fry of Gold-fish seems to be increased, when the beginning time of artificial feeding is delayed. In consequence, the appearance of special larged-sized or small-sized fry might be caused more by the different power of individuals aquired under the enviroment of their habitat rather than that of their own heredity.
    2. The more the beginning time of artificial feeding is delayed, the less (in number) the fries survive and the more the phenomenon of decoloration of their body is slowly presented.
  • 小山 一
    1950 年 15 巻 10 号 p. 544-547
    発行日: 1950/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to examine the effect of hitherto unutilized materials for young carp feeding, four kinds of artifficially mixed food were made.
    A. The basic food (40% of fishmeal, 40% of Gammarus and 20% of Ricebran.)
    B. 40% of mulbery leaves was added to 60% of A.
    C. 40% of walnut leaves added to 60% of A.
    D. 40% of spiked water milfoil was added to 60% of A.
    They were used for feeding young carps, of almost the same size reared in the four experimental ponds of the same size and under the same condition, for fourty four days, July 29 September 10, 1948.
    The result was as follws:
    On the average, the carps fed with A grow most quickly, then come those fed with B, those fed with C, and lastly come those fed with D, and they increased the weight of body 24.1%, 13.6% 7.4% and 6.2% respectively.
    But regarding the total sum of the fish production, due to the survival rate of fish, B is the best, C is the 2 nd, D is the 3 rd and A is the last; the survival rates are at 90%, 75%, 70% and 60% respectively.
    According to the above result, the food value in fish culture must be concluded not only on the growth rate of individual fish, but also on the survival rate of rearing fish or on the total sum of fish production.
  • 増田 與, 北野 栄一
    1950 年 15 巻 10 号 p. 548-550
    発行日: 1950/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    We bred yearling carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) by the artificial foodstuff with cellulose.
    We found that the growth of yearling carp fed with the food containing cellulose was inferior to the growth of yearling carp raised without any cellulose.
  • 小幡 彌太郎, 小西 貞, 石田 昌男
    1950 年 15 巻 10 号 p. 551-553
    発行日: 1950/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    At present trimethylamine is a single substance that is assured to be the one which causes fishy smell and at the same time causes the smell of freshless marine fish. Smell of freshwater fish and fresh fish is not same one caused by trimethylamin, but presumably those smell which is given off from mucilaginous substance produced from fish skin. If we wipe the skin of fresh and odourless herrings with a gauze and dried it rapidly, the gauze does not give off fishy smell. But when the gauze is wet, we find the development of just same smell given off from freshwater fish after a few houres. If the water of carp culture pond is concentrated, fishy smell of the water resembles to pyridin's. With p-quinon reaction of pyridin we have found that it was apparently positive reaction. In fact 1/104 solution of pyridine has the fresh water fish-like smell. We have found moreover that δ-aminovaleraldehyde and δ-aminovaleric acid which are produced by oxidation of pyridine have also fishy smell. The mechanisms of these components which causes fishy smell are as follows.
  • 小幡 彌太郎, 山西 貞
    1950 年 15 巻 10 号 p. 554-556
    発行日: 1950/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    By adding picrolonic acid to the mucilage obtained from the skin of salmon we can gain the picrolonate. Under the microscope we have determined the shape of its crystal-and its melting point, and compared the present compound with synthesized sample. In this experiment we found that the present compound has the same character as a picrolonate which is produced from δ-aminovaleric acid and the reaction product of pyridine and acetaldehyde. In the same experiment it was found that the present compound contains another two kinds of picrolonate of certain amine. On the course of our experiment to synthesize the liquid which give off fishy smell, we have found the following results: the smell of fresh fish consists from piperidine, and the reaction product of piperidine and acetaldehyde. The condensed mixture of above substances give off smell of freshwater fish and when trimethylamine is added to this mixture, we feel sea-fish-smell. In the smell of fish whose freshness is slightly reduced, δ-aminovaleric acid is contained besides above mixture, and if the freshness of fish still more reduced, methylmeriucaptan and indole are contained.
  • 佐藤 光雄
    1950 年 15 巻 10 号 p. 557-560
    発行日: 1950/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the present paper, I made a naked eye examination on the hindbrains of 20 species of fishes in relation to their feeding habits, after the manner of Bhimacher ('35, '37) and Evans ('31, '32, '35). All the fish under consideration have no barbels and seem to feed largely by sight. As a consequen e of this habit the gustatory system is poorly developed, with the result that the facial and vagal lobes can not be seen from outside.
  • 久保 伊津男
    1950 年 15 巻 10 号 p. 561-566
    発行日: 1950/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    To know condition of Population of the common Shrimp, Palaemon nipponensis is of primary importance in the management of the fisheries, wherefore the present investigation has been done. Two sets of materials available for the present study were taken by a kind of fixed net from 7 localities situated on the west coast of northern part of the lake Kasumigaura. One of which was captured simultaneously on November 29, 1947, the other on June 3, 1948. The distance between both extreme localities of those 7 ones about 11.5Km. Chi-square-tests were made on body-length of samples of those 7 localities. The probalilities led from the test are given in the Table 4. From the table some local groups of the shrimp-population may be seen. Remarkably enough, the localization appears stronger in case of material obtained in November and that of male.
  • 新崎 盛敏
    1950 年 15 巻 10 号 p. 567-572
    発行日: 1950/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The so-called “MOBA” or “Zostera-zone ” is a place of interest from the view-point of fishery in the inland sea. In Ikawazu-cove Zostera marina and Z. nana make “MOBA”, where the ecological studies on Zosterae has been carried out. In this paper the enviromental factors-hydrographycal and biological-which seem to correlate with the vegetation of Zosterae are reported.
  • 富山 哲夫, 大町 登美子
    1950 年 15 巻 10 号 p. 573-576
    発行日: 1950/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present paper deals with a modified procedure for determination of hardness of water according to the soap method.
    Pour 10 cc of a sample water into an aeration vessel shown in Fig. 1. Titrate with the soap solution while being bubbled by an air diffuser which is made of either sintered glass or silk cloth. Finsh the titration when the formed lather will completely cover the surface for one minute after stopping the aeration.
    The determination of hardness of barum. chloride solution according to the micro and the macro procedures showed concordant values between these two procedrues. In case of a calcium salt solution, a linear relation exists between the titer and the hardness over a hardness-range between 1 and 8. In case of magnesium sulfate solution, a noticeable discrepancy has been observed between the experimental and the theoretical. It has been found, however, that his abnormality can be removed by the addition of ethyl alcohol. A greater value for hardness of about 10 per cent was obtained in an equal mixture of calcium and magnesium sulfate. The values for hardness of various fresh waters obtained according to the micro procedure showed in average a deviation of about 8 per cent from values for total hardness calculated from calcium and magnesium contents.
  • 富山 哲夫, 細川 榮三郎
    1950 年 15 巻 10 号 p. 577-581
    発行日: 1950/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The following procedure has been examined for its accuracy and foud to give a promising result. To one of two solutions containing 5 cc of 0.5 N nitric acid and 1 cc of 0.5 N silver nitrate, rapidly add with shaking 20 cc of the unknown solution containing chloride, to the other add 20 cc of a standard chloride solution. Allow the resulting silver chloride to stand at room temperature in a dark room for ten to fifteen minuets befor comparing in the nephelometer. If the ratio of the chloride concentration in the unknown and the standard is not between 2 and 1/2, dilute either the unknown or the standard, and repeat the measurement. The procedure can be applied over a concentration range between 0.9 to 20mg of Cl per litre, and yields an accuracy of approximately 2.3%.
    It has been shown that by using Kleinmann's nephelometer almost no difference has been obtained between the accuracies of Kolthoff-Yutzy's and the present procedures (Table I and II). Furthermor, the accuracy of the present procedure which has been obtained by using Tomiyama's portable colorimeter as a nephelometer has been found to be comparable to that obtained by using Kleinmann's nephelometer (Table III).
  • 富山 哲夫, 細川 榮三郎
    1950 年 15 巻 10 号 p. 582-585
    発行日: 1950/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A procedure for the nephelometric determination of sulfates has been given in which to a 20-cc sample solution is added 0.5g of a powdered reagent which has newly been adopted in the present method. The reagent is a powdered mixture of 10g of barium chloride, 10g of tartaric•acid, and 80g of sodium chloride. The nephelometlic comparison can safely be of made by diffused light in the laboratroy without using a particular artificial source of light.
    The menthod can be applied to the determination of from 1.9 to 480mg SO4 per litre. Data are presented showing that the possible accuracy of this method is at least as good as in SHEEN'S method (TABLE I and III). The mean error was about 2.4%, the maximum error about 5.6% (TABLE III).
  • 富山 哲夫, 細川 栄三郎
    1950 年 15 巻 10 号 p. 586-590
    発行日: 1950/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the present work a procedure has been developed in which 0.3-0.4g powdered ammonium oxalate was added to 20-cc sample water, dissolved by shaking for several minutes and further shaking several times while allowing to stand at room temperature for 10-15 minutes before comparing in the nephelometer.
    Experiments have been carried out to see the accuracy of the method. Various factors affecting the results of the nephelometric determination have been studied. Within a range between 0.4 to 50mg Ca per litre, the mean error involved in the method approximated 3.4%, the maximum error being about 8.5% (Table I). The presence of magnesium in as much concentration as that of calcium did not increase the turbidity provided that calcium be present above 6mg/1 (Table III). The quantitative precipitation of calcium oxalate was obtained when pH value of a sample water was above 1.5 (Table II). Nearly no effect on the determination has been noted of the presence of common soluble constituents of natural fresh waters (Table IV).