Synopsis: Some experiments on the lecthine content in the pressed-oil and-cake of sardine prepared by the ordinary boiling-out process have been carriecl out and obtained the following results.
(1) As lecithine content of the pressid-oil is so poor and that of the pressed-cake so plenty, it seems that the lecithine remaines in the tissues very tightly and can not be separated unless extracted by organic solvents. In view of this fact, it is supposed that the pressed-oil originates chiefly from adipose tissue which contains only trace of lecithine.
(2) The lecithine in the pressed-cakes obtained by various drying-methods show different extractivity by solvent, viz. the higher the temperature or the longer the exposing to air, the lower the amount extracted.
(3) When the fish-meal made from pressed-cake is stored, the ether: extractives (crude fats) and the lecithine content in them decrease according to the elapse of time. And then these decrease occur remarkably in the earliar stage, and in lecithin than in crude fat.