Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
21 巻, 7 号
  • 飯高 勇之助
    1955 年 21 巻 7 号 p. 459-462
    発行日: 1955/11/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    As the third step in the experimental studies of the purse seine in the stratified layer current*, a series of model experiments was made with the purpose of investigating the timely change of the tension of the purse line and the shape of the net in the coarse of pursing opera ?? ion. The model gear is the same as was used in the previous experiments 2). The pursing apparatus and the tension selfrecorder of the purse line were specially designed (Fig. 1). In the two cases; A, when the bottom margin of the net has sunk completely and B, when it is in course of sinking, the pursing was begun and then the tension was selfrecorded (Plate 1), at the same time, the transformation of the net was photograghed (Plate 2).
    As the results of this experiment, it was observed that in the case A, the tension of the purse line begins to act as soon as the pursing begins (Fig. 2), but in the case of B, it does not act untill the first 1/6 stage of pursing procedure is finished, and then it increases sharply (Fig. 3). After the first 1/2 stage, the changes of tension in both cases take the same pattern (Fig. 4). The case B was considered to be more dangerous than the case A for the occurrence of kankui**.
  • ブリの鱗と体長・年令との関係
    三谷 文夫
    1955 年 21 巻 7 号 p. 463-466
    発行日: 1955/11/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the present paper the relation between the scale length and fork length of yellow-tail (Se-riola quinqueradiata T. et S. ), and average fork length estimated by calcula??ion at the time when each ring of scale is formed are e??teemed, based upon the data of 190 specimens (30.5_105.0cm. in the fork length, 468.7g._18.8kg. in the body weight).aken by t??ap-nets settled at the ground; of Ine, Niizaki, Naryu and Tai in the western region of Wakasa Bay during the period from the end of November of 1954 to the end of January of 1955. The res??lts obtained are the following;
    1. It seems to me that the resting zone is formed once a year, in consequence the zone will show the annual ring (Fig. 1).
    2. The relation between the scale length and fork length is given by the following regression equation as shown in Fig. 2, that is;
    L=16.8?? T+6.9??.
    where L: Fork length in cm. T: Scale length in mm.
    3. The average fork length estimated by calculation at the time when each ring is formed is about 34cm. at the 1st ring (1 age), 53cm. at the 2nd (2 age), 71cm. at the 3rd (3 age), 86cm. at the 4th (4 age) and 99cm. at the 5th (5 age), respectively (Table 1).
  • マイワシの攝餌機構について
    吉田 陽一
    1955 年 21 巻 7 号 p. 467-470
    発行日: 1955/11/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. The Sardine seems to strain plankton, by swimming with opening mouth and further controlling the swimming velocity and the diameter of the mouth, so as to make the velocity of current on the gill-rakers the optimum velocity (about 2-3cm./sec.). Therefore, the feeding velocity of the sardine seems to be proportional to the surface of the gill-rakers, when the plankton dencity in the water is constant.
    2. By whether the time, which the gill-rakers require to be closed by plankton, is short or long, the sardine seems to recognize the plankton density in the water where it is feeding, in a short time (about one minute).
    3. The secondary concentration for the plankton gathered by the gill-rakers in the oral cavity seems to be performed by “the pharyngeal pockets” and “the pharyngeal rakers”.
  • 山下 秀夫
    1955 年 21 巻 7 号 p. 471-475
    発行日: 1955/11/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Examining contents of the stomach and intestine of sardine, Sardinia melanosticta, caught in the waters adjacent to Kyusyu, the author was able to clear up some points on feeding habit of sardine with reference to its growth.
    The results are summarized a ?? follows:
    1. The larval fish of 20-40mm. in body length fed on chiefly Oncaea sp., Microsetella sp., Lamellibranchia-larva, Gastropoda-larva, etc. but no Dia ?? om.
    2. The young fish of 50-140mm in body length fed on both Copepoda and Diatom.
    3. The fish larger than 150mm in body length fed on chie ?? ly such diatoms as Chaetoceros sp., Bacteriastrum sp. and Tha ?? a ?? siothrix sp. etc.
    4. The sardine over about 50mm. in body length seems to be able to take such microplank. ton a ?? Diatom.
  • 狩谷 貞二, 白旗 総一郎
    1955 年 21 巻 7 号 p. 476-482
    発行日: 1955/11/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The ovary and body tissue of the fish, Limanda yokohamae (GÜNTHER), caught by dragnet in Sendai Bay, were examined morphologically and physiologically during the maturation phase.
    1). In August oocytes begin to glow in ovary, and in December they are spawned, when their diameter measures about 0.7mm. Just before spawning, ovary contains a small amount of oocyte: (0.05mm. in diameter) beside a large amount of matured eggs (0.7mm. in diameter).
    2). The relation between egg-diameter and ovary-weight is shown by the following formula.
    OW: Ovary-weight/body-weight×100 (%)
    Ed: Egg-diameter (mm.)
    3). The relation between body-weight and egg-number is shown by the following formula.
    En=1, 790Bw-225, 800
    Bw: Body-weight (g.)
    En: Egg-number
    4). The moisture of ovary decreases remarkably during the period from September (0.15mm. in egg-diame??er) to October (0.4mm. in egg-diameter).
    5). The weight and caloric value of egg are correlated to egg-diameter as follows:
    Ew1000: 1, 000 eggs-weight (g.)
    Eq1000: Caloric value of 1, 000 eggs (kcal.)
    6). Although the body-length and the body-weight show no observable increase during the maturation phase, the total caloric value of the female's body, including the ovary, keeps on increasing. This fact means that the growth of the fish continues during this phase.
  • 保科 利一, 片田 清次
    1955 年 21 巻 7 号 p. 483-485
    発行日: 1955/11/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The “red disease” of eels (“Aalrotseuche” in German, Hireakab-yô" in Japanese) is an contagious disease originating from the infection o ?? causative bacteria, Pseudomonas punctata f. sacrowiensis SCHAPERCLAUS. The authors studied some pathological charac ?? ers in the blood of eels suffering from the red disease and the results obtained are as follows.
    (1) The resistance of the erythrocytes against hypotonic saline solutions in diseased fish is stronger than that of normal healthy fish. (2) The precipitation velocity of blood cells was 2.6-5.5mm. (expressed in WESTERGREN's “middle value”) in affected fish and 2.5-2.6mm. in normal fish. (3) The blood viscosity showed the value ?? of 2.3-3.2 in the fo ?? mer and 3.4-3.6 in the latter.
    The data of this experiment are summarized in tables 1 and 2.
  • 有害度の測定方法について
    福田 博業
    1955 年 21 巻 7 号 p. 486-491
    発行日: 1955/11/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In an attempt to toxicity of some substances to aquatic animals, linearly arranged five pots supplied with running water were used (Fig. 1). Any change of behaviour of the experimental animals in them when exposed to waterborne toxic substances was noted against uormal conduct of the controls. Evaluation of toxicity was done by adding different weights on different signs of vector as revealed by locomotion of the animals in question and also on time required for the conduct.
    Toxicity was read in terms of minutes in reference to poisoning (Fig. 3). Threshold toxic concentration was graphically determined (Fig. 3). The limens for the teleost, Oryzias latipes, were found 1/16000000 CuS04, 1/15000000 KCN, and 1/1050000 NaOH.
  • 大膓菌乾燥菌体によるビタミンB12の分解
    森 高次郎, 前田 安彦
    1955 年 21 巻 7 号 p. 492-493
    発行日: 1955/11/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    As previously reported, the authors have confirmed that vitamin B12 is decomposed by several species of bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, Achromobactor, Pseudomonas and others. To ascertain the presence of the vitamin B12 de ?? troying eazymes, several experiments were carried out, using Escherichia coli. In these experiments vitamin B12 was determined by the Euglena method, after digesting bacterial cells with trypsin.
    The extracellular enzyme was not detected, as the culture medium revealed no decomposing activity on the vitamin. The intact cell suspension, however, degraded the vitamin under the pre ?? ence of bacteriostatic agents such as toluene, chloroform and thymol as shown in Table 1. The cells killed and dried by Lyophil method were capable for the vitamin degradation, whereas the activity was lost entirely in the ace ?? onedried cells (Table 2).
  • 筋肉よりアンモニアの生成 (i)
    柏田 研一
    1955 年 21 巻 7 号 p. 494-497
    発行日: 1955/11/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the studies reported in this papar, the author dealt with the enzymatic degradation of the aquatic animal muscles with the results summarized as follows.
    In the aquatic animal muscles, the formation of ammonia in a considerable amount was perceived when pyloric coeca extracts or proteolytic enzyme were used, while it could hardly be observed when beef and whale meat were used as substrate.
    Ammonia was found to be present in the water-extracted residue of muscle immersed in pyloric coeca extract, while it was not found in the extract itself.
    Therefore it may be concluded that the ammonia is a decomposition product of muscle protein derived by the enzyme in pyloric coeca.
  • 筋肉よりアンモニアの生成 (ii)
    柏田 研一
    1955 年 21 巻 7 号 p. 498-500
    発行日: 1955/11/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The following results were obtained by ectending successively the pre ?? eding studies recorded in the former pape ?? s1).
    If the pyloric coeca extract was added to peptone and protein hydrolysate, no formation of ammonia was found.
    When the heated muscle (above 70°C; for 10 minutes) and the muscle treated with alcohol or acid were used as substrate, no ammonia formation was perceptible, too.
    From this series of experiments, it may by conceived that the ammonia formation in muscle by enzyme has a close relation with the dcnaturation of protein.
  • 鹽類の影響(その2)-食塩濃度と足
    志水 寛, 清水 亘
    1955 年 21 巻 7 号 p. 501-502
    発行日: 1955/11/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The relation between the content of sodium chloride in Kamaboko and its jelly strength has been studied. The results are as follows:
    (1) The three peaks were found to appear in the curve of the jelly strength varying with the increase of the concentration of the salt.
    (2) At least the two peaks of them were considered to be caused by the existence of two kinds of protein in the fish muscle.
    (3) The increasing of the salt concentration seems to raise the jelly strength of Kamatoko, so far as it is good at eat.
  • イカ内臟より製造せるフイッシュ・ソリブル飼料及び二・三魚類内臟の化学成分について(その一)
    川田 寛, 片谷 健一, 高橋 喬, 栗山 英彌
    1955 年 21 巻 7 号 p. 503-508
    発行日: 1955/11/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A good deal of fish viscera or the protein liquid after extracting oil has been abandoned every year.
    The authors have studied its utilization and succeeded in the production of a fowl feed-S. P. Feed-in an industrial scale.
    In the present paper described the comparative study of amino acid composition and contents of B-group vitamins in the protein of the fish viscera prepared from cuttle fish, octopus, atka mackerel and pollack. In addition above components in the S. P. Feed made from cuttle fish liver, commercial sardine meal and fish soluble (made in U. S. A.) were compared.
    The results obtained were tabulated in Table 6, 7 and 8: sixteen amino acids were determined by colorimetric paperchtomatography and B-group vitamine by chemical methods except vitamine B12.
    Distribution of amino-acids in the viscera proteins seemed to be relatively uniform in the fish muscle proteins, irrespective of the kind of viscera. It is noticeable that methionine content in these viscera preparations is higher than in the fish muscle protein and others, although there seemed to be some difference in the content of several amino acids.
    While the B-group vitamine contents of fish visceia are generally high, those of Cephalopoda are particularly rich in B2 and B12, and thus the Cephalopoda viscera seemes to be a good material for domestic fowl feed.
    From the amino acid composition and vitamine contens, the fish soluble feed made from these fish viscera may be superior to sardine meal and so-called fish soluble.