Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
21 巻, 8 号
  • 小泉 孝
    1955 年 21 巻 8 号 p. 911-914
    発行日: 1955/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The length, the diameter, the tensile strength and the elongation at break were measured in the following three conditions: (1) “dry”, (2) “wet” after immersed 24 hours in cold water, and (3) “wet after boiled” 30 minutes in water.
    From the results (Tables 2-4), we knew that (1) with the excep ?? ion of Ku ?? ehalon and Saran, Amilan, Cremona, Mewlon and Kanebian were affected by the cold water immer ?? ion, but (2) by the boiling water immersion, all the synthetic test cords were shortened and moreover Cremona, Mewlon and Kanebian cords were weakened.
  • 北浜 仁
    1955 年 21 巻 8 号 p. 915-920
    発行日: 1955/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The secular variation of the total length of spring herring in the western coast of Hokkaido was studied concerning the year classes from 1907 to '47 by using the moving average by 5 years.
    In regard to the growth of the fish, same tendency was seen in each age class in each year. The growth rate of fish was large before 1915, small 1916 to '29, large 1930 to '34, small 1935 to '39 and large after 1940. Especially, in recent years it was remarkably large.
    It can be considered that the brood amount gives influence to the growth rate of the fish. That is, the smaller the brood amount is, the more the fish grows and vice versa.
  • 着色度と油脂に添加したHemin開裂との関係
    向井 克憲
    1955 年 21 巻 8 号 p. 921-924
    発行日: 1955/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous paper, the author reported that the color of whale oil is increased by the addition of hemin, also he had come to conclusion that the color of oil is caused by the splitting of porphyrin ring during the course of boiling of blubber.
    The author a ?? sumed that the splitting of porphyrin ring is not attributed to proteinoas matters, but it may be caused by peroxides which yielded in whole oil by atmospheric oxygen.
    In order to prove this assumption, the author carried out the experiments using whale oil which contained no proteinous matters.
    As shown in Table 1-6, the results of experiments were entirely identical as expected, i.e. the color of whale oil is related to the amounts of peroxides and, when oil contains many quantities of peroxides, the coloration of oil becomes higher than that of low peroxide value oils.
  • コイ筋肉精製myosin区のATPase作用
    齊藤 要, 日高 富男
    1955 年 21 巻 8 号 p. 925-928
    発行日: 1955/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, the authors dealt with the some enzymic properties of purified myo in A and B fractions obtained from carp muscle.
    The myosin A fraction was extracted from the muscle tissue by a short-time extraction for some 15 to 20min. and B fraction was obtained by the extraction for 24 hours.
    1) The sufficient amount of myosin preparation was able to libera ?? e about one-half of the ?? 7P from ATP in a prolonged incubation at 37°C.
    2) In the presence of Ca++, the pH-activity curve obtained showed a peculiar shape with two maxima (see Fig. 2). The maximum activities of myosin A and B fraction were obtained at about pH 9.0.
    3) The influence of several ions and urea at 2.2×10-3 Mol/L. to the ATPase activity was studied, and the results were listed in Table 1. Ca++ and Mn++ ions activated the enzyme and the activation was most marked in the case of Ca++. On the contrary, Mg++ had no activating effect, but showed a marked inhibitory effect to the system activated by Ca++. At the above concentration, Fe+++ and urea showed no effect on the enzymic action. Cu++ and Ag+ retarded the ATPase action completely, even in very low concentration.
    4) The nature of enzymic activity was found to be almost same in both fractions.
  • コイ筋肉の精製myosin区のATPase作用と安定性について
    齊藤 要, 日高 富男
    1955 年 21 巻 8 号 p. 929-933
    発行日: 1955/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, the authors dealt with the stability and ATPase activity of the purified myosin A and B fractions from carp muscle.
    1) In the presence of Ca++, the maximum activity of myosin A and B fractions were observed at 30-35°C. (see Fig. 1). At 37°C. the activity was reduced within 5min. and lost completely at 45°C (see Fig. 2). Those behaviours of the myosin fractions to heat were very close to the myosin of tabit muscle.
    2) The amount of free SH groups and the activity of myosin fractions was reduced when the KCl solution of myosin as stored at 25°C. Even at 0-3°C., the amount of free SH groups was reduced after the storage for 48 hours but decrease of the activity was hardly observed.
    It has been already pointed out that the stability of myosin increases, when ATP was present. But according to the results shown in Table 1, the activity and the amount of SH groups were markedly reduced by the addition of ATP (1×10-4Mol/L.) to the myosin fractions.
    The myosin fractions showed a gradual decrease of the activity when left in contact with air, and yet such preparation was treated with reducing agents such a ?? cysteine and ascorbic acid, the lost activity was not fully recovered.
    3) It was observed that the flocculation of protein increased in the storage of myosin fractions, and the supernatants after centrifugation of such preparations showed to gradually decrease in the amount of nitrogen, the relative viscosity and the activity. And myosin fractions were rapidly denatured even at temperatcre below 40°C.
  • 福田 博業
    1955 年 21 巻 8 号 p. 934-936
    発行日: 1955/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    “Shiokara” is one of favorite diets in Japan which is prepared through autolysis of fish gut, e.g., stomack, intestine, pyrolic caeca, liver, etc., in presence of a comparatively large amount of common salt.
    But owing to the readiness of deterioration of oil in raw gut, unfavorable odour, taste and colour, “Shiokara” is very apt to be deprived of its market value.
    The author attempt to prevent “Shiokara” from deterioration by applying Sustane-1F (tert.-Butyl hydroxy anisole, B. H. A.) or Lintone C (Isoamyl gallate+Citric acid) as antioxidant of oil.
    It has observed that “Shiokara” can be stored for more than 60 days in a good condition as food if Sustane is used by 0.01% of raw gat; but when the amount of Sustane is reduced to 0.005%, it becomes somewhat degraded even within 20 days. In respect of antioxidant effct, 0.005% Sustane is nearly equal to 0.1% Lintone; but the latter, having a defect of darkening the cobur of the product, is less durable than the former.
    Oil rich fish guts are usable for the raw of “Shiokara” with the addition of antioxidant, such as Sustane.
  • アサリ煮汁のAPFの分別
    富山 哲夫, 米 康夫, 原田 悠三, 加藤 嘉太郎, 岡本 正夫, 山岡 誠, 村上 幸雄, 田中 佐朔, 松尾 信一
    1955 年 21 巻 8 号 p. 937-940
    発行日: 1955/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A fractionation by treating with activa ?? ed charcoal has been made of growth factors for chicks which were found in the boiled extract of the clam, Venerupis philippinarum.
    A filtrate fraction which was obtained on treating a slightly acidic solution of the boiled extract with the adsorbent, still possessed growth factors in a con ?? iderable amount. This is not case with bovine liver extract. An eluate from the adsorbate with a dilu ?? e sodium hydroxide solution showed a growth promoting activity nearly equal to that of the filtra ?? e frac ?? ion. The a ?? say of vitamin B12 by Euglena gracilis indica ?? ed that 76 per cent of the vitamin in the extract passed into the non-adsorbed fraction, and that only 0.19 per (e ?? t was found in the eluate. It follows, accordingly, that growth accelerating activity manifested by the eluate must be due to the presence of some unidentifiel growth factor or factors, probably vitamin B15 postulated by TOMIYAMA and YONE2).
  • 鶏の生長及び産卵に及ぼするアラ液化物の効果
    富山 哲夫, 米 康夫, 広渡 一之, 原田 悠三, 小柳 武夫, 内田 正五郎, 徳田 寿男
    1955 年 21 巻 8 号 p. 941-944
    発行日: 1955/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Only about 30 per-cent of fish body are ordinarily utilized for the preparation of the cooked fish paste, “Kamaboko”. It can be estimated from a recent statistics that the trimming annually ammouned to approximately 280, 000 tons.
    The present study has indicated that the trimmings can be stabilized by the liquefaction procedure proposed by T. TOMIYAMA and T. SUGIHARA1). Data have been pre ?? ented supplementation of a solu-bilized trimmings at a level of 4.5 per-cent on dry basis to an all-vegetable protein diet resulted in a marked significant chickgrowth response. From its addition at a level of 2.9 per-cent dry basis to an all-vegetable protein diet resulted in a marked response in egg production of one-year old as well as two-years old hens and also an earlier start of egg production.
  • 佐伯 誠道, 森 高次郎
    1955 年 21 巻 8 号 p. 945-949
    発行日: 1955/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In previous paper, the authors reported the presence of a considerable amount of radioactive zinc in the radiologically contaminated fish caught at the Pacific Ocean in 1954. The present paper is concerned with the uptake and accumalation of zinc by aquatic animals.
    When the clam Meretrix meretrix luzoria, was immersed in the sea water (Cl1.84%, pH8.1) containing Zn65, the accumulation of it was high in gill, mantle, viscera and other soft tissues (Fig. 1). On the hard tissue (shell), radioactivity was detected only a little, if any. About 40% of radioactivity of clam wa ?? lost in two days after return to normal sea water.
    When the carp, Cyprinus carpio, was cultivated in the water containing Zn65 45, 000c/m/l, Zr65 was deposited much in gill and kidney. It was recognized that all other tissues contained also some amount of Zn65 (Table 2, Fig. 2). The accumulation of Zn65 injected into the carp muscle was very high in kidney, followed in hepatopanereas heart, intestine, gill, scale, caudal fin, gall-bladder, skin, vertebra and muscle (Table 3, Fig. 3).
    The distribution of Sr90 and Cs137 injected into the carp muscle was also studied for the com-parison with that of Zn65. After forty seven or eight hours, Sr90 was found to be chiefly accumu laced in the hard tissue (Fig. 4), whereas Cs137 was chiefly retained in heart and kidney and found both in soft and hard tissues (Fig. 5).
  • 化學薬品による稚鯉の死亡
    吉原 友吉, 阿部 博
    1955 年 21 巻 8 号 p. 950-953
    発行日: 1955/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to make contributions to our knowledge of various effect of chemicals on fish, young carps were kept in the water which contains various chemical substance with various concentrations, and their responses in accordance with time were observed.
    The results were analysed by the probit analysis using the probability paper. In Fig. 3, the relationship between the concentration of chemicals and the mean survival time is shown.
  • 蒲鉾の新鮮度測定法
    富山 哲夫, 米 康夫, 菅原 憲典
    1955 年 21 巻 8 号 p. 954-957
    発行日: 1955/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    During the spoilage of the cooked fish-paste, it is invariably observed that its surface is gradually decomposed by the development of various micro-organisms. It follow ?? that, on washing the surface with water by using a brush, a turbid washing will be resulted, its turbidity being proportional to the degree of development of the micro-organisms.
    Data presented in this paper have revealed that freshness of cooked fish-paste can readily be estimated by determining the turbidity of the washing which is made with 250cc. water by employing a brush of soft hair. The turbidity measurment has been carried out by the electro-photometer with a filter of 470m ?? . As is shown in Fig. 4, a marked increase in the value for the turbidity during the spoilage has been found to be in good conformity with a marked increase in the catalase activity of the washing which was already reported as an index of incipient spoilage.
  • 富山 哲夫, 黒木 俊一, 野村 稔
    1955 年 21 巻 8 号 p. 958-961
    発行日: 1955/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    It has already been shown that the prolongation of storage life of the sardine was obtained by a 30-minute dip in a 10 ppm aureomycin containing brine1). The present paper deals with a similar study of the effectiveness of aureomycin to keeping quality of the mackerel. The results can be summarized as follows:
    (1) A 1-hour dip in a 10 ppm-aureomycin containing 5% brine at 20°C was effective at 20°C in keeping quality of mackerel 1.7 times longer as judged from volatile base-N, trimethylamine-N and histamine hydrochloride content of the muscle.
    (2) A 2-hour dip in 5% brine containing 40 ppm-aureomycin at 20°C was found to be effective at 20°C in keeping quality 1.4 times, 2.4 times and 2.6 times longer as judged from volatile base-N, trimethylamine-N and histamine hydrochloride content of the muscle, respectively. A further addition of ascorbic acid at 0.25% level was effective to the inhibition of histamine formation. The treatment of gutted mackerel with the aureomycine-brine was found 2.6 times better in keeping quality than control treated only with brine.
  • マサバ皮に於けるビタミンAとカロチノイドとの関係
    平尾 秀一, 山田 充阿彌, 菊地 嶺
    1955 年 21 巻 8 号 p. 962-966
    発行日: 1955/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The contents of Vitamin A and carotenoid in the skin of mackerel, Pneumatophorus japonicus, were determined. The skin samples used in this work consisted of the derm layer with a main portion of hypodermal fat layer. A kind of carotenoid obtained from the sample represented the majority of the carotenoids in the skin of mackerel. From its absorption maxima this carotenoid seems to differ from xanthophyll, taraxanthin etc. which have been reported to be present in the skin of various fishes.
    The vitamin A content in the skin found to be proportional to the oil content.
    In the previous study the authors have observeved on various fish flesh that the relationship between the oil content of flesh and the vitamin A concentration in the oil is expressed by an equation. However in the present case such a relationship was not observed in the skin.
    The content of the carotenoid in the skin of a whole fish did not differ among the individuals. When he dorsal side of the fish was compared with the ventral side, the vitamin A contents were found almost equal with each other. However, the carotenoid content in the dorsal side was about ten times as much as that of the ventral side.