In a previous paper (K
AWAI, '56), the evidence was presented that the respiration of gill of marine lamellibranchs, such as the oyster (
Crassostrea gigas) and the pearl oyster (
Pinctada martensii), is mediated through the cytochrome system. Recently, J
ILBUR ('55) suggested that the cytochrome system may not play a major role in the oxidation in the mantle of oyster. It therefore seemed appropriate to establish whether the cytochrome system functions or not as the terminal oxidase system in marine lamellibranch tissues other than the gill.
This paper concerns the effects of inhibitors on the endogeneous respiration of various tissues of the oyster, the pearl oyster and the mussel (
Mytilus crassitesta), and the identification of the cytochromes in the tissues.
1. The respiration was strongly inhibited by 10
-3 M cyanide, and the inhibition was partially reversed by 6×10
-5 M methylene blue (Fig. 1 & 2). The inhibition degree of pearl oyster tissues was not so large compared with that of oyster.
2. In the mixture of 90% CO and 10% 0
2, the oxygen uptake of lamellibranch tissues was inhibited by about 50% in the dark, and the inhibition was completely reversed by light (Fig. 3, 4 & 5).
3. The reduced band of cytochrome
b was detected in all tissues dexamined wheras the band
a detected only in certain tissues by the spectroscopic examination (Table 1). The band
c, however, could not be detected in lamellibranch tissues. A very strong pyridine hemochromogen band (560mμ), which is considered as the band of cytochrome
b pyridine hemochrome, was readily obtained in every tissue examined.
4. These results lead to the conclusion that the respiration of marine lamellibranch tissues other than the gill is also mediated through the cytochrome system.