Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
25 巻, 5 号
  • 田口 喜三郎
    1959 年 25 巻 5 号 p. 335-341
    発行日: 1959年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to estimate the distribution density of salmon on the high seas, the number of tangled fish per one shackle of gill-net in one trial of test fishing by one vessel is used as an index showing the density of the salmon distribution.
    But the fishes tangled to the net are not necessarily distribute equally in all parts of the nets, and also it is unknown that whether or not the fish distribute equally around the test fishing area.
    Then the distribution of the number of fish tangled to each one shackle of one set of gill-net and the distribution of the number of fish caught by several vessels in certain limited area in the same time were studied.
    The results obtained from this experiment are as follows:
    1. In a test fishing, at least 100 shackles (unit- “Tan” with a length about 50 meters) of gill nets must be used.
    2. The probability to estimate the distribution density of salmon by the average number of tangled fish per one shackle of gill-net in one trial by one vessel is in low level.
    Table 1 shows that the number of fish tangled to each one shackle of one set of gill-net forms a Poisson distribution.
    Table 2 shows that in a round area with a radius of about 40 miles salmon population distribute a form of Poisson too.
  • 和田 浩爾
    1959 年 25 巻 5 号 p. 342-345
    発行日: 1959年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 近藤 仁, 鈴木 誠
    1959 年 25 巻 5 号 p. 346-350
    発行日: 1959年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The measurements of tension on the salmon drift net were carried out by the strain gauge and these were mainly done on the net in still water. The results obtained are as follows;
    1) Schematic deagram to show the distribution of tension is shown in Fig. 1.
    At the points nearer to both the head and the foot margins of the net, ununiformity of tension becomes more evident, while at the points nearer to the middle part of the net it is gradually equalized. The values of ununiform tension are 55-0g. at the head part of the net, 92-0g. at the foot, and equalized tension is 15g. The extent of equalized tension is between 1/6 line and 2/3 of the net from the head.
    2) When the weight of lead increases at the lead line, the ununiformity of tension at both the head and the foot parts appears more remarkably but the extert of equalized tension is of the same area in the case of 1)
    3) The tension on the hanging lines (Tsuriito) is nearly 130g. in usual, but when the lead line is pulled, the tension remarkably increases as shown in Fig. 6.
  • 小林 久雄, 近藤 泉
    1959 年 25 巻 5 号 p. 351-355
    発行日: 1959年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Scales of Chasmichthys dolichognathus dolichognathus, a species of Gobiid fish, are cycloid in the early developmental stage, but as the fish grow up, ctenii are formed on their apical margin, until they become complete ctenoid of Gobiidae type. When the standard body length of the fish attains to 20mm, the formation of ctenii of scales is completed, after which ctenii begin to fall off and gradually decrease in number, finally changing from weak ctedoid with traces of ctenii into the secondary cycloid.
    Cycloid scales found in adult fish are formed secondarily by the degeneration of ctenii, and they differ accordingly from ordinary cycloid ones primarily appeared.
    Chasmichthys dolichognathus dolichognathus has hitherto been regarded as primitive in lepidology having so-called cycloid, on the one hand, and as one of the specialized form of Gobiid fish in phylogeny carrying glossopharyngeal bones of L type show by Mr. TAKAGI on the other hand. The contradiction above-mentioned may be dissolved by confirmation of the secondary cycloid scales in this species.
  • 垂直的生長について
    尾形 英二
    1959 年 25 巻 5 号 p. 356-360
    発行日: 1959年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    As previously reported in short communication, germlings of Conchocelis spread the vertical filaments steadily in pearl oyster shells (Plate I, A-D). Subsequent cultivations and observations were succeeded. Results obtained are summarized as follows:
    1. Tap-root-like filaments grow downwards to pierce through the shell matrix and reach the opposite shell surface (Plate I, E).
    2. Afterward anastomosed filaments thrive at the inside layer close to opposite shell surface (Plate I, G).
    3. Lateral branches produced from upper portion of vertical main filaments tend to grow upwards, but such as produced from lower portion conversely tend to grow downwards (Plate I, E-G).
    4. No remarkable differences are observed between both growth patterns of filaments in two different matrices, pearl oyster shell and oyster shell (Plate I, H).
    5. Details of perforating growth and branching are clearly shown by means of particular technics (Plate II, A-E).
  • 太田氏のヒスタミン定量法の誤差について
    津田 厚, 森 健児, 富山 哲夫
    1959 年 25 巻 5 号 p. 361-367
    発行日: 1959年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The chemical estimate of fish freshness is not always in accord with the organoleptic observation. TOMIYAMA et al1) showed that the histamine (Hm) content of sardine flesh ran parallel with the organoleptic grade. A prerequisite for the study on the applicability of this objective test to judge quality of mackerel is to devise an appropriate practical method for the determination.
    OTA4) reported a practical method in which he employed p-nitrobenzene diazonium ion (p-NBD) as diazotizing reagent and ethyl acetate as extractant of Hm azo-pigment. However, when Hm determination of mackerel flesh was made by this method in our laboratory, it was found that high Hm values were always obtained on fresh fish extract and that the absorption spectrum of the Hm azo-pigment from a pure Hm solution was different from that prepared from Hm in the presence of flesh extract.
    The present paper deals with the improvement of the OTA's method by removing interfering substances with Amberlite IRA-400 (OH-form) and introducing nitrous acid treatment prior to diazotization. Data herein presented revealed that (1) a maximal formation of the Hm pigment occurs at a pH range of 9 to 9.5, (2) the determination is greatly interfered by the presence of various amino acids in flesh extract and mechanism of the interference involved is due to consumption of p-NBD by amino acids giving an orange pigment, and (3) the interfering substances can be eliminated by percolating a trichloracetic acid extract of sample flesh through Amberlite IRA-400 (OH-form) leaving Hm in effluent, histamine being adsorbed on Amberlite IRC-50 and eluted with 0.2 N HC1, followed by the nitrous acid treatment and coupling with p-NBD.
  • 小泉 千秋, 黒部 宗市, 野中 順三九
    1959 年 25 巻 5 号 p. 368-372
    発行日: 1959年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The principal factor inducing the browning of dried fish products during their storage may be attributable to the so-called rusting of fish oil, but it can not be overlooked the browning of fish meat itself.
    About the browning of fish meat itself, many researchers are the same in opinion that it is attributable to the Maillard reaction in which reducing sugars, such as ribose, and nitrogenous components in the meat are involved. The authors, however, suppose that insofar as dried fish products are concerned the carbonyl compounds formed through autoxidation of oil is possible to play an important role in the browning.
    In this point of view the authors made an experiment on the browning of fish meat using several aldehyde (Table 1), ribose and flat-fish muscle protein, freed from reducing sugars and nitrogenous extractives, and confirmed that crotonaldehyde and acetaldehyde both are usual constituents of an autoxidized fish oil and truly enhance the browning, while ribose shows no influence under the same experimental conditions.
  • 殺し方および貯蔵法が鮮度保持効果におよぼす影響
    土屋 靖彦, 佐藤 善夫, 鈴木 芳夫, 中野 智夫, 工藤 英郎, 佐々木 劭, 村瀬 昌彦, 山添 健一
    1959 年 25 巻 5 号 p. 373-380
    発行日: 1959年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The authors examined on the killing and storing methods for keeping quality of fish meat using mackerel, Scomber japonicus, dace, Leuciscus haknensis and carp, Cyprinus carpio. The freshness of fish was criticized by the estimation of volatile basic-N, trimethylamine-N, pH and firmness of flesh and by organoleptic tests.
    The results obtained are summarized in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4.
    For the killing methods as seen in Tables 1 and 4, it was the best of all that fish were stunned by a blow on the head, decapitated and eviscerated, while the round fish which had been killed by being left alone in the air after catching were always the worst. However, the killing method such as cutting tail and bleeding or stabbing in the medulla of neck was not so good as the authors expected, because of its taking long time till death in the former and its technical difficulty in the latter.
    Viewing from the storing conditions employed, the method immersing fish in ice-saline water containing 1% NaC1 and 0.01% butyrated hydroxy anisole was the best of all. Then it was followed by the methods of immersing in ice-saline water containing 1% NaC1 or icewater and of icing with a mixture of 1% NaC1. However the fish solely kept in crushed ice was always the worst.
  • 貯蔵法および二三の処理法による鮮度保持法の比較
    土屋 靖彦, 佐藤 善夫, 鈴木 芳夫, 工藤 英郎, 佐々木 劭, 村瀬 昌彦
    1959 年 25 巻 5 号 p. 381-386
    発行日: 1959年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    This report deals with the results of further experiments to examine the effect of killing and storing methods for keeping freshness of mackerel. However measurements of K (1) and lanthanum-blue-reaction-value (2) were added to the methods for the determination of fish freshness which have been employed in the previous report.
    The results are shown in Tables 1 and 2, and summarized as follows;
    1) Among the three methods for which the authors could not find the difference in the effect of keeping the quality of fish flesh in the previous paper the immersion method in icewater was worse than that of icing with 1% sodium chloride and of immersing ice-water containing 1% sodium chloride.
    2) The appearance of dressed fish which had been sealed in polyethylene tube was good without any drying and oxidation, but the qualities were not always excellent in the other tests.
    3) It was found less effective for keeping freshness when the fish had been frozen in brine (-10°C.) for 3 hours or in a refrigerating-chamber (-17°C.) for 5 hours before storage. It might be due to the fragility of tissue owing to the refrigeration.
    4) The freshness of dressed fish which had been dipped in C. T. C.-sea water (20 p. p. m.) for 2 minutes, and sealed in polyethylene tube was the best of all treatments.
    5) The quality of fish which had been narcotized in 1% urethane solution for 90 seconds after capture, was better than that of control in early stage of storage time.
  • 二三の処理法による鮮度保持効果
    土屋 靖彦, 佐藤 善夫, 鈴木 芳夫, 中野 智夫, 工藤 英郎, 佐々木 劭
    1959 年 25 巻 5 号 p. 387-391
    発行日: 1959年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The authors studied on the effects of the treatments on keeping quality of bass, Lateolabrax japonicus.
    The results are shown in Tables 1 and 2, and summarized as.follows;
    1) The appearance of dressed fish which had been sealed in polyethylene tube was excellent in early stage of storage with regards dehydration and oxidation, but the freshness was not always good after long storage time.
    2) There is no remarkable difference between the freshness of fish which had been precooled by dipping in brine (-19°C.) for 10 minutes or by leaving in a cooler (-10°C.) for 2 hours. This may be due to the destruction of frozen tissue owing to over cooling. Therefore, it was unsuccessful to determine a condition of pre-cooling fish.
    3) The quality of fish which had been narcotized in 1% urethane solution for 90 seconds after capture was the most excellent of all treatments.
  • 貝殼の微量成分について(その1)
    堀口 吉重
    1959 年 25 巻 5 号 p. 392-396
    発行日: 1959年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    To make clear the relation between the color and the trace components in shell and the effect of the mineral matters in environmental water on variation of the shell composition, the author investigated the trace components in shells of 8 species of marine shellfish and 2 species of limnetic one.
    In this paper, the following results regarding the cationic elements in the shells are described.
    1) As shown in Tables 1 and 2, a correlation was found between the distribution of acid soluble pigment and Mn content in shells of pearl oyster and black lipped pearl oyster. Similar tendency was found between the blackish pigment and Fe+++ content in shells of shellfishes such as baby clam, hard clam and fresh water clam.
    2) Remarkable difference in contents of Mn and Mg in shells between the marine shellfishes and the limnetic ones may be inferred to have a relation to the difference of metal contents in water in which they lived.
  • 貝殻の微量成分について(その2)
    堀口 吉重
    1959 年 25 巻 5 号 p. 397-401
    発行日: 1959年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In succession to the previous report (part 1)1), organic matter and anionic elements in the shells of shellfish were analyzed with following results.
    1) As shown in Table 1, an appreciable difference in the N content between the iridescent shells (more than 0.27 per cent) and uniridescent ones (less than 0.08 per cent) may suggest that the iridescence of shells is originated from N compound, perhaps chochiolin.
    2) Reducing sugar of 1.25 to 8.00 per cent was obtained from chonchiolins, and proved to be composed mostly of hexosamine (Table 2).
    3) As for S divided by the solubility in acid, the most part of acid-soluble S existed as organic form in nacreous layer but existed as sulfate in shells of baby clam and jiant clam.
    4) The great part of P in shells existed as acid insoluble form (organic P).
  • イオン交換樹脂による鮪幽門垂蛋白分解酵素の精製
    斗ケ沢 宣久, 勝又 悌三
    1959 年 25 巻 5 号 p. 402-407
    発行日: 1959年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    After purification of the proteinase of tunny pyloric caeca with Amberlite XE-64 (Fig. 1-5) and carrying out of the column chromatography with Amberlite IRC-50 (Fig. 6) as in the preliminary experiments, the preparation of crystalline proteinase was made as follows: distilled water extraction of ground pyloric caeca, adsorption of enzyme with Amberlite XE-64, elution of proteinase after washing the resin for removal of amylase, salting-out with ammonium sulphate, dialysis, precipitation and crystallization with acetone (Fig. 7).
    Crystals of the proteinase showed the same form as in the previous report.
    The crystalline proteinase was obtained with an yield of 4.8% in activity, and a specific activity increased 20.9 times as compared with the original solution (Table 2).