Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
26 巻, 6 号
  • 新崎 盛敏
    1960 年 26 巻 6 号 p. 543-548
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A Chytridean parasite was frequently found on the fronds of cultured Porphyra. It occurred in several culture fields along the coast of central and northern Japan, especially in the north-eastern region, and it appeared for almost all culture-seasons covering from November till March, especially during November till January. The fungus, perhaps a new species belonging to the Olpidiopsis of Archymycetes, is parasitic on the living individual cell of, not only the mature frond, young sprout, but also the germling and free carpo-, mono-spore and vegetative cell. In the case of germling of carpo-spore, the fungus attacked both the original spore-cell and the filament of the filamentous-germling developed on the glass slide, while in the Conchocelis-germling on the bivalva shell it did not attack the filament penetrated into the shell.
    The fungus grows intracellularly in the cell of the Porphyra, and kills the host-cell in slow space. It is colorless, globular or ovoid with 7.5-13μ (mostly 9.5-l0μ) in size, contains many minute globules. In mature it protrudes out a small tube outside the cell-wall, and produce 4-16 spores within the cell. The spore is also colorless, reniform or irregular shaped, and has 2 long similar flagella on the ventral side. Escaping from the mother cell, it swims about rather quickly, without any phototactic movement, and then becomes rest losing the flagella, spheric with 3.0-5.Oμ(mostly 4.5μ) in size. The spore infests into a new host immediately after attaching it.
    The present fungus, Olpidiopsis n. sp., was seen only on the Porphyra, therefore ‘the chytrid disease of Porphyra’ was given to this parasitism. We could not correctly estimate the extent of damage of the disease, but it seemed to be rather smaller for the mature fronds while rather severe for the young sprouts and free spores.
    In addition, it seemed most probable that late Prof. YENDO (1919) had took this Chytridean parasite for the male and female swarming gametes of the Porphyra.
  • 和田 浩爾
    1960 年 26 巻 6 号 p. 549-553
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The relation between the crystalline structure of the nacre and the behavior of the shell-forming tissue was studied for the culture pearls of Pinctada martensii. The results showed that the arrangement of growing crystals on the nacreous surface is governed by the behavior and the elongation of the grafted mantle epithelium.
  • 近藤 仁
    1960 年 26 巻 6 号 p. 554-558
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The objects of this experiment are to know the breaking strength of a net and to investigate the relation between the strength of netting thread and that of the net. Several kinds of nets shown in table 3 were used as test pieces and the breaking strength was observed by a pendulum type testing machine with chuck as fig. 2 in this experiment.
    From this experiment, the following results were obtained;
    1. A non-shortened net with chuck (B) as shown in fig. 2 is suitable for the investigation of breaking strength of the net.
    2. The breaking strength of the net is in proportion to the number of its yarns (S) and to the number of meshes (N) at the side of the chuck, and has no relation to mesh size and length.
    The experimental formula of breaking strength is as follow and its coefficient (K) is shown in table 3.
  • 衝撃荷重について
    近藤 仁, 鈴木 誠
    1960 年 26 巻 6 号 p. 559-564
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    As part of the study on the distribution of stress on a fishing net, the tension distribution on the net under impact loads were measured with the strain gauge.
    The results obtained were as follows:
    1) When impact load is vertically imposed on a knot of a net, the shape of tension distribution is as shown in Fig. 1 (A), and when impact load is imposed in a direction parallel to a net, it is as shown in Fig. 1 (B and C).
    2) If the tension which appears on the leg line starting directly from the point loaded is denoted by T, the following equation will be held,
    where Kt=t/mv, Ka=a/mv; t is the tension still remained when it attenuates gradually till it approaches nearest to the constant value, a is the tension of the first leg minus t, k is the attenuation coefficient, mv is the impact load and n is the number of legs from the point loaded. In the present study, obtained coefficients Kt, Ka, and k among sample nets of various kinds of fibers are shown in Table 2.
    3) The value of tension becomes larger as a net is stretched more tightly.
  • アサリTapes japonicaに共生するアサリピンノPinnotheres gordoniの生態とアサリの身入りにおよぼす影響について
    杉浦 靖夫, 木原 正光, 杉田 昭夫
    1960 年 26 巻 6 号 p. 565-569
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    We set forth already on the ecology of Pinnotheres sinensis found in Tapes japonica. As similar observations were made on the same item of Pinnotheres gordoni found in the same clam, the result is given in the present paper.
    Pinnotheres gordoni is tolerant for host. It was found in such many bivalves at Kisarazu as Tapes japonica, Mytilus edulis, Ostrea (Crassostrea) gigas, Meretrix lusoria, Mactra veneriformis, Chlamys nipponensis and Umbonium (Suchium) moniliferum(gastropod). The rate of clams with the crab shows some extent of seasonal variation as being it is very low during the season from August to November, in which the water temperature runs from 16°C to 29°C, but is considerably high during the period from December to July in which the water temperature ranging between 10°C and 26°C (Table 1, Fig. 1).
    It seems to be that Pinnotheres gordoni is somewhat related ecologically to Pinnotheres sinensis, because of these crabs are apt to live in the same host (Table 2). The host, Tapes japonica, suffers a certain amount of harm by the crab in guestion. The rate (W×l00/SW; W=total weight of flesh of the clam; SW=shell weight of it) is 49.8±12.1% in normal clam, but 41.6±12.6% in symbionts.
  • 波の進行方向と平行に網地を入れた場合について
    野村 正恒, 森 敬四郎, 武富 一
    1960 年 26 巻 6 号 p. 570-576
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Meshes of the gill net will be complicated in their shapes by the waves when put in the waters. It seems that the movements of the meshes by the waves, have a great connection with fish-gilling-efficiency of the gear.
    This paper gives an analysis of observation experiment to the waving states of the meshes, done in applying a model net, one-fifth size in the scale of the actual salmon double drift net, used in the North Pacific Ocean, in being waved artificially in the experiment tank (belonged to Tokai Reg. Res. Lab.).
    The waving states of the float line and the lead line of the gear, are just same in wavelength, periodic time and velocity, but do not always so correspond to the peaks of waving that the distance of length between the two peaks (Δλ) is observed as shown in Fig. 1.
    Seeing the relation indicating the values between the wave-length λ and 2Δλ/λ illustrated in the Tab. 2, the peak of the float line in waving is just coincided with the lead line in the lowest waving when the length λ takes a certain value, then it brings about the least favourable function to the net in gilling efficiency. It is considered that though, this value of λ was 4 meters in the case of this experiment net as shown in Fig. 2, the value of λ would be varied according to width of the net. mesh length and shrinking rate of the net.
    The relation between (2Δλ/λ)×(H/λ) and the value of an average amount of the lengthening and shortning lengthwise of the mesh (Table 3) in calculating on the basis of the Fig. 5, has the interrelation with a linear line as seen in Fig. 8.
    The results of the experiment come to the conclusion that the value of (2Δλ/λ)× (H/λ) should be smaller in order to keep the favourable condition for gilling, and lengthening and shortening of the meshes less, particularly the value of (2Δλ/λ) should be less than 0.5, and the heavier weight of sinkers, the better, also the length of hanging thread is better to be longer as possible as it could be.
  • サケ稚魚の摂餌行動に関する-知見
    小林 哲夫
    1960 年 26 巻 6 号 p. 577-580
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    An experimental observation has been done simply to understand the relationship between feeding activity and the general behaviour in chum salmon fry during seaward migration.
    The result indicated that feeding activity of the fish is more active at night than in the daytime, beginning feeding activity vigorously when light intensity reduces to about 0 lux after sunset. This feeding activity of the fish seems to be restricted by light, as the movement of the fry during seaward migration is caused by darkness (KOBAYASHI1); HOAR2), 3); NEAVE5). However, the natural habit in the movement of the fish can be changed artifically by the continued supply of food in the daytime.
    It is highly probable that the feeding activity of chum salmon fry is not to do with the gradual change of water temperature.
    It was ascertained that the growth rate of the fry which were fed during the night (B Group) is greater than that of the fry fed in the daytime (A Group).
  • 好気的および嫌気的条件下におけるBacillusの揮発生酸および揮発性塩基の生成作用
    赤松 幹夫
    1960 年 26 巻 6 号 p. 581-587
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The author reported, in the previous paper, that certain kinds of Bacillus can grow even in the medium of oxidation-reduction potential as low as -300m volt.
    Attempts are made in the present experiment to elucidate the effect of oxygen tension in the culture on the formations of volatile acid and volatile base for Bacillus. Bac. subtilis S 14 and Bac. coagulans S 11, which have been isolated from fish sausage, are cultured under three different conditions (aerated, aerobic stationary and anaerobic) and both volatile acid and base formed are determinated by the partition chromatography using a silica gel column and the usual aeration method, respectively.
    The results obtained are shown in Figs. 1-8 and Tables 1-2 and may be summarized as follows:
    1) Both Bac. subtilis and Bac. coagulans could produce volatile acid under the three different conditions, and the more the oxygen supply in cultural media the larger the amount of volatile acid was produced. Bac. subtilis could produce volatile base even under the anaerobic condition and it produced actively as the amount of oxygen in media increased, whereas Bac. coagulans hardly produced in any case.
    2) Volatile acid formed was found to consist of acetic acid and formic acid, and besides to these acids butyric acid was detected only in the case of the culture of Bac. subtilis under the aerobic condition.
    3) Volatile acids formed in the cultural media varied both in amount and in kind as the lapse of time. In the case of Bac. subtilis, the amount of acetic acid increased remarkably, whereas that of formic acid increased more rapidly than that of acetic acid in the initial stage, but then turned to decrease and finally tended to zero. This feature was much pronounced in the case of the aerated condition. In the case of Bac. coagulans, both amount of acetic and formic acids increased continuously and reached the stationary state where the ratio of those amount became constant. The ratios (Formic/Acetic) at their stationary states were found to be 1/9, 3/7 and 6/4 in the cases of the aerated, aerobic stationary and anaerobic conditions, respectively.
  • 貯蔵中の揮発性酸生成の特異性について
    赤松 幹夫
    1960 年 26 巻 6 号 p. 588-594
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    As mode of spoilage of fish sausage differs from other foodstuffs such as fresh fish meat and “Kamaboko”, in order to estimate the freshness of the former the established method for the latter can not give the right answer.
    Recently, it has been suggested by several workers that the freshness of fish sausage correlate with the acidity of the meat.
    In the previous paper, the author studied on the formation of volatile acid by a few kinds of Bacillus and reported that the volatile acid formed under an anaerobic condition is somewhat different in amount and in kind from that under an aerobic condition.
    The present study was carried out to clarify the formation of volatile acid in the course of the spoilage of fish sausage and to find a proper method applicable to estimate the freshness of fish sausage.
    Results obtained are shown in Figs. 1 ?? 5 and Table 1 and may be summarized as follows:
    Formic and acetic acids are formed in progress of the spoilage, and the amount of the former increases more remarkably than that of the latter. This may be caused by an anaerobic condition maintained by the casing. On the contrary, if the meat is preserved under such an aerobic condition as the casing being removed, the amount of acetic acid increases remarkably as compared with that of formic acid. Thus it may be reasonable to consider that formic acid produces actively under the anaerobic condition. Butyric acid is also detected when the meat is spoiled aerobically, but not anaerobically.
    In the meat of fish sausage on markets the total amount of volatile acid as well as the amount of acetic acid is considerably large even immediately after being manufactured, and a marked difference in their amounts was observed among them. Therefore, no method determining the total amount of volatile acid and the amount of acetic acid can be used for estimating the freshness of fish sausage, but the method determing the amount of formic acid should be available for the purpose.
    If butyric acid is detected in fish sausage on markets, this may be attributed to the degradation of raw materials.
  • かまぼこすり身に添加された塩類の足におよぼす影響(その1)
    岡村 一弘
    1960 年 26 巻 6 号 p. 595-599
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Based on the intimate relation1)'2)'3) found between the water intake of a fish flesh and the jelly-strength of the Kamaboko prepared thereof, it may be expected that such a salt con-centration as just keeps a fish flesh at a minimum of water intake also makes the Kamaboko made of this raw flesh disclose to be at a minimum of jelly strength.
    This expectation was proved to be met on the relative jelly strengths of Kamaboko samples evaluated by a newly devised procedure.
    According to this procedure, Kamaboko specimens A, B, C, ……, respectively different in salt content are made into pairs, the pendants of which alternating with others as many as possible, but definite in number. Depending on the degree of distinction organoleptically found between these pendants, comparative jelly strength is represented, for instance, as A??B, A≥C, AD, A≥E, A»F, and etc., where in the symbols ?, ≥, , ? » are estimated as 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 marks, respectively. The total marks to be given to a particular specimen are determined after completing the comparison of every one of the specimens with all the other ones, while a specimen found always to be inferior to others remains getting no marks. The results obtained in the present part of study are summarized as follows:
    1. With three sequences of fish paste prepared from nibea argentata each comprising several batches of different salt contents, the batches containing KI, MgCl2 and K2S04 at 1/10, 1/50 and 1/50 by molar concentration, respectively, were found to produce Kamaboko specimens each of minimal strengths.
    So far as the salt added was MgCl2, also a fish paste prepared from sea-eel gave rise to a Kamaboko of least jelly-strength when the salt concentration was M/50. These values of salt concentration seem likely to be in agreement with those which most effectively reduce the water intake of raw flesh, though the concentrations of MgCl2 and K2SO4 that most strongly suppress the water intake of sea-eel flesh have been reported3) to be situated equally at M/60.
    2. While the addition of KI or MgCl2 had the effect of producing a Kamaboko of large jelly-strength, causing the raw fish paste to soften remarkably, K2SO4 had little effect as compared with KI or MgCl2.
  • かまぼこすり身に添加された塩類の足におよぼす影響(その2)
    岡村 一弘
    1960 年 26 巻 6 号 p. 600-604
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Jelly-strength of Kamaboko was examined at various concentrations of phosphates added to raw flesh obtained from sea-eel, muraenosox sinerus. Equimolar mixture of mono and dihydric phosphates of potassium, equimolar mixture of normal sodium pyrophosphate and dihydric sodium pyrophosphate, and sodium tri-polyphosphate neutralized with HC1 to avoid the effect of alkalinity were employed. The results obtained were as follows:
    1. When the raw flesh was manufactured in batches into Kamaboko after addition of different amounts of said mixture of potassium phosphates, three batches containing the mixed salt at concentrations of M/20, M/60 and M/36, respectively, produced Kamaboko specimens poorest in jelly-strength (see Fig. 1).
    2. From batches of raw flesh added with different amounts of abovementioned mixture of pyrophosphates, Kamaboko specimens with least jelly-strengths were produced at four different concentrations of pyrophosphate, viz., at M/400, M/300, M/200 and MJ100 (see Fig. 2).
    3. For Kamaboko specimens prepared by using different amounts of the neutralized sodium tri-polyphosphate, five minima of jelly-strength were found at concentrations of this phosphate of M/750, M/600, M/450, 1.3M/300 and M/150 (see Fig. 3).
    From the interpretation of these results with reference to those obtained in preceding parts of this series of studies1), 2), 3) the following inference may be drawn:
    The salt concentration at which the water intake of raw fish flesh retires to a minimum also causes the Kamaboko prepared thereof to be at a minimum in jelly-strength.
    The value for this salt concentration satisfies the following equation:
    where Vi stands for molar concentration of the i-th ion, Zi for the valency of the i-th ion at ideal complete dissociation of the salt, and Zi' for the valency of the i-th ion at an intermediate dissociation under the experimental condition.
  • かまぼこすり身に添加された塩類の足におよほす影響(その3)
    岡村 一弘
    1960 年 26 巻 6 号 p. 605-609
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    From the previous disclosure2) of that the concentration of salt most strongly impeding the formation of Kamaboko is likely governed almost purely by ionic valency and dissociation of the salt added to raw fish paste, an inference may be drawn that any kinds of salts hygienically available in Kamaboko manufacture interact generally with definite sorts of ionic loci on the protein molecules building up the structure of Kamaboko jelly. If this inference is to make a hit, simultaneous application of various kinds of salts, so far as each of them is at its peculiar concentration that corresponds to a minimum Kamaboko jelly-strength, will little exaggerate the depression in jelly-strength as compared with single use of each salt. Further, it is also expectable that if various salts are applied as a mixture, each salt being at a concentration distinctly lower than the lowest concentration capable of assigning a minimum jellystrength to the Kamaboko produced, a smaller jelly-strength will be realized as compared with the case of single use of each salt at this concentration.
    The present investigation, in which the effects of singular or combined use of M/10 KI, M/60 MgCl2, M/60 Na2SO4, M/180 Na2HPO4, M/400 Na4P2O7 and M/750 Na5P3O10 on jelly-strength were examined on the one hand, those of M/360 Na2HPO4, M/800 Na4P2O7 and M/1000 Na5P3O10 on the other, led to the following results which strongly support the inference drawn above.
    1. When the salt added to raw fish paste belonged to the group comprising M/10 KI, M/60 MgC12, M/60 Na2SO4, M/400 Na4P2O7 and M/750 Na5P3O10, the salt concentrations being represented as the number of moles per kg. fish paste, the Kamaboko produced were found to be in the following circumstances:
    a) The jelly-strength attained by addition of Na4P2O7 or Na5P3O10 was greater than that of control (Kamaboko prepared without salt addition), while the jelly-strength of Kamaboko produced by addition of KI, MgC12 or Na2SO4 was smaller than that of control.
    b) Addition of two members of said salts in combination always produced Kamaboko of smaller jelly-strength as compared with control irrespective of the kind of the salt employed in combination, simultaneous application of Na4P2O10 and Na5P3O10 leading to a smallest jelly-strength.
    c) Additions of three members of said salts in combination lowered the jelly-strength more strongly than additions of two members in combination.
    d) Additions of four members of said salts in combination lowered the jelly-strength more intensively than additions of three members in combination.
    e) Simultaneous addition of all the salts, five kinds in total, more strongly lowered the jelly-strength than simultaneous additions of four members of these salts. From the results
  • ブリふかせ釣り用餌について
    金田 尚志, 小山 武夫, 石井 清之助
    1960 年 26 巻 6 号 p. 610-613
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Chum prepared by use of squid liver oil is said to be quite efficient for attracting fish. The cost of the bait, which is considerable due to a large amount needed at each operation, could be reduced if fishermen were informed of the processing technique of the commercial chum or alike materials. With this view in mind the authors prepared a chumming bait on the basis of knowledge obtained from examination of the commercial products.
    1) In preparation the minced meat of saury or anchovy was mixed with wet starch dregs from sweet potato on the same weight basis. Squid liver oil containing 1 percent soya lecithin was emulsified in the presence of 50 percent water. Ten percent of the emulsified oil was added to the mixed meat.
    2) Experimental fishing for yellowtail was carried out in June 1959 to compare the present chum with ordinary chum in regard with fishing efficiency. The results revealed that the present chum apparently enabled the fishermen to catch a greater amount of fish at a lower cost than the ordinary chum did (Tables 1 and 2).
  • 水,食品における腸球菌の生存能ならひに発育能
    堀江 進
    1960 年 26 巻 6 号 p. 614-622
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Enterococci and coliform organisms were compared with each other in respect of the viability in well water and sea-water under various conditions.
    A strain of A. aerogenes suspended in sterilized well water showed survival periods much longer than those of enterococci and E. coli. In well water, enterococci diminished more rapidly than E. coli, while in sea-water the former survived for a longer period.
    No appreciable growth of enterococcal organisms was occasioned by the addition of a small amount of nutrient material, yeast broth (2% of polypepton and 0.3% of yeast extract) up to 250ppm by volume, to the sterilized well water. To the contrary, even the addition of the broth in an amount as small as 25ppm by volume concentration brought about a remarkable growth of E. coli.
    When a small amount of sewage was inoculated in a natural water from well or sea, both the enterococcal and coliform organisms carried in with the sewage tended to diminish rapidly. Addition of a small amount of nutrient material to the raw sea-water inoculated with sewage could not confer on the water any ability of elongating the survival period of both organisms. On the other hand, a marked difference in viability was observed between bacterial flora in the case of well water; viz., no appreciable growth of enterococcal organisms occurred when the yeast dextrose broth (2% of polypepton, 0.3% of yeast extract and 0.5% of dextrose) was added even up to 1, 000ppm by volume to the test water, while growth of coliform organisms took place in the presence of the broth at a concentration of 100ppm, the rate of multiplication being enhanced with increasing concentration of the broth added.
    In incubations at 30°, 20° and 5°C of sliced tuna flesh contaminated with ditch-water population of coliform organisms increased more rapidly than that of enterococci. During a long storage period, enterococcal population in some frozen foodstuffs was rather consistent, while the number of coliform organisms markedly tended to decrease.
  • 腸球菌鑑別用の一新平板培地
    堀江 進, 佐伯 和昭
    1960 年 26 巻 6 号 p. 623-626
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A new selective agar medium, esculin lactose azide agar (ELA agar), available for the isolation of enterococci has been deviced by modifying the COLOBERT's medium2).
    This medium is prepared as follows: 10g. peptone, 5g. yeast extract, 5g. NaCI, 5g. glycine, 2.5g. Na2HPO4•12H20, 2.25g. sodium azide, 1g. esculin, 10g. lactose, 2g. ferric ammonium citrate and 16g. agar are dissolved in 1, 000ml. of distilled water, and the pH of the mixture is adjusted to 9.0.
    ELA agar is suitable for selective cultivation of enterococci, and the enterococcal colonies developed on the agar plate can be distinguished by the formation of black halos. This medium may successfully be used for a simple and rapid examination of enterococci in foodstuffs and beverages of various kinds.
  • 栗山 光央, 高木 光造, 村田 喜一
    1960 年 26 巻 6 号 p. 627
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 1960 年 26 巻 6 号 p. 632
    発行日: 1960年
    公開日: 2008/04/22
    ジャーナル フリー