Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
27 巻, 2 号
  • 崔 相, 大島 泰雄
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 97-106
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus, is widely distributed along all the coast of Japan. Commercially it is divided into three forms due to the body color, the green, red and black. Of these three, the former two are important, through they have a different market value.
    As for the taxonomy of this species, there are Stichopus japonicus and S. armata described by E. SELENKA (1867); S. japonicus var. typicus by H. THEEL (1886); and S. armatus and S. roseus by E. AUGUSTIN (1908). K. MITSUKURI (1897) and H. OHSHIMA (1918) made it clear that these were all but synonyms of the S. Japonicus and this remains still accepted. The two forms of the Green and the Red, on the other hand, were first reported by K. MITSUKURI (1912) and were ascribed by the same author to a color variation due to the difference in habitat and thereafter his opinion has been widely accepted by the investigators.
    Between these two forms, however, there are found some distinct differences, not only morphological but also ecological. The present authors have studied this problem and hereby propose to separate them into two independent communities, ecologically and taxonomically different from each other with the following grounds:
    1) The predominant color of the Green is dark bluish green, which varies with individuals from light bluish green to yellowish brown or dark brown. The key tone for the Red is red or brownish red, and the ventrum being in red without exception and to be its characteristic. There are, though very low in their occurrence (no more than 1 to 2 per cent), some intermediate forms with the dorsum similar to the Green and the ventrum similar to the Red, and vice versa.
    2) The Polian vesicles of the Green are usually of stumpy shape with dully round tip, while those of the Red are slender with projected tip.
    3) The body contractibility of the Red is remarkable and under a mechanical stimulus, for example, it contracts into an almost round shape, while no such habit is observed with the Green.
    4) The shape of the ossicles of tentacles is much more complicated in the Red than the Green, whereas the disk of the tables of the former is more round-shaped and the circum-ference of its holes is broader than the latter. As for the size of the disk of tables, when compared with individuals of the same body weight, the Green wins over the Red.
    5) The Green has a preference to somewhat lower salinity and eventually finds its favorite habitat on sand and muddy-sand grounds, while the Red with fondness for higher salinity lives mainly in the rock, pebble and gravel grounds.
    6) The matured egg of the Red has a gelatinous coating 23-26 microns thick, while the Green has without it. In the coasts of Mie and Aichi Pref., the spawning period of the Red is earlier and shorter than that of the Green.
    7) In view of the modes of reaction to the environments, such as growth and adaptation for salinity, the Green and the Red are judged to belong to a different environment, respectively.
    8) In summer season when the water temperature is high, almost all of the Red take aestivation, on the contrary 50 per cent of the Green of 6 to 30gr. (weight of body-wall) and 75 per cent of the grown-up are found in aestivation, and younglings of less than 5gr. totally dispense with it.
  • 太田 繁
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 107-112
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the present paper, shoe-horn shaped and strange bivalve larvae, collected in Ago Bay ?? were studied. They were followed with growing stages and compared with the prodissoconchal shell of young Pinna atrina japonica. Based on the facts obtained in this study, they were identified with the veliger larvae of Pinna atrina japonica.
    The veliger larva of this species is very similar in shape to that of allied species, Atrina pectinata japonica, but it can be distinguished from the latter by the following morphological features;
    a) Larval shell of Pinna atrina japonica is golden yellow in color.
    b) When the veliger gets grown stage, brown spots appear only on the velum in Pinna Atrina japonica, but in Atrina pectinata japonica, black spots appear on the anterior adductor muscle and the proximal part of the foot.
    c) Full-grown veliger of Pinna atrina japonica measures about 400μ in shell length, but the same stage of Atrina pectinata japonica attains about 600μ.
  • 小林 久雄, 前田 孟
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 113-118
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) The characteristics of pharyngeal bones and their teeth in two genera and seven species of Japanese Acheilognathid fishes are described in this paper.
    (2) The characteristics of the pharyngeal bones and their teeth in Acheilognathid fishes, as a whole, are summarized as follows: Pharyngeals with prominent anterior angle, breadth 2.5-3.0 in length, length 10-13 in body length of the fish. Teeth only one-rowed, 5, 0, 0-0, 0, 5 in dental formula, moderately compressed, laterally symmetrical, with well developed long and narrow grinding surface. Tips of teeth smoothly, weakly recurved and more or less expanded, with pointed ends.
    (3) As a substitute for conclusion, the writers have established the following key according to the characters of them, for conveniences in identification.
    A1 Side of pharyngeal teeth without serrations
    B1 Length of bone about 12.1-13.0 in body length, breadth of bone 2.75 in length, anterior and posterior edentulous processes equal in breadth……Rhodeus ocellatus (KNER)
    B2 Length of bone about 11.1-12.0 in body length, breadth of bone less than 2.75 in length, anterior edentulous process broader than posterior one.
    C1 First tooth with grinding surface, breadth of pitted surface of anterior edentulous process about 1/2 in breadth of the process, breadth of pitted surface of bone above 80% in breadth of the bone…… Acheilognathus lanceolata (TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL)
    C2 Grinding surface of first tooth degenerative, breadth of pitted surface of anterior edentulous process less than 1/3 in breadth of the process, breadth of pitted surface of bone about 76% in breadth of the bone…… Acheilognathus limbata (TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL)
    A2 Side of pharyngeal teeth with serrations
    D1 Pitted surface reaching to middle region of anterior limb……
    Acheilognathus longipinnis REGAN
    D2 Pitted surface reaching to near top of anterior limb
    E1 Breadth of bone less than 2.6 in length, length of bone above 13 in body length…… Acheilognathus cyanostigma JORDAN et FOWER
    E2 Breadth of bone above 2.6 in length, length of bone less than 13 in body length
    F1 Length of bone 10-11 in body length, groove of anterior margin of grinding surface reaching to central region of the grinding surface, anterior and posterior edentulous processes equal in length……Acheilognathus rhombea (TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL)
    F2 Length of bone about 12 in body length, groove of anterior margin of grinding surface not reaching to central region of the grinding surface, anterior edentulous process longer than posterior one…… Acheilognathus tabira JORDAN et THOMPSON
  • 中込 淳
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 119-123
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Assuming that a set of longline gear takes a form of a catenary in sea water, we can obtain depth of any hook attached to the line by calculation. On the other hand the actual depth of such a hook can be surveyed by means of a chemical tube as is often done at time of experiments. Author studied on comparison of values obtained from both methods and have obtained the following results:
    1) While there happened difference between the calculated catenary value and the actual survey value, dispersion of the differences was almost constant at a given depth of water, and it changed as the depth of water changes.
    2) Cases when survey value shows smaller than catenary value were more frequent than cases when survey value shows larger than catenary value.
    3) It is presumed that cases when survey value shows larger than catenary value happen from that the distance between neighbouring flagpole of the longline became short or, in other words, the slackness of longline became large.
    4) It was reported by Hamuro that cases when survey value shows smaller than catenary value happen when hook has been hurled upward by sea current. These cases were more frequent when angle making by way to set line and it of sea current is included angle.
    5) Mean value of difference between catenary value and survey value was extremely smaller than value of difference of seasonal change of swimming layer of tuna and marlin. Consequently it is presumed that dependability of the calculated catenary value is not always so small in study of seasonal change of the fishes'swimming layer.
  • 川上 太左英
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 124-127
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山本 正
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 128-136
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    From 1955 to 1958 the tagging experiments were conducted on the king crab (Paralithodes camtschatica TIBELIUS) in the west coast areas of Kamchatka, and on analysing the data of recapture, the following results were obtained.
    1) The number of recapture of the tagged crabs decreased from the year following release, until they were no more captured from the fourth year on. During 1955-1957, the every year's ratio of recaptured to liberated number was 15.9% in average.
    2) The results of recaptured in the years of release suggest that during April and May the king crab in this area moves northward from offshore to the coast, that in June it begins to go southward along the coast until it has advanced in the south part of the areas in July-August, and that durins August and September it starts the movement toward offshore. The movement is slow at the beginning of fishing season (from April to October) and becomes more active as the stock goes southward.
    3) In the year following release, the tagged crabs are widely scattered in the fishing ground regardless of the locality of release, and the rate of recapture at the beginning of fishing season is proportional to the catch.
    4) From these results it may be possible to regard as one stock the king crab in the areas of west coast of Kamchatka.
  • 山本 忠
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 137-142
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The type of distribution curve of catch per unit effort of the fishing in which gear is not moved by operation is very like exponential distribution. For this reason the author assumed the mechanism of such fishing as follows:
    (1) A fish forms schools in the water and the distribution of the amount of fish constituting unit school is exponential distribution, which is represented by the formula (1),
    (2) The number of schools to be caught by unit effort conforms to Poisson's distribution, and it is represented by the formula (2),
    (3) When n schools are taken at random from φ(x) as defined in (1), the distribution of amount of fish constituting n schools is given by the formula (3).
    Under these assumptions, the theoretical distribution of catch per unit effort is determined by the formula (4), and its mean and variance are given by the formulae (5) and (6) respectively.
    Parameters obtained under these assumption are shown in Tables 1, 2 and 3, and theoretical distribution curves with these parameters are compared with the actual distributions in Figs. 1-5.
    In this comparison, the theoretical distributions are well fit for actual one sexcept the case where the actual distribution is like logarithmic normal or heavy exponential one. Providing that the assumptions mentioned above is reasonable, it can be estimated that in case of Sardine gill net the averages of amount of fish constituting unit school range from 120 “kan” (450kg) to 170 “kan” (670kg) and the number of schools taken by unit effort is 0.6 to 1.6.
  • 各種魚類体表面粘性物質の構成アミノ酸
    榎本 則行, 長尾 忠明, 富安 行雄
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 143-146
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Amino acid pattern in acid hydrolyzate of the protein from the external mucous substance of 11 kinds of fishes (2 fresh water and 9 sea water fishes) was examined by paper chromatography. All the samples tested gave 16 spots of amino acids and 1 spot of unknown substance with ninhydrin (Fig. 1). As shown in Table 1, in which relative amounts of amino acids estimated roughly from the area and the color intensity of the spots are given, the mucous protein of these fishes seemed to be quite similar in amino acid composition except Dasyatis akajei, the protein of which differed considerably from that of the others, being poorer in leucine, alanine, phenylalanine and arginine, and richer in threonine. Raja hollandi was different from Dasyatis akajei in the amino acid composition, the former being rather similar to teleosts although they are both Elasmobranch fishes.
  • 燐化合物量の季節的変動について
    中野 智夫
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 147-149
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present report deals with how the seasonal alteration of the living environment affects on phosphorus compounds content in gibel's muscle.
    The results are shown in Fig. 1 and 2, and summarized as follows:
    1) The content of high energy phosphorus compounds, such as creatine phosphate, adenosine di- and triphosphate, varied in accordance with seasonal rising and falling of the water temperature.
    2) The reason why the gibel showed such remarkably high content of these high energy phosphorus compounds especially in August, September and October, was interpreted as preliminary accumlation in this period of the fat-like energy rich substances to be consumed during winter months (i. e. November, December, January and February), nonactivity period of this fish.
  • 魚肉ミオシンの溶出性(その1)抽出条件と溶出ミオシン区蛋白の組成
    上田 侃男, 志水 寛, 清水 亘
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 150-157
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to investigate the necessary conditions for the extensive extraction of pure myosin from fish muscles, the composition of myosins in the muscle extracts obtained under various conditions was determined by salting-out analysis.
    The composition of myosins extractable with 0.6M NaCl from a homogenate of horsemackerel muscle varied widely with the pH of the extractant solution. When the homogenate was extracted at slightly acidic pH, two large peaks were observed on the salting-out curves; the one precipitated between 28 and 38% saturations of ammonium sulphate was assumed to be actomyosin and the other precipitated between 35 and 48% saturations was assumed to be myosin. At the neutral pH, the actomyosin peak became more predominant, while the other peak corresponding to myosin became less apparent. When the extraction was carried out at an alkaline pH of 9.2, these two peaks were still apparent, but a new large peak presumed to be actin appeared between 10 and 20% saturations of ammonium sulphate.
    The rise and fall of the myosin and actomyosin peaks appearing in the slightly acidic extracts were also affected by the extent of the mechanical destruction of muscle tissue; the more coarsely the muscle was minced, the less amount of actomyosin component was observed in the 0.6M NaCl extracts. When the file-fish muscle allowed to pass through a chopper-plate of the mesh larger than 3 mm, we obtained myosins free from actomyosin. However, this result may be insufficient for justifying the applicability to fishes of the HASSELBACH's fractionation procedure for rabbit, since from such a coarsely minced muscle only a part of myosin is separated by a single extraction and since repeating extraction unavoidably contaminates the extracts with actomyosin.
    HASSELBACH'S observation that the splitting-action of pyrophosphate on actomyosin particles contributes to the separation of myosin from coarsely minced rabbit muscle failed to apply the fish muscles studied in this work. This seems to suggest that the stroma of fish muscle is much smaller in amount than that of rabbit muscle and can not keep the actin from going into solution, and that the splitting-action of pyrophosphate is not so marked as usually accepted and the majority of actomyosin does not dissociate into two components, myosin and actin.
  • 数種の解糖中間体の加熱による変化
    永山 文男
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 158-161
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Glucose and ribose cause browning in the presence of amino acid, and the browning reaction seems to be accelerated by inorganic phosphate. In this experiment, some glycolytic intermediates, hexose-phosphates and adenosine phosphates, were autoclaved in the presence of amino acid.
    G6P, F6P and FDP produced brown color, but GIP, AMP and ATP did not produce any visible color. In general, sugar phosphates and adenosine phosphates liberated inorganic phosphate and lost sugar during autoclaving. However, the degrees of phosphate-liberation and loss of sugar were greater in G6P, F6P and FDP which produced brown color than in others. Adenosine phosphates which contain ribose caused no browning, although it liberated inorganic phosphate and lost ribose by autoclaving.
    It is considered that the browning of hexose phosphates except G1P is introduced by the liberation of inorganic phosphate from sugar, being followed by the sugar-amino reaction accelerated by the catalytic action of inorganic phosphate. Thus, the possibility that hexose phosphates may be involved in some extent in the browning of fish flesh by heat must be considered, although their contents are lower than these of free sugars in fish flesh.
  • マグロ・ミオグロビンの酸素解離曲線
    松浦 文雄, 橋本 周久
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 162-165
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The oxygen dissociation curve of myoglobin (Mb) of tuna, Thunnus orientalis, was measured on crystalline specimen of the pigment essentially by the method of RIGGS7). According to the results obtained, the respiratory property of tuna Mb was as a whole very similar to that of mammalian Mb's: Its oxygen affinity was hardly affected by pH, and the concentrations of salt and the pigment, but appreciably by temperature (Figs. 1 and 2). The overall heat of oxygenation calculated from these data was 14.6 kcal per mole of Mb. The oxygen pressure at half saturation for tuna Mb was around 0.6mm. Hg at neutral pH and 15°C., whose value was also in a good agreement with those for mammalian. The Mb is, howeves, different from mammalian ones in the following point: Although it is reported10) that there is a proportional relationship for Hb and Mb between the number of free sulfhydryl group in their molecule and the degree of the BOHR effect, it is not the case with tuna Mb, since it possesses one to two free sulfhydryl groups per molecule6, 18) and neverthless its oxygen affinity is scarcely affected by pH.
    The relative affinity of tuna Mb for oxygen and carbon monoxide was, however, some what characteristic; the equilibrium constant (K), as defined by the equation, K= ?? MbCO ?? •po2/ ?? MbO2 ?? •poo, was fairly larger than those for mammalian Mb's (Table 1). A linear relationship between logarithm of the equilibrium constant and the span (the difference in wavelength between the α bands of oxy and carbonyl-derivative of Mb or Hb) which has been reported by THEORELL15) and others, was found to be inapplicable to this Mb (Fig. 3).
  • 色調の灰白色化に関する分光光学的検索(そのII)
    小泉 千秋
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 166-170
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous paper1), it have been stated that discoloration of katsuobushi is caused by disappearance of muscle pigment, this disappearance of pigment may perhaps be due to oxi-dative destruction of porphyrine ring, a prosthetic group of muscle pigment, for the dis-coloration is markedly accelated by the action of atmospheric oxygen.
    In the present paper, with the object of clearing the chemical relation between autoxidation of fat and development of shirata in a piece of katsuobushi, two series of experiment in model systems were carried out in which commercial hemin and skipjack head oil were employed. In the case of the reaction between pyridinehemichrome and skipjack oil in chloro-form, pyridinehemichrome content remaining in the chloroform solution was in inverse pro-portion to the peroxide value of skipjack oil (Figs. 1 and 2). This result suggests the reaction of peroxide formed in skipjack oil with pyridinehemichrome in chloroform to the destruction of porphyrine ring. HAROWITZ et al2) have attributed the discoloration of a hemoglobin so-lution through the reaction between unsaturated fatty acid and oxygen to the action of fatty acid peroxide formed by oxidation of unsaturated fatty acid. According to KEILIN et al2), destruction of porphyrine ring by hydrogen peroxide causes methemoglobin solution to discolor.
    A histological study with a piece of katsuobushi indicates that the fat goes distributed as fine drops in between the muscle fibers. Whether the fat in this state can act on muscle pigment in muscular tissue of katsuobushi has been investigated in a model experiment, using a gelatin-gel loaded with pyridinehemichrome and skipjack oil. The result obtained showed that pyridinehemichrome in the gelatin-gel did decrease when the latter was kept in direct contact with skipjack oil (Fig. 3). This result suggests that peroxide formed in skipjack oil can act on muscle pigment in muscular tissue even in such a state of isolated oil drops as in a piece of katsuobushi. Namely, the development of ashy white with the formation of shirata in chips of katsuobushi is likely to be due to disappearance of muscle pigment, and also in the discoloration of katsuobushi peroxide formed by autoxidation of skipjack oil may perhaps play a very important role.
  • 福島 清, 岡田 郁之助
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 171-177
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous reports1-3), the authors found that a polarographically reducible organic base from water soluble extractives of cuttle fish meat has an absorption muximum at 272 in water or McIlvaine's buffer solution (pH 7.0), and its reaction with ninhydrin is negative. In this paper, we have studied on the separation (Figs. 1-2) or the crystallization of this base and compared it with some authentic organic bases by the technique of polarography or spectrophotometry. According to the results, it was found that this organic base which is soluble in alcohol and insoluble in ether is not identical with anyone of several organic bases such as adenine, hypoxanthine, xanthine, thymine, thiamine, glycol-betaine, choline, creatinine (Table 1 and Figs. 3-4) and 5-hydroxy-tryptamine (Figs. 5-6).
  • 福島 清, 岡田 郁之助
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 178-181
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous report1), the authors have studied on the crystallization of a certain organic base from dried cuttle fish meat (“Surume”) extractives and compared it with some authentic organic bases, but we have fallen into difficulties of its crystallization, and found no coincidence of it with those authentic samples.
    For the purpose of further purification of an organic base found in the meat extractives, the organic base fraction obtained by treating with IR-120 and IRA-4002) was rechromatographed on Dowex-50 according to the method described by WALL8) (Figs. 1 and 2). The position of peak of the base was located at the position of cytosine, nicotinic acid, pyridoxine or p-amino-benzoic acid. The base was found to be precipitable with phosphotungstic acid (Figs. 3 and 4).
  • 酸化魚油の抗菌作用型式と阻害物質とについて
    豊水 正道
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 182-187
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to demonstrate the mechanism of antimicrobial action of oxidized fish oils, the mode of the action and the reversal action were investigated by using Debaryomyces membranaefaciens.
    For these purposes, first of all, the nitrogen demands of the organism were tested and the synthetic medium was prepared (Table 2). The antimicrobial action of oxidized calamary oil methyl ester chiefly caused the prolongation of the lag period as in the case of an antibacterial agent, which reacts with protein, and was effective when added at the beginning of culture (Fig. 2). Moreover it was reversed with protein, peptone, medical yeast, phospholipid, and activated charcoal but not by sulfhydryl compound, vitamin, and amino acid (Table 4).
    These findings show that the antimicrobial actions of oxidized fish oils and of unsaturated fatty acids have somewhat similar patterns, so it may be assumed that the antimicrobial action of oxidized fish oils are probably due to their reaction with protein as in the case of unsaturated fatty acids. On the other hand, some different behaviors in the antimicrobial spectrum and the ionization were found between them, so the mechanism of chemical association of oxidized fish oils with protein seems to be different from that of unsaturated fatty acids.
  • 堀江 進, 佐伯 和昭, 関根 隆
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 188-193
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Round samples of sea bass and yellowtail, either treated or not treated for 10 minutes in a 30 ppm CTC-sea water, were stored at 2-6°C. or 0-5°C. When these samples entered into spoilage, some bacteriological observations were carried out. In the stage of incipient spoilage a substantial growth of bacteria was observed only on the skin, but not in the muscle. The majority of the bacteria multiplying on the treated fish were the strains resistant to 10 ppm CTC, while more than 99% of the organisms growing on the untreated fish were sensitive to 10 ppm of CTC. From the results of the investigation on various physiological characters of the CTC-resistant and sensitive strains isolated from these spoiled fish it was revealed that most of these strains belonged to the genus Pseudomonas, the rest comprising Micrococcus and others. According to some results of the investigation, it seems to be improbable that a CTC-sensitive strain can easily aquire resistance to CTC through repeated subcultures on agar in the presence of CTC, and a CTC-resistant strain readily loses its resistance through some repeated subcultures in a medium which is not added with CTC.
    The viable bacteria suspended in a broth containing 30 ppm CTC decreased in number markedly during incubation. Particularly, sensitive organisms were rapidly perished. Survival of inoculated cells were less than 1% after 24 hours.
    These experimental results indicate that in the bacterial spoilage of CTC-treated fish the organisms which are able to selectively become predominant are CTC-resistant ones among the original flora on fresh fish.
  • ベタインの定量法ならびに数種水産動物肉のベタイン含量
    鴻巣 章二, 葛西 英一
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 194-198
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) The method for determination of betaine, devised by FRIEDMAN et al., was found to be not applicable to the samples, which are abundant in proline, as it moves almost as fast as betaine in the column of Dowex 50.
    2) The original method was modified by adding a procedure to remove proline from the betaine fraction with the column of Amberlite IRA-400.
    3) The amount of betaine in the muscle of some marine invertebrate animals, such as squid, octopus, hard clam and prawn, was estimated by the modified method.
    4) These tissues revealed a very high content of betaine, indicating that it is one of the main nitrogenous constituents in the muscle extracts of these animals.
    The authors are indebted to Prof. Y. HASHIMOTO for his kind advice. The expenses of this investigation were defrayed in part by a research fund granted from the Ministry of Education.
  • グルテンの魚肉ソーセージの“足”におよぼす影響
    藤田 真夫, 清水 亘, 井上 謙一
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 199-202
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The behavior of gluten mixed with fish sausage was observed regarding the elastic properties of the product.
    The elastic properties of fish sausage did not influenced by mixing with gluten, except for exceeding over 60-65% water in gluten which was the maximum amount holding in it. The water content of gluten less than 60-65% improved the quality, while an increase of water was affected in inverse.
  • 岡田 稔, 中山 正夫
    1961 年 27 巻 2 号 p. 203-208
    発行日: 1961/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Kamaboko, a traditional fisheries product in Japan, is an elastic jelly with high jelly strength made from fish meat. Its elasticity and jelly strength depend on the kinds of fish used and the manufacturing process. It is accepted that both hydration of muscle protein and formation of network of hydrated protein are two important factors for elastic jelly and hence for elastic Kamaboko. Objective of this investigation was to find a new method of strengthening Kamaboko by use of oxidants which would promote cross linking of protein molecules by the following reaction,
    Addition of oxidants such as potassium bromate was shown to make an elastic jelly out of fish meat with low ability of jelly formation such as horse mackerel, from which only a brittle, easily crushable and synerizing jelly can be made. Simulataneous measurement of sulfhydryl groups of cooked meat clearly demonstrated that an elastic jelly was formed (as shown by decrease in the amount of expressible water in Fig. 1), when sulfhydryl groups were diminished by the addition of more than one-tenth percent of bromate. A small decrease in solubility of meat protein in 3% NaCl soln. was observed after the addition of bromate even when Na-tripolyphosphate was added to the mixture (Table 4).
    It was, therefore, supposed that the effectiveness of oxidants was primarily due to its action on strengthening the network of Kamaboko by cross linking protein molecules with disulfide bonds.