A number of blackened specimens among normal ones of the yellow tail in fish-farms establishments in Akamizu and Urajiri Bays of Nobeoka City, Miyazaki Prefecture were compared with the control with special reference to pathological histology. The results run as follows:
1. The number of red corpuscles of the control fish amounted to 3, 620, 000±500, 000 per mm
3 whereas 3, 060, 000±560, 000 in blackened Akamizu and 1, 610, 000±420, 000 in morbid Urajiri ones respectively, significant difference existing between the normal and Urajiri blackened specimens (
F0=44.53). But Akomizu sick fish did not stand significantly at variance with the healthy ones in this respect.
2. Liver fat was scanty in the unhealthy ones. Sudan III staining gave a reading which was significantly different from that of the normal (
3. Examination of liver lipids did not reveal existence of neutral ones but indicated a small quantity of denatured lipoids occurring in the liver.
4. Cloudy swelling of constituent cells accompanied by shrinkage of their nuclei was a general featurs of morbid liver. Forcal necrosis was found obtaining sometimes in the organ.
5. Morbidity of the kidney was characterized by (a) shrinkage of Bowman's capsule, (b) dilatation, swelling, and denaturation of nephritic tubule, and (a) abundant bleeding in interstice. Advancement of sickness led to fibrosis. Interstice was mostly rich in fibrous matter, hardened thereby.
6. Almost nothing particular was seen in unhealthy spleen, except anemia.
7. Atrophy consequent on chronic catarrhal inflammation was evident in alimentary canal of the morbid.
8. Anemia and deficiency of fat were seen in dark muscle of the sick specimens.
From the above findings, severe symptoms of metabolic endogenous toxication were evident.