Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
30 巻, 3 号
  • 水中騒音の周波数分析
    吉野 鎮夫
    1964 年 30 巻 3 号 p. 203-208
    発行日: 1964/03/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    For the study on the hearing of fishes, first I measured the sea noise in their living environment.
    Two areas were selected for measurement. One was southern part of Izu peninsula, and the other was Kujukuri seashore.
    In the field, the sea noise was measured on sound level and recorded in the magnetic sound-tape. Its tape was analysed by the Sonagraph in the laboratory. The results are as follows:
    1. At the constraction on the frequency of sound, the sea noise near the sea shore contained high frequency part, but the sea noise far from there dropped in high part (Fig. 6).
    2. At the far stations from the sea shore, the high frequency part dropped at the deep layer more than the surface of sea (Fig. 4).
    3. In midnight, fishes and other animal noise were dominant without masking by general water noise (Fig. 7).
    4. At the Kujukuri sea shore (the bottom was very sloping), the very low frequency part was lost concerning the horizontal propagation (Fig. 8).
    From these results, there had been two suggestions:
    1. Several hundred cps might be easily heard by fishes.
    2. Fishes might be hear such sounds with their inner ears.
  • 浜部 基次
    1964 年 30 巻 3 号 p. 209-215
    発行日: 1964/03/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the waters around the Oki Islands in the Japan Sea, a common squid, Ommastrephes sloani pacificus STEENSTRUP, is plenty caught between November and February in every year. During the period the vertical and horizontal migrations of the squids are active on the moon nights, especially on the nights of the first and last quaters of the moon the migrations and copulation are accelerated, and sometimes the greater part of squids surges on the ashore. On the moonless nights the migrations are inactive, however, the feeding is active. Some fishermen catch the squids by angling off the Islands on moonless nights, the others catch them by the trap-nets in the coastal waters. The larger quantities of squids are caught by the trap-nets on the moon nights than the moonless nights.
    The presence of the outer tunic without the spermatophore in the stomach of female in-dividual may be considered as an evidence of copulation. The total of the squids caught by the fixed nets and the percentage occupied by the female ones in it, which have copulated, are represented on Fig. 4. Fig. 4 shows undoubtedly that the copulation of squids has a close relation with the age of the moon.
  • 魚類の主要な餌となる甲殼類について
    榎本 義正
    1964 年 30 巻 3 号 p. 216-220
    発行日: 1964/03/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Crustaceans which occurred frequently as the stomach contents of fishes, mainly demersal fishes, are tabulated in connection with their feeders in the Yellow and the East China Seas.
    Some crustaceans as Euphausia pacifica and Leptochela aculeocaudata occurred very frequently in accordance with their occurrence as plankters. While, many amphipods, panaeids and a few crabs occurred very frequently as stomach contensts in spite of rather few collected by plankton nets or dredges, of which studies in details should be done before discussing productivity in each niche from phytoplankters to higher canivora.
  • 日射エネルギーに対する漁獲量の効率について
    榎本 義正
    1964 年 30 巻 3 号 p. 221-226
    発行日: 1964/03/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The fishing efficiency to the solar radiation energy was calculated in the Yellow and the East China Seas from 1954 to 1960.
    The obtained values ranged between 0.000216 and 0.000256% which is almost equal to that in Georges Bank by CLARK, G. L. and about a half that in Tokyo Bay by HANAOKA, T.
    The deficiency of the detailed data about Chinese catch by species made this calculation somewhat difficult and only rough estimation.
  • 東 怜, 林 一正
    1964 年 30 巻 3 号 p. 227-233
    発行日: 1964/03/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Up to this time, little has been known concerning the larvae of most fresh-water bivalves. To elucidate the larval history of fresh-water bivalves in the lake Biwa-ko, we had undertaken an investigation of the breeding season, the morphological type of larval mussel or glochidia borne in tne brood pouches of a fully grown female mussel.
    The results obtained are summarized as follows:
    1. All of the bivalves except Corbiculidae belong to Unionidae, in which the brood pouch or marsupium consist of only the outer gills.
    2. The bivalves of the lake Biwa-ko may be devided into three classes with respect to the breeding seasons-the long-term breeders, the moderate-term breeders and the short-term breeders (Table 1).
    3. The spawning of Corbicula sandai takes place in early Summer, although in most mussels the spawning occures in early Spring.
    4. The number of glochidia borne in the brood pouches of a fully grown female mussel varies in the different species from about 5, 000 to 350, 000. Hyriopsis schlegeli yields roughly 350, 000 glochidia. Cristaria plicata 400, 000, Anodonta lauta and Anodonta calipygos 180, 000 Inversidens reiniana 14, 000, Unio biwae 60, 000, Inversidens hirasei and Lanceolaria oxyrhycha 30, 000, Inversidens japanensis 15, 000, Inversidens baandti 5, 000.
    The number of eggs in the gonad at the spawning season of Corbicula sandai was estimated at about 60, 000 (Table 1).
    5. The sex-ratio of these musseles are nearly 1: 1.
    6. Two morphological types of glochidium were present, one, to which the majority of the family belong, with heavy triangular valves equipped with a stout spine at the ventral apex (so-called Anodonta type), and the other, a smaller group, generally of a coutour of a spoon bowel, without any spine (so-called Lampsilis type) (Plate 1).
  • 中込 淳, 鈴木 重道
    1964 年 30 巻 3 号 p. 234-238
    発行日: 1964/03/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The author has studied on monthly variation and annual variation of catch rate which have been shown by member fishing vessels belonging to the so-called “self-navigation fishing vessel type” mothership tuna operating in the mid-Pacific Ocean and has obtained the follow-ing result :
    1) There have been cases in which the catch rate of yellowfin tuna, albacore and strip-ed marlin, by mothership unit, had continued degradation as the 10-day periods of months had avanced from the start, but there have also been such other cases to approximately the same degree in which the catch rate had once advanced and then degradated, had once degradated and then advanced, had kept leveling or had continued degradation (Fig. 2).
    2) In the year-round variation of average catch rate of various years, the rate of yellowfin tuna had been high twice in May-to-August and November-to-January without exception while the rate of albacore had advanced in May through July and degradated in August through January, so that we may here possibly conceive a periodical nature (Fig. 3).
    3) In both cases of yellowfin tuna and albacore, the year-round variation of average catch rate of mothership-belonging fishing vessels have almost coincided with the overall year round variation of average catch rate of land-based fishing vessels of the same fishing area and the neighboring fishing areas (Fig. 4).
    4) The catch rate of yellowfin tuna has shown an every-other-year variation in which it was high in even years and low in odd years while the catch rate of albacore advanced in 1957 through 1958, degradated from 1958 through 1960 and then advanced again from 1960 through 1961, and so far a tendency of gradual decrease of catch rate has not been perceived (Fig. 5) for both species.
    5) The year-round variation of catch rate of mothership-belonging fishing vessels has almost coincided with the catch rate of land-based fishing vessels which made operations in the same fishing area and in the neighboring fishing areas (Fig. 5).
    6) These results would show that the 10-day variation and annual variation of catch rate of mothership-belonging fishing vessels has been caused greatly by the seasonal variation and annual variation of the fish stocks existent in the fishing grounds.
  • 楊 栄宗, 檜山 義夫, 能勢 幸雄
    1964 年 30 巻 3 号 p. 239-247
    発行日: 1964/03/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) Taking the total catch C of a certain year as the index of the amount of parent spawners in that year and as the index of the year-class size spawned by these parent spawners we take the accumulated catch V of this year-class throughout its life in fishery, the dots of the calculated log V/C for the corresponding values of C shows a tendency of gathering in the following periods: (A). 1907-1921, (B). 1922-1931, (C). 1932-1948, and (D). 1949-1954.
    2) Within each period a linear relationship between log V/C and C was obtained except in period (B). The level of the relationship of log V/C and C shows a gradual decreasement from period (A) onward and the heterogeneity of regression coefficient is highly significant, yet the fitting of reproduction curve that was proposed by Ricker is not fit so well except in period (D).
    3) No significant difference between the variance about the arithmatic mean and that about the reproduction curve can be recognized, except in period (D), but the gradational decreasement of mean values in periodical order is apparent. Each period possesses a different level of relationship between the parent spawners and the resultant year-class spawned by them, even though it is obvious the variation of the year-clss size within the period is large.
    4) Within each period there is a tendency for the extremely poor year-class to be associated with an abundant catch or a poor catch and that dominant year-class to be associated with a medium or a rather poor catch.
    5) The gradational decreasement of the level of the relationship between the parent spawners and the resultant year-class spawned by them is coincidental with the gradational reduction of local catches towards the northern area only.
  • 昭和33年度の津屋崎附近における調査
    庄島 洋一, 植木 喜美彦
    1964 年 30 巻 3 号 p. 248-254
    発行日: 1964/03/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Although much attention has been paid to the fishes accompanying floating algae in the daytime, so far as is known, no study has been made of those at night. This paper is concerned with the relation between the life of fishes and the floating algae during night as well as day.
    The authors obtained larvae. and juveniles of fishes accompanying the floating algae at night as well as in the daytime. They also collected fishes under a 1-kilowatt lamp at night, independent of algae. Collections were made during April, 1958 to March, 1959, in the vicinity of Tsuyazaki, Fukuoka Prefecture, by mean of a rectangular scoop net and dip nets. The results are given in Table 1. In the case of day collections, the floating algae drifting near the rectangular route as shown in Fig. 1 were scooped up. In the case of night collections, the authors left port thirty minutes before official sunset, and slowly proceeding searched for the floating algae with the help of lamp. The lamp was held at the bow, light-ing the water surface within about thirty meters. At certain locations the boat stopped with the lamp hung on the side of the boat for collecting about an hour.
    Species and size ranges of fishes obtained from the floating algae at night were similar to those obtained in the daytime. In Oplegnathus fasciatus and Dasson trossulus from the night collecting the characteristic yellow coloration of their bodies was not revealed, and the blackish patterns on whitish ground color were clearly seen. Aluterid fishes did not show any noticeable color change. Most of the species collected under the mere lamp light were different from those accompanying the floating algae. In the few species caught both under the mere lamp and under the algae, differences in size and color patterns were observed. The majority of the juveniles appeared under the lamp light were those living near the surface, and some species among them were also obtained with the floating algae. This fact can be understood that those grown juveniles only temporarily used floating algae as their habitat in place of the algal zone in shallow waters where they were to live after the change of habitat in their life history.
    Number of individuals as well as of species in the collections varied in seasons. Fish were abundant during spring to early autumn and scarce in winter. The largest number of species, 17, was obtained in early August, and the least number of species, 3, in October and in early February. Sebastes spp. were found in abundance from mid-April to mid-May. Late May yielded large catch according primarily to the abundance of Seriola quinqueradiata and Girella punctata in the collection. Dasson trossulus and aluterid fishes were taken in abun-dance during July to December. The largest number of individuals was collected in early September, represented by but 6 species. Girella punctata and Agrammus agrammus dominated from February to early March, but total number of individuals was rather few.
  • 岡田 稔
    1964 年 30 巻 3 号 p. 255-261
    発行日: 1964/03/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In manufacturing Kamaboko, which is one of the most important and traditional fish products in Japan having fine texture and high elasticity, fish meat is first washed repeatedly to remove fat, coloring matter like blood, and unpleasant smell. It is generally believed that the washing process is also good, in addition to improvement in color and flavour, for in-creasing the jelly forming ability of fish meat. The work under report was carried out to examine the brief on scientific evidence.
    In the experiments the arrow-tooth flounder and the saury pike were used to sample meat from; one group of meat was washed well and the other was not. These samples were ground with 3% salt with or without 0.2% potassium bromate. Upon cooking the well washed meat was found forming an elastic jelly with a high jelly strength and little expressible water, while the control (unwashed meat) gave an easily crushable brittle jelly. It is known that elasticity of Kamaboko depends both on the presence of network structure of myosins, and on the amount of myosins. It is inferable, therefore, that repeated washing does not only remove water soluble substances and fat from fish meat, but also brings forth a high concentration of myosins, and gives the meat a favorable condition for highly elastic jelly formation.
    As addition of fat had no distinct effect on increasing the jelly forming power of washed meat (Table 4), removal of fat by washing does not seem to be a cause of improvement in the jelly forming power. A remarkable decrease of the jelly forming ability, on the other hand, was observed when whole water soluble extractives of meat were added to well washed meat. But no effect on the jelly forming ability followed addition of either deproteinized extractives prepared by cooking whole extractives and removing heat coagulable matters, or hydrochloric acid-soluble inorganic constituents of the extractives (Table 5). Therefore, the presence of water soluble proteins seems to inhibit the formation of elastic jelly.
    From these results, it is concluded that improving effect of washing on the jelly forming ability of fish meat is attributable to; 1) higher concentration of myosins, basic constituents of Kamaboko and 2) removal of water soluble proteins which are supposed to inhibit myosins from forming network structure in the jelly.
  • 奥谷 康一, 木俣 正夫
    1964 年 30 巻 3 号 p. 262-266
    発行日: 1964/03/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Chitin is a substance which is widely distributed in the world of living things and especially it has been known as the principal constituent of shell of Crustacea. Therefore, it is imagined that chitinolytic enzyme may exist in digestive organs of fish, because many of Crustacea are consumed as their baits. Up to date, however, studies on this problem have been hardly reported.
    The present study is carried out in order to ascertain whether the chitinolytic enzyme is present or not, in the digestive tracts of Japanese sea-bass, Lateolabrax japonicus.
    Results obtained are as follows:
    1) The chitinolytic enzyme is present in the stomach of Japanese sea-bass, but not or little in the pyloric caeca and the intestine (Table 1). 2) The enzyme is inherent in the fish itself, and its optimum pH value is at about 4 and the optimum temperature is at about 50°C (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3).
    3) Substances which are formed by the action of the enzyme may be N-acetylglucosamine and N, N'-diacetylchitobiose (Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6).
  • 平野 敏行, 菊池 武昭, 岡田 郁之助
    1964 年 30 巻 3 号 p. 267-271
    発行日: 1964/03/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Euphausia superba is known as a main feed stuff of cetacean in the Antarctic Ocean. It belongs to the crustacean family and has a light rose color and a body length of 40-50 mm. The geographic distribution of Euphausia superba is limited to more southern area than lat.50°S. where the sea water temperature is within-2 ?? 5°C.
    The peculiarity of nutritive components ofEuphausia should be determined because it seems to be closely related to the growth of cetacean. With this in mind, the authors determined the contents of vitamin B12and inorganic substance in E. superba comparing with those of other crustacea.
    Results obtained were as follows:
    1) Qualitative estimation of metals inEuphusia was made by general group separation, paperchromatography and polarography, and detected Ca, Cu, Cr, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P and S in Euphausia.
    2) Quantitative determination of seven kinds of metals, Fe, P, Cu, Ca, Mg, K and Na was made for five kinds of crustacea. There was no appreciable difference in the metal contents among them (Table 2).
    3) Vitamin B12 in Euphausia wasdetermined by microbiological assay for 14 kinds of crustacea.The content of vitamin B12 in Euphausia is relatively higher than that of other crustacea (Table 4).
  • 魚肉すり身の乳化効果
    池内 常郎
    1964 年 30 巻 3 号 p. 272-278
    発行日: 1964/03/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In Kamaboko containing oil, it is required for the flavour and the physical property of a product that oil be emulsified into raw brayed meat. The jelly-forming ability of Kamaboko is of course affected by oil-addition. From the results of some investigations, it was found that the jelly-forming ability caused by the oil-addition varied with the condition of raw brayed fish meat. In this paper, the emulsification efficiency of brayed meat was discussed in relation to the conditions of fish meat such as the water content, the salt concentration and the pH.
    When oil is blended into brayed fish meat, an oil-in-water type emulsion is formed, in which fish protein works as an emulsifier. In this case, the brayed fish meat is the external phase, and oil is the internal phase.
    The emulsification-efficiency of fish meat was determined as follows:
    1) The maximum volume of the internal phase emulsified by a definite amount of the emulsifier was determined to compare the ease of emulsification.
    2) The aging and the accelerated aging tests were applied to determine emulsion stability.
    The results obtained are as follows: 1) The maximum blendable volume of oil increased with the increase of the water con-tent of brayed meat.
    2) As meat concentration became higher, the stability against creaming was raised, but the stability against separation of oil was reduced.
    3) It was testified that the closer the ratio of the internal to the external phase appro. ached the ratio of one to one, the more stable the emulsion became.
    4) Fish protein did not dissolve into hydrated state without salt, and could not produce enough efficiency of emulsifier, and it was salted out with excessive addition of salt and reduced the efficiency remarkably.
    5) The effect of pH on emulsion stability was produced remarkably only when the hydration of fish protein was inhibited as in salt.
  • 高木 光造, 中村 昭三郎
    1964 年 30 巻 3 号 p. 279-283
    発行日: 1964/03/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the present paper, have been investigated the free amino acids in the methanol extract of Desmarestia ligulata of which cells show extremely high acidity. The results obtained are as follows:
    1) The precipitated fraction with barium hydroxide of the methanol extract of Desmarestia ligulata was subjected to a confirmatory analysis for the barium and sulfate ions. The low pH value of the methanol extract of this marine alga was found to be mostly attributed to the presence of easily separable sulfuric acid.
    2) Free amino acids in the adsorbable fraction of the algal extract on the column of Dowex 50 X-4 were found to be asparagine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, proline, alanine, valine and leucine.
    At the same time chondrine, 1-4-thiazane-3-carboxylic acid-1-oxide, isolated previously from Chondria crassicaulis is also confirmed to occur in Desmarestia ligulata.
    3) Taurine and unknown B were detected in the adsorbable fraction of the algal extract on the column of Dowex 2.
  • 高木 光造, 石原 純夫, 西出 弘光, 山田 幸彦, 村山 花子
    1964 年 30 巻 3 号 p. 284-290
    発行日: 1964/03/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The displacement chromatography of Partridge and Brimley has been applied to study the free amino acids present in two species of marine algae.
    1) Aspartic acid, glutamic acid, serine, threonine, glycine, alanine, valine, leucine, proline, asparagine, taurine, rhodoic acid and unknown B have been proved to occur in Rhodomela larix.
    2) Chondrine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, threonine, serine, glycine, alanine, valine, leucine, citrulline, ornithine, taurine, unknown C and D have been also confirmed in Chondrus ocellatus.
    3) Chondrine, citrulline and unknown D have been isolated in crystalline state from Chondrus ocellatus.