Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
32 巻, 5 号
  • 付着生物がアコヤガイの貝殻開閉活動と糞量におよぼす影響
    宮内 徹夫
    1966 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 379-383
    発行日: 1966/05/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A study was carried out on the influence of fouling organisms upon the activity of shell movement and the amount of feces in Japanese pearl oysters, Pteria (Pinctada) martensii (DUNKER), in order to clarify if the work of shell cleaning is effective in increasing the growth of the bivalve and quality of pearls.
    The results obtained are as follows:
    1. The daily rhythm generally found in the shell movement of healthy pearl oysters appears scarcely in the fouled oysters, while the rhythm reappears after shell cleaning. The width of shell opening also changes by cleaning the fouled shell; the shell opens far wider after shell cleaning.
    2. The amount of feces collected from cultured pearl oysters increases by cleaning the fouled shell.
    3. Both of the width of shell opening and the amount of feces have close relation to the weight of fouling organisms, chiefly barnacle and sea mussel, in fouled pearl oysters; the greater the weight of fouling organisms is, the less wide the shell opens and the less the feces is liberated.
    From these results it may be suggested that the vitality of pearl oysters is harmfully influenced by the presence of fouling organisms, with the result that the growth of the bivalve and also quality of pearls come to deteriorate.
  • 井上 裕雄, 田中 啓陽, 斎藤 実
    1966 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 384-392
    発行日: 1966/05/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Recently, the intensive pisciculture of Hamachi, the young of Seriola quinqueradiata, is extensively carried on in the Seto Inland Sea. It is needless to say, however, that there are only a few studies on the local marine environmental conditions in the Hamachi piscicultural farm.
    Without doubt, the dissolved oxygen content would be the most important one of various environmental factors influencing the productivity of fish farm. Accordingly, the water-exchange which plays the leading role in the dissolved oxygen budget should be at first clarified to determine the optimum number of fish cultured in the farm.
    This investigation has been carried out in the neap tide, because the water-exchange in the shallow marine fish farm becomes so small in this tide as to cause the deficit of the dissolved oxygen, which has been commonly experienced in some farms.
    In the Hitsuishi fish farm (Fig. 1), the water area and volume are 7.2×104m2 and 22.3×104m3 at high high water and 6.0×104m2 and 8.7×104m3 at low low water in the neap tide, respectively (Fig. 3). This shows that the farm resembles a shallow dish in shape and that the effective area in which Hamachi lives becomes very narrow at low water. To verify this fact, moreover, surveys were carried out on the horizontal distribution of the organic carbon and total nitrogen contents in superficial sediments (Fig. 6-a, b).
    There is a little sea water flowing in or out through a gate provided with in the middle of the southern embankment, but the water-exchange through the wall net stretched across about 350m between two islands is very remarkable owing to the tidal current (Fig. 4).
    The current flowing into the farm through the west half of the wall net runs directly to the southern embankment, but the one through the middle part of it turns round aloug Buto-jima and then goes out. This flow pattern is similar to that found in a fish farm where the wall net is stretched across toe mounth of a bay. The current in this farm runs at the speed of 5 to 10cm/sec. (Fig. 5).
    The quantity of sea water exchanged for each about 12 hours of M1 and M2 tide is 36.7×104m3 and 20.5×104m3, and consequently the water exchange rates give 3.7 and 2.0 times per about 12 hours, respectively (Fig. 4, Tab. 1).
    On the basis of the smaller water exchange rate in the neap tide, we can estimate the optimum number of fish cultured in this farm from the figure given in Ref. 2 by INOUE (1965); early in August, when Hamachi weighs about 300g, the number of fish cultured amounts to 6.5×104 for extra safety and 15.5×104 for the possible limit.
    These results were discussed considering the growth rates of Hamachi cultured at different numbers of fish in this farm.
  • 親魚の年令組成との関係
    浜田 尚雄
    1966 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 393-398
    発行日: 1966/05/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The sand-lance, Ammodytes personatus, is a commercially important species during winter and spring in the Inland Sea side of Hyogo-Prefecture. The present writer, having investigated various factors concerning the fluctuation in abundance of the larval fish from 1956 to 1965, reports the relation between the progeny-abundance and the age composition of parent fish.
    1) The habitats of the parent fish in Harima-nada and Osaka Bay are sandy bottom areas around Awazi Island and occupy about 1107.6km2. Shikano-se and Murotsuno-se are two major spawning grounds (Fig. 1).
    2) The parent group consists of 1- to 3-age fish. The percentage of 1-age fish varies from year to year, the range and the average being 20-77 and 54.7, respectively (Table 2).
    3) The correlation coefficients were calculated between the catch of parent fish (Cp), the percentage of 1-age fish in the total parent fish examined (p), and the catch of 0-age fish (progeny) (Co). A relatively high correlation coefficient (r) exists between Co and p, as follows: r=+0.508 between Cp and p; r=-0.484 between Cp and Co; r=-0.868 between Co and p.
  • 稚仔の分布消長について
    浜田 尚雄
    1966 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 399-405
    発行日: 1966/05/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Many factors have been considered on the variation of larval abundance of the sand-lance Ammodytes personatus, in the Harima-nada and Osaka Bay. In the author's previous paper (I) the relationship between larval abundance and the age-composition of the parent was dis-cussed. In the present paper the distribution and its seasonal change of larval fish in the investigated area, between 1960 and 1965, is discussed. The results of the observation are as follows,
    1) In the Harima-nada and Osaka-Bay, the larvae of the sand-lance appear at the end of December when the season is early, or at the middle of January when the season is late. At this time, distribution of the larvae is restricted to the spawning grounds.
    2) The material was obtained using a 45cm. ring net with silk netting GG 50. The net was towed horizontally at the surface (0-5m.). The body length of the larvae varied from 3.1mm. to 24.2mm.. Specimens having body lengths of over 20mm. were few in number.
    3) The pattern of larval distribution varied according to time and duration of spawning season and diffusion of eggs and larvae. The pattern observed from the beginning to the middle of February, every year, is generally thought to indicate the distribution after comple-tion of the diffusion.
    4) The waters around Shikano-se in the Harima-nada and Bisanseto seem to be the centers of distribution of the larval sand-lance found in the eastern part of the Seto Inland Sea.
  • 東 怜
    1966 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 406-409
    発行日: 1966/05/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The oxygen consumption of some freshwater molluscs from lake Biwa-ko was studied in relation to the weight of animals and water temperatures.
    In all the species the oxygen consumption was found to vary with soft body weight according to the power law, the relation in expressed by the formula 02=Kwb, where 02 is the oxygen consumption, w is the soft body weight, and K, b are the constants. The values of the slope (b) were 0.36-0.47 in Corbicula sandai, 0.44-0.82 in Unio biwae and 0.31-0.71 in Hyriopsis schlegelii. It was also demonstrated that oxygen consumption rate varied in pro-portion to body surface in Heterogen longispira (Table 1 and Fig. 1).
    The Q10 of respiration was nearly 1.3 at 8-16°C, and 2-3 at 16-28°C in all mussels examined. But in Heterogen longispira, the Q10 of respiration was nearly 2 at 8-28°C (Table 2).
  • 藤井 豊, 内山 均, 江平 重男, 野口 栄三郎
    1966 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 410-416
    発行日: 1966/05/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Changes of nucleotides and their related compounds in plaice muscle during ice storage were studied with particular reference to the freshness of the fish muscle.
    The fish was stored at 0°C immediately after being killed and samples of muscle were taken at intervals of 1 to 2 days, extracted with perchloric acid. The extracts were chromato-graphed on Dowex 1×8, and ATP, ADP, AMP, IMP, HXR and HX were determined by measuring their extinction at 260mμ.
    During the first 4 days of storage a rapid decrease of ATP+ADP corresponded to a rapid increase of IMP. During the following five days IMP decreased slowly, and HXR+HX slowly increased correspondingly. Subsequently, a rapid decrease of IMP and a corresponding in-crease of HXR+HX began. (Figs. 1, 2 and 3.).
    As the indicative for the freshness of fish, two coefficients K1 and K2, which are the ratios of E260 of HXR+HX and E260 of AMP+IMP to the total E260 of the acid-soluble fraction (non-nucleotide substances excluded), respectively, were proposed. (Fig. 4.) Furthermore, as a trial of practical estimation of freshness using the above K1 and K2 values, a diagram with a rectangular co-ordinates was devised, on which the dots obtained from K1 and K2 values migrate clockwise with the lowering of freshness. Freshness will be able to be judged by knowing in which quardrant a dot is located. (Fig. 5.)
  • 佐伯 和昭, 堀江 進, 小川 紀彦
    1966 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 417-423
    発行日: 1966/05/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Recently, in Japan, Vibrio parahaemolyticus has been considered to be a very important role as a causative agent of food poisoning from eating raw fish and shellfish in summer season. Several studies on the distribution of the bacteria in natural environments revealed that the organisms are marine inhabitants. Although the organisms are divided into three biotypes, 1, 2 and 3, it is believed that the organisms causative of the disease are Type 1 alone.
    In the present study, viabilities of the three types of organism in various contaminated sea water being added with sewage or peptone water were compared at 25° and 14°C. Results obtained were as follows:
    Firstly, the persistency of the organisms in raw sewage samples were investigated. Only within one hour, all of the Type 3 organisms and more than 99 per cent of the Types 1 and 2 disappeared (Fig. 1). In the several mixtures of various ratios of sea water and sewage, the Type 3 organisms were died within 2 days either at 25° or 14°C, while Types 1 and 2 survived later on. In the mixtures containing 50 per cent or more of the sea water, the Type 2 organisms shown much higher viability than those of Type 1 either at 25° or at 14°C, however in the case of 10 per cent sea water kept at 25°C, an inverse result was obtained (Fig. 2A). Furthermore, similar experiments were conducted in which 300ppm peptone water was used instead of sewage. As shown in Table 3, five test groups of combination consisting of the 3 types were prepared and incubated only at 25°C (Fig. 3). In the cases of 10 per cent sea water, the survivals of Type 1 organisms were invariably greater than those of Type 2. In addition, in the mixture of 50 per cent sea water, two strains of Type 1 of marine origin (Groups 4 and 5) multiplied markedly within 2 days, while the other 3 strains of patient origin did not.
    These facts aforementioned may suggest that the numerical interrelationships among the populations of the 3 types in natural sea water are greatly influenced by land drainage.
  • 堀江 進, 奥積 昌世, 加藤 暢夫, 齋藤 邦男
    1966 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 424-426
    発行日: 1966/05/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is well known that Vibrio parahaemolyticus can grow well above 30°C and the optimum temperature for growth of the organisms is around 37°C.
    In the present study, comparative investigations on the minimum and maximum limits in temperature for the growth among the three biotypes1) of V. parahaemolyticus were made. Results obtained were as follows.
    Growth rates of all the test strains of the three biotypes decreased with the drop in temperature, especially below 15°C the growth was markedly retarded. It was shown that minimum temperature for growth of the three biotypes were resembled one another and were around 10°C. On the other hand, it was revealed that the maximum limits for growth of the Biotype 1 and 2 were about 44.5° and 44.0°C, respectively, whereas those of Biotype 3 were about 40°C or lower. The information that the maximum growth temperatures of Biotype 3 organisms are distinctively lower than the other two biotypes may be available for the sup-pression of Biotype 3 organisms in the isolation process of Biotype 1 organisms from marine samples.
  • 梅本 滋
    1966 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 427-435
    発行日: 1966/05/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Colorimetric method for protein determination of fish muscle based on biuret reaction had been reported by SNOW1), MATSUMOTO2) and TORTEN3). In case of opaque turbid protein solutions, however, some erratic estimates are occasionally obtained by the biuret method. To eliminate this error, the author intended to modify the MATSUMOTO'S method. It was found that the linearity between the protein concentration and the corrected color intensity of the biuret reaction (“biuret color intensity”) obeys BEER's law (Fig. 3), and this allows the estimation of protein.
    The modified method is as follows:
    The reagents and procedure are shown also in Table 1. To prepare A solution, 5.00ml of sample protein solution containing 0.1 to 0.5mg of protein nitrogen per ml and 5.00ml of biuret reagent I are well mixed. In the same way, B solution is prepared with each 5.00ml of sample solution and turbidity correction reagent II. For optical density measurement, reference solutions which contain 5.00ml of water instead of sample protein solution in each of A and B solution respectively are also prepared.
    After two hours standing at room temperature, the optical densities of A and B solutions are read at the wavelength of 545mμ with one cm of length of light path. The “biuret color intensity” is obtained by subtracting optical density of B solution from that of A solution, where optical density of B solution is the correction term for turbidity. The protein nitrogen concentration is calculated by the following equation.
    protein nitrogen mg/ml=0.94×biuret color intensity
    With respect to the above method some observations were made and the obtained results are as follows:
    Protein concentrations of 0.1 to 0.5mg of nitrogen per ml were determined rapidly with an error less than 4 per cent (Table 3). The conversion factors were almost same for vari-ous kinds of fish muscle and also for the proteins of myosins and myogens fractions (Fig. 3). But for shark or whale muscle protein, other conversion factors should be used. The reagent were kept for several months in refrigerator without any change in color developing ability for protein (Table 4). The “biuret color intensity” was not affected by the presence of such salts in the sample solution as KCl, NaCl, NaHCO3 and potassium or sodium phosphates (Table 5a), while the interferences were encountered by the presence of reducing sugars, large amount of peptides, and also of such substances as listed in Table 5b. When the sample solution contained ammonium sulfate as interfering substance, it was necessary to separate the protein from the interfering substance by precipitation with trichloroacetic acid and centrifugation. Thus obtained protein precipitate was dissolved with 0.2N sodium hydroxide solution. This pretreatment with trichloroacetic acid made it possible to estimate the protein by the modified biuret method (Table 6).
  • 内山 均, 田熊 仁, 岡田 稔
    1966 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 436-441
    発行日: 1966/05/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is sometimes preferable to keep food products in a lower range of pH in order to in-crease antibacterial action of certain food preservatives, since the effectiveness of most chemi-cals to microorganisms can be enhanced much more in acidic than non-acidic medium.
    According to BELL et al.13) and OKA12) the growth inhibitory action of sorbic acid depends much upon the concentration of undissociated molecules. The higher in the concentration of undissociated molecules the more active in the inhibitory effect. OKADA1) recently proposed the use of arabono-gamma-lactone as a safe pH-adjusting agent to the fish jelly products such as fish sausage to prolong the shelf life of the products, without any appreciable effect on its resiliency even after heat processing. His method is based on the fact that arabonic acid, a heat degradation product from arabono-gamma-lactone, will be able to provide the product with acidic condition which may serve a longer shelf life.
    The present report deals with the effect of sorbic acid on the germination and outgrowth of the spores of Bacillus subtilis MARBURG strain in the medium, pH of which has been adjusted with arabonic acid.
    As seen in Fig. 1, arabonic acid alone was not effective, even at pH value of 5.0, to prevent the spores from germination that was estimated by the reading of optical density of nutrient broth, to which inoculum of methylen blue stainable spores appeared in the broth would indicate a high synchrony of the germination. And, a subsequent increase in the optical density after this period can be interpreted the convertion of outgrown spores to vegetative cells.
    To the contrary, the presence of 0.1% of sorbic acid in the same medium with pH 5.5 was enough to suppress the outgrowth of the spores after being incubated for 5 hours, though the rate of germination was almost the same degree as observed in the experiment mentioned above (Fig. 2). In addition, there observed a retard in the reduction of optical density in the liqueid medium at pH 5.0 during 5 hours of incubation and the proportion in number of unstainable spores to total spores was kept nearly constant in the same incubation period, resulting no spore germination.
    Since the mixture of NFS (nitrofurazone) and NFA (2-nitro-2-furylacrylamide) showed no remarkable effect on both germination and outgrowth of the spores, the nature of inhibition on bacteria by these nitrofuran derivatives might differ from that of sorbic acid. As seen in Figs. 2 and 4, sorbic acid at pH 7.0 was no more inhibitive for germination and outgrowth of the spores.
  • 榎本 則行, 中川 浩毅, 松田 和義, 冨安 行雄
    1966 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 442-445
    発行日: 1966/05/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Five kinds of sialic acid have so far been described1)2). In the present paper, the authors tried to identify and determine the sialic acids occurring in the external mucous substance from a sting ray, Dasyatis akajei, and an eel, Anguilla japonica, and in the cartilage of a shark, Carcharhinus gangeticus, a hammerhead, Sphyrna zygaena, and a sting ray.
    The isolation procedure of sialic acids was the same as that described in the previous paper3)4). Each material was hydrolyzed with 0.03N H2S04 at 80°C for 1 hr. The sialic acid liberated was retained on Dowex-1 (HCOO-), and then eluted with 0.3N HCOOH. The eluate was evaporated to dryness in vacuo at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. The residue was dissolved in water-methanol, and sialic acid was crystallized from the solution by adding ethyl ether.
    The identification of sialic acids was performed by paper chromatography developed with three kinds of solvent (Table 1). The content of sialic acid in each material was determined by SVENNERHOLM's resorcinol reaction8).
    Among the sialic acids only N-acetylneuraminic acid was identified in all the samples tested, and the unidentified substances positive to the “direct EHRLICH's reaction” were found, besides N-acetylneuraminic acid, in both the external mucous substance of an eel and the cartilage of a hammerhead.
    The content of sialic acid in each material tested was shown in Table 2.
  • アミノ酸の足におよぼす効果-I
    三宅 正人, 川上 謙
    1966 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 446-449
    発行日: 1966/05/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the earlier papers1)2) dealing with the mechanism of the elasticity of fish meat jellies, MIYAKE has reported on the basis of electron microscopic observations that myofilaments of myofibrils take part in the formation of a kind of network structure on a molecular level as one of the materials.
    The properties of proteins depend to a large extent on the multi-dimensional conforma-tion of the polypeptide chains which are formed of the different composition and sequence of amino acids. It is therefore possible to assume that when a protein is coagulated by heating with various amino acids composing the protein itself, the amino acids will react upon the radicals newly appeared on the protein molecule, with resultant formation of ionic and hydro-gen bondings etc..
    The purpose of this study was to ascertain the effect of amino acids upon the elasticity of fish meat jellies. The favorable effect of some neutral and basic amino acids was con-firmed, although the reason of the superior effect of basic amino acids than that of neutral amino acids remains obscure.
    The methods used for preparing fish meat jellies are as follows. Jack mackerel was treated as described in the previous paper1). The frozen meat pastes3)4) of alaska pollack and atka mackerel stored at -20°C. were kept overnight in a refrigerator at a temperature ranging from 0 to 3°C. and the meat pastes were cut in a cooled silent cutter with or without sodium chloride for 15 minutes, packed in a vinylidene casing, and then heated at 85°C. for 60 minutes. Amino acids and starch were added to the pastes in the silent cutter.
    The other data obtained in a series of the investigations on various muscle proteins which have been carried out up to the present, will be shown in the following papers.