Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
43 巻, 6 号
  • サンゴ海における漁期,漁場と魚群の移動
    花本 栄二
    1977 年 43 巻 6 号 p. 649-657
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The distribution of striped marlin, Tetrapturus audax, in the Pacific Ocean is known to form a horseshoe-shaped pattern, extending both ways to the northwestern and southwestern Pacific with the eastern tropical Pacific the apex. The southern Coral Sea fishing ground which is located in the western extremity of the South Pacific Ocean is known to be an important spawning ground for the species. To study the spawning stock, the author examined the fishing season, the shifts in fishing grounds, and the movement pattern of the striped marlin through the analysis of data obtained from the tuna longline fishery. The results were as follows:
    1. The catch rate (catch per 100hooks) of striped marlin in the southern Coral Sea usually begins to increase in September, and the fishing season continues until January. The fishing season peaks between November and December.
    2. The productive fishing grounds in November and December are located in the area from lat. 20°-30°S, long. 154°-160°E, and also along lat. 20°S in waters off the northwestern coast of New Caledonia.
    3. Based on the movement of the fishing grounds, it can be surmised that the striped marlin occurring in the southern Coral Sea have their origin in the eastern Pacific Ocean. In September through the area bounded by lat. 25°-25°S, long. 170°W-180° and later through the area bounded by lat. 25°-30°S, long. 170°E-180°. They subsequently congregate around lat. 25°-30°S, long. 160°E. The movement in the southern Coral Sea is towards the north beginning in October, and southward beginning in January.
  • 炭化水素酸化細菌の計数法
    藤沢 浩明, 村上 正忠, 真鍋 武彦
    1977 年 43 巻 6 号 p. 659-668
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Little has been known as yet of the ecology of hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria in Japanese coastal waters such as the Inland Sea where various petrolic and organic pollutants are abundantly poured. Therefore, a series of studies has been undertaken to make it clear.
    To start with, some methods to enumerate hydrocarbon oxidizers in these areas have been examined in this paper, and results obtained can be summarized as follows.
    As suitable organic and nitrogen sources for hydrocarbon oxidizers in the surveyed regions, L-alanine and ammonium chloride are recommended respectively. Each liquid medium in which the said suitable organic or inorganic nitrogen source, the basal salt solution and the appropriate hydrocarbon substrate are contained, is tentatively named Medium A or B, and then hydrocarbon oxidizers which are cultured in Medium A or B is designated Group A or B, respectively.
    The approximate numbers of hydrocarbon oxidizers of both groups in samples if marine materials are enumerated by means of minimum dilution technique, and their accurate numbers are enumerated by means of the minimum dilution technique, and both cases hydrocarbon oxidizers are determined to be existent on the basis that the substrate in the cultured fluid decreases remarkably, which was measured by a gas chromatographic procedure.
    Emulsification of the fluids incubated in both media, and the decrease in pH value of the fluid in only Group B, are recognized as the supplementary criteria for indicating the existence of hydrocarbon oxidizers in the inocula such as sea water and bottom sediments.
  • 網の運動の数値解析法
    松田 皎, 三宮 信夫
    1977 年 43 巻 6 号 p. 669-678
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A method of numerical analysis of a two-point boundary value problem which arises from the motion of a bottom drife net is considered. The numerical solution is obtained by solving a function minimization problem, equivalent to the original problem. The computer algorithm using a conjugate gradient method (especially, Fletcher-Reeves method) is success-sfully tested, as an example, for the Gensiki-Ami used in Mikawa Bay. The results obtained show several features of the field observation.
  • 網の運動の数値解
    松田 皎, 三宮 信夫
    1977 年 43 巻 6 号 p. 679-687
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Several results of the numerical analysis for the motion of a bottom drift net are obtained by using the method proposed in the previous article. The relative speed of the net and the attack angle at the sinker side are determined for many typical cases. The shape of the net is shown and the distribution of tension along the web is calculated. The parameters, which mostly influence the motion of the gear, are the frictional coefficient of the sea bed and the ratio of the sinker weight to the float buoyancy. The former is a factor strongly depending on the environmental condition. On the other hand, the latter is an artificial factor and may be adjusted as a control parameter in the optimum disign of a gear.
  • 魚群の滞留期間
    大方 昭弘
    1977 年 43 巻 6 号 p. 689-699
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Mean sojourning period of young amberfish (Seriola quinqueradiate) was estimated in this report for the purpose of grasping its production process in Sendai Bay under limitation in time and space, by means of comparing the duration of daily catch compositions by set-nets, with the aid of the recapture rates obtained by marking experiments.
    Young amberfish population, migration in the coastal area, can be regarded as an aggregate which involves several sized fish schools that secure their living in a community while they repeatedly interchange members with one another. During the zenith of fishing, mean sojourning period of schools of the amberfish may be estimated to be the order of 10-20 days. In the course of this examination, it was fairly clarified that each of the marked amberfish gets in a population at random and behaves normally in company with members of fish schools.
  • 岡 重美
    1977 年 43 巻 6 号 p. 701-708
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Sporulation and heat-resistance were studied using a total number of 189 strains of Cl. Perfringens, consisting of 156 strains from natural sources, 13 strains from chikuwa samples, two strains each of types A, B, C, D, and E, and 10 strains isolated from food poisoning outbreaks.
    The results obtained were summarized as follows:
    (1)One strain of type A and 2 strains each of types B, C, and E after 24 hr of incubation, and 9 strains except for one type D strain after 48 hr of incubation survived heating at 75°C for 20min, but none survived heating at 100°C for 10min. cultures were done in three media.
    (2)In the cultures of food poisoning strains which showed poor spore production, 5 strains cultured in DUNCAN medium and 8 strains cultured in SEC medium survived heat treatment at 75°C for 20 min. However, only one strain cultured in SEC medium survived heat treatment at 100°C for 60 min. In this case, heat-resstance spore counts showed 8.3×101/ml.
    (3)One hundred and sixty seven strains cultured in DUNCAN medium and 166 strains cultured in SEC medium, both consisting of natural soruces and processed sea-foods survived heat treatment at 75°C for 20 min. Only 14 strains isolated form these two media survived heating at 100°C for 10 min. Among them, 3 strains isolated from heated sample showed heat-resistance at 100°C for 60 min and produced heat-resistance spore counts below 3.0×101/ml.
  • 田宮 徹, 吉田 稔, 土屋 隆英, 田中 正男, 菊野 正隆, 松本 重一郎
    1977 年 43 巻 6 号 p. 709-715
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous paper, the ATPase accelerating peptides were found to be distinct from the vasoactive and vasodilatory peptides in the same hydrolysate.
    This work was undertaken to isolate the ATPase accelerating peptide from the fur seal muscle hydrolysate. Minced skeletal muscle of fur seal was digested with protease and the resulting hydrolysate was fractionated with 90%ethanol. The obtained precipitate and the effective agent was fund only in the precipitate. By continuous flow electrophoresis, the was divided into five major fractions, each of which was examind for accelerating effect on ATPase by two different methods, i.e., inorganic phosphate determination and pH-stat method. Among the five electrophoretic fractions, the second fraction E2 migrating to the anode showed the best accelerating effect, while the other fractions were less accelerative. Also the possible of Ca ions was refuted. E2 was also examined for physiological activity by kymographic recording of the contraction of rat intestine smooth muscle and showed an effect which is revealed by a contraction preceded by a slight relaxation. Thin layer chromatography revealed that there are more than two peptide components in fraction E2.
  • 福田 裕, 掛端 甲一, 新井 健一
    1977 年 43 巻 6 号 p. 717-725
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    During storage of the minced muscle of chub mackerel and Alaska pollack at 2°C, it was found that a decrease in the amount of actomyosin (as Da2+-ATPase total activity) and a concomitant deterioration of the Kamaboko quality rapidly occurred in the muscle samples from chub mackerel. The pH value of raw minced muscle was found to be 5.9 for chub mackerel and 7.0 for Alaska pollack, respectively,
    The suspension of the minced muscle in phosphate buffer (pH 6 and 7) was incubated at 2° or 30°C, and the denaturation of actomyosin in terms of Ca2+-ATPase total activity was compared. The results were as followers: 1) Thermo-stability of actomyosin present in raw minced muscle of Alaska pollack coincided with that of actomyosin present in the same minced muscle of pH 7.0. 2) Thus, actomyosin present in the raw minced muscle of chub mackerel was about twice as unstable as that in the raw minced muscle of Alaska pollack.
    It is therefore concluded that the rapid deterioration of chub mackerel muscle quality should be attributed to the denaturation of actomyosin due to a marked decline in the pH value of raw muscle.
  • アルカリ・還元処理の影響について
    浅川 牧夫
    1977 年 43 巻 6 号 p. 727-731
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    To elucidate the effect of alkaline sodium borohydride on sialic acid-containing glycoprotein (SA-glycoprotein), it was treated with 0.3M NaBH4 in 0.1 N NaOH.
    The carbohydrate moiety in SA-glycoprotein was released from the protein moiety by a β-elimination mechanism. Especially, on treatment at 100°C, about 84% of the carbohydrate moiety was rapidly released in the first 10 min. All of the amino sugar in the carbohydrate moiety obtained from the alkaline-reduced SA-glycoprotein was converted into N-acetylgalctosaminitol.
    From the results obtained, it was elucidated that SA-glycoprotein contained the carbohydrate moiety which was attached to the protein moiety by alkali-labile linkage, presumably as O-glycosides of threonine and serine residues.
  • Intact cellおよびspheroplastの発育における無機塩要求性
    大工 勝信, 坂井 稔
    1977 年 43 巻 6 号 p. 733-741
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Salt requirements for the growth for the growth of M (marine)-, MH (marine halophilic)-, TH (terrestrial halophilic)- and T (terrestrial)-types were studied. In the previous paper we reported the fact that the type-specific salt requirement for substrate oxidation among the four types was ascribed to the cytochome oxidase-relating cytochromes of the electron transport chain. Since the divalent salts which were required for those cytochromes prevented the lysis of cells, the effects of Na-, K-, Ca- and Mg-salts on growth were examined at 25°C in the presence of the divalent salts. Strains of the M-, MH- and TH-types required the following definite amounts of NaC1, respectively: M-type, 250-300 mM; MH-type, 500mM. This Na+ requirement was indispensable and the sparing action between Na+ and K+ was observed. Strains of the T-type, however, did not need the supply of salt. Similar results were also obtained in the growth of spheroplasts.
    It was suggested that Ca2+ and Mg2+, in the M-type, play an important role in lysis prevention and in the activation of cytochrome oxidase, the electron transport chain and ATP formation and that Na+ and K+ are required for the transport of nutrients into the cells. Conseqently, the M-type needs Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ which support the growth of this type. In the MH- and TH-types only Na+ plays the above physiological role thereby supporting their growth.
    The growth of the intact cells and their spheroplasts was completely inhibited by the addition of 2, 4-dinitrophenol and cyanide, indicating that the cellular electron transport chain and the oxidative phosphorylating system are involved in to the growth of all four types.
  • 14C-コハク酸, 14C-アラニンおよび14C-グルコースの細胞内取込みにおける無機塩の役割
    大工 勝信, 坂井 稔
    1977 年 43 巻 6 号 p. 743-753
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effects of various inorganic salts, 2, 4-dinitrophenol (2, 4-DNP), KCN and ouabain (g-strophanthin) on the incorporation of 14C-succinic acid, 14C-alanine, and 14C-glucose into the cells of M(marine)-, MH(marine halophilic), TH(terrestrial halophilic)-, and T(terrestrial)-types were examined in the Warburg respirometer, and the oxidating activities measured. The strains of M-, MH-, and TH-types had an essential requirement for a definite amount of Na+, the function of which in the incorporation of 14C-succinic acid and 14C-alanine could not be mimicked by Li+, Mg2+, or Ca2+. The sparing effects between Na+ and K+ were observed but the function of K+ was not displaced by Li+. The T-type strain needed trace supplements of Na+ and K+ in order to incorporate either substrate. The larger portion of the incorporated substrate was metabolized to 14CO2 and the residual substrate was retained within the cells. This fact was more obvious in the case of the M- and MH-types. Such a Na+, K+-dependent incorporation was blocked by 2, 4-DNP and KCN but not by ouabain. The correlation between the incorporation and the oxidizing activity was observed under various conditions. These results show that succinic acid and alanine permeate into the cells by means of the Na+, K+-dependent active transport utilizing the electron transport chain related ATP. In contrast to succinic acid and alanine incorporation, that of 14C-glucose was not affected either by inorganic salts of by 2, 4-DPN and ouabain in any of the strain types and no correlation between the incorporation and the oxidizing activity was observed. These results suggest that glucose is transported into the cells by the phosphoenol-pyruvate-glucose transferase system.
    Based on the findings described in these nine serial reports, the differences in the physiological roles of the monovalent cations (Na+ and K+) and the divalent cations (Mg2+ and Ca2+) among the M-, MH-, TH-, and T-types were discussed. The authors concluded that type-specificity among the M-, MH-, TH-, and T-types and its theoretical basis regarding this typing method were clarified by this biochemical and physiological study and this method, therefore, provided a tool for discriminating marine bacteria from non-marine bacteria.
  • 熊谷 洋, 佐伯 清子
    1977 年 43 巻 6 号 p. 755-759
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The steam distillation method for the determination of alkyl mercury in fish and shells is described:
    The wet samples (5-50g) are put into 500ml distilling flasks and are steam distilled after adding 40ml of 6N hydrochloric acid and 40g of sodium chloride. The aqueous distillate is put into 10ml of 3N hydrochloric acid, final volume being about 180ml. The aqueous distillate is transferred into a 200ml volumetric flask and diluted with distilled water. A 50ml portion of aqueous distillate is transferred into a separating funnel and the alkyl mercury in the aqueous distillate is extracted with a 30ml, then a 20ml portion of benzene, after which it is reextracted with 10ml of 1% cysteine acetate solution. A 5ml portion of the cysteine acetate layer is removed into a digestion flask. Alkyl mercury in cysteine acetate solution is wet-digested by the method previously reported, and is determined by flameless atomic absorption
    The study has shown that the alkyl mercury, that is, the methyl, ethyl or butyl compound, is entirely distilled by steam distillation, but phenyl of inorganic mercury is not. By the steam distillation method herein described, alkyl mercury in fish and shells can be completely extracted without emulsification. The data have shown quantitative recovery of methyl mercury added to a variety of samples. The coefficient of variation for repeated determinations on a tuna meat sample has been 2.0%.
  • 田中 淑人, 藤田 佳宏, 片山 輝久
    1977 年 43 巻 6 号 p. 761-765
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A new aromatic carotenoid isolated from the sea sponge, Tedania digitata, was confirmed to be a 3-hydroxy-2, 3-didehydro-β, χ-carotene. The name tedaniaxanthin is proposed for this aromatic carotenoid.
  • 田中 淑人, 藤田 佳宏, 片山 輝久
    1977 年 43 巻 6 号 p. 767-772
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    An aromatic ketocarotenoid, trikentriorhodin (3-hydroxy-7, 8-dihydro-κ, χ-carotene-6, 8-dione) was recently isolated from sea sponge, Trikentrion helium. The existence of this carotenoid was confirmed in sea sponges, Clathria frondifera and Tedania digitata.
  • 赤松 蔚, 小松 博, 小泉 千秋, 野中 順三九
    1977 年 43 巻 6 号 p. 773-777
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The sugar compositions of yellow and white pearles were compared, since it being concluded in the previous paper that the pigments resulting from the interaction of conchiolin-like substances and some sugar derivatives are responsible for the yellow color of pearl.
    The pigments extracted from the decalcified nacres of pearls with 1N HC1-methanol and the residual conchiolin were hydrolysed with 4N H2SO4 in a boiling water bath separately. Each of the resulting bydrolyzates was fractionated into neutral and basic fractions using ion exchange resins. After trimethylsilylation, both fractions were subjected into GLC for sugar analysis.
    Xylose, fucose, mannose, galactose, and glucose were found in the neutral fraction of the yellow pearl pigments. On the basis of their peak areas, the relative amounts of xylose and mannose were found to be larger than those of fucose, galactose, and glucose. Sugars of the same sort as those in the yellow pearl were also found in the neutral fraction of the white pearl pigments. Fucose was present in relatively larger amounts than were the other sugars. The basic fraction of the yellow pearl pigments contained the amino sugars, galactosamine and glucosamine, while white pearl contained only glucosamine.
  • 内田 有恒, 左子 芳彦, 門田 元
    1977 年 43 巻 6 号 p. 779
    発行日: 1977/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー