The results of methyl mercury (MeHg) analyses of the muscle tissues and the livers of 39 specimens of yellowfin tuna,
Thunnus albacares, from the Middle Pacific, the West pacific, and the East Indian Oceans are presented.
The correlations between the levels of MeHg and total mercury (T-Hg) were signiflcant (at 0.01 level) in both muscle tissues and liver. The difference between the MeHg and the T-Hg levels was insignificant (at 0.01 level) by
t-test in both dark muscle and liver. On the other hand, the MeHg levels of dorsal muscle were significantly lower than the corresponding T-Hg levels, the difference being approximately 0.04μg/g.
The level of MeHg in dark muscle and liver, respechively, correlated significantly with that of dorsal muscle (at 0.01 level). The dark muscle contained a higher level of MeHg than the dorsal muscle, the difference being about 0.03μg/g, while the liver contained less than either (about 0.07μg/g).
On the basis of the statistical evaluation described above, the order of mercury levels among the muscles and the liver was estimated as follows;
T-Hg of dorsal muscle≈T-Hg of dark muscle≈MeHg of dark muscle>MeHg of
dorsal muscle>MeHg of liver≈T-Hg of liver.