Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
49 巻, 10 号
  • 有元 貴文, 岩崎 俊彦
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1479-1486
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Tama-nawa is a variety of small bottom long-line employed in Sagami Bay. This is constructed of a number of branch lines attached to a main line at intervals of 20-30m. Each branch line is constituted in the shape of vertical long-line with five baited hooks, which are distributed at very narrow vertical intervals within the layer of a few meters above the sea bed. So that, the catchability is considered to be wider in the vertical, than common types of bottom long-lines in which the main line, branch lines as well as hooks are set directly on the sea bed.
    By using these characteristics of the gear construction in Tama-nawa, relationships of catch and the height of each hook form the sea bed was examined, in order to discuss the vertical distribution pattern of catch in demersal fishes.
    As a result, two patterns of catch distribution could be classified. One is the exponential distribution pattern, in which most of catch was obtained near the sea bed and few at some distance from the sea bed. The other is adapted to a normal distribution pattern, which shows the concentration of catch at a certain positon away from the sea bed. These patterns show variation according to the operation time, in terms of concentration.
  • 坂井 勝信
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1487-1491
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Normal salmonid sera were assayed for spontaneous haemolytic activity, SH50 activity, against washed goldfish red blood cells. When juvenile coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch and masu satmon O. masou were starved for 10 to 20 days and injected with Aeromonas salmonicida and Vibrio anguillarum intraperitoneally, a correlation between the decrease in the SH50 activity and the increase in severity of starvation and diseases was evidently represented. A similar correlation was followed by naturally diseased salmonids. The SH50 activity reflected the alteration in the state of health. Also, a consideable difference in the SH50 activity was shown by parr-smolt transformation of masu salmon. A possibility of the SH50 activity as a parameter of fish health assesment is discussed.
  • 朝比奈 潔, 植松 一真, 会田 勝美
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1493-1498
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The structure of the testis of the goby Glossogobius olivaceus was histologically studied. The testis was a small elongate organ and was semicircular or reverse triandgle in shape in cross section. The testis was composed of two main parts; peripheral seminiferous region and central large glandular regin. Seminiferous region was mainly composed of seminiferous lobules. The cyst of germ cells covered the inner wall of the seminiferous lobules. The cyst cells were thin and roumd in shape. 3β-HSD activity was detected only in the glandular cells, but not in the seminiferous louls. Glandular cells had well developed smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria with many tubular cristae. The glandular cells are considered to be homologous with the Leyding cells of other vertebrates.
  • 桑原 昭彦, 鈴木 重喜
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1499-1506
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper describes the vertical and horizontal distributions, and feeding habits of a sole Heteromycteris japonicus (TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL) larvae, collected in the western Wakasa Bay, Japan Sea, from June to September 1981.
    The larvae H. japonicus distributed mainly in the waters between 25m and 50m depth. Small size larvae of less than 3.0mm BL commonly appeared at Sts. A, B and C, and large size larvae of more than 4.0mm BL abundantly at St. A. It is suggested that the larvae shift the habitual area from “offshore-coastal area” to “coastal area” as growth of the larvae proceeded.
    The larvae of less than 4.0mm BL fed mostly on Microsetella norvegica and copepod nauplii. Most of the same size larvae caught at St. A ate M. norvegica, but at St. C. larvae fed on M. norvegica and copepod nauplii. Percentage of larvae carrying food in their alimentary canal was high in those collected at St. A and low at St. C. The larvae of more than 5.0mm BL consumed mainly Penilia avirostris, Podon sp. and M. norvegica.
    According to these findings on feeding habits of the larvae of H. japonicus it is estimated that the offshore area is umsatisfactory for survival of the larvae, compared with the coastal area.
  • 桑原 昭彦, 鈴木 重喜
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1507-1513
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Examinations were made of the relationships between feeding habits of 12 fish larvae and their food organisms collected in the western Wakasa Bay of the Japan Sea form May ot August 1981.
    Copepod nauplii was availabile food for all of the small size larvae of less than 4.0mm BL, and for large size larvae of three species which distributed abundantly in the surface waters. Four plankton species, Oikopleura longicauda, Paracalanus parvas, Evadne nordmanni and Penilia avirostris were consumed as main food by the larvae of more than 6.0mm BL, and feeding percentage of this size larvae was high. The larvae fed on the former two food organisms regardless of the food density in the survey area, however, the latter two food organisms were consumed only when they distributed densely.
    Through a series of study on feeding habits of 12 fish species at the larval stage, it was found that the amount of food organisms available to the larvae of more than 6.0mm BL was sufficient in the area, though the food organisms were utilized under competition.
  • 宗清 正廣, 桑原 昭彦
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1515-1521
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper describes some appearances of the spawning schools of ribbon fish Trichiurus lepturus by the catch records of experimental longline fishing in the western Wakasa Bay, Jpan Sea, From June to July, 1981.
    Before the spawning season (until late June), sex rato of the fish obtained by the experimental fishings was nearly equal to 1:1 and femnales were mainly composed of immature fish. Both sexes were hooked impartially on the positions of the longline. The size of fish became smaller with time in this period.
    During spawning season (after early June), females, mainly composed of mature and spent fish, outnumbered males in the catch and the sex ratio was not 1:1. Males were hooked partially at the offshore side of the longline. Large size fish were caught during this period.
    According to the changes of sex ratio and size composition in the catch and position of hooked fish on the longline during the experimental period, it is suggested that the distributions and movements of the sexes were different to each other concerning their spawining habits
  • 石岡 宏子
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1523-1526
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Simplified systems, such as isolated tissue samples are free from various kinds of regulation and suitable for the studies of metabolism in fish muscles. In the present study, the activity of the muscle isolated from red sea breams Pagrus major ( TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL) was measured for contribution advancement of in vitro shudies of fish muscles. The activity was expressed as 14CO2 production and in corporation into the glycogen by isolated muscles from substrate, U-14 C-glucose, in the incubation medium under aerobic conditions. Pectoral fin muscles composed of musculus abductor superior, m. abductor profundus and m. arrector ventralis were found producing 14CO2 at constant rate for 4 hours after tissue preparations. The activity was much higher in the pectoal fin muscles than in sliced muscles from musculus supracarinalis. Therefore, it was confirmed that these isolated fin muscles were utilizable for in vitro metabolioc studies at least during 4 hours follwing isolation.
  • 川村 軍蔵, 向井 幸則, 太田 開之
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1527-1532
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    While ayu Plecoglossus altivelis and pale chub Zacco platypus lay their eggs on spawning beds with similar conditions in water flow and bottom sediments in rivers, the former achieves downstream migration after hatching and the latter remains in the river after its emergence from the spawning bed. To find out a possible explanation for these markedly different behaviour patterns of the larvae, the eye and neuromast which are important sensory organs in rheotaxis were examined morphologically.
    Upon hatching, the larval ayu already have morphologically well-developed free neuromasts with cupula and eyes with pure cone retina while the larval pale chub have no developed sensory organds. Thereafter, the eyes and neuromasts of the latter developed fast, and upon its emergence from the spawning bed and exposure to water flow at 4 days old, these sensory organs have already developed almost as well as those of ayu. Both sensory organs of these two larvae were considered functional enough to enable the larvae to respond to water flow visually and mechanically. Therefore, it is suggested that there might be an active behavioural process governing the downward migration of the ayu, such as a choice of downward water flow or an active downward swimming.
  • 稲掛 伝三, 平野 敏行
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1533-1539
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The vertical distribution of sardine was compared with vertical temperature structujre in the fishing grounds between southeast of Hokkaido and est of Choshi from July ot December 1980. The water temperature at the layer, in which sardine lived, ranged widely from 5.6°C to 18.0°C and it varied with spatial and temporal changes of the fishing grounds. Verticvally, Sardine were distributed from the surface to the depth of about 115m. But the depth where they lived and the structure of their school varied with changes of the thermocline depth rather than with the temperature itself, In connection with this, it was found that the fish schools came to live in shallower layer when the seasonal thermocline became sharp and rose up to shallower layer. This resulted in the schols becomming thinner vertically but occupying a wider space horizontally.
  • 原田 勝彦, 大和田 淳郎
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1541-1546
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ceneral evaluation of the attractive effect through the behavioral exploratoty and feeding observations can be expressed quantitatively by the attraction index gr, which is the product of the coefficients g and r of a logistic curve y=g/{1+exp[-r(j-a)]} in the entering number time-courses. Tis index showed a rough positive linear relation to only crude lipid contents amongst nine general chemical constituent contents in the four kinds of representative food animals during storage at low temperature. This finding was verified statistically by the significance test of correlation between the index gr, coefficient g or r and the contents of each of the nine constituents or the combination of two or three of them. The significance test of multiple and partial regression coefficients in any of the index and two coefficients on the combination of any two factors including the constituents, foodanimal dummy and storage days revealed that sugar and lipid contents (=xi) are the probable factors having a close relation to the index gr(=y). because multiple regression coefficients (rv•xixj ) and partial ones (both of rvxi•xj and rvxj•xi) of combination to cuttlefish dummy (xj) were significant. The factor probably having a relation to coeffcients g and r was sought with the significance test of 3-factor combinations chosen by that of 2-factor ones. Amino acids-volatile acids-one of other constituents and amino acids-volatile organic acids-one of other ones combinations showed significant multiple and partial correlation to g and r respectively. These results suggested that amino acids showed one of the most important factors having a close relation to feed attraction.
  • 原田 勝彦, 平野 正治
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1547-1551
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The attraction index a, which is the coefficient a of a logistic curve y=g/{1+exp[-r(j-a)]} in the remaining number time-courses, seemed not to be correlated positively with any changes of the contents of the following nine general chemical constituents, volatile organic acids, crude lipids, aldehydes, crude proteins N, crude non-proteins N, amino acids, volatile bases N, betaines, and sugars, which were determined in the four kinds of representative food seaweeds during storage at low temperature. This led us to seek statistically feeding attractants by the significance test of correlation between the index a and the contents of each of the nine constituents or the combination of two or three of them. The significance test of multiple and partial regression coefficients, food seaweed dummies and storage days showed that amongst the constituents the combination of three, the proteins and the two constituents amongst the amino acids, the organic acids, the aldehydes, the lipids and the betaines, was significant at high level of 0.01 or low one of 0.05. From this, it was suggested that the proteins as main component possessed the most probable attractive capacity for young herbivorous abalone.
  • 木村 創, 楠田 理一
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1553-1559
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is reported that the gliding bacterium is isolated at the early stage and Vibrio sp. is isolated at the later stage in the gliding bacterium infection in red sea bream Pagrus major. But it is not clealy understood which bacterium is the major cause of the infection or how the succession occurs.
    In this study, two strains of Flexibacter marinus R-3 and Vibrio sp. Kg-l were inoculated in red sea bream under various conditions to clarify the problem mentioned above. Fish were inoculated wity F. marinus by smearing on the body surface and/or with Vibrio sp. by immersing in the bacterial suspension. The number of F. marinus and other bacteria was taken count on the body surface and in the internal organs after the inoculation. Identification of bacteria other than F. marinus was performed on the predominant colonies that appeared on ager plates. Bacterial succession from F. marinus to Vibrio sp. was observed on the body surface in seriously diseased fish. The number of F. marinus decreased while that of Vibrio sp. increased gradually in the fish inoculated with both bacteria. Simple immersion in the suspension of Vibrio sp. increased the number of Vibrio sp. on the body surface but did not contribute to the advancement of the disease. Bacterial succession was not observed in the internal organs in any of the cases. From these results, it is suggested that the disease arises from the growth and invasion of F. marinus on the body surface and becomes serious by the successive invasion with Vibrio sp. on the same site.
  • 嵯峨 直恒, 阪井 與志雄
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1561-1563
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A method for axenic tissue culture and callus formation of the marine brown alga Laminaria angustata were established for the first time. Axenic medullary tissues were obtained from the stipes of the sporoplytes by the punching method using cork borer. Callus tissues have been induced from the medullary tissues on ASP 12-NTA medium solidified with 1.0% agar. These cultures were maintained in an incubator at 14°C and illuminated with cool white fluorescent lamps at ca. 2000 1x with 14 hr light and 10 hr dark cycle. This method for tissue culture will contribute to advances in breeding and cultivation of Laminaria plants.
  • K. S. CHUNG
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1565-1568
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The lethal concentration (LC50) values of cadmium (Cd2+) for three species of the tropical fishes Tilapia mossambica, Poecilia vivipara, and Cyprinodon dearborni were determined by the static bioassays. The fishes were collected from the Laguna Los Patos, Cumana, Sucre State, Venezuela, and were acclimated for three weeks under laboratory conditions prior to bioassays. Acclimation temperature and salinity were 25°C and 15‰, respectively.
    The 216-h LC50 values (mg/l) estimated by the graphical interpolation of probability-logarithm transformation were found 48 for Tilapia mossambica, 20 for Poecilia vivipara, and 10 for Cyprinodon dearborni. This indicates that the order of sensitivities to cadmium is: C. dearborni>P. vivipara>T. mossambica.
  • 斎藤 隆英, 磯 直道, 水野 治夫, 大関 文照, 鈴木 敦雄, 加藤 正, 関川 義明
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1569-1572
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The extractability of proteins from heated meat was investigated for carp, saurel, flatfish, prawn, calamary, scallop, ram, and beef. Both of the extracted quantities of sarcoplasmic proteins and myofibril proteins were less than 2% after heating over 70°C for 10 min. These results suggest the possibility of using the extracted quantities as the index of heat processing of meat materials.
  • Colin B. COWEY, Kok Leong WEE, Albert G. J. TACON
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1573-1577
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Three experimental diets providing different (n-3) and (n-6) series fatty acids (cod liver oil; a mixture of linolenic and linoleic acids; and linoleic acids) were given to snakeheads Channa micropeltes of initial weight approximately 100g for 10 weeks. Good growth was obtained with all three diets.
    Analysis of fatty acids in polar lipids from liver and muscle and in triacylglycerols from liver indicated the occurrence of some chain elongation and desaturation of linolenic acid in liver. Linolenic acid appeared to be incorporated directly into muscle polar lipids. There was no evidence of any conversion of linoleic acid to arachidonic acid. This suggests some differentiation between the acyl chain structures of linoleate and linolenate in this fish.
  • 杉田 治男, 店網 秀男, 出口 吉昭
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1579-1582
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    One hundred and thirty eight strains of obligately anaerobic heterotrophs, genus Clostridium, were isolated from the sediment in the Edo River mouth using 5 different agar media, and examined for 19 physiological characteristics. Almost all strains produced proteolytic and saccharolytic enzymes and lecithinase. Few or none of the isolates produced cellulase, chitinase and lipase. Many organisms could grow in 0 to 2% NaCl and at 20°C to 37°C. Obligate halophiles were not isolated from the estuarine sediment. It is shown from the characteristics of casein hydrolysis, fermentation of lactose and sucrose and growth at 10°C that the clostridial composition varied with the temperature and/or with the medium to be isolated.
    The isolates were classified into 13 groups based on 7 characteristics which are important in the taxonomy of genus Clostridium. Groups 3, 5 and 7 showed relatively high proportions of the isolates. Especially group 5 which seems to be C. perfringens, distributed widely in the sediment of the inner part of Tokyo Bay.
  • 野田 宏行, 天野 秀臣, 加納 哲, 太田 扶桑男
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1583-1586
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The mechanism of recovering action of histidine on “akagusare” (red rot disease) of the laver Porphyra sp. was examined. Results showed that the antifungal effect against the responsible fungus Pytium porphyrae is not exerted directly by histidine, but is by some substances produced indirectly in the laver.
    The antifungal fraction was separated from the extracts of the recovering laver, by essentially the same methods as for phytoalexins from higher plants. The fraction conained almost exclusively unsaturated fatty acids, suggesting that the antifungal action observed is mostly attributed to those acids whose production is accelerated by added histidine.
  • 野田 宏行, 天野 秀臣, 加納 哲, 太田 扶桑雄
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1587-1590
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The antifungal substances effective against “akagusare”-infected Porphyra sp. were isolated by gas liquid chromatography equipped with a preparative apparatus. After being methylated, those substances were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The data obtained, together with their infrared spectra, indicated that they are phenylacetic acid, unsaturated fatty acids such as octenoic, nonenoic, and nonedienoic acids, and saturated fatty acids such as nomnanoic and heptanoic acids. The antifungal substances in F-1 one of the organic acid fractions, showed much higher levels in the infected and the recovered laver than in the normal laver.
  • 水野 治夫, 斎藤 隆英, 磯 直道, 恩田 宣彦, 野田 和満, 高田 勝巳
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1591-1593
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The ratios of mannuronic acid (M) to Guluronic acid (G) were determined in sodium alginate preparations from brown seaweeds. The M/G ratios widely varied according to the species of seaweed, ranging between 0.34 and 1.79. The M/G ratio of alginic acid preparation did not correlate with the intrinsic viscosity of its sodium salt solution, suggesting that the M/G ratio is not associated with the conformation of sodium alginate. On the other hand, the M/G ratios clearly correlated with its yield from a brown seaweed.
  • 藤田 孝夫, 佐竹 幹雄, 引地 昭三, 竹田 正彦, 示野 貞夫, 桑原 秀俊, 幹 渉, 山口 勝巳, 鴻巣 章二
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1595-1600
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The sole feeding of a formulated feed to yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata induces poor dark grey color at the back and sides unlike the natural one of iridescent blue-green. The characteri-stic yellow band near the lateral line does not appear either. These color changes, however, were able to be improved by annexing to the formulated feed up to 2% of an oil extracted from the meal of the Antarctic krill Euphausia surperba. The krill oil contained 108mg/100g of carotenoids, which were composed of astaxanthin diester and astaxanthin monoester, 71% and 20%, respectively. The analysis of the integuments of the pigmented yellowtails revealed that carotenoid contents were 0.64-1.21mg/100g with the composition of tunaxanthin fraction, 3<-epilutein, zeaxanthin, β- carotene triol, diatoxanthin, cynthiaxanthin, and lutein in 43%-53%, 17%-28%, 9%-15%, 7%-11%, 3%-9%, <5%, and traces, respectively. This may be the first finding which showed the possibility that animals could metabolize astaxanthin to tunaxanthin.
  • 浅川 牧夫
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1601-1606
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study was to elucidate the structure of disaccharide and the nature of its linkage to protein moiety of sialic acid-containing glycoprotein (SA-glycoprotein) isolated from eel skin mucus.
    The disaccharide of SA-glycoprotein was identified as N-acetylneuraminyl-(α, 2→6)-N-acetyl-galactosamine by periodate oxidation, analysis of the SMITH degradation product, and susceptibility to neuraminidase.
    The analysis of the sialic acid-containing glycopeptide which had been extensively digested with Pronase P showed that threonine and serine residues Were the only identifiable acceptors to the disaccharide units of eel SA-glycoprotein, indicating that the disaccharide units are O-glycosidically linked to the hydroxyl amino acids such as threonine and serine residues of SA-glycoprotein.
    This is the first, fish skin mucous glycoprotein which was elucidated concerning the structure of the carbohydrate unit and the carbohydrate-protein linkage.
    The function of eel SA-glycoprotein is also discussed.
  • 村井 武四, 秋山 敏男, 能勢 健嗣
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1607-1611
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Improvement in glucose and maltose utilization by carp with increased feeding frequency by at least 4 times daily was confirmed in a 6-week feeding study in which fingerling carp were fed 4 purified diets containing α-starch, dextrin, maltose or glucose, 2, 4 or 6 times daily. At twice daily feeding, the starch diet resulted in the best weight gain and feed efficiency. When the feeding frequency was increased from 2 to 4 or 6 times, the weight gains improved together with increased feed consumptions in all dietary treatments. All dietary groups achieved more than 500% weight gains in 6 weeks when fed 6 times, yet the differences among them became less than 6%. Whereas, significant deteriorations of feed efficiency were noted in all dietary groups and the longer the glucose chain length, the poorer the feed efficiency. Analyses of the body compositions carried out on the samples collected at the end of the feeding experiment revealed that glycogen contents in the hepatopancreas of the dextrin group were always lowest at all frequencies without any noticeable differences in the remaining groups. On the other hand, the starch group alone showed remarkable defferences in the whole carcass composition among all treatments; that is, their crude fat levels were highest with the lowest moisture contents at all three frequencies, but their ash contents were lowest at both 4 and 6-time feedings. None of these treatments showed any significant effect on the carcass protein level.
  • 熊谷 洋, 佐伯 清子
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1613
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 幹 渉, 山口 勝巳, 鴻巣 章二
    1983 年 49 巻 10 号 p. 1615
    発行日: 1983/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー