With 32 kinds of fishes common to our country, the rate of decomposition, as indicated by the ammonia-content and pH-value of fish mu ?? cle, was estima ?? ed intermittently at a constant temperature of 17°C (Fig. 1), and was compared by the reciprocal of time
t in which the putrefactive threshold value,
i. e. 30mg. ammo ?? ia per 100g. of fish as employed by TILLMANN and OTTO
6) was attained. As among the contents of water
W%, fat
F% and protain
P% of each fish there was found a relation,
P=100•11±2•26, 1/
t was plotted on the triangular coordinates of
F and
P (Fig. 2). In th ?? s diagram, the points with greater value of 1/
t than 0•5 hour
-1 tend to concentrate to a fixed point at about
F=2% and
P=19%, and are surrounded by those having much less values. The increase of ammonia in several fish obeys the law of monomolecular auto-catalytic reaction (Fig. 3).