The majority of isolates of
Aeromonas salmonicida, the causative organism of fish of urunculosis, from diseased fish are rough, that is auto-agglutinating. Therefore serological identifcation by the slide agglutination test may be diffcult to perform.
The application of a coagglutination test, for fhe serological identification of auto-agglutinate
A. salmonicida, was studied using staphylococci specifically sensitized with an antibody against the acterium.
This proved to be a simple and rapid method for use in the laboratory and required no special apparatus.
The procedure for this method is summarizde as follows. 1.
A. salmonicida, cultured in nutrient broth, is heated in boiling water for 30min. 2. The supernatant is collected after centrefugation at 4000rpm for 20min. This may be omitted if auto-agglutination is recognized at the bottom of the culture tube. 3. One drop of the supernatant and one drop of anti-
A. salmonicida antibody sensitized stapphylococci suspension are mixed on a glass slide and the slide is examined after 30min.