Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
50 巻, 7 号
  • 山下 洋, 青山 恒雄, 北川 大二
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1089-1093
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The ability of the hyperiid amphipod Parathemisto japonica to feed on larvae of the Japanese sand-eel Ammodytes personatus were studied in the laboratory. The number of larvae eaten by P. japonica increased with increase in predator size, up to 27.4 of 1-3-day-old larvae were consumed per 12 h under light conditions. The feeding rate became higher as the number of larvae offered was increased, showing a functional response that approached a maximum rate asymptotically. P. japonica consumed 13-15-day-old larvae (6.0-6.3mm in notochord length) to the same degree as 1-3-day-old larvae (4.7-5.1 mm in notochord length) in terms of wet weight. The feeding activity of P. japonica was higher during daytime than at night. Larger P. japonica (3.8-4.5mm in head plus thorax length) consumed from 13.1 to 36.7 1-3-day-old larvae per day and the daily ration ranged from 38.1% to 59.9%. These feeding experiments together with a field survey, suggest that predation of P. japonica has considerable effect on the survival of larval sand-eels in Otsuchi Bay and adjacent waters.
  • ソロモン G., 松下 克己, 清水 誠, 能勢 幸雄
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1095-1103
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The spawning season of rose bitterling Rhodeus ocellatus ocellatus was confirmed to be from April to September with a peak between April and June. Most females mature at 24mm SL. There are more females than males in almost all the total monthly samples. Average counts of eggs in ovary to be shed in size groups 20-30mm, 30-40mm, and greater than 40mm were 17-27, 26-40, and 43-69 respectively. The potential annual mean fecundity was estimated as about 700 eggs in 1981.
    Fish of the same length weighed more in summer than in winter. Condition factor also showed higher values in summer. Seasonal fattening cycle was observed between February and December in 1981. Unlike many temperate fish species where fattening cycle has an inerse relationship with gonadal cycle, the body lipid content of this fish, after an initial increase before the start of spawning, stays high throughout the spawning season and drops low at the end of the spawning season. Young, small fish were found to have little lipid reserve at the start of winter while larger fish increasingly recovered their lipid reserve soon after the end of spawning. The smaller fish are assumed to be in a less advantageous situation to pass the winter.
  • 辻 祥子, 青山 恒雄
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1105-1108
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    It was verified that daily deposition of increments in otoliths was initiated with the start of feeding in reared Japanese anchovy larvae. The range and the coefficient of variation of counts within age group were 2-5 and 6-10%, respectively and did not vary with age. The deposition rate of increment was considered to be independent with growth rate. The width of each increment was 1-2 μm around the nuclear margin and increased gradually to 6-9 μm, corresponding to the appearance of subdaily rings. The otolith growth was allometric with respect to the standard length. The relatinship between otolith radius and standard length seemed to be linear in log-log plot. As daily increments observed in field-collected larvae were easier to count than those of laboratory-reared ones, the determination of field-collected sampls based on daily increments was expected to have a satisfactory accuracy.
  • 松田 皎, 鈴木 誠, 兼広 春之
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1109-1114
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to compare the performance of set nets, the water tank experiments of fish behavior to the model nets constructed by PVC plate were conducted, using bitterling Rhodeus ocellatus ocellatus as an experimental fish and a video behavior analyzer system for observation and analysis of the fish behavior. Five different types of set net as the model net were examined; “Oshiki-ami” (triangular set net), “Daibõ-ami” (spindle shaped set net ) of Etchu type, “Daibõ-ami” of Hidaka type, “Nakanuki-ami” (salmon set net ) and the trap net (yellowtail set net), in which the former four gears were used in the past.
    In this study, the performance of model nets was assessed by the rate of remaining of the fish school. It was shown that the experimental results reflected the process of trial and error improvement of fishing techniques in set net fishery. The order of the performance obtained by the experiments was approximately in accordance with that of the historical development of the gears.
  • 山内 幸児
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1115-1123
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Seedlings of S. horneri and S. muticum were grown on Nori nets in an indoor tank up to 26mm in frond length for 81 days and 17mm for 69 days, respectively. The seedlings on the net were transplanted to a floating raft at Higashiura. S. horneri rapidly grew up to a maximum frond length of 231cm until December with a maximum frnd weight of 578g (wet weight) in April next year. S. muticum also grew up rapidly to a maximum frond length of 386cm and a maximum frond weight of 414g until april next year. Both species gradually decayed from May to June. From November to April next year, S. horneri grew at a CGR of 3.7kg/net/day, reaching a maximum standing crop of 785kg (dry weight)/net, and S. muticum. grew at a CGR of 1.3-1.7kg/net/day, reaching a maximum standing crop fo 193kg (dry weight)/net. N and P contents of the two species reached a maximum in April. N content was not so different in both species. However, P content was twice as much in S. horner as in S. muticum. Standing stocks of N and P per net reached respectively 28.2kg and 3kg in S. horneri, and 6.4kg and 0.3kg in S. muticum. Thus, it is apparent that the artificial beds of the two species of Sargassum can be used to clean the seawater and also be utilized as a source of marine biomass as well as for supplying nursery or feeding grounds of important animals in fisheries.
  • 河野 博, 清水 誠, 能勢 幸雄
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1125-1137
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Developmental sequences of morphoiogical characters concerned with swimming and feeding functions are described for Scomber japonicus, and their implication in the functional development is discussed. Finfold larvae of 5.00mm SL and smaller swim by a somewhat strong tail beat propulsion and feed by a widely opened mouth at the anterior end of the body. The formation of the caudal fin, at the size of between 5.00 and 7.00mm SL, is earlier than other fins; this suggests that the caudal fin plays a major role in forward propulsion in S. japonicus larvae. At almost the same time, jaw and pharyngeal teeth begin to develop, and an increase in the number of the pharyngeal teeth occurs at about 7.00mm SL. After that, both the swimming and feeding abilities develop with rapid acceleration. Both abilities may be acquired almost completely at about 10.00mm SL through the formation of the fins other than the caudal one for swimming and through the development of jaw elements for feeding. From these observations, the following three stages are recognized, though a bit daringly, in larval S. japonicus: 1) larvae less than 5.00mm SL, 2) those at the size range between 5.00 and 10.00mm SL, and 3) those larger than 10.00mm SL. It should be noted, on the other hand, that the larval stage of S. japonicus is not divided sharply on the basis of the development of the swimming and feeding abilities, since the development is seriate and the abilities increase exponentially with larval growth.
  • 日野 明徳, 平野 礼次郎
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1139-1144
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The minimum size of particles ingested by Brachionus plicatilis was determined by the use of an antomatic blood cell counter. Dividing the size distribution of baker's yeast into 12 sections (2.87-5.30 μmø), the minimum one among those sections where particles decreased as the result of ingestion was denoted as Smin. After calculating the ingestion rates (Is) and (I) respectively in Smin and the uppermost section where particles were large enough to be ingested by any individual, the percentage of rotifers which could ingest even Smin was presumed from the ratio (Is/I). On the assumption that the smaller individuals can ingest the smaller particles, the one corresponding to (Is/I)% on the ogive of rotifer size may have ingested the smallest particle whose diameter was the upper end of Smin.
    A regression line Y=0.010821X+1.8958 (r=0.61) was obtained, where Y is the diameter of the smallest particle which can be ingested by the individual whose lorica length is X μm. The reason for the low correlation rate is explained by the result of the measurement of a masticatory organ. The size of jaw in the mastax, which may regulate the ability of mastification, is uniform irrespective of rotifer size.
  • 梨本 勝昭
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1145-1155
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The dredge for catching sunray surf clam Mactra chinensis carneopicta pilsbry is known to be highly selective. In this paper, the various factors affecting the selective actin of the dredge are analyzed, and the probabilities of the sunray surf clam not sifting through gaps between the teeth and the mesh of netting bag are calculated for various shell lengths. Considering that the probability of making a catch is the product of both probabilities, and that this probability is proportional to the relative catching efficiency, the selectivity curves for the sunray surf clam dredge were estimated for various gaps between the teeth and for various mesh sizes of the netting bag.
    The relative catching efficiencies for the present dredge, with which the smallest sunray surf clam that can be caught has a length of 6cm, were calculated by using selectivity curves. Because the relative catching efficiency for a limited size was 0.62, it is hoped that the distance between teeth can be increased a little, and that the relative efficiency for the limited size can be decreased.
  • 大貝 政治, 塚原 博, 松井 敏夫, 中島 和広
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1157-1163
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The study deals with the influence of temperature, pH, light intensity, chlorinity and nutrients on the growth of two epiphytic diatoms, Licmophora abbreviata and L. paradoxa in the laboratory culture. They are known to be the harmful species attaching to the edible laver, Porphyra and other algae. Theresults were as follos:
    1) The range of the optimal temperature for good growth was 15-25°C in L. abbreviata and 20-25°C in L. paradoxa.
    2) The optimal chlorinity was 15-16.5‰ in L. abbreviata and 14-16‰ in L. paradoxa.
    3) The optimal pH was not different from each other, 7.8-8.5.
    4) The relationship between light intensity and growth was found to vary with the temperature. At 15°C both species showed the optimal growth in the interval from 8, 000 to 20, 000 lx, while at 20°C the optimal growth was from 5, 000 to 20, 000 lx in L. abbreviata and from 5, 000 to 10, 000 lx in L. paradoxa.
    5) The cultures in the standard artficial medium (ASP12) and its variations without each nutrient element showed that the growth of both species decreased with lack of inorganic N, inorganic P, Borate and Silicate. Especially lack of inorganic N and Borate caused serious damage to the growth of both species.
  • 会田 勝美, 酒井 清, 野村 稔, 羅 秀婉, 羽生 功, 田中 深貴男, 田崎 志郎, 大渡 斉
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1165-1172
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Reproductive activity of rainbow trout breeding twice a year was individually studied using 94 females of 2.5 years old for a year from just after their first ovulation in winter. Fish were divided into 2 groups. Group I consisted of 44 females from which 3 ml of blood were repeatedly sampled. Group II consisted of 50 females from which a piece of ovary was repeatedly sampled with 3 ml of blood.
    Individual information on the reproductive activity was obtained from 77 females in the summer breeding season and from 62 females in the next winter breeding season. Ovulation was observed from April 24 through July 28 and from November 30 through January 26 in the summer and winter breeding season, respectively. Percent of ovulated fish was 62.3% (48/77) and 95.2% (59/62) in the summer and winter breeding seasons, respectively. Early spawners in summer ovulated smaller eggs and amount of ovulated eggs were not observed in the winter breeding season.
    Individual tracing of body weight and body length clearly revealed antagonistic relationship between gonadal maturation and growth. Growth gradually stopped with the advance of vitellogenesis. Twice-spawners showed lower percent increase in body weight and larger amount of ovulated eggs than those of once-spawners for a year.
  • 松宮 義晴, 金丸 彦一郎, 岡 正雄, 立石 賢
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1173-1178
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present study aims at finding the differentiation of hatchery-reared and artificially-released red sea bream from wild fish, based upon their morphometric differences. A total of 80000 hatch-ery-reared red sea bream fry, ranging 40-60mm FL, were fin-clipped and released at three locations in the coastal waters of Hirado island, Nagasaki Prefecture in 1980 and 1981. Experimental Gochi trawlings were carried out at the three locations seven times three months after releasing each year, yielding 1011 artificially-released red sea bream (hereafter referred to aftificial fish) and 1177 wild fish of age O.
    Morphometric measurements were done on fork length and 14 other characters. Regression lines of each of the latter on the former for artificial fish and wild fish were compared by means of covariance analysis.
    The results obtained were given below: 1. Body height. height at eye, eye diameter and upper jaw length were smaller in artificial fish than in wild fish of the same size. 2. Length of the longest dorsl fin spine, length of pectoral fin, length of caudal fin and length of ventral fin spine showed lower values in artificial fish than in wild fish at the time of releasing and for a short time after that. About a month later, however, however, no significant difference was seen in length of any fins between two groups of the fish, suggesting that artificial fish adapted themselves to wild surroundings.
  • 松宮 義晴, 金丸 彦一郎, 岡 正雄, 立石 腎
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1179-1185
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present study aims at developing a method of differentiation of hatchery-reared and artificially-released red sea bream from wild fish, based upon their morphometric differences. Data used were the same measurements as those of the previous paper.
    In the previous paper, regression lines of each of 14 characters on fork length for artificial fish and weld fish were compared by means of covariance analysis. Among the 14 characters, a significance continued to be observed in body height, height at eye, eye diameter and upper jaw length.
    With tow, three or all of the four named above, discriminant functions were calculated to differentiate artificial fish from wild fish. Taking into consideratin morphological changes with growth, samples were classified at intervals of 10mm in fork length. Discriminant functions, Z, were examined class by class.
    Most of Z values obtained were effective to differentiate artificial fish from wild fish. A criterion value of Z, Z0, for each function was established. A fish with a Z value smaller than Z0 is to be judged as artificial fish, while one with a larger Z as wild fish. It is practical to use three functions with tow characters combining height at eye with each of body height, eye diameter and upper jaw length.
  • 酒井 正博, 青木 宙, 北尾 忠利, ジョン ロオベック, ジョン フライヤー
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1187-1192
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The cellular immune response of rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri immunized by immersion or injection with Vidrio anguillarum bacterin was investigated using the passive antibody producing cell assay and passive antidody rosette-forming cell assay. Antibody-producing cels (plaqueforming cell: PFC) were rarely detected in the anterior kidney and spleen of raindow trout immunized by immersion. PFCs were detected in fish immunized by injection and reached the maximum level on the 13th day after immunization. The number of antigen-bingding cells (rosette-forming cells: RFCs) increased rapidly in the anterior kidney and spleen of rainbow trout vaccinated by immersion or injection. The RFC reached the maximum level on the 11th day after immunization. After that the number of RFCs gradually decreased until it reached the same level as that in non-immunized fish on the 28th day. The hemagglutinating antibody of the serum against V. anguillarum of fish vaccinated by immersion tended to be as low as the serum of non-vaccinated fish. However, the hemagglutinating antibody in fish vaccinated by injection was detected first on the 13th day after immunization. The maximum value of the titer was reached on the 28th day after immunization.
  • 梅崎 勇
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1193-1200
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Sargassum horneri which grows in Obama Bay, a branch bay of wakasa Bay facing the Japan Sea, was studied ecologically. Ten plants were collected monthly on the sheltered roky shore from October 1980 to may 1981 and on the exposed rocky shore from August 1981 to May 1982. On the sheltered shore, the primary laterals reached an average of 161.0cm in May, whereas on the exposed shore their maximum length was 99.0cm in May. In the former a daily growth in length of the primary laterals was 1.96cm from December to January, whereas that in the latter was 0.96cm from December to January. The average weight of the plants from the sheltered shore was 34.0g (dry weight) in May, corresponding to 0.21g per centimeter of the primary lateral. Those from the exposed shore were 21.5g (d. w.), which was equivalent to 0.23g per centimeter of the primary lateral. When the plants from the exposed shore grew over 90cm in length, their weight increased abruptly, adding 16g with an elongation of 10cm of the primary lateral, while plants over 120cm in length from the sheltered shore increased in weight by only 7.0g with an elongation of 10cm of the primary lateral. The leaves of the young plant and the lateral branches of the primary lateral were produced spirally with a divergence of 2/5, and this pattern did not change for the entire length of the primary lateral.
  • 大内 晟, 高山 晴義
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1201-1205
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The principal component analysis was made using the six variables (WT, SAL, TDP, DIN, DON and PON) which were obtained from six or nine stations in the northern part of Hiroshima Bay since 1976. The accumuated proportion of the first three principal components is 70%, with only 30% loss of information, the distrbution of all station (N=499) in six-dimensional space can be projected into a three-dimensional subspace defined by the first three principal components.
    In plotting the scores in this three-dimensional space, three kinds of scores were used; 1) the current scores from the latest observations on August 3, 1982, 2) the scores from stations where a red tide was observed in August in August in the past and 3) those of preliminary observations of Gymnodinium type' 65 red tide in the years 1977 and 1979.
    In this way we could obtain a red tide map and easiy compared the position of current scores with precursice scores of Gymnodinium type' 65 red tide in 1977. we assume in this paper that Gymnodinium type' 65 red tide will occur under similar encironmental conditions as in the past. When a red tide occurs, therefore, the past Gymnodinium type' 65 redtide. Since current scores werelocated separetely from precursive scores of Gymnodinium type' 65 red tide on the red tide map, we could successfully predict that Gymnodinium type' 65 red tide would not occur in the year 1982.
  • 渡辺 武, 竹内 俊郎, 斉藤 実, 西村 和久
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1207-1215
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A feeding experiment was conducted to investigate effects of quality of diets, given to rainbow trout broodstock for 3 months before their spawning, on the reproduction and egg quality by feeding various diets, with different levels of protein and lipid or a diet without supplemental essential fatty aid (EFA).
    The growth rate and feed efficiency were high in the broodstock receiving the diet containing 36% protein and 18% lipid and in addition eyed rate and total hatch were also high in the eggs produced by the broodstock of this group. The growth and feed efficiency in the fish kept on the diet containing 28% protein becamen slow from around 60 days after feeding. Feeding the diet containing beef tallow as a part of energy source gave good results with regard to reproduction, comparable to those obtained in the broodstock fed on a commercial high protein diet. The EFA-deficient diet was found to result in low growth rates, eyed eggs and hatchability, and these results were also found to be effectively improved by supplementing ethyl linoleate to the diet, indicating importance of EFA for reproduction.
    The results of this study have demonstrated that egg quality was greatly affected by the nutritional quality of diets given to rainbow trout broodstock for a short-period of 3 months before their spawning.
  • A. G. J. TACON, D. KNOX, C. B. COWEY
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1217-1222
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A 56-day feed trial was conducted to examine the effect of feeding graded levels of a saltmixture (0-6%), as compared with an established mineral supplement (4%, McCOLLUM'S saltmixture no. 185 plus trace elements), on the growth and body composition of carp.
    Fish fed the ration containing 4% McCOLLUM'S salt-mixture plus trace elements displayed the highest overall growth response and feed efficiency over the experimental test period. For those fish fed graded levels of the salt-mixtures, maximum growth was obtained at the 2% incilusion level.
    In contrast to fish fed mineral supplemented rations, fish fed a ration containing no mineral supplement displayed reduced growth, low feed effciency, loss of muscle tone, decreased heamatocrit, decreased haemoglolbin and serum glucose concentration, elevated carcass moisture, Ca, P and Na content, and reduced carcass protein, lipid Mg, Fe, Zn and Cu content.
    The data present indicates the necessity of a dietary mineral supplement for carp fed a purified ration based on casein, potato starch, dextrin and lipid.
  • 新間 弥一郎, 田中 光, 古田 能久, 新間 脩子, 池田 和夫
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1223-1227
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The sessile algae were collected from the artificially branched stream of CHIKUMA River in July (one sample) and August (3 samples) 1981. The major species were Nitzchia flusrum (75.1%) and N. romana (14.5%) in July, and N. palea (38.0%), Navicula radiosa (21.7%) and Diatoma vulgare (13.6%) in August. Protein contents were 15.5% of dry matter in July and 19.2% in August. β-Carotene was around 40% of total carotenoids which were 60-73mg per 100g of the samples. The major fatty acid constituents of the samples were 14:0, 16:0, 16:1, 16:2, 16:3, 18:2, 18:3, and 20:5 acids. Seasonal variations were observed on the 18:3 and 20:5 acid constituents of the fatty acid composition; the former was 8% in July and 1% in August, while the latter was 7% in July and 12-15% in August. Maturation of Ayu fish Plecoglossus altivelis in the river was supposed to be synchronized with the increase of 20:5 acid in the algal fatty acid composition. One of the August samples kept in an indoor tank for several days after removal from the stream contained less carotenoids and showed lower 20:5 acid composition than other August samples which were frozen immediately after removal. Frustules of diatoms obtained after acid digestion were 47-54% of the samples. Contents of P, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu and Zn were 2.6-4.2mg/g, 4.5-5.2mg/g, 37-4.2mg/g, 1.1-1.7mg/g, 2.9-5.1mg/100g, and 11-20mg/100g of dry matter, respectively.
  • 白井 隆明, 福家 眞也, 山口 勝巳, 鴻巣 章二
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1229-1233
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Creatine and creatinine in the 80% ethanol extracts which were the same as employed for the analyses of free amino acids and related compounds in the previous work were estmated. Another muscle extract. 0.25N perchloric acid extract, was also employed to determine the creatine and creatinine contents. In the ethanol extract, the amounts of creatine ranged 22-38 μmol/g in the raw muscles and 29-37 μmol/g in the heated muscles. After heating the muscles, the creatinine content increased more than 10 μmol/g because of dehydration of creatine and the sum of creatine and creatinine also became considerably higher. The increments of total extractive nitrogen after heating reported previously are explainable by the elevation of extractability of creatine. In the perchloric acid extracts, the concentrations of creatine and creatinine in the raw muscles ranged 38-49 and 0.3-0.7 μmol/g respectively, but no consistent differences in the amounts by sex, species, and parts of muscle were noticed. About one third of creatine was converted to creatinine during heating at 100°C for 40min.
  • 菊地 幹夫, 若林 明子
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1235-1240
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A direct comparison of lethal response data of various surfactants used in new domstic phosphate-free-built detergent formulations was made, using medaka as a test fish. The chemical structure of surfactant conspicuouly affects toxicity. Of the structural variables of homlogues, lipophilic chain length and hydrophilic oxyethylene unit length showed an important influence of toxicity for may cases. Some surfactants in use as raw materials in the new domestic detergents are more toxic than the commonly used sodium linear alkylbenzenesulfonates.
  • 笠原 賀代子, 西堀 幸吉
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1241-1244
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The volatile components of sardine and eel roaseted with seasoning were studied. Head-space volatiles and dichoromethane extracts of volatiles, prepared from sardine and eel roasted with and without seasoning and roasted seasning were analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
    Hydrocarbons, carbonyls and alcohols were identifed in the volatiles of sardine and eel roasted with seasoning. The number and amount of identified hydrocarbons which are conwidered to be derived from some meat components of fish were found more in the sardine roasted with seasoning than in the eel roasted with seasoning. From the organoleptic test it seemed that the hydrocarbons were responsible to some extent, in the dodor peculiar to roasted sardine.
    In addititon, furfural, phenylacetaldehyde, etyl alcohol, furfuryl alcohol, and phenethyl alcohol were found in the volatiles of sardine and eel roasted with seasoning. As these components were found in the volaties of roasted seasoning too and have aromatic flavor, it seemed that these components were derived from the seasoning and contribued to mask the odor specific for the roasted fishes.
  • 山口 邦子, 豊水 正道, 中村 孝
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1245-1249
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The stability of lipids extracted from the ordinary muscle and skin of fishes was studied in connection with a preferential lipid oxidation in the skins during cold storage of the fishes.
    Lipids extracted from the tissues were classed into two groups by weight gain method at 40°C: a small weight gain group of ordinary muscle lipids including skin lipid of plaice, and a large weight gain of skin lipids. In the small weight gain group, all of the lipids were composed of considerable amount of phospholippid and the stability of the lipids estimated by their induction periods was correlated with their total phospholipid contents and individual ones except for sphingomyelin. On the other hand, in the large weight gain group, the stability of lipids except for the skin lipid of striped pigfish, which was composed of small, amount of phospholipid, was correlated positively and negatively with 0-1 ene content and 4-6 ene content respectively.
    The overall result, the preferential lipid oxidation in the skins was also accounted for by the stability of the lipids in itself which occured in the skin.
  • 松野 隆男, 眞岡 孝至, 坂口 茂樹, 西沢 徳治
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1251-1253
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The absolute configuration fo pectenol isolated from the Japanese sea musels Mytilus coruscus was determined to be (3S, 4R, 3'R)-7', 8'-didehydro-β, β-carotene-3, 4, 3'-triol (8) by means of chemical and spectral methods.
  • 鈴木 満平, 菊地 嶺, 大西 登史良
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1255-1260
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    It was found that the supernatants from the digestive tracts of the sea urchins Strongylocentrotus nudus degraded carboxymethyl cellulose, laminaran, fucoidan, microcrystalline cellulose and the crude fiber of Naga-Kombu Laminaria angustata. The degrading activty on sodium alginate could not be detected in the homogenate by measuring an increase of the reducing sugar, but a slight and significant activity was detected by measuring a change of the viscosity.
  • 松宮 政弘, 大竹 茂夫
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1261-1265
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The homogenate of the digestive organs of Platycephalus indicus, Lateolabrax japonicus, Scomber tapeinocephalus, and Seriola quinqueradiata were fractionated by DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. The fractions exhibiting diamine oxidase activity were searched and some properties of the enzymes were examined.
    Three protein fractions were observed in all the chromatograms and the diamine oxidase activities which were assayed by using cadaverine as the substrate were recognized in one fraction in the chromatograms fo Platycephalus indicus and Seriola quinqueradiata, and in two fractions in the chromatograms of Lateolabrax japonicus and Scomber tapeinocephalus.
    The optimal pH values of the exzymes of these fishes were at 6.1-8.0 and 7.0-8.3 when histamine and cadaverine were utilized as the substrates respectively. The enzymes examined in this investigation showed higher activity on cadaverine and putrescine than histamine and agmatime, and were inhibited strongly by aminoguanidine and slightly by EDTA.
    The characteristics of the diamine oxidases in these fishes were similar to each other, and they were also identical with those of the enzymes in Scomber japonicus which had been examined in the previous investigation.
  • 松野 隆男, 坂口 茂樹
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1267
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 塩見 一雄, 田中 栄治, 山中 英明, 菊池 武昭
    1984 年 50 巻 7 号 p. 1269
    発行日: 1984年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー