Specific radioactivities (SR) of
86-8Sr, the elemental abundance of of K, Rb, Fe, Zn, Ag and 14 others were determined on
Beryx splendens collected from the southwest coast of the Africa on the Atlantic and at the Emperor Seamounts (E-smt) on the western North Pacific. An overall ratio of
90Sr and their SR was 1:1/4:1/8 in
Beryx from Kinmei (K-smt) of E-smt, Valdivian smt (V-smt) on Walvis Ridge and A-smt on Guinea Rise. Muscle content of
137Cs was the highest: 0.85Bq/kg wet weight in K-smt
Beryx and the lowest: 0.12Bq in A-smt
Beryx; this reflects well
137Cs content in seawater. By the concentration Factor 1.48× 10
2 (
133Cs muscle/
133 Cs seawater) and
137 Cs muscle, content of
137Cs in
Beryx habitat was estimated at 6-7mBq/l for K-smt, 1.5-2.0 mBq for V-smt and 0.7-1.0 mBq for A-smt. The strong differences were, first attributed to the different fallout by latitudes.
60Co ranging 30-150 mBq/kg wet weight was detected in livers. of
Beryx and a similar level of
60Co was found in the pectoral dark muscle of
Beryx exclusively from the Pacific specimens (K-smt, Sagami Bay, ShichitÔ-IÔjima Ridge, Nanse-shotÔ Ridge, KyÛshÛ-Palau Ridge). Coefficient of variation (CV) of radionuclides and their SR were in 60-100% among A-V-K-smt
Beryx. However, CV ranging within 10-34% in the Pacific 6 groups. In most cases, CV of many elements by each part lay less than 45% throagh the three localities, except Ag and Cl. Thus, the benthopelagic
Beryx splendens may serve as an indicator reflecting environmental radioactivities in 200-600m depth of the Oceans.