Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
53 巻, 12 号
  • 中西 照幸, 小野里 坦
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2099-2104
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Some individuals among fish of one batch grow much faster than others in the same condition. This phenomenon is well known in pond-culture of carp and the superior group in growth is called 'Tobi-koi' or shoot carp. Genetic influence on the diversity in growth rate are examined using fully genetically identical clonal crucian carp which is naturally occurring gynogenetic triploid fish. Ploidy was determined by the erythrocyte size and the number of chromosomes. Identity of clone was determined by scale grafting and electrophoresis. A greatvariation in size and weight was found even in clonal crucian carp, indicating the occurrence of superior group when the fry are reared with food of different particle size and in high densities in a small tank. On the other hand, neither shoot crucian carp nor a great varia-tion in growth was found when the fish were cultured in low densities and given a sufficient amount of food in a larger tank. These results suggest that the occurrence of superior group in a batch is not attributed to the genetic difference but to the environmental or ecological conditions.
  • 柏木 正章, 阪木 英幸, 高橋 健夫, 岩井 寿夫
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2105-2110
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The diameter, percentages of total hatch, and percentages of viable hatch of eggs of Japanese whiting Sillago japonica were determined for 85 days during the spawning season from early July to late September, and then these relationships were traced.
    The diameter varied periodically during the season: it showed the largest size in the early and late part of the season and became smallest in size in the middle of the season. The daily maximum and daily mean percentages of total hatch were almost always above 50% and not rich in variety, but those of viable hatch showed some variations and often decreased below 50%. The diameter had statistically significant correlations with both percentages of viable hatch (p<0.01), but little with those of total hatch. Namely, the larger eggs had a tendency to produce a higher percentage of viable larvae than the smaller eggs. Besides this, the diameter and both percentages of viable hatch also had significant correlations with the water temperature (p<0.01).
  • 楠田 理一, 福永 剛
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2111-2115
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is well known that fish serum posesses two pathways of complement activity homo-logous to mammalian complement. One is called the classical pathway which is antibody dependent and the other is the alternative pathway which is independent of the antibody. Both pathways are considered important for the immunological and natural defense mechanisms of fishes against invading pathogens. Although the complement activities of many fishes have been previously studied, the classical pathway of eel Anguilla japonica complement have not been investigated. In this paper, the hemolytic activity of eel serum was investigated by using sheep red blood cells (SRBC) sensitized with eel antiserum. The antiserum was obtained from eel immunized with SRBC suspension as immunogen. The hemolytic activity increased as the agglutinating antibody titer increased. The optimum conditions for hemolytic activity were confirmed at a reaction temperature of 30°C and at pH 7.5. The hemolytic activity was in-activated entirely by heating the serum at 45°C for 30 min, inhibited partially with EDTA, EGTA and zymosan and enhanced with divalent cation Ca2+ and Mg2+.
    In general, the complement activity of mammalian has some representative properties like being temperature dependent, heat labile, requiring Ca2+ and Mg2+, and consumption activity by zymosan. In the present investigation, the properties of the antibody dependent hemolytic activity of eel serum were observed to be similar with those of the mammalian. These findings therefore suggest that the hemolytic activity in eel serum is caused by the complement activity.
  • 神原 淳, 丹羽 宏, 小栗 幹郎
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2117-2125
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Retinas of 11 species of elasmobranchs from 6 families including deep sea forms were examined by light microscopy. Variations in retinal structure were correlated with depth of capture. The retinas of shallow water forms had a well developed pigment epithelium, cone photoreceptors, numerous short rod outer segments and large horizontal cells with two or three layers. The retinas of deep sea species are characterized by possessing a reduced pigment epithelium, cone-free retinas and their rods have comparatively longer outer segments. No clear identification of bipolar, horizontal and amacrine cells was possible, but there are certainly no highly differentiated horizontal cells of the kind found in most shallow water fish retinas. However, the retinal structures of elasmobranchs are rather standardized and the dramatic variations of retinal structures which often occur in teleosts were not found in this observation.
  • 松宮 義晴, 今井 昌之
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2127-2131
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to clarify the ecology and abundance of conger eel, as a part of the study on the decreasing process for 0-age red sea hream, a sampling survey using pots was carried out in Shijiki Bay (Nagasaki Prefecture)from 1980 to 1983. Using 758 pairs of pots (one-day immersion), 1741 conger eels (TL 250-834mm) were caught. The catch in number reached its peak in June, dropping toward autumn to winter. The conger eels were densely distributed but smaller in length at the inner part of the bay. The sex ratio was 857:9 in total, indicating an overwhelming dominance of the female. The stomach contents of the pot-caught conger eels were composed mainly of sardines used as bait. The average stock number of the conger eel in this bay during June-July in 4 years'survey period was calculated at 17, 500 (11, 600-23, 200). 0-age red sea breams preyed on by the conger eels have been estimated at 2000 (650-7200) per day on average.
  • 高橋 裕一, 片桐 進
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2133-2137
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Three different hemagglutinins, of which the molecular weight was about 300-400K, 100K and 45K respectively, were found in the extract from a red alga Gracilaria verracosa by means of molecular sieve gel chromatography.
    300-400K and 100K hemagglutinins showed the isoelectric point of pI 4.2, and agglutinated horse erythrocytes but not those of goose. On the other hand, 45K hemagglutinin had the iso-electric point of pI 4.7 and agglutinated both horse and goose erythrocytes.
    Hemagglutinating activities in the algal extract were found during the period of November to next June, and not in July and August. Hemagglutinins with higher molecular weight (300-400K and 100K) and lower isoelectric point (pI 4.2) were detectable in December, February and March but little or nothing in November, while 45K hemagglutinin was detected in all test periods (No-vember to next March).
  • 兼広 春之, 呉 鴻驥
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2139-2144
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this papar, water abosrption-release behavior of nylon and polyester netting twine were investigated. The water absorption-release experiments were carried out by wicking height method (JIS-L1096) and soaking method. The height of absorbed water and the absorbed water content at the equilibrium state were measured. And the amount of the released water at regular time intervals was measured under temperature 20°C and relative humidity, R.H.=65%.
    Absorbed water content of nylon twine was higher than that of polyester, and the speed of water absorption was faster than that of polyester. And the equilibrated abosrbed water content of nylon and polyester measured by wicking height method were about 41% and 28%, respectively.
    The results of water release experiments showed that the process of water release of netting twine occurred at different three stages. In the water release process, the existence of constant water release rate period and falling water release rate period was recognized. The rates of water release of nylon and polyester netting twine during initial constant rate period were almost equal (2.6×10-4g/cm2•min).
  • 山根 猛, 飯高 勇之助
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2145-2150
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, attention is focused on the relation between the ingress and escape behaviour of prawns and height of pot entrance for the purpose of applying these data to investigate the catching mechanism of a small shrimp pot. The experiments were performed in a tank using six model pots without bait. The behaviour of prawns neaz the entrance funnel was recorded using video camera for a duration of 3hours per experiment. In each case, the variation in the number of individuals in a pot was well defined by the model equation. The relative catching efficiency was at maximum value near 8cm height of pot entrance.
  • 長澤 和也
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2151-2156
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The occurrence of the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis on Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, O. keta, O. gorbuscha, O. kisutch, O. tshawytscha) and steelhead trout Salmo gairdneri caught in the central North Pacific Ocean was investigated. The parasite occurred on all six species of salmonids, but there were marked differences in prevalence and abundance among the host species. Oncorhynchus tshawytscha was the most heavily infested with the parasite followed in descending order by S. gairdneri, O. gorbuscha, O. keta, O. kisutch, and O. nerka. Based on the population size of L. salmonis on each host species population, O. gorbuscha and O. keta were regarded as being the most important hosts in the ocean. Approximately 90% of the total parasite number occurred on these species. In heavy infestations, parasites were often found in clusters on the skin near the anal fin and caused damage to the skin. The prevalence and abundance increased with host size and ocean age.
  • 高橋 幸則, 遠藤 俊夫
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2157-2162
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Antibacterial activity of oxolinic acid (OA) against Pasteurella piscicida isolated from yellow-tail was studied, and field trials were cazried out in order to compare the efficacy of ultrafine (1.0μm in diameter) and ordinary (6.4μm in diameter) preparations of OA against pseudotuberculosis in yellowtail.
    The MIC90 values of OA, oxytetracycline, thiamphenicol and ampicillin against P. piscicida were 2.66, 35.70, >100 and 32.98μg/ml, respectively.
    In the field studies, each of the above two preparations of OA was mixed into minced sand eel and administered in doses of 10, 20 and 30 mg/kg of the ultrafine preparation and in a dose of 30mg/kg of the ordinary preparation for s days after the onset of pseudotuberculosis outbreak. Both prepazations reduced the mortality of the fish, and in group mortality, the ordinary preparation of OA at the dose of 30mg/kg was intermediate between 10 and 20mg/kg of the ultrafine pre-paration, whcn the mortality during and after the medicadon period and the mortality after the medication were both compared among the groups by statistical analysis.
  • 鈴木 秀和, 庵谷 晃, 関 哲夫, 有賀 祐勝
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2163-2167
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the seed production system of the abalone Haliotis discus hannai, sessile algal communities on the rearing plates are classified into two categories; the first and the second phase algae. The changes from the firs to the second phase algae were observed in detail. On the rearing plates, Licmophora abbreviata, Achnanthes javanica f. subconstricta, A. kuwaitensis, Navicula ramosissima, Nitzschia closterium and N. acicularis were observed abundantly as the first phase algae, and they built up stratified overstory assemblages. After the introduction of juveniles of the abalone onto the plates, these algae disappeared, and Cocconeis costata, C. scutellum, C. sublitoralis and Myrionema sp. proliferated remazkably and assemblages became a uniform layer of prostrate cells. These second phase algae were seen in small numbers in the early stages before introducing the abalone juveniles. Without grazing pressure of the juveniles, the algal community on the plates did not change to a uniformly layered assemblage. The first and the second phase algae differed in community structure and dominant species. In addition to these differences, the second phase algae were characterized by the remarkable proliferation under grazing pressure.
  • 今井 千文, 田中 昌一
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2169-2178
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Egg size change of Japanese anchovy dependent upon sea water temperature is described. Length of chorion was selected as the representative egg size character based on comparisons with some other characters, and referred to as egg diameter. Egg diameter changed seasonally and geographically. Mean egg diameter of net samples had significant negative correlation with surface water temperature. This correlation seemed to be universal regardless of time and locality.
    Spawning experiments confirmed the effect of temperature on egg size. Yearly variation of egg size spawned in an aquarium corresponded to trend of temperature anomalies of each year. Egg size could be experimentally enlarged by cooling rearing water.
    Stability of the anchovy population was discussed in connection with reproductive strategy. Egg size change through temperature information seemed to be beneficial to reproduction from the viewpoint of abundance of food and predator and size of food organisms. The strategy regard-ed as the key to stability was that reproductive energy was invested dispersally to long spawning season. This strategy was based on the ability to accumulate reproductive energy quickly and on the eurythermal nature of the species.
  • 亀井 勇統, 吉水 守, 絵面 良男, 木村 喬久
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2179-2185
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A total of 748 isolates from estuarine and marine environments were evaluated for antiviral activity against infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (INHV) according to plaque reduction assay. Among isolates from estuarine environment, 267 (71%) of 376 strains exhibited a 50% plaque reduction of IHNV, including 58 strains (18%) able to reduce plaques more than 90%. On the other hand, 120 (32%) of 372 strains from marine environment showed a 50% plaque reduction, including 23 strains (6%) showing a 90% plaque reduction. The incidence of bacteria having antiviral activity in the estuarine isolates was approximately twice that of the marine isolates. Most of the bacteria which exhibited plaque reduction of more than 90% belonged to genera Pseudomonas, Achromobacter, and Vibrio.
    A representative strain of those, Achromobacter sp. 51HW-25, produced antiviral agents heavily when incubated with shaking at 21°C for 60h. The antiviral products appeared to be two kinds of substances, thermolabile macromolecule and thermostable low molecular compound of molecular weight of less than 1, 000, when the bacterium was grown at 20°C. However, the bacterium grown at 25°C allowed production of only the low molecular compound.
  • 松本 行司, 新井 健一
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2187-2193
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The first order rate constant (kD) at the oarly phase of freeze inactivation of carp myofib-rillar Ca-ATPase was determined in the presence of varied concentration of several carboxylic acid.
    From the linear relation between log kD and the morality (M) of carboxylic acid, the protective effect (denoted as E) was estimated as a decrease in log kD/M of each carboxylic acid.
    The effect was thus found to become stronger in the order of formate, acetate, glycine, succinate, tartrate, gluconate, glutamate.
    The rank in protective effect of carboxylic acid against freeze denaturation, fairly coincided with that of the same acid against thermal denaturation of myofibrils.
    The joint protective effect of carboxylic acid with sugar and amino acid was also studied by the same manner. The variation in log kD showed that the cooperative effects were nearly additional for all pair combinations from sucrose, acetate, and glutamate and for those of sucrose, acetate, and glutamate.
    A discussion followed on a possible mechanism for cooperative protection by carboxylic acids with sugar and amino acid against freeze denaturation on myofibrillar protein.
  • 松本 行司, 新井 健一
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2195-2199
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The protective effect of some additives, such as sorbitol, Na-glutamate, and Na-acetate against freeze denaturation of carp myofibrillar protein was investigated by measuring change in first order rate constant (kD) for inactivation of its Ca-ATPase as a function of protein con-centration (M) for frozen storage with additive.
    Myofibrills were mixed with either one of the above mentioned additives in a medium of 0.16M KCl, 40mM Tris-maleate (pH7.5)to give the final concentrations of additives and myofibrillar protein between O-0.24M and 2-20mg/ml, respectively.
    During frozen storage, decrease in myofibrillar Ca-ATPase activity was measured with a laspe of time and the kD was calculated.
    It was thus found that the kD of the mixture were almost identical where the molar concentration of each additive was kept the same but that of myofibrillar protein however varied considerably.
    From the results mentioned above, a possible mechanism for the protection of freeze denaturation of myofibrillar protein by sorbitol, and the like, was discussed.
  • 杉田 治男, 野口 玉雄, 黄 登福, 古田 真理子, 元兼 豊明, 園田 輝彦, 橋本 周久, 出口 吉昭
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2201-2207
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Three coastal species of puffer Fugu vermicularis vermicularis F. niphobles and Canthigaster rivulata, were examined for intestinal microflora. Six groups of genus Vibrio, along with genus Pseudomonas, were found to be predominantly detected in most specimens. It was noted that the viable counts of a Vibrio group, tentatively identified as V. alginolyticus, and the total viable counts showed a positive correlation (r=0.92).
  • 戸沢 晴巳, 河端 俊治
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2209-2216
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Both cysteamine (CysA) and thiazolidine (THZ) are considered to be the precursors of N-nitrosothiazolidine (NTHZ). Regarding the occurrence of these compounds in foods, how-ever, almost no data has been available so far. Present study has revealed the existence of about 200μg/kg of CysA in fresh sardine meat, while the CysA content in the meat de-creased below 30% of the initial level after being boiled, and only 5% of CysA was retained in the meal samples after freeze-drying of the boiled meat. On the contrary, very small quantity of THZ were detected in the fresh sardine meat, however, the contents remarkably increased upon boling to reach 128μg/kg, and the levels did not change even after lyophiliza-tion. Fish meal samples made from whole bodies of fresh sardines were found to contain larger amounts of THZ than those of CysA, in contrast; the THZ levels in the samples made from decomposed fish were appearently lower than those made from fresh materials. It was confirmed that nitrosothiazolidine-4-carboxilic acid (NTZC) was formed in the sardine meal samples after treatment with NO2 gas, and the yield of NTZC reduced by lowering the fresh-ness of raw fish materials. Based on the afbrementioned results, it may be proposed that the following two pathways exist in the formation of NTHZ in fish meal during manufacturing process, viz., (1) formation of NTHZ by nitrosation of THZ, and (2) formation of NTHZ by decarboxylation of NTZC.
  • 渡辺 武, 竹内 俊郎, 佐藤 秀一, 王 基〓, 位田 俊臣, 矢口 正直, 中田 誠, 天野 高行, 吉島 重鉄, 青江 弘
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2217-2225
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Feeding experiments were conducted twice in practical culture scale to develop practical carp diets which are effective to reduce nitrogen excretion from carp without reduction of growth, feed effciency and increase of feed cost. For this purpose, the experimcntal diets were propared by using locally available low cost ingredients and fed to carp in net cages in Lake Kasumigaura.
    Results of two experiments suggested that dietary protein level could be reduced from 39% of the official standard for carp feeds in Japan to 30-35% by elevating energy level with carbo-hydrate such as wheat flour or with lipid such as beef tallow. The use of practical ingredients in these experiments resulted in reduction of feed cost. The most suitable protein and digestible energy levels in diets for carp cultured in Lake Kasumigaura to reduce N excretion are suggested to be about 35% and 350 kcal/100g diet. Total nitrogen excretion per ton of carp production was reduced by 22 to 36% of the value from commercial diets with CP above 39% by feeding these low protein-high energy diets.
  • 丸山 俊朗, 三浦 昭雄, 吉田 多摩夫
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2227-2234
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effect of effliuents from municipal sewage treatment plants on the growth of Porphyra yezo-ensis was studied by comparing the shaking culture method with the static culture method. Emuents examined were sampled before chlorination, and Provasoli's enriched seawater(PES) was used as a control. To clarify the differences in effects between shaking and static cultures on the growth of Porphyra thalli, the thalli length and the absorption spectra of living thalli were measured every second day. The number of dead or diseased cells in a thallus were observed under a microscope followed by erythrosine staining after 10 to 12 days from the start of the culture. The ranges of relative length of the thalli (1.8-4.9 and 1.3-2.1) were obtained after 10 days in effluents, with a salinity of 31‰ by shaking or static cultures, respectively. The maximum relative length of thalli (5.8) was obtained after 10 days in a fortyfold diluted PES medium, with a salinity of 31‰ by shaking culture. The shaking culture method showed a higher sensitivity than the static culture method for other aspects examined regarding the effect of the effluent on the growth of Porphyra thalli.
  • 丸山 俊朗, 三浦 昭雄, 吉田 多摩夫
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2235-2241
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The sampling time in a day and the day of the week were investigated to evaluate the effects of unchlorinated activated sludge effluent from the municipal sewage plant on the growth of Porphyra yezoensis by means of in vitro shaking culture. Effluents examined were sampled, before the chlorination occurred in the sewage plant, every two hours in one day and every day at 15:00 over one week. To clarify the difference in the effects on the Porphyra thalli, the thalli length and the absorbance spectra were measured, and dead cells were observed. Hourly sampled efliuents (Thursday-Friday) were classified roughly into three time zones from a standpoint of the effects on the growth ofPorphyra thalli, they were 11:00-17:00, 21:00-next day 5:00 and transition time zone. Effluent sampled daily at 15:00 were classified roughly.into three types from a standpoint of the growth of the Porphyra thalli: samples collected from Tuesday to Friday, on Saturday and from Sunday to Monday.
    The above mentioned results suggested that normally, the sampling time zone and day of the week to evaluate the effects of activated, unchlorinated effluent may be (1) 13:00-17:00 on Sunday, on Monday and on one of the day's from Tuesday to Thyrsday and (2) 23:00-next day 1:00 on Sunday and on one of the day's from Tuesday to Friday.
  • 原田 勝彦
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2243-2247
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to elucidate the structure of L-amino acids and lecithin inducing feeding attraction activity, the attraction activity was behaviorally investigated on their derivatives for three test aquatic animals, adult oriental weatherfish Misgurunus anguillicaudatus, young black abalone Haliotis discus and/or juvenile yellowtail Seriola quiuqueradiata. The attraction activity of amino acid was ascertained to be largely depend on both α-carboxyl and α-amino groups, especially the former one on the basis of the experimental results of basic amino acid derivatives having a part of α-carboxyl and/or α-amino groups replaced with certain groups, and on a short straight carbon chain in simple amino acid from the results of neutral amino acid derivatives, amino-fatty acid compounds. In case of lecithin, it was demonstrated that the type of lecithin having trimethyl in α-N-moiety and higher saturated fatty acid in α-and β-residue groups is mostly effective to anattraction behavior on the basis of the experimental results of lecithin derivatives.
  • 竹内 俊郎, Robert G. Ackman
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2249-2253
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The triglyceride (TG) and fatty acid compositions of rock crab Cancer irroratus, lipid were investigated by using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of TG in combination with gas liquid chromatography (GLC) of fatty acids. After crab meal neutral lipid was separated into an acetone-soluble fraction (mainly neutral lipid, SNL) and a precipitate fraction (PF), each fraction was first examined by HPLC. TG in SNL, which had a high con-tent of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as 20:5 and 22:6, consisted of components with partition numbers (PN) of 36 to 52; however no good separation among these was observed on the chro-matogram.
    On the other hand, TG in PF readily separated into twelve peaks of PN 44 to 56. Weight percentages of the main peaks of PN 48, 50, and 52 were 26, 26, and 21%, respectively. As a result of GLC analysis, the fraction with PN of 44 was shown to have a high content of polyenoic acids, concentrated five times higher in mole % than that of total PF. Fractions of all PN had more than 20mole % of C16:0. It is suggested that one or more molecular species type in PF might be dominated by C16:0. In this experiment, two or three peaks having the same PN were resolved by using reversed-phase HPLC. In these components with the same PN, the early-eluting peaks had a high amount of C18:1 or other monoenes, while the later-eluting peaks had much more C16:0.
  • 丹羽 栄二, 王 天鑚, 加納 哲, 中山 照雄
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2255-2257
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Temperature dependence of the elasticity of fish flesh gel, kamaboko, was studied. Kamaboko from Alaska pollack frozen surimi underwent different elasticity measurements in the range of 0-80°C. In puncture and chewing tests, breaking force and hardness were slightly increased on raising the temperature from 20°C to 40°ordm;C, but remarkably decreased on further rise in temperature. In both the extension and compression relaxation measurements, the instantaneous elastic modulus was decreased on raising the temperature from 0°C to 80°C. Moreover, in the extension and compression creep measurements, the instantaneous elastic modulus was decreased as described above, though signiflcant decrease was hardly recognized for the compression case at lower side of the temperature. The shear storage modulus and loss modulus were decreased by rising temperature, but increased again on lowering the temperature. In this case, the hysteresis was clearly observed between the temperature and both the moduli.
  • 戸沢 晴巳, 河端 俊治
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2259-2262
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In our previous paper, it was reported that cysteamine (CysA) in fresh sardine meat reacted with formaldehyde (FA) in the meat to form thiazolidine which may act as a precursor of nitrosothiazolidine (NTHZ) in fish meal. CysA is known to react with various carbonyl com-pounds including FA to form thiazolidine derivatives. Several types of carbonyl compounds have been reported to exist in dried sardines. In the present study, a survey was conducted on the distribution of notrosated thiazolidine dirivatives in fish meal samples. The presence of N-nitroso-2-methylthiazolidine (NMTZ) could be confirmed in three commercial fish meal sam-ples and also in the test meal samples after being treated with gaseous NO2. In the case of test meal samples, it was found that the yield of NMTZ apparently increased with the storage periods of raw materials at 10°C, and the changes in NMTZ contents were almost propor-tional to the levels of acetaldehyde in meal samples. The above-mentioned results indicate that acetaldehyde in the fish material would play an important role in the formation of NMTZ in fish meals.
  • 林 賢治
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2263-2267
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The content and the constituent fatty alcohols and acids of wax esters in liver oils of the deep-sea teleost fish Laemonema longipes from the northwestern Pacific Ocean were investigated.
    An analysis of forty specimens revealed that their liver weights(48.9±14.9g) accounted for 10.3±1.9% of their total body weight; the livers consisted of 74.0±6.3% oils. The liver oils contained high quantities of wax esters (73.6±11.6%) and low proportions of triglycerides (25.1±11.5%), and also significant amounts of unsaponifiable materials (35.4±5.7%), almost entirely consisting of fatty alcohols (98.8±0.5%). The relationship between the amount of wax esters in the liver (Y, g) and liver weight (X, g) was expressed by the following equation: Y=3.241+0.477X, (r=0.812).
    The component fatty alcohols of wax esters were found to consist mostly of monoenes (86.5±4.2%) and saturates (13.4±4.1%) of 14 to 24 carbon numbers. The principal components found were: 22:1 (47.4±4.8%), 20:1 (27.3±2.6%) and 16:0 (9.5±2.8%) alcohols. On the other hand, the wax ester fatty acids contained 18:1 (26.9±3.6%), 16:1 (15.3±1.1%), 20:5ω3 (9.4±2.7%), and 16:0 (9.3±0.8%) acids, as their major components.
  • 生田 國雄
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2269-2274
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Black abalones were exposed to cadmium, chromium, copper, lead and manganese concentra-tion gradients of 0 (not artificially added), 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25μg/l for 120 days, and subsequently the metal concentrations in the visceral and the muscular parts were determined at the interval according to the elapsed days.
    Extremely high distribution rates in the viscera of the control groups were obtained for cadmium with ca. 93-96%, which was followed by the somewhat low values, ca. 77-93, for lead, ca. 76-80 for manganese and ca. 50%'s for chromium and copper.
    The metals were divided into three groups by the differences in the values of distribution rates and induced Localization Indices (i-LI) of the two compartments. (1) Cadmium: the rates of this metal in the viscera of the exposure groups decreased, and consequently those of the muscular tissues increased; and the i-LI values for the viscera of the control were similar to those of the exposure groups, while the values for the muscular tissues weakened about two times in the exposure groups in negative direction. (2) Lead and Copper: the rates of the two metals in the viscera increased gradually in the exposure groups according to the concentration gradi-ents, so that those of the muscular tissues decreased; and the i-LI values increased slightly in the viscera, and steadily in the muscular tissues in the negative direction. (3) Chromium and Manga-nese: there were no differences in the values of distribution rates and i-LI of the two metals in the two compartments among the control and the exposure groups regardless of the concentration gradients.
  • 生田 國雄
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2275-2278
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ivory shells and Pfeffer's whelks were exposed to 10μg/l of cadmium for 20 days, and dis-tribution rates and localization indices of the controls were compared to those of the exposure groups, respectively.
    In ivory shells, distribution rates in the viscera decreased from more than 99% in the control to ca. 96% in the exposure group, and consequently, the rates in the muscular tissues increased from nearly 1% to ca. 4%, respectively, In Pfeffer's whelks, distribution rates of the control were ca. 85% in the viscera and ca. 15% in the muscular tissues, while the rates of the exposure groups were ca. 67% in the viscera and ca. 33% in the muscular tissues.
    Extremely low values of i-LI were found in the muscular tissues of the ivory shells with ca. -82 in the control, and the values weakened up to ca. -18 in the exposure groups. The i-LI values for the viscera were quite similar in the control (2.28) and the exposure groups (2.19).
    In the Pfeffer's whelks the values of i-LI in the muscular tissues weakened from -4.30 in the control to -1.48 in the exposure group, while in the viscera the values were substantially similar, 1.93 in the control and 1.33 in the exposure group.
    These results were similar to those obtained previously in the herbivorous gastropods, Haliocis discus and Bacillus cornutus exposed to cadmium.
    As shown from the results on localization index of cadmium in the muscular tissues, when gastropod mollusks were exposed to enhanced concentrations of the metal, in shallow water environ-ments, the i-LI values of cadmium in the muscular tissues can vary from negatively high to re-latively low values.
  • 浜野 龍夫, 松浦 修平
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2279
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山口 勝己, 森 徹, 村上 昌弘, 鴻巣 章二, 梶山 哲夫, 山本 浩
    1987 年 53 巻 12 号 p. 2281
    発行日: 1987/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー