Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
55 巻, 2 号
  • 宇野 將義
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 191-196
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Salmon culture in coastal waters from autumn to early summer and transfer of cultured salmon to freshwater in spring is being attempted in Japan. From this view point four experiments were carried out in order to investigate seawater and freshawter adaptability in several salmonid species.
    In Experiment 1, underyearlings of the rainbow trout, charr and chum salmon were directly transferred from freshwater to seawater in autumn. The rainbow trout died within three days, whereas charr and chum salmon exhibited higher tolerance to seawater (survival rate, 80-100%). In the latter two species, hematocrit value, serum sodium level, and moisture content of muscle greatly fluctuated during the first few days in seawater. Thereafter, these values reached those of seawater fish.
    In Experiment 2, underyearlings of the rainbow trout and coho salmon weret fransferred from freshwater to various concentrations of seawater. Forty-eight hours following the transfer, an elevation of serum sodium levels was observed in the rainbow trout and coho salmon transferred to seawater higherthan 23‰, and 25‰, respectively. Dead fish were observed in seawater above 25‰in rainbow trout and 32‰ in coho salmon.
    In Experiment 3, underyearlings of rainbow trout and amago salmon were transferred to seawater after acclimation in 50% seawater for 2-7 days. Long term acclimation improved seawater adaptability and survival rate.
    In Experiment 4, yearlings of rainbow trout and amago salmon which reared in seawater were directly transferred to freshwater in spring. This transfer was carried out successfully without mortality and any serious decrease in serum sodium levels.
  • 岡本 峰雄
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 197-203
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    To examine the function of artificial reefs for gathering fishes, fish faunas were observed by using SCUBA on artificial reefs in sandy and rocky bottom areas and on natural reefs around Hatsu Shima Island, and compared among the reefs. There was a slight difference in the fish faunas between the two artificial reefs, but totally these faunas were same as those on the natural reefs. Fishes gathering around the artificial reefs were classified into three types according to the activities in the daytime: 1) settled, 2) active and 3) floating-types. For settled and active-type fishes, the artificial reefs functioned the same as natural reefs. For floating-type fishes which act in the nighttime, the artificial reefs functioned as a rest place in the daytime. The artificial reef which was located in sandy bootom area and isolated from natural reefs was seemed to have strong gathering effect for floating-type fishes.
  • 陳 賽斌, 渡邊 精一
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 205-208
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    From a viewpoint of life history of fish, the natural mortality can be divided into three phases: initial, stable death, and death by senescence, and the respective phases correspond to the three growth phases: early, stable growth, and senescence. According to the relation between natural motality and the growth, a functional formula of the natural mortality coefficient is given in this study. When the von Bertalanffy's growth parameters are known, the natural mortality coefficient can be calculated for each age. As a function of age, the natural mortality coefficient has some general characters throughout the life.
  • 寺内 誠, 四之 宮博, 東 禎三, 岩田 静夫
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 209-213
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Discriminant analyses were carried out on the fishing conditions of yellowtails caught in stationary fishing nets on the Sagami Bay coasts during the past five years. The salinity of the water in the layer at a depth of 50m in Iwae (x1), the sea surface temperature in Iwae (x2), the north-south component and east-west component of wind direction and velocity in Ajiro, (x3) and (x4) respectively, were chosen and used as the explanatory variables.
    It has been clarified that the effects of these variables on the results of discriminant analyses are x2, x4, x1 and x3 in the descending order of description. The variables x4 and x3 were both found to be contributing to good catches of yellowtails when the wind blows inshore. In the discriminating test with the discriminant, mean right discrimination rates of 93% were obtained. Thus the discriminant to discriminate between a good catch and no catch of yellowtails was acquired. We consider that this model is effective for the discriminant prediction of yellowtail fishing conditions.
  • 中村 薫
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 215-219
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Microvilli of diverticular cells in the midgut gland of the prawn Penaeus japonicus were observed under a scanning electron microscope. Three different types of the microvilli were distinguished by their pattern based on the arrangement, density and behaviour. The microvilli distribution of two types was discernible cellularly from another type, and both of them showed a destruction phase caused by the explosion of each cell body probably due to ageing. The area of another microvilli spread without cellular partition, exhibiting only irregular grooves among the cloud of microvilli. Each of these types of microvilli seemed to belong to respective cells named as the light, dark and vacuolated which constitute the epithelial layer of diverticula. Furthermore, it was suggested that the vacuolated cell derived from the light cell in this prawn.
  • 田中 栄次, 田中 昌一
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 221-229
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The data used in this paper are catch statistics of coastal trawl fishery in the Sea of Japan off Niigata Prefecture in 1983. The relative fishing power of 15 groups of boats, stratified by the base ports and classes of power of engines, were estimated for each of 4 flatfishes and others by a simple method to compare CPUE's in the same fishing area in the same month from the pair data. The standardized CPUE in each area was calculated. Allocation pattern of fishing power to each species is different among groups and they are separated into three clusters by the cluster analysis. These clusters agreed with similarity among boats in the species composition of catch. The allocation patterns of relative fishing power are related to the stock abundance in their operating areas. Problems in applying the management measures are discussed. The advantages of existence of several clusters for the stock management are: (1) to aviod concentration of effort on a specified stock; (2) to mitigate the competition among fishermen. However, the benefit from a stock management measure would often not be equal among fishermen and this is the disadvantages of the existence of clusters.
  • 田中 栄次, 田中 昌一, 浜渦 清, 本田 信行
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 231-235
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The power of engines is an important factor for both catching operation and economics of a boat. The speed of boat, the relative fishing power and v1arious costs are assumed to be linear functions of the power of engine or the cube root of it. From these equations, the inequality is derived to divide the profitable and unprofitable domains of the abundance of fishing area and its range from the base port for various power of engine. The two different types of the dependency of the domain on the power of engine are shown. If the power of engine is not so influencial on the fishing power, then low powered boats are fitted to short distance areas whereas high powered boats are adapted to long distance areas. Otherwise, high powered boats are always profitable regardless of the distance. This model is applied to the data of a coastal trawl fishery operating in the Sea of Japan off Niigata Prefecture. The results show that latter type of the domain is applied to this fishery. The assumptions underlying this model are discussed.
  • Carlos Augusto Strussmann, 隆島 史夫
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 237-246
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Histological and morphometric examinations were conducted on normally fed and starved larvae of pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis, a freshwater Atherinid fish, to investigate criteria for the assessment of nutritional condition. In addition, results of survival of larvae starved throughout or fed after progressively longer periods of starvation are presented. Survival of fasted larvae dropped to 50% and 0% respectively at 5.5 and 7.0 days. Survival in the delayed feeding trials decreased proportionally to fasting periods longer than one day. Feeding of comparable numbers of larvae after 4 and 5 days resulted in 43 and 0% survival respectively. Point-of-no-return (PNR) was estimated to be 3.5 days at 21.5°C. Histologically, actively feeding larvae exhibited large cyto-plasmic vacuolation in the liver, presumably glycogen storage sites; supranuclear vacuoles in the posterior intestine's epithelium; and conspicously structured pancreas. On the contrary, starving larvae displayed widespread histological degeneration especially in the digestive tract and associated glands. Extensive necrosis and vacuolar degeneration in the liver; collapse of the pancreatic acinar arrangement, and autolytic vacuolation of the hindgut were positively correlated with food depri-vation. Morphometrically, differences in upper and lower jaw lengths; body depths at the pectoral fin and at the caudal peduncle; and condition factor were found between starved and fed larvae. In the conditions of the present experiment, larvae exhibiting the degree of degeneration found after 5 days of starvation will have no likelihood of survival even if food was to become available. It is concluded that consistent changes in histological (liver, pancreas and posterior intestine) and mor-phological (condition factor and body depth at the pectoral fin) features might constitute reliable indicators of feeding status of first feeding pejerrey larvae even if age is unknown.
  • Carlos Augusto Strüssmann, 隆島 史夫
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 247-254
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Preliminary results on the effects of incubation and rearing temperatures on histological and morphometrical features and on starvation induced mortality of first feeding pejerrey larvae are presented. Newly hatched larvae at 17.5°C were nearly 8% larger than those at 21.5°C, had significantly larger lower jaw lengths and mouth gapes but smaller yolk reserves owing to the longer incubation periods. The differences decreased with growth, but still favored larvae at lower temperatures. Larvae hatched at 19.5°C had intermediate length and availalbe energy, but relatively larger oil globules. Energy consumption and growth rates were directly proportional to temperature at both pre and post hatching periods. Yolk conversion efficiencies were initially similar and later maximal at 19.5°C. Yolk and oil were never completely absorbed in starved and dying larvae. Mortality of larvae starved throughout amounted to 50% at 5.5, 7.1 and 7.3 days respectively at 21.5, 19.5 and 17.5°C, but total mortality varied little from an average of 9 days irrespective of temperature. Survival in the delayed feeding trials decreased with longer starvation periods at 21.5 and 19.5°C. Such a trend could not be clearly identified at 17.5°C until total mortality. Histological criteria developed in an earlier study were employed to analyze the dynamics of changes and loss of tissue integrity and their correlation with survival expectancy. Initial changes were slower at 19.5°C, but leveled at days 3 and 4. After 4 and 5 days of starvation, the percentages of larvae bearing similar pancreatic and intestinal degeneration were similar, but liver seemed to be least affected at 17.5°C. It becomes evident that temperature interacts with starvation to affect potential survival and that utilization of histological methods to assess starvation induced mortalities should take temperature into consideration.
  • 青木 一郎, 〓田 義成
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 255-259
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Behavioural observations of spawning of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonica in a tank were made during the night using a high-sensitivity TV-system. Some anchovy began vigorously pursuing one after the other 30 min or 1h before spawning. During spawning hours, pursuits were observed in numbers much greater compared with the number of females spawning on the day. Pursuits occurred mostly between two fish and rarely among three. Swimming speeds in the nighttime changed in accordance with spawning activity. Our observations suggest that ripe males and females may be stimulated mutually and led to synchronized releases of gametes through repeated pursuing behaviour.
  • 福田 穎穂, 加藤 宜昭, 佐伯 宏樹, 岡本 信明, 佐野 徳夫
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 261-265
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A highly virulent strain of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) was attenuated by successive subculture on several fish cell lines in this study. Consequently, IHNV was attenuated effectively on FHM cell line. An attenuated IHNV clone, AF71-1 was selected from 277 plaque purified clones, which had been isolated from the IHNV subcultured successively for 33 times on FHM cell, by means of infectivity trials to rainbow trout fry. Infectivity trials by both of water born inoculation and intraperitoneal injection with AF71-1 to rainbow trout fry and kokanee fry, revealed that the virulence had been attenuated to remarkably low level as compared with that of the original strain or wild strain of IHNV.
  • 福田 穎穂, 加藤 宜昭, 周 信佑, 保田 義博, 佐野 徳夫
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 267-271
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The virulency of an attenuated IHNV clone, AF71-1•CL3, was compared with its original virulent IHNV, AW strain, using intraperitoneal injection to rainbow trout fry. The LD50 of AF71-1•CL3 and AW strain, calculated by Reed-Münch's method, were 106.4 TCID50/fish and 100.1 TCID50/fish, respectively. According to the difference of LD50 values, the virulency of AF71-1•CL3 was estimated to be about 2, 000, 000 times less than that of AW strain. Although succesive passage of AF71-1•CL3 through rainbow trout body with intraperitoneal injection led the virulency to higher level, the recovery of virulency was only six times higher than that of AF71-1•CL3 which had not been passed in vivo.
  • 中田 英昭, 平野 敏行
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 273-278
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The utility of the structural model as a tool for the assessment of environmental impact on coastal fisheries is described, together with its principles and procedures. This method uses existing information for structuring comprehensive ecological systems of fishing grounds and evaluating their functional change both directly and indirectly due to various impacts. A simple empirical formulation scheme is proposed as a means of quantifying the environmental impact. A set of variables, each of which indicates the rate deviation from the present state of each environmental factor, is used for the formulation. Each variable is normalized over the range (0-1) where we define the upper boundary for the present state and the lower boundary for the largest impacted state. Thus it also becomes possible to use simple multiplication to calculate the effects of multiple factors on a single factor. By inputting an initial value to the formulated structural model, one can estimate possible impacts on fisheries, for example, in terms of relative catch loss. Although this method has several limitations when handling feedback processes, etc., it seems to make conventional methods more concrete and quantitative.
  • 中田 英昭, 平野 敏行
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 279-286
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A case study of the use of the structural model for the assessment of environmental impact on the coastal fisheries is described. The utility of this method is discussed in comparison with the other estimates.
    We have focused on the impact of sediment discharge due to reclamation work, and identified an impact indicator as differntial catch of small shrimps in the proposed area. Eight environmental factors including the increase of turbidity (C1) as input and the catch loss of the small shrimps (Fl) as output were selected, and interactions among them identified. The interactions were formulated by using remaining ratios as variables. Each remaining ratio is normalized over the range (0-1): the upper boundary for the present state and the lower boundary for the largest impacted state. By inputting predicted initial remaining ratio to Cl, we could quantify the possible impact on Fl.
    Looking at the effect sequence of the structural model used for the present estimate, it becomes clear that the reduction in the area of algal belt may have a major impact on the abundance of small shrimps. This suggests the significance of indirect effects, of which little notice was taken in the previous estimates.
  • 清水 幹博, 小笠原 昇市
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 287-294
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Histological and ultrastructural features of the coelomic epithelium in the interamburacral region in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius were examined by light and electron micro-scopy (SEM and TEM). The epithelium showed a mosaic pattern formed by alternation of cell dense and cell sparse areas, both consisting of flagellated epithelial cells. Abundant muscle fibers and nerve fibers were found at the basolateral spaces between the epithelial cells. The coelomic epithelial cells, therefore, constitute a pseudostratified epithelium together with muscle and nerve cells.
    In the cell dense area, the flagellated cells were compact and cuboidal, provided with a long flagellum surrounded by well developed collar microvilli and multimorphous peripheral microvilli. The cells in the cell sparse area were irregular and flattened in shape and multimorphous micro-villi were less developed. Some spherular cell-like bodies were frequently found attached to the coelomic epithelium especially in the cell sparse areas. Sometimes, a single or a mass of flagellated cells were observed to be jutting out from the epithelial surface into the coelom.
    The coelomic epithelium seems to be involved in body fluid circulation with the aid of flagella and microvilli, and also in the production of some coelomocytes.
  • 林 俊辰, 佐藤 修, 梨本 勝昭, 山本 勝太郎
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 295-300
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The efficiency and stability of simplified plastic saucer-shaped otter board models with seven kinds of camber (0, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 25%) were studied. Models were rigged for an attack angle of between 0° and 50° and for an inward heel angle of between 0° and 20° at 5-degree intervals. The horizontal lift, drag and moment were measured by a three component load cell in a circulation-type test tank. Lift and drag coefficients, lift-drag ratio and coefficient of pressure centre were then calculated.
    The lift and drag coefficients became smaller when the angle of heel was gradually increased from 0° to 20°. The coefficient of pressure centre increased with increase of the camber. Considering the mean lift-drag ratio which was calculated using the width of 5° on both sides of the attack angle at the maximum lift-drag ratio for all models, the optimum camber of the otter board was from 5 to 7% while the most effective heel angle was 5° inwards. However, otter boards with higher camber of 13-23% seemed to be more stable judging from both the width of attack angle at 75% of the maximum lift-drag ratio and the mean coefficient of pressure centre within 5° on each side of the attack angle at the maximum lift-drag ratio.
  • 木原 興平, Allen M. Shimada
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 301-304
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The dynamics of trophic relationships between prey and predator of yellowfin sole and influence of bottom water temperature upon them were examined in the eastern Bering Sea during summers from 1979 to 1984. Yellowfin sole were classified by sex and fork length. Mutual occurrences between yellowfin sole (male 11-25cm, female 16-20, 26-30cm) and capelin were found to vary with bottom temperature significantly. Area overlaps between yellowfin sole and most species were not correlated with ambient temperature. This fact suggests that mutual occurrence is due to other biological or physical considerations related to the intrinsic requirements of each species. This study has elucidated that some coexistences of prey and predators which facilitate predation to a greater degree were affected by bottom water temperature.
  • 岡 重美, 安藤 芳明, 大石 圭一
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 305-312
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The germination response of spores of C. perfringens from natural environments was examined, and relationship between germination type of spores and both enterotoxin production and Hobbs' serotypability of the isolates was studied.
    A large number of isolates from the samples heated at 75°C for 20min showed alanine-type germination (A-type germination), but almost all isolates from the samples heated at 100°C for 60min showed potassium-type germination (K-type germination).
    Most of enterotoxigenic strains and a large number of Hobbs' serotype strains showed K-type germination. Also, all of the enterotoxigenic Hobbs' serotype strains showed K-type germination. However, both K-type and A-type germination were detected in enterotoxigenic Hobbs' untypable strains and non-enterotoxigenic Hobbs' serotype strains.
    It was considered that germination type of spores of isolates was not always closely related to two characteristics of them.
  • 佐藤 秀一, 井爪 一宏, 竹内 俊郎, 渡辺 武
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 313-319
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A feeding experiment was conducted to examine availability of manganese (Mn) contained in various types of fish meals (white fish meal, brown fish meal, and sardine meal with or without soluble). Fingerling carp weighing 4.3g in average were fed diets containing one of four kinds of fish meals as a sole protein source with different levels of supplementary Mn for 11 or 24 weeks at water temperature of 15-25°C. Growth and feed efficiency were poor in fish receiving the diet without supplementation of Mn in every kind of fish meal diet groups, and were effectively imporved by addition of Mn and reached a plateau when supplementation of Mn together with Mn in each fish meal at a level met the Mn requirement of carp.
    Thus the content of Mn in the diets derived from various types of fish meals is not sufficient without supplementary Mn for normal growth of carp, judging from the fact that feeding diets containing various fish meals as protein source without supplementary Mn induced poor growth, short body dwarfism and reduced Mn levels in vertebrae. The results have also shown that bioavailability to carp of Mn contained in different kinds of fish meals is very high, and is not affected by the content of tricalcium phosphate in diet.
  • 中川 久機, 石尾 真弥
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 321-326
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Effects of water hardness on the toxicity and accumulation of Cd2+ in the eggs and the larvae of Oryzias latipes were studied. With increasing water hardness, the toxicity of Cd2+ on the eggs and the larvae decreased, also the amounts of Cd2+ accumulated by the eggs, the chorions and the larvae declined. On the other hand, the contents of Ca and Mg in the eggs and the chorions increased. Thus, the reason that the toxicity of Cd2+ on the eggs and the larvae were ameliorated with increasing water hardness is thought as follows: in hard water accumulation of Cd2+ by the eggs and the larvae will be suppressed since Cd2+ has to compete with Ca2+ and Mg2+ for active sites in the uptake channel.
  • 中川 久機, 石尾 真弥
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 327-331
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Effects of water pH on the toxicity and accumulation of cadmium in the eggs and the larvae of Oryzias latipes were studied. Within the range of pH 4.5-7.0, the toxic effects of Cd2+ on the eggs increased in groups with a lower pH. On the contrary, those effects on the larvae were ameliorated. However, at pH 4.0, the eggs hardly hatched and abnormal symptoms were observed in all larvae of all test groups including control. In the same ranges of pH, the amounts of Cd2+ accumulated by the eggs and the larvae were depressed with lowering pH. Thus, the toxic effects of Cd2+ on the larvae were ameliorated because the amounts of Cd2+ accmulated by the larvae were depressed with lowering water pH. Nevertheless, the reason that the toxic effects of Cd2+ on the eggs increased with lowering water pH could not be explained from the result of Cd2+ accumulation test.
  • 杉野 英彦, 小島 直也, 西田 清義, 尾島 孝男
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 333-340
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Troponin C of the striated adductor muscle of Ezo-giant scallop Patinopecten yessoensis was split with CNBr into 3 fragments named CB1, CB2 and CB3 which consisted of about 80, 50 and 4 amino acid residues, respectively. CB1 was shown to contain Ca2+-binding and TnI-binding domains. While CB2 is the N-terminal fragment which was incapable of binding of Ca2+ though it was expected to contain at least one Ca2+-binding domain in view of the structural homology with other Ca2+-binding proteins. Amino acid sequence of the CB2 was determined as QFTEERSAKQILNAKEAFDNVCKLKEGTVSCKDLGAIFKSLGLLVKSDAM. Thus the sequential homology was considerably low in the CB2 and the N-terminal regions of the other Ca2+-binding proteins especially in the possible Ca2+-binding domains.
  • 中川 浩毅, 榎本 則行, 浅川 牧夫, 墨 利久
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 341-347
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    β-N-Acetylhexosaminidase was purified to an electrophoretically homogeneous form from the liver of red sea bream Pagrus major and the properties of the purified enzyme were studied. The molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated to be 150, 000 by gel filtration. The enzyme exhibited its maximum activity at pH 4.0, 4.5 and 5.0 toward the substrates p-nitro-phenyl β-N-acetylglucosaminide, chitobiose and bovine submaxillary glycoprotein, respectively. The Km and Vmax of the enzyme for p-nitropheny β-N-acetylglucosaminide were 0.42 mM and 235μmol/min.mg. The enzyme liberated approximately 100% of the N-acetylglucosamine occurring in bovine submaxillary glycoprotein as a minor carbohydrate component, revealing that the N-acetylglucosamine existed at the nonreducing end of the carbohydrate moieties.
  • Carlos E. Riquelme, 深見 公雄, 石田 祐三郎
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 349-355
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The growth response of native bacteria isolated from Maizuru Bay to extracellular organic carbon (EOC) of Asterionella glacialis (Bacillariophyceae) and Chattonella marina (Rhaphidophyceae) was examined. A. glacialis EOC selectively stimulated and inhibited the bacterial growth. Growth of a dominant strain Pseudomonas 022 during the bloom of A. glacialis was strongly stimulated by A. glacialis EOC, but Vibrios strains growth were not. Psudomonas 022 utilized selectively not only dissolved free amino acid (DFAA) but also dissolved combined amino acid (DCAA) in the algal EOC. It is suggested that bacteria change the concentration and composition of dissolved amino acids in the bloom period.
  • 塩見 一雄, 保坂 正俊, 屋名池 紀枝, 山中 英明, 菊池 武昭
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 357-362
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Venoms of two species of fire corals, Millepora platyphylla and M. dichotoma, possessed lethal, hemolytic and edema-forming activities as well as acid phosphatase and phospholipase A activities. It is noted that the M. platyphylla venom induced hemoglobinurea in mice, while the M. dichotoma venom did not. Both venoms were also distinguishable from each other with respect to stability and molecular weight. Lethal factors having hemolytic activity in the M. platyphylla venom were purified by gel filtration and chromatofocusing. At least three factors were detected during the purification procedure and one of them was obtained in an electrophoretically pure state. All factors were acidic proteins (pI 5.7-6.2) with a molecular weight ranging from 31500 to 33000.
  • 畑江 敬子, 李 敬姫, 土屋 隆英, 島田 淳子
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 363-368
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Cultured red sea bream and yellowtail did not differ in protein-N content but were higher in lipid content in their dorsal muscle, than wild red sea bream and yellowtail. In the case of wild and cultured flounder, however, no difference was seen in the lipid content. In all of the species, the color of the dorsal muscle differed very much between cultured and wild fish. The skin color of wild red sea bream was more reddish than the cultured one.
    Sensory panel members preferred the wild fish to cultured ones because the texture of wild fish was more preferable than the cultured ones.
    The difference in the physical properties between cultured and wild fish meat of each species could be shown quantitatively in terms of the difference of the distribution in the Sample Value obtained by discriminant analysis of six or seven measured items of physical properties as we reported previously.
    The discriminant ratio was a useful tool to show the degree of the difference, that is, how the physical properties of cultured and wild fish varied. In case of raw fish meat the difference of the physical properties was the most in yellowtail, followed by red sea bream, and finally, flounder. But when we cooked the fish meat, yellowtail and red sea bream were the species in which the difference in physical properties became smaller and flounder was the species in which the difference became larger.
  • 吉崎 悟朗, 尾城 隆, 隆島 史夫
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 369
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 長谷川 英一, 小林 裕
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 371
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 天野 秀臣, 野田 宏行, 藤吉 利彦
    1989 年 55 巻 2 号 p. 373
    発行日: 1989/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー