中野 繁, 前川 光司, 山本 祥一郎
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
We describe several reproductive characteristics of two types of Japanese charr
Salvelinus leucomaenis found in Arimine Lake, an artificial lake-inlet stream system in Toyama, Japan. Larger-sized individuals, which migrate downstream to the lake and grow to maturity there, later migrate up several inlet streams to spawn. Smaller-sized individuals, however, are resident in streams and spawn there. These types are respectively similar to sea-run or lake-run and stream resident types of other salmonid fish. During the 26 years following lake construction by damming, the migratory life cycle of part of the population of this charr appears to have changed from the fluvial form. During spawning activity, mature females and males presumably form pairs of each type, with the pair formation assortatively depending upon their body size.
木本 秀明, 林 泰行, 檜山 節久, 上城 義信, 小川 浩, 林 功, 石田 雅俊, 有江 康章, 伊東 弘, 正木 康昭
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
At present, status of finespotted flounder
Pleuronichthys cornutus stock in Suõ-Nada of Seto Inland Sea is considered to be on the decrease in comparison with the past.
In this study, we reexamined for biological characteristics on stock assessment. We investigated the stock management scheme for this stock. As the results, present status of the flounder is overfishing.
In conclusion, catch of yearling should be prohibited in small trawl fisheries in near future.
梅澤 彰馬, 塚本 勝巳
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Otolith microstructure of 1073 of larvae and juveniles ayu
Plecoglossus altivelis was examined to establish the method to discriminate between land-locked fish (LAKE) and amphidromous fish (SEA). Their birth date and otolith growth rate during February were determined by ageing fish with daily increments of sagittal otolith. Based on the comparison of frequency distributions of birth date and otolith growth rate between LAKE and SEA, fish with the birth date before Sep. 27 and/or the otolith growth rate below 1.9μm/d were estimated as LAKE, while those with birth date later than Nov. 23 and/or the growth rate above 3.6 μm/d were SEA. Fifty-six percent of LAKE and 39% of SEA were fitted to the above indices, and the theoretical accuracy for judgement was 98%. Blind test of 50 specimens showed that 43% fish could be judged, and the accuracy was 84%.
北原 武, 原 哲之
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
This paper proposes an abundance index of immigrants in exploited migratory populations. The abundance index is derived, as an example of adult yellowtail population immigrating into coastal areas along the main land of Japan in the Japan Sea, on the following assumptions. First, the adult yellowtail population immigrates into the Sea through the Straits of Tsushima and migrates northward along the main land. Second, fishing effort is constant in each fishing area over a period in question. Third, exploited rate is independent of the size of the im-migrant population in each area. Here the exploited rate in an area is defined as the ratio of catch to the immigrant population size into coastal areas along the main land. Finally, the rate in each area is independent of the ones in others and follows a log-normal distribution.
As a numerical example, the derived index is applied to the adult yellowtail population along the main land of Japan in the Japan Sea. In addition, this paper compared the index with the one proposed by Hara.
原 哲之
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
This paper treats fluctuations in catch of young yellowtail in the coastal area of the Sea of Japan these 20 years.
In long term fluctuations, yellowtail aged 1 year old increasingly migrates to the west of Noto Pen., while decreasingly to the east of Noto Pen. Yellowtail aged 2 years old increasingly migrates to the west of Oki Islands while decreasingly to the east of Oki Islands. These long term fluctuations correspond to a decrease in the number of adult yellowtail which immigrates into the Sea of Japan.
In yearly fluctuations, more 1-year-old yellowtail migrate to the east of Noto Pen. when warm waters, of which temperature at 100m depth are over than 10°C, intrude northward along the coast in spring and summer. Moreover, probably the 1-year-old yellowtail which migrates to the east of Noto Pen. migrates to the east of Oki Islands next year. Similarly the 1-year-old yellowtail which migrates to the west of Noto Pen. migrates to the west of Oki Islands next year.
海老沢 明彦
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The reproductive biology of
Lethrinus nebulosus was studied. Oogenesis of the fish were very much similar to that of Sparidae, Serranidae, i.e. yolk vesicles, yolk globules, nucleus migration, fusion of yolk globules and hydration successively occurred toward ovulation. From histological observations, in August and September, all ovaries were in primary growth phase,
i.e. in early and late peri-nucleolus stage. Yolk accumulation began from October onward with the peak spawning March through June. Atretic ovaries were observed in June and July. GSI's transition coincides with the histologically observed gonadal developments, accordingly, taking the lowest during August and September, GSI gradually increases and gains the highest in March and April with the gradual decreases toward August. The minimum length of maturation was around 40cm in FL. The fecundity and FL relationship during the most fecund months, March and April, was expressed as Fecundity= 1.58×10
5.20. There was no relation of spawning about lunar periodicity.
L. nebulosus exhibited juvenile hermaphroditism in which sex was determined as 24-30cm.
黄 四宇, 郭 慶老, 田中 昌一
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Grey mullet
Mugil cephalus (LINNAEUS) is one of the most important fish migrating to Taiwan in winter. Many studies and results concerning the biology of this species have been undertaken, but only two of these have dealt with its population dynamics. Since grey mullet is an intensively fished stock and the age composition is available in this study, the cohort analysis was applied to assess the stock abundance.
The age composition and catch from 1977 to 1987 were used to calculate the number in the stock. First, the sensitivities of the estimated stock to terminal F and M values were examined. The differences were rather small with even considerably different values being used, and the following values were adopted for the calculation:
F=0.99 for female,
F=1.36 for male, and
The mean stock size and recruitment of the years 1977 to 1986 were calculated to be 1.40×10
6 and 0.70×10
6 individuals for female and 2.16×10
6 and 1.34×10
6 individuals for male fish. Both the stock size and recruitment showed decreasing trends. As the age composition is shifting towards younger ages and the catch is decreasing sharply in recent years, the stock of grey mullet should be taken into serious consideration.
萩原 篤志, 日野 明徳
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The hatchability of resting eggs and the reproductive variability of newly hatched females of the rotifer
Brachionus plicatilis were investigated in relation to their phytoplankton diet. Two large types, one from the University of Tokyo (T-L stock) and one from the Mie Prefecture (M-L stock), and one small type from Lake Hamana (H-S stock) were cultured on either
Chlamydomonas sp. or
Tetraselmis tetrathele. Cultures were maintained for two years in the laboratory by repeatedly inducing resting egg formation, collecting, storing, hatching and reculturing the next generation.
The hatchability of resting eggs decreased when rotifers were fed
Chlamydomonas for resting egg formation. The percent hatch of the H-S and M-L stocks declined from 95-100 to 6-20% with
Chlamydomonas. In contrast, feeding
Tetraselmis increased the hatching rates of resting eggs from 30 to more than 85% for the T-L and M-L stocks and from 6 to 49% for the H-S stock. A positive correlation was found between the hatching rate of resting eggs and the viability index (number of offspring per reproductive period) of newly hatched females.
三宮 信夫, 中峯 浩, 松田 皎
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
In our earlier papers, several mathematical models were presented for describing the schooling behavior of fish. The parameters included in the model were estimated on the basis of the time series data of fish position observed from a water tank experiment. In this paper, a sensitivity analysis to the model parameters is investigated. In order to calculate the parameter sensitivity, Monte Carlo simulation is carried out with varying the values of the parameters for the model.
A case study of the simulation is to investigate the direction of swimming behavior of fish that encounter with a leader net. It is observed from the simulation results that the parameters related to the propulsive force and the schooling force have low sensitivity. On the other hand, the parameters related to the repulsive force from wall and the interactive force are found to have high sensitivity. Further, the validity of this result is confirmed by making reference to the previous experimental results.
K. Sumantadinata, 谷口 順彦, Sugiarto
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Gynogenetic diploid induced by retaining second polar body and that by suppressing first cleavage of eggs of Indonesian common carp
Cyprinus carpio were produced by inseminating eggs with ultra-violet ray irradiated sperm of Java carp
Puntius gonionotus and giving heat shock treatment to the developing eggs. The morphometric and meristic characters of 3 month old fish were measured and counted. There was the prominent trend that the degree of phenotypic variation was larger in the mitotic- and meiotic-gynogenetic diploids than in the control-2N in the almost all morphological characters examined. These phenomena observed in variation of quantitative characters were explained by the function showing the relationship among phenotypic variance (V
p), genetic variance (V
q), environmental variance (V
e) and coefficient of inbreeding (F) in the first gynogenetic generation. The genetic implications for gynogenetic diploids were discussed in relation to genetic improvement of fish race in aquaculture.
小沢 貴和, Grace C. Peñaflor
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The correlation between otolith microstructure and early ontogeny was studied with the larvae, juveniles and adults of a myctophid species
Benihoserna pterotum collected in Kagoshima Bay, southern Japan. From the width and shape of rings, the otolith structure was divided into the inner, middle, and outer zones surrounding a nucleus. Each zone had a different relationship between the standard length and otolith radius. The rapid change of photophore formation and melanophore pattern corresponded to the latter half of middle zone, and their completion to the start of outer zone. Considering the first half of middle zone to reflect the initiation event of metamorphosis, the inner, middle, and outer zones were correlated with larval, metamorphic, and juvenile to adult stages, respectively. The daily periodicity of ring formation was tested by tracing cohorts having different modes of body size, but the expected results could not be gained.
酒井 久治, 佐藤 要, 矢田 貞美, 北野 庸介, 米元 博明, 山根 勝行, 秋澤 速夫
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The improvement of operation management in the propulsion power system of fishing boats is one of the important problems for energy saving. Actual operation management to be effective requires at least the measurement of torque and thrust
Experiments on the foundation and application were conducted to evaluate the measuring system using the strain gauges, and practicality of the measurement was examined. The result showed that this method in the measurement of stress can also be widely applied to all kinds of shaft in fishery machines
橋本 伸一, 村岡 愛一郎, 楠田 理一
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
This report describes the survival and pathogenicity of
Pasteurella piscicida strain 5866, a pathogen of yellowtail
Seriola quinqueradiata, preserved by L-drying or gelatin-disk drying method. For L-drying storage, drying media with serum base were assessed. Harvested cells were suspended in drying media and stored at 15°C after drying in a vacuum from the liquid state. For the gelatin-disk drying method, harvested cells were suspended in melted 10% Bacto-gelatin containing 1% Bacto-peptone, 0.5% Bacto beef extract, 0.5% NaCl and 0.25% ascorbic acid. Small quantities were dried over P
5 in a vacuum and stored at 15°C after drying. For assesment of pathogenicity, juveniles of yellowtail were infected by waterborne infection in sea water.
Results of L-drying storage experiments showed mist desiccans with 0.5% NaCl was the most effective drying medium with high survival for 6 months after preservation. The mist desiccans contained 3 parts calf serum and 1part nutrient broth with 7.5% galactose. In gelatin-disk drying storage, recovery was low immediately after drying but no further descrease was found after a 6 month-storage. In both preservation methods, pathogenicity was well maintained for 6 months.
藤石 昭生
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Model tests of a high-speed midwater rope trawl were made to estimate the optimum ratio be-tween headrope flotation and wingtip weights. The weights were secured to the bottom of each wingtip. The model has some new design features.
i.e. it is a variable type of rope trawl, has a long tapered body and a codend without flapper. The vertical mouth opening was measured in an ex-periment tank at towing speeds of 3-5 knots using various headrope flotation, wingtip weights and rigging. The proper wingtip weights can be determined from the height of the mouth opening. Based on the height of the mouth opening divided by the sum of the wingtip weights and the static buoyancy of the floats, the proper wingtip weights were estimated to range from 5 to 8 tons within the range of buoyancies of 0.5-1.0 ton. These weights were heavier than those normally used on midwate trawls of a similar size to the scaled up value of the model.
藤森 康澄, 松田 皎, Loel P. Losanes, 小池 篤
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The difference on the fishing performance of a bottom gillnet and semi-trammel net was elucidated by evaluating the catching efficiency and absolute selectivity of the nets. The data were obtained from an outdoor water tank experiment using a group of rainbow trout
Oncorhyncus mykiss of known size composition. The influence of light intensity on the catch taking the mesh size and construction of the net into consideration was also evaluated. The results showed that gillnet was more effective than semi-trammel net when the mesh size of the net was appropriate with the size of fish. Likewise, light has greater influence to the catch of semi-trammel net than a gillnet.
原田 勝彦
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The feeding attractioan activities of the water-extracts of spiecs in adult oriental weatherfish
Misgurnus anguillicaudatus and juvenile yellowtail
Seriola quinqueradiata were statistically estimated on the basis of the time-course obtained from the fish behavior. Among thirty specimens tested in twenty-eight species of spices, allspice
Pimenta officinalis and ten others for oriental weatherfish, and allspice and fourteen others for yellowtail were effective in the attraction beahvior. Above sixty per cent of the attractive specimens for both fishes were the odorus spice in characteristic. Furthermore the common attractive spices for both the fishes were the seven species of, allspice, caraway
Carum carvi and cardamon
Elettaria cardamomum in the odorous spice, only white pepper
Piper nigrum in the acrid, and garlic
Altium sativum, onion
Allium cepa and savory
Satureia hortensis in the odor-corrective. Especially strong attractants were caraway for oriental weatherfish, and cumin
Cuminum cyminum for yellowtail. The attraction activities of caraway, cumin, and allspice clearly depended on the concentration used.
沼倉 忠弘, 木村 郁夫, 豊田 恭平, 藤田 孝夫
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Changes in gel strength and myosin heavy chain of salt-ground meat from walleye pollack surimi were examined in relation to setting temperature in the range of 10-90°C.
With the lapse of setting time at 30°C or below, gel strength of salt-ground meat was increased and reached its maximum plateau, whereas the gel strength was initially increased and subsequently decreased during the setting at 40°C or above.
On the other hand, the amount of myosin heavy chain in salt-ground meat, as measured by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, was largely decreased with a concomitant formation of cross-linked myosin heavy chains during the setting at 30°C or below, while the these changes in salt-ground meat were hardly observed at 40°C or above.
These results indicate that the setting of salt-ground meat from walleye pollack may be regarded as the temperature-dependent cross-linking reaction of myosin heavy chains, con-tributing to production of elastic gel.
絵面 良男, 原 安彦, 木村 喬久
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
A control method for the red-spots injury caused by
Alteromonas sp. occurring on seed twines for the cultivation of makonbu was examined. Among the eight disinfectants tested
in vitro, chlorine dioxide (stabilized) and hydrogen peroxide significantly affected the causative organism while other strain of the same genus used a control had been less affected. Bathing mature blades of makonbu artificially contaminated with the causative organism in a 1, 000ppm solution of hydrogen peroxide for 10min at 15°C caused complete disappearance of the causative organism, while one-fifth number of ambient other bacteria on the mature blades survived. The disinfection of mature blades with hydrogen peroxide did not affect the further growth of makonbu.
Since invasion route of the causative organism into the culture vessels for gametophytes of makonbu is through mature blades contaminated in coastal seawater, disinfection of mature blades with hydrogen peroxide can be applied as a control method for the red-spots injury occurring on the seed twines of makonbu. When the injury occurs on seed twines, the injury can be held with a 80ppm solution of chlorine dioxide (stabilized) for 24h at 10-15°C.
伊藤 剛, 北田 長義, 山田 典彦, 関 伸夫, 新井 健一
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Minced meat from Walleye pollack was soaked in 3
M NaCl for various time intervals within 1 day, so that NaCl concentration of the minced meat was varied among 0.9-2.1
When the cured meat was subjected to dehydration at 30°C, the internal temperature of it was found to remain at 23°C during early 2 hours of dehydration process. Accordingly, changes in myosin heavy chains of the cured meat were compared between the processes of dehydration at 30°C and of heat treatment at 23°C.
During both processes, myosin heavy chains of the meat, except the raw meat containing 0.14
M NaCl and the 24h-cured meat containing high (2.1
M) concentration of NaCl, decreased with concomitant formation of cross-linked myosin heavy chains.
It was also shown that such changes in myosin heavy chains of the cured meat induced by dehydration at 30°C proceeded rather slowly as compared with the changes by mere beating at 23°C.
舩津 保浩, 新井 健一
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Denaturation of carp myofibrils induced by changing pH in association with KCl concentration was studied.
Myofibrils were mixed with maleate-NaOH buffer to set the pH between 4.98 and 6.21 in the presence of varied concentrations (0.1-1.0
M) of KCl and were stored at 2°C. Acid-induced denaturation of myofibrillar protein such as myosin and actin was investigated by means of changes in various ATPase activities and in digestibility by α-chymotrypsin.
The results showed that under the acid treatment, the majority of myofibrillar protein was slowly denatured in a complexed form as actomyosin in the presence of low concentration (0.1
M) of KCl, whereas through dissociation into myosin and actin in the presence of high concentration (over 0.5
M) of KCl.
It was also shown that a rise in pH of myofibrils suspension tended to accelerate a preferential denaturation of actin, while a fall in pH caused rapid denaturation of actin together with myosin.
昌子 有, 佐伯 宏樹, 若目田 篤, 中村 誠, 野中 道夫
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Frozen surimi of Alaska pollack was ground with 2.5% NaCl and treated by a high hydrostatic pressure. Strong gel was formed from the salted paste by treatment at 2.0-4.0kbar at 0°C for 10min. The gel by 3.0kbar pressure treatment had the greatest gel strength.
The high pressure-induced gel was different from the heat-induced gel in its property. It had greater gel strength and is more transparent in the appearance compared with the heat-induced gel.
The high pressure-induced gel had a small amount of myosin heavy chain and concomitantly a large amount of high molecular weight components. Furthermore, it also had a large amount of Cl component which was not solubilized with SDS-urea-mercaptoethanol medium, whereas the heat-induced gel had no such component. These findings suggest that gel-formation by a high pressure depend largely on the cross-linking of myosin heavy chain.
These results indicated that gelation of meat paste induced by a high pressure may be advantageous to processing of a new type fabricated food from fish meat.
松永 明信, 大泉 徹, 山本 敦, 川崎 賢一, 水上 英一
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
A method of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using post column reaction system has been established by us for the determination of polyphosphates (PP) in foods and PP contents in commercially available surimi-based products have also been examined.
In the present investigation, behavior of PP during the manufacturing process of surimi-based products was studied. Surimi was made from Alaska pollack muscle washed twice with a buffer solution (pH 7.5). Aliquots of salted meat paste, which was a mixture of surimi, NaCl and tripolyphosphate (P3), were incubated under various conditions. After incubation, aliquots were homogenized with ice-cold 6% trichloroacetic acid and centrifuged. The super-natants obtained were applied to HPLC for the determination of PP. It was found that P3 was enzymatically degraded to pyrophosphate (P2) and orthophosphate (P1) in the salted meat paste during grinding and setting processes, but P2 was seldom degraded to P1. Optimal temperature, NaCl concentration, and pH of tripolyphosphatase (P3ase) activity in the salted meat paste were around 27°C, 6.0%, and 6.0, respectively. P3ase was rapidly heat-inactivated at temperatures above 35°C. Although thermal degradation of P3 occurred during heating process, the degree of degradation was much smaller than that by P3ase during grinding and setting processes.
鄭 甫泳, 大島 敏明, 小泉 千秋, 狩野 勇二郎
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Lipid deterioration and its inhibition in the Japanese oyster
Crassostrea gigas during frozen storage were investigated. The shelled oyster were treated with antioxidants such as dibutylhy-droxytoluene and natural vitamin E, and then stored at -20°C for 12 months and the effect of deoxygenizer was examined similarly. Untreated oyster were also stored either at -20°C or at -35°C. During storage, changes in TBA value, POV, and fatty acid and class compositions of lipids were determined to evaluate the quality of oyster. The color and taste of cooked oysters were also evaluated.
POV in all the samples increased gradually with the duration of storage. Contents of phos-phatidylcholine (PC) and triglyceride decreased in varied degrees, while those of free fatty acid, lyso-PC (LPC) increased. These changes in lipid classes proceeded at a higher rate in the samples stored at -20°C than in the sample stored at -35°C. Percentages of polyenoic acids in lipids decreased in all the samples during storage, whereas those of saturated and monoenoic acids in-creased. Decreasing rates in the percentages of polyenoic acids were highest in the untreated sample (-20°C) and lowest in the sample with enclosed deoxygenizer. Sensory scores of the untreated sample (-35°C) and the sample with enclosed deoxygenizer almost did not decrease during storage over 12 months. These results clearly indicated that the lipid deteriorations of oyster were inhibited effectively by storing at -35°C as well as by storing with enclosed deoxygenizer at -20°C.
李 南赫, 関 伸夫, 加藤 登, 中川 則和, 照井 正三郎, 新井 健一
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Changes in breaking strength and myosin heavy chain of the salt-ground meat from surimi of hoki were investigated in connection with the temperatures (10-60°C) for setting (setting gel), followed by heating at 90°C (setting-heating gel). The water holding capacity was also examined for setting and setting-heating gels.
The increases in breaking strength of salt-ground meat, along with formation of cross-linked myosin heavy chain in it, occurred at lower temperature below 30°C, and decreased at higher temperature over 40°C. The water holding capacity indicated also the same tendency as shown from changes in breaking strength. In addition, a water drip released from the setting and setting-heating gels involved some soluble proteins. The protein in the water drip amounted to approximately 3% relative to the myofibrillar protein content of the salt-ground meat, and the major component of protein was corresponded to tropomyosin, as revealed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
A discussion was made on a discrepancy between gelling properties of salt-ground meats from hoki and threadfin bream.
Suda Tandavanitj, 奥谷 康一
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The alanine associated with the extracellular mucopolysaccharide produced by a marine
Pseudomonas (strain No. 9-12) was determined to be attached covalently to the carboxyl group of galacturonic acid and to have the D-absolute configuration. Depolymerization of this mucopolysaccharide was performed using techniques of mild acid hydrolysis, deamination, and periodate oxidation. Mild acid hydrolysis provided two polymers free of pyruvic acid with molecular weights of 5.5×10
4 and 8.5×10
4. Although the native polysaccharide was resistant to both deamination and periodate oxidation, partially
N-deacetylated polysaccharide (M.W.=2.4×10
5) was sensitive to both reactions. Thus, some galactosamine residues were deaminated to 2, 5-anhydrotalitol and some galacturonic acid and galactosamine residues were oxidized by the peri-odate. Deamination and Smith hydrolysis yielded polysaccharides with molecular weights of 1.4×10
4 and 5.0×10
4, respectively.
柯 文慶, 田中 宗彦, 長島 裕二, 水野 治夫, 田口 武
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The effects of pressure treatment (1, 000 atm-5, 000 atm) on depolymerization of F-actin from flying fish, sardine, and walleye pollack muscles were examined in connection with the repolymerizing ability after the release of pressure. It was shown that the relative viscosity of F-actins decreased rapidly over 2, 000 atm and the inactivation of actomyosin Mg-ATPases from native myosin plus pressure-treated F-actin occurred. However, there was no appreciable difference in Δ
V value of F-actin by pressure treatment among fish species. Ultracentrifugal patterns of pressure-treated F-actin showed the transformation into G-actin. Repolymerization of their pressure-treated actins could be observed at 15°C Cor 25°C. The addition of 0.5m
M ATP gave a rapid repolymeri-zation of actins.
畑江 敬子, 坂本 浩子, 島田 淳子, 松本 美鈴, 山中 英明, 渡郎 終五
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Slices of carp muscle were frozen at -20°C and were made into “arai” by thawing method in four different ways, that is, they were (1) left at 4°C for 60min followed by washing in 18°C water for 3min, (2) left at 20°C for 30min, (3) washed in 18°C water for 3min, and (4) washed in 49°C water for 20s. The physical property of these “arai” was determined by cluster analysis and principle component analysis of seven items of measurement. The physical property of sample (1) changed a little and resembled that of a raw sample. Samples of the (2), (3), and (4) resembled each other in physical property and their properties were almost the same as that of “arai” made by the traditional method reported previously.
Only minute amounts of ATP remained in all of the samples after thawing.
Although the sample (1) was not judged suitable for the preparation of an “arai” dish, samples (2), (3), and (4) were judged to be satisfactory, and there was no difference among the three samples.
山口 敏康, 榊 秀次郎, 竹内 昌昭
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
塩見 一雄, 土屋 哲, 菊池 武昭
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
川村 軍蔵, 米盛 享
1990 年 56 巻 12 号 p.
発行日: 1990/12/25
公開日: 2008/02/29