Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
57 巻, 5 号
  • 石井 紀明, 中原 元和, 松葉 満江, 石川 昌史
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 779-787
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Determination of 238U in fifty-five species of marine organisms was carried out by inductive-ly coupled plasma mass spectrometry which showed some advantages such as high sensitivity, wide dynamic range and small interferences from matrices for the analysis of high mass elements. The concentrations of 238U in soft tissues of marine animals ranged from 0.076 to 5000ng/g wet wt. Especially, the branchial heart of cephalopod molluscs showed the specific accumulation of 238U. The concentration factor of the branchial heart of Octopus vulgaris, which indicated the highest value, was calculated to be about 103 by comparing it with the concentration of 238U (3.2±0.2ng/ml) in coastal seawaters of Japan.
    The concentrations of 238U in hard tissues of marine invertebrates were similar to those in soft tissues. In contrast, hard tissues like bone, scale, fin, etc. of fishes showed much higher concentrations of 238U than soft tissues like muscle and liver. The concentrations of 238U of twenty species of algae ranged from 10 to 3700ng/g dry wt.
  • 立原 一憲, 木村 清朗
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 789-795
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The embryonic development of Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis was described on the basis of eggs inseminated artificially on October 24, 1984 in Lake Ikeda. The eggs were spherical, 0.87-0.92mm in diameter. The incubationp eriod was about 230 hours at a water tempera-ture of 14.5-23.2°C (av. 20.1°C). The standard length newly hatched larvae had a small yolk sac (av. 5.3mm) and 61-62 myotomes. Within several days of hatching, the larvae attained 6.0-7.9mm in standard length and had completely consumed their yolk substances.
    Morphological changes of the larvae accompanying their growth were observed on 1.263 specimens collected by the larval net (80cm in diameter, 0.353 in meshes), the surf zone net (1m×5m, 1mm) and the cast net (13mm). The larval fin fold gradually disappeared, and the rudimental dorsal, the anal, the ventral and the adipose fins were visible at 11.4, 12.8, 24.3, 44.5mm in standard length, respectively. The conical teeth appeared at 24.3mm and the comb-like teeth at 55mm. Larvae smaller than 25mm inhabited the offshore waters of the lake, while those larger than 27mm appeared in the surf zone of the lake shore. The vertebral centrums of the larvae ossified at a size of 27.3mm. It is suggested that the considerable morphological changes of the ayu occurred at sizes of 25-30mm and 50-55mm in standard length. The former corresponds to the end of the larval stage and the latter to the end of the juvenile stage, respectively.
  • 立原 一憲, 木村 清朗
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 797-804
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Some observations on the life history of the landlocked ayu Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis were made in Lake Ikeda (4km in diameter, 233m in depth) in Kagoshima Pref. from 1981 to 1986.
    A total of about 1, 263 specimens were collected with a larva net (80cm in diameter, GG50), a surf zone net (1×5m, 1mm mesh) and a cast net (24 meshes). The larva net was towed for 10 minutes on the surface and at a mid-layer at 2-3 knots in the daytime and after sunset.
    Newly hatched larvae were 4.9-5.6mm in standard length, scattered in the offshore waters of the lake. They were distributed amongst 3-24m depth layers, mainly in the 7m layer, in the daytime and appeared at the surface soon after sunset. Although individuals smaller than 25mm inhabited the offling of the lake, ones larger than about 30mm occurred at the surf zone of the shore. The larvae of the ayu began to feed on zooplankton such as Protozoa and Trochelminthes before absorption of the yolk substance, and to eat mainly active zooplankton belonging to Arthropoda as they grew. Juveniles smaller than 45mm fed on zooplankton and other animals, but individuals larger than 55mm switched their diet to algal food such as adherent diatoms and blue-green algae.
    It is suggested that the standard length at the prelarval, postlarval, juvenile and young stages of this fish in Lake Ikeda are 5-8, 8-25, 27-50 and over 55mm, respectively.
  • 嶋村 哲哉, 余座 和征, 小島 隆人, 添田 秀男
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 805-817
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper deals with the migrating behavior of a school of Chum Salmon Oncorhynchus keta in the main migratory season and the early migratory season off the coast of the Shiretoko Peninsula, Hokkaido, the Okhotsk Sea.
    The results of an investigation by Color Sector Scanning Sonar near the set net were as follows.
    1) The behavior of the fish school was affected by the change of the tidal current.
    2) The fish school moved along the current direction at high current velocity and moved against the current direction at low current velocity.
    3) Most of the fish school were observed during the daytime.
  • 吉崎 悟朗, 尾城 隆, 隆島 史夫
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 819-824
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Carp α-globin gene (CαG) was microinjected into the cytoplasm of fertilized rainbow trout eggs at 1 cell stage treated with glutathione (reduced) to prevent hardening of chorion. About 67% of microinjected eggs hatched out and grew normally. DNA was extracted from the muscle 130-day-old fish or from adipose fin of 10 to 12-month-old fish and analyzed by Southern blot hybridization to determine the presence of CαG. Forty percent of 130-day-old fish and 39% of 10 to 12-month-old fish tested positive for CαG. In 130-day-old fish, CαG was integrated in the host genome, and formed head-to-tail, head-to-head, and tail-to-tail concatemers. In 10 to 12-month-old fish, most of the positive individuals carried several copies of CαG per cell. About 10% of these individuals, however, carried CαG at less than I copy per cell on average. This result suggests that both CαG-integrated and non-integrated cells coexisted mosaically in host fish.
  • 韓 炫燮, 谷口 順彦, 辻村 明夫
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 825-832
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    We attempted to produce clonal fish by chromosome manipulation in ayu Plecoglossus altivelis. To induce mitotic gynogenesis diploids (mitotic-G2N as complete homozygous individuals), the eggs were inseminated with UV-irradiated sperm of normal diploid and were treated with a hy-drostatic pressure of 650kg/cm2 at 80 min after insemination and just before the first cell cleavage. The production of mitotic-G2N was confirmed by isozyme markers. The mitotic-G2N pro-duced from the female parents which were heterozygous at Gpi-1, Me-1 and Pgm loci showed segre-gation into two homozygous types at those loci, and they were female in all individuals. To pro-duce clonal fish, the eggs of mitotic-G2N were inseminated with the UV-irradiated sperm of normal diploid. The diploidization was achieved by retaining the second polar body with cold shock. Two families of clonal fish were produced and designated as clone-1 and clone-2. The clonal fish examined were all homozygous types in which their genotypes were the same as their mothers in each of clonal fish. The graft-tissue (a piece of operculum) transplanted into their intraclonal sibling hosts survived and was accepted. On the other hand, the graft-tissue trans-planted into the different clonal hosts was rejected in both clones. These results suggest that in-traclonal siblings possessed completely identical histocompatibility genes.
  • Ratu Siti Aliah, 稲田 善和, 山岡 耕作, 谷口 順彦
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 833-836
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The hematological characteristics and oxygen consumption of diploid and triploid ayu Pleco-glossus altivelis were examined to understand the physiological difference between them. Triploids were larger in erythrocyte size but smaller in erythrocyte number than diploids. The nuclei in triploids were also larger than in diploids. Values of MCV and MCH in triploids were larger than in diploids. The values of hematocrit, hemoglobin and MCHC were almost the same in both ploidies. Triploids tended to show higher oxygen consumption than diploids, but the dif-ference was not statistically significant.
  • 二村 義八朗, Md. Idris Miah
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 837-844
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Dry weight and nitrogen content in the San Francisco Bay brine shrimp as well as their am-monia and Kjeldahl nitrogen excretion rates are presented as the log-log linear regressions with respect to the body length. The nitrogen content per dry weight was fairly constant in any size of shrimp (7.8%). However, the slopes of dry weight and nitrogen content changed greatly at the length of 0.8mm and slightly at about 6mm. In the smallest group, the slope was -0.2 ?? 0.2, but it was 2.1-2.2 and 2.7-2.9 in the middle and the largest groups, respectively. The mature male was heavier than the female of the same length. The ammonia nitrogen was about 68% in the total nitrogen excreted. The total nitrogen turnover rate at 28°C ranged 6-22% per day for the shrimp of 4-10mm in length and decreased as the shrimp grew.
  • 田畑 和男
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 845-850
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    When gynogenetic diploids having the proportion of females of 97.1% were administered orally with 17α-methyltestosterone at the concentration of 1-10ppm (μg/g diet) from 29.1mm to 113.7-115.0mm in total length, almost all treated gynogenetic diploids became males.
    Genetic effects in sex determination mechanism were discussed using groups showing high and low value of the proportion of females in gynogenetic diploids. A high proportion of females (average 90.3%) were obtained in 12 out of 13 lots at matings between sex reversed gynogenetic females (phenotypically males) and normal females. These facts strongly suggest that the genetic sex determination mechanism in hirame is basically XX-XY type. On the other hand there were no groups having high proportion of females in the matings between males in gynogenetic diploids which had shown low proportion of females and normal females. This result may be explained by using naturally sex reversed hirame (XY) as female parents in inducing gynogenetic diploids. Effects of environmental factors on sex differentiation were suggested in present studies and re-mained as future problems.
  • 笹山 雄一, 小泉 隆, 小黒 千足, 神戸川 明, 吉沢 英樹, Wichian Magtoon
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 851-855
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the Brockmann bodies of the Medaka Oryzias latipes (Teleostei) calcitonin-like immunore-activity was detected immunohistochemically. Many cells in the endocrine tissue of the Brockmann body were stained positively by anti-salmon calcitonin antiserum and anti-eel calcitonin antiserum. Administration of the Brockmann body homogenate to rats caused significant hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia. However, the calcemic potency of a Brockmann body was rather lower than that of the ultimobranchial gland of the Medaka itself.
  • 古澤 昌彦, 澤田 浩一
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 857-864
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Quantitative echo sounders are widely used to survey fisheries stocks. If the transducer of the sounder moves with ship motion, the directivity factors in transmitting a pulse and in receiving the echo differ causing errors in the individual fish observation such as the target strength measure-ment. The errors are analyzed theoretically for general and special cases. Calculated results show that the error is significant, if the beam width is smaller than 10° and if the target depth is deeper than 100m. Since recent quantitative echo sounders, such as the spilt-beam sounder, use sharp beams, a stabilization of transducer is necessary.
  • 山崎 誠
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 865-867
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Daily amounts of food intake and feces excreted by juvenile abalone Haliotis discus and H. d. hannai, were measured on a bimonthly basis with Wakame (Undaria pinnatifida, Phaeo-phyceae) for food, and then the annual amounts of food consumption and the bimonthly assimilation efficiencies were derived by species. The daily food intake by H. discus showed a downward tendency from 45mg dry weight in October to 26mg in April, but in the subsequent period from May to October it increased to the higher level of 53-67mg. That by H. d. hannai was 28mg in October and descreased to 21mg in February, but it also increased to the 51-56mg level in the period from May to October. The annual amounts of food consumption by H. discus and H. d. hannai were about 16g and 13g in dry weight, respectively.
    The caloric values of Wakame for food and feces were measured with a bomb calorimeter. The daily amounts of food intake and feces excreted in the unit of weight were thus con-verted into their equivalent caloric values. The bimonthly assimilation efficiencies calculated by using such estimates in terms of caloric value, showed a fairly stable level of some 70-80% in both species.
  • 竹下 直彦, 木村 清朗
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 869-873
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Distribution and migration of the cyprinid fish Hemibarbus barbus in the Chikugo River were studied during 1986 and 1989. Many mature males and females were caught at the middle reaches in April, whereas most of the subadult fish were caught in the tidal reaches all the year round. According to monthly changes of gonadosomatic index of adult fish, it is clear that this fish spawns mainly in April. In order to elucidate the spawning run, 195 mature fish were marked at the tidal reaches during February and March, 1988, and 4 specimens were recaptured at the middle reaches in early April, 1988. In the tidal reaches, most of the fish were caught in waters less than 0.2 percent in salinity. Yearling fish were recognized in the lower reaches in May and began to be collected in the tidal reaches in July.
    These observations indicate that the yearling migrates from the lower reaches to the fresh water area of the tidal reaches. After staying there for 3-4 years, mature males and females run up for 20-40km for spawning in spring.
    Migration occurring wholly within fresh waters is called potamodromous migration. It seems that the migration of H. barbus in the Chikugo River is potamodromous migration and classified as an anadromous migration type.
  • 酒井 久治, 佐藤 要, 矢田 貞美, 北野 庸介, 米元 博明, 山根 勝行, 秋澤 速夫
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 875-879
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Experiments on the continuous measurement and the countermeasures which improve the accuracy of the measurement for torque and thrust were conducted, using strain gauges, slip ring and signal transmitter.
    The results showed that it was possible to measure the torque continuously over a long time. To understand the effect which the torsional moment exerts on the strain gauges for thrust was useful to improve the accuracy of the measurement.
    From the result, it was suggested that the methods which supplies the electric power using a pair of slip rings and transmits the signal of strain are suitable for the measuring system of stress on the running shaft.
  • 上田 宏, 広井 修, 山内 晧平, 原 彰彦, 香川 浩彦, 足立 伸次, 長浜 嘉孝
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 881-884
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present paper provides additional data to our previous chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta paper on serum steroid hormone levels with the addition of samples collected in the North Pacific Ocean. Moreover, in the present study in vitro steroid hormone production by ovarian follicles were correlated with serum steroid hormone levels during the spawning migra-tion of female chum salmon. Serum estradiol-17β(E2) levels increased sharply during sea-water migration, but were followed by a sharp drop during upstream migration. Serum 17α, 20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17α, 20β-diOHprog) levels were very low in the fish collected from the North Pacific Ocean, coastal sea, and river during pre-spawning period, and increased dramatically at the spawning period. There was a good correlation between serum E2 and 17α, 20β-diOHprog levels and in vitro E2 and 17α, 20β-diOHprog productions by ovarian follicles in response to chum salmon gonadotropin (SGA). Incubation of ovarian follicles sampled at the coastal sea with SGA resulted in a sharp increase in E2 concentrations in the incubation medium, but not in 17α, 20β-diOHprog concentrations. Ovarian follicles from the pre-spawning period did not response to SGA on E2 production, but 17α, 20β-diOHprog levels in medium were highly elevated by SGA in a dose-dependent manner. Postovulatory follicles at the spawning period produced large amounts of 17α, 20β-diOHprog with 1μg/ml of SGA, but none of E2. These findings suggest that in chum salmon as in other salmonids, E2 plays a major role in vitellogenesis, and 17α, 20β-diOHprog has an important role in final oocyte maturation.
  • 長崎 慶三, 内田 有恆, 広石 伸互, 石田 祐三郎
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 885-890
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The monoclonal antibody MR-21 was strongly reactive with the cells of Chattonella marina NIES-121 belonging to Type II. MR-21 reacted with several bands on the nitrocellulose sheet after the cell lysate was developed using the Western blotting method. Antigens were inactivated by periodate-oxidation, but not by heating, proteinase, nor enzymes hydrolyzing sugars. Electron microscopic observation of immunogold-stained ultrathin section of the cells revealed that the antigens were localized at the secretory vesicles and Golgi systems as well as on the cell surface. These results suggest that the antigen molecules which MR-21 recognizes may be glycoproteins, and the epitope may be in the carbohydrate side chains.
  • 渡邉 武, 坂本 浩志, 畔蒜 政春, 山下 順太郎
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 891-897
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study was conducted to develop a dry type of pellet with a high palatability and acceptabili-ty for yellowtail in order to reduce aquaculture wastes and the occurrence of various fish diseases due to raw fish feeding as well as to improve the quality of the cultured fish. After several feeding trials a completely new type of dry pellet (soft-dry) with a high palatability was succesfully produced by a twin extruder. This pellet contained 8-12% moisture but softer than ordinary hard pellets. Its dietary value was compared by feeding juvenile yellowtail weighing 340g on average with moist pellets prepared by mixing sardine and mash in a ratio of 8:2 or soft-dry for about 4 months in net cages (8 × 8 × 8m).
    Fish fed the moist pellets grew up to about 980g, while the average body weight of fish fed soft-dry was 1180g, quite higher than those on moist pellets. The average feed gain ratio on dry matter basis during 4 months feeding was 1.50 for soft-dry and 1.79 for the moist pellet, respectively. The survival rate was more than 85% in both the groups. Thus, the newly developed soft-dry pellet has been found to have a nutritional quality superior to the moist pellet.
  • 小川 廣男, 水野 治夫, 齋藤 隆英, 山田 芳弘, 大房 剛, 磯 直道
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 899-903
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Phycoerythrin is one of the algal chromoproteins similar to phycocyanin, obtained from nori (red algae, Porphyra sp.) Pycocyanin is known to undergo a reversible self-dissociation-associa-tion reaction in the pH range from 5.4 to 6.8 in which phycoerythrin fails to do so. We investigated physicochemical properties of phycoerythrin further more in wide pH region to reveal the con-formational changes in the phycoerythrin molecule.
    Optical density, intrinsic viscosity [η], and sedimentation constants (s) of phycoerythrin were nearly unchanged in the pH 5-9, i.e. [η] was 2.3×10-2-3.7×10-2 (10-1 dm3/g) and s were 12-13S. At less than pH 5, the optical density at 280 nm, [η] and s were increased with decreasing pH. At more than pH 9, [η] tended to increase with increasing pH and a small component having 4.1S appeared at pH 9 and then only 3.0S component remained at pH 11. However, these small com-ponents disappeared and 12S component reappeared after dialysis against the pH 6.8 buffer solution.
    We conclude that phycoerythrin takes three forms depending on pH changes: a moderately expanded form beyond pH 9, an entangled or agregated form below pH 5 and a compact form be-tween pH 5 and 9. Moreover, 3S component is considered to be the product from a dissociation of the phycoerythrin hexamer having 13S.
  • 大里 進子, 宮田 克也, 松尾 重巳, 伊藤 太郎, 高良 治江, 三嶋 敏雄, 橘 勝康, 槌本 六良
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 905-913
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    To clarify the aspect concerning the accumulation and diminution of fat in various parts accompanying the growth of cultured red sea bream, using fish aged 0, 1, and 2, physique and fat contents in muscle parts, visceral parts, hepatopancreas, dorsal white muscle, and the whole body were measured monthly over a year. According to this survey the following results were confirmed.
    1. The monthly changes of fat content except in visceral parts showed a striking contrast between fish aged 0 and 1. The mutual relationships among fat contents of various parts showed a significant and positive correlation in increase and decrease.
    2. The changing tendencies of fat contents in various parts depend upon the season. Namely, while fat content in hepatopancreas, muscle parts, and whole body of fish aged 1 showed a rapid increase in autumn, the changes of fat content in visceral parts were very limited and kept a level of around 40g/100g tissue. Dorsal white muscle, too, showed only a little increase after the season.
    3. Once superfluous fat has been accumulated in muscle parts it is very difficult to diminish.
  • 矢沢 孝, 水野 治夫, 小川 廣男, 山田 一志, 松野 繁樹, 齋藤 隆英, 磯 直道
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 915-917
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The volume changes of 13 kinds of fish and other meat sol were measured by a dilatometer when the sol of meat paste was converted to gel by heating. The gel point, about 60°C, was ascer-tained by measuring rigidity. The volume change, V/Vsol, where V was the volume of meat paste after heating and Vsol that of sol at 10°C, did not depend on the setting property and the dis-integrating property reported by SHIMIZU et al. and ranged from 1.015 to 1.046. Moreover, the value of V/Vsol was independent of the rigidity.
  • 齊藤 宗久, 藤田 雄二
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 919-925
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Fusion of isolated protoplasts (using bacterial crude enzyme following 2% protease treat-ment) from the thalli of Porphyra yezoensis and P. pseudolinearis by the polyethylene glycol (PEG) and the electric stimulation methods is described. In the PEG method, both PEG solu-tion and PEG powder were tested in combination with different dilution media and compared for their fusion rates. The fusion rate of PEG solution and the powder methods did not differ (about 10%). However the electrofusion method yielded higher fusion rates than the PEG method. Optimum fusions were obtained in the protoplasts aligned in an AC field of 40V at 1MHz for 20s and subsequent fusion by a DC pulse of 300V for 40μs duration. Supplementation of Ca2+ and Mg2+ to the fusion buffer enhanced the fusion rates up to 32.6% (24.3% binary and trinary fusion products) under the same electrical conditions. Protoplasts isolated by bacterial enzyme had higher fusion frequencies than those isolated by using enzymes of top shell and abalone. All the three enzymes showed activity for porphyranase, β-1, 3-xylanase and β-1, 4-mannanase. However enzymes of top shell and abalone had lower activity for porphyranase and β-1, 3-xylanase than the bacterial enzyme.
  • 関 伸夫, 土谷 英樹
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 927-933
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Carp myofibrils were stored in 0.1M NaCl at pH 7.0 in the presence of either 5mM CaCl2 or EGTA at 0°C and 15°C. The degree of fragmentation of the myofibrils in both the Ca and EGTA media increased to 40% within 2 days at 15°C, but the rate at 0°C increased gradually to 38% in Ca medium and 25% in EGTA medium after 7 days. The fragmentation of the myofibrils proceeded simultaneously with increases in the amount of solubilized and released proteins including α-actinin, Mr 43k (or actin), and Mr 34k (or tropomyosin) components from the myofibrils during storage.
    SDS-PAGE revealed that connectin, nebulin, α-actinin, troponin-T, and troponin-I were extensively degraded and produced peculiar fragments in both media. These protein degrada-tions were detected at an early stage of the storage at 15°C and even at 0°C while the myosin and actin did not change at all.
    These results suggest that the disintegration of myofibrils caused by solubilization and degradation of myofibrillar proteins is presumed to arise from postmortem tenderization of carp muscle, and may be initiated at the time immediately after death regardless of postmortem increase of Ca2+ that induces rigor mortis.
  • 中山 照雄, 大井 淳史
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 935-942
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Actomyosin preparation was treated by denaturating agents. When NH2C(=NH)NH2HSCN was added to actomyosin preparation in water or 0.6M KCl, surface tension and spinnability showed the maximum around 3M, decreased at 6M and decreased farther at 8M. When CO(NH2)2 was added to actomyosin preparation, surface tension and spinnability showed the maxima at 2M and around 8M. It was suggested from the great changes of surface tension and spinnability that structure change (unfolding) of actomyosin was induced with the treatments by these denaturating agents.
    When actomyosin preparation in water or 0.6M KCl was treated by NH2C(=NH)NH2HSCN or CO(NH2)2 and dialysed against water to remove the denaturating agent, 6M-treatment pro-duced firm gel, 4M-treatment produced medium gel, and 8M-treatment produced soft gel. It was concluded that the local unfolding of actomyosin molecule by 6M-treatment was more favoured for the gelation of actomyosin than the complete unfolding by 8M-treatment. When actomyosin preparation was treated by NH2C(=NH)NH2HSCN and dialysed against 0.6M KCl in place of water, the gel made by 6M-treatment was softer than the gels made by 4M- and 8M-treatments.
  • 小西 洋太郎, 小野里 坦, 山本 明良, 藤盛 健
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 943-949
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    We studied biochemically and cytologically the contribution of lysosomal hyrdolytic pathway to glycogen degradation in the striated muscle of diploid (control) masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou. The data were compared with those of triploid masu salmon or mouse skeletal muscle. Acid α-glucosidase activity, when measured using maltose or glycogen as substrate, was about 10 times higher in diploid masu salmon than in mice, but it was 50% lower inversely when 4-methy-lumbelliferyl α-D-glucoside (4MUαG) as substrate. Total phosphorylase activity in masu salmon muscle was about 7-fold lower than that in mouse muscle. The result suggests that lysosomal hydrolytic pathway of glycogenolysis is relatively active in the fish muscle. We observed glycogeno-somes (glycogen-containing autophagic vacuoles) in the masu salmon muscle but not in mouse muscle, mimicking cytology of human glycogen storage disease type II (GSD II) lacking lysosomal acid α-glucosidase. However, the mechanism of the glycogenosome formation in masu salmon muscle cell can not be explained analogically as in GSD II, since acid α-glucosidase activity was not deficient. There was no clear differences in ultrastructure of the muscle cell or biochemical measurements between diploid and triploid masu salmon.
  • 渡辺 悦生, 最上 和江, 林 哲仁, 外山 健三
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 951-955
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    An evaluation of fish meal quality by measuring β-buffer capacity was attempted. The results obtained were summarized as follows:
    1) β-Buffer capacity in the vicinity of pH 3.5 and 9.3 increased with the progress of spoilage for more than 2 days, while that in the vicinity of pH 6.5 disappeared for more than one day when the raw sardines were left at 25°C
    2) β-Buffer capacity in the vicinity of pH 3.5 and 9.3 decreased by heating at 200°C.
    3) A good relationship was obtained between the βbuffer capacity of fish meal and standing time (day) of raw sardine.
  • 田中 宗彦, 卓 雪儀, 長島 裕二, 田口 武
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 957-963
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The model systems consisting of sardine lipids and defatted meat were prepared and pressurized at 1, 800 atm. After the pressure was released, the model systems were stored at 5°C. The effect of high pressure treatment on the oxidation of sardine lipids during storage was evaluated by using such oxidation indices as POV, TBA number, oxygen absorption, UV absorption, browning, and fluorescence. It was revealed that the oxidation of sardine lipids was accelerated by the pressure treatment and its extent was relative to intensity and duration of the treatment. In the model system prepared with sardine meat washed with water, the rate of lipid oxidation decreased and was fairly related to the amount of heme iron. When the water content of the model system was altered, the oxidation rates of sardine lipids were 7%>35%>24%>17%. At 17 and 24%water contents, no appreciable oxidation proceeded during the storage of 4 days. On the other hand, at higher water contents the oxidation rate of sardine lipids in the pressurized model system was lower than that in the unpressurized system.
  • 山澤 正勝
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 965-970
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The water-absorbing ability of starch was observed as follows, in descending order: potato starch>waxy corn starch>pregelatinized corn starch>corn starch>wheat starch>retrograded corn starch>50% highamylose corn starch>70% highamylose corn starch>erosslinked corn starch. This order was parallel to the orders for tensile strength and the teeth cutting strength of starch-containing kamaboko, except for the case of pregelatinized corn starch, and also to the extent of viscosity of the starch measured by amylography. A close relationship was also observed between the water-absorbing ability of starch and the tensile strength of kamaboko containing different kinds of starch.
    The results obtained by a tensile test and a scanning electron microscopic observation indicated that the starch maintaining its shape of granules even after heat-processing and having a high water-absorbing ability gave the strong tensile strength to kamaboko. Pregelatinized starch, which has considerable water absorbing ability but cannot keep its granule in kamaboko, did not enhance the tensile strength of kamaboko. Crosslinked corn starch and highamylose corn starch having a weak water absorbing ability showed little effect on the tensile strength. Silica sands having no water-absorbing ability but physical hardness were not effective for the purpose of the gel-reinforcing effect.
    Therefore, it can be concluded that the gel-reinforcing effect of starch added to surimi mainly depends on its water-absorbing ability.
  • 山澤 正勝
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 971-975
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Kamaboko was prepared from modified potato starches having different degrees of water-absorbing ability, together with walleye pollack frozen surimi, and the relationship between swelling ability and kamaboko gel-reinforcing effect of starch granules was investigated.
    It was found that starch having a large water-absorbing ability strengthened the tensile strength and water-holding capacity of kamaboko. The volume of salt-ground surimi increased to only 1.03 times when heat processed, regardless of the presence of starch in the surimi. By a scanning electron microscope (SEM), it was observed that starch swelled depending its water-absorbing ability. The size of the starch granule in kamaboko was determined by measuring its area in the SEM photograph, assuming that its shape is spherical. As a result, the dia-meter and volume of fully gelatinized starch granules in kamaboko increased during the course of heat-processing about 1.7 and 5 times as large as ungelatinized granules, respectively.
    As to the possible mechanism of the gel-reinforcing of starch granules, it was considered that starch granules absorbed the surrounding water in surimi and swelled up with gelatinization depending on their water-absorbing ability. As a result, the concentrated protein in surimi gave strong tensile strength to kamaboko.
  • 平松 一彦, 北田 修一
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 977
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • Maung Minh-Nyo, 田畑 満生, 小栗 幹郎
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 979
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山根 猛
    1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 981
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 1991 年 57 巻 5 号 p. 1007
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/04/21
    ジャーナル フリー