Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
57 巻, 7 号
  • 古丸 明, 和田 克彦
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1219-1223
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    To examine the effect of cytochalasin B(CB) and hydrostatic pressure treatments on zygotes in Chlamys nobilis for induction of triploidy, we compared the pronuclear events in pressure-treated and CB-treated zygotes at the second meiosis by fluorescence microscopy.
    The second polar body formation of zygotes was inhibited by treating with CB or hydropressure. In CB-treated zygotes chromosomes were segregated at the second meiosis and developed to two female pronuclei. On the other hand, in pressure-treated zygotes segregation of chromosomes was inhibited and one large diploid female pronucleus was formed. These results suggest CB inhibited only cytokinesis (polar body formation) but pressure inhibited both karyokinesis (segre-gation of chromosomes) and cytokinesis. Although pronuclear events in pressure- and CB-treated zygotes were different, chromatin of pronuclei was condensed normally and became the metaphase chromosome for the first cleavage. These zygotes were thought to deveolp into triploids.
  • 有元 貴文, 徐 剛, 松下 吉樹
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1225-1228
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The muscle twitch contraction time of Walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma was measured in relation to fish size and muscle temperature, on board a Northern trawler in the Okhotsk Sea. The contraction time was defined as the time period from the electric pulse of 2ms wide and 5-20V, to the peak of muscle twitch contraction. The scale effect was observed as the muscle con-traction increased from 60-80ms for fish 20-30cm long, to 90-120ms for fish 40-50cm long, at the water temperature of 2°C. According to the results, the maximum swimming speed of the fish was estimated as 1.0-1.6m/s, which was much lower than the towing speed of the trawl net. When muscle temperature was elevated, the contraction time was shortened. It implies that more chances are given, at higher temperature, for fish to escape from the net due to the higher swim-ming speed.
  • 伊藤 円, 渡邊 精一, 村野 正昭
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1229-1239
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The growth and reproduction of Palaemon pacificus and P. serrifer were studied in a rearing experiment and materials collected almost bi-weekly during a period from May 1987 to November 1989 in Tateyama Bay, Chiba Prefecture. The life span of P. pacificus and P. serrifer is estimated at 12 to 15 months and 13 to 16 months, respectively. The body size is larger in P. pacificus than P. serrifer. Breeding season of P. pacificus and P. serrifer lasted from May through November and from April through October, respectively. Incubation period of P. pacificus and P. serrifer is 10 to 20 days and 11 to 19 days, respectively. Juvenile P. pacificus and P. serrifer appeared from May and July, respectively. Spawning is carried out by yearling and hibernated individuals in both species. In P. serrifer, however, most off-spring are produced by the hibernated spawning group. P. serrifer carries more numerous but smaller eggs than in P. pacificus. Thus, the difference on reproductive ecology between the two species was recognized.
  • 小沢 貴和, 河合 一彦, 魚谷 逸朗
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1241-1245
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    To clarify the factors influencing variation in gut content characteristics of Scomber japonicus larvae collected in the daytime off Sendai City, Kagoshima Pref., Quantification I analysis was made with 4 main food organisms (Appendicularia, Crustacean eggs, Evadne, and Oithona), weight of gut contents, and feeding incidence as the outside variables, and total length, sampling hours, and sampling stations as the items. The result showed that the variations of weight of gut contents, Appendicularia, and Oithona were influenced the most by total length, and those of the other 3 by sampling stations among the 3 items. However, the partial and multiple correlation coefficients between the outside variables and items were very low, except for feeding incidence. The composition of gut contents of spotted mackerel Scomber australasicus larvae is given in the Appendix Table.
  • 増田 育司, 篠原 宣夫, 高橋 康弘, 多部田 修, 松浦 啓一
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1247-1255
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Six unidentifiable pufferfishes of the genus Takifugu collected in Ariake Bay, Kyushu, Japan in 1985 and 1986, were examined enzyme electrophoretically and morphologically. Electrophoretic analysis showed these specimens to be natural F1 hybrids between T. xanthopterus and T. vermicularis, since they were heterozygous of having one allele from T. xanthopterus and another from T. vermicularis at all the eight diagnostic loci. Morphological examinations showed intermediacy of the hybrid specimens, and supported the findings of the electrophoretic analysis: (a) mean values of five meristic characters of the hybrids fell between those of the parental species, hybrid indices ranging from 16.7 to 73.3, with a mean of 44.4; (b) the first principal component (PC1) extracted from the values for three meristics and seven morphometrics clearly separated T. vermicularis from T. xanthopterus, with the hybrids situated between them; and (c) coloration and body prickles of the hybrids were intermediate between those of the parent species. The incidence of hybridiza-tion was quite low (0.4%), as recorded for some other marine fishes.
  • 増田 育司, 篠原 宣夫, 小沢 貴和
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1257-1262
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Catches and distribution of two flathead species Platycephalus sp. I (magochi) and Platy-cephalus sp. II (yoshinogochi), in the southern Yatsushiro Sea, Japan, were analysed on the basis of catch statistics at Izumi fish market from 1983 to 1988. Annual catches amounted from 8.7 to 14.3 metric tons for Platycephalus sp. I and 0.2 to 2.9 metric tons for Platycephalus sp. II. The majority of the catches was brought in by gill net fishery and the minority by small sailing trawl and sea bream surrounding seine fisheries. Monthly CPUE values for gill net fishery were high from May to August (peak in June) for Platycephalus sp. I and March to May (peak in April) for Platycephalus sp. II. Catch information obtained by questionnaire during the fishing season from May to August in 1988 showed that Platycephalus sp. I is mainly distributed at the inshore regions at less than 30m depth and Platycephalus sp. II at the offshore regions between 30 and 40m depths.
  • 工藤 真弘, 荒井 克俊, 藤野 和男
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1263-1267
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A set of optimum conditions of the cold shock for inducing triploid was determined in the abalone Haliotis diversicolor diversicolor. The observations on the normal developmental pro-cesses indicated that the inseminated egg released the first and the second polar bodies and began the first cleavage approximately 5, 20 and 40 min, respectively after insemination at about 25°C water temperature. A series of cold shock treatments at 3°C for 10 and 15 min duration, initiated at different times (3-21 min) after insemination, showed bimodal distribution of frequency of occurrence of t iploid animals as assessed by counting the chromosome number. Modes of frequency distribution of occurrence of triploid animals were found 6 and 15-18 min after in-semination. These were interpreted to represent two kinds of triploidy, resulting from retention of the first or the second polar body, respectively. Among cold shock experiments at different temperatures (3, 6 and 9°C), the treatment at 9°C for 10 min duration gave the highest yield of normal larvae (about 70%) with appreciable induction of triploidy (about 60-70%).
  • 鳥羽 光晴, 深山 義文
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1269-1275
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Manila clams Ruditapes philippinaruin were maintained on Pavlova lutheri of mean density 11.0×107 cells/g (wet body weight)/day at 18°C for 3 months out of their spawning season. During this period, attempts to induce spawning were made at 1 and 2 weeks intervals; concurrently, clams were sacrificed for estimation of condition factor and gonadal development (histological assessment). Data were recorded on larval survival rates until the pediveliger stage.
    Ripe males and females became dominant 30 and 40 days respectively, after the commencement of the experiment. Abundant spawning, 33.1×104 eggs/female, which coincided with peak gonadal maturation, was evident on day 50. However, extensive resorption of sperms and oocytes, together with reduction of condition factor and number of spawned eggs, was observed from day 50 to the end of the experiment. Egg diameter increased and thickness of jelly layer decreased with the advance of maturity. Low larval survival was observed in eggs with smaller diameter. Variation in survival was observed in larvae hatched from eggs with larger diameter.
  • 山口 峰生, 今井 一郎, 本城 凡夫
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1277-1284
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Chattonella antiqua and C. marina are known to be the most noxious red tide flagellates causing mass mortality of cultured fish. Their optimum environmental requirements for growth and survival ranges, such as temperature, salinity and irradiance, were determined with axenic cultures. The growth of C. antiqua and C. marina were observed at the irradiance of 30μE/m2/s or more and saturated at 110μE/m2/s. The growth responses of the flagellates were examined at 30 combinations of different temperatures (10-30°C) and salinities (10-35‰) under saturated light intensity of 120μE/m2/s. They grew at temperatures from 15 to 30°C and salinity from 10 to 35‰. Maximal growth rates of 0.97 divisions/day (C. antiqua) and 0.81 divisions/day (C. marina) were obtained with combinations of 25°C and 25‰ and 25°C and 20‰, respectively. At suboptimal temperatures, both species had reduced salinity-tolerance ranges. A statistical test indicated that temperature had the greatest influence on growth rates, followed by salinity and their interaction. The present study reveals that C. antiqua and C. marina are eurythermal and euryhaline organisms. These physiological characteristics presumably allow them to develop huge blooms during the summer in the Inland Sea of Japan.
  • 丁 雲源, 林 明男, 曾 宝順, 李 健東
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1285-1292
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper reports the results of hybridization among four Penaeus spp by means of artificial insemination (spermatophore transplantation). In 2 trials, 143, 000 nauplii of P. penicillatus × P. chinensis were obtained at 97% of hatching rate, and 4, 000 hybrids survived up to PLD 8 (8 days after metamorphosis into postlarva). In 6 trials, 44, 800 nauplii of P. mondon × P. chinensis were obtained at 13.2% of hatching rate, and 141 hydrids survived up to PLD 6. In 3 trials, 1, 900 nauplii of P. penicillatus × P. indicus were obtained at 60% of hatching rate, and 1680 hybrids survived up to PLD 5. Through characteristics of carapace, rostrum, 3rd walking leg, and uropod, juveniles of three hybrid shrimps were able to be distinguished from one another.
  • 栗田 豊, 佐野 光彦, 清水 誠
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1293-1299
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Age and growth of the hexagrammid fish Hexagrammos agrammus from Aburatsubo were estimated from otoliths of 278 fish. A translucent zone was formed annually, and its formation was completed at a period between January and February, which is the end of the spawning season for this species at Aburatsubo. The oldest male was estimated to be 5 years old and the oldest female was 7 years old. The von Bertalanffy growth equations were as follows: males, Lt=168.8[1-exp{-0.48(t+1.05)}] and females, Lt=178.0[1-exp{-0.49(t+1.04)}], where t is age in years and Lt is standard length in mm at age t. A mark-recapture experiment and analysis of monthly mean length of each year class showed that the growth of H. agrammus is rapid in spring, generally between February and May, and slow in the remaining seasons.
  • 秋山 清二, 有元 貴文, 井上 実
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1301-1306
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to develop a new method for the control of fish behaviour, the authors observed the response of fishes to an air bubble curtain by laboratory experiments. An annular trough set up in a small scale test tank was intercepted by the air bubble curtain, which was rotated along the trough. The response toward the air bubble curtain of Japanese parrotfish Oplegnathus fasciatus, jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus, and threeline grunt Parapristipoma trilineatum were observed with the variation of moving speed (11.0-31.7cm/s) and air flow (3-12l/min).
    The results show the typical herding effect of the moving air bubble curtain, as the fish keep swimming in escaping from the bubbles with a possible herding time of one hour in some specific conditions. The herding effect, however, varies with experimental species and condi-tions, and is lowered with the habituation of fish kept in an air bubbled tank.
  • 長谷川 英一, 小林 裕, 石倉 勇, 内田 誠, 前川 陽一
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1307-1311
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to investigate the periodicity of the appearance and disappearance of fish at-tracted around an underwater lamp, the change of volume of fish in the illuminated area was measured by using scanning sonar and fish finder.
    The biggest volume was recorded between 2 and 3 o'clock. After that, the volume showed a decreasing tendency at astronomical twilight time before sunrise regardless of the low light intensity (10-2-10-3lx).
    The authors think that the preparation of the fish to adapt to light stimulation in that time, when the retinal rhythm of fish shows a distribution intermediate between dark- and light-adaptation, caused the approach to the underwater lamp by the fish.
    The time (astronomical twilight time) of disappearance of fish from the lamp suggests the threshold for retina in the fish attracted around the underwater lamp.
  • 陳 俊徳, 松田 皎, 本田 勝
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1313-1319
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    For the regulation of fishery resources, an appropriate mesh size of traditional diamond mesh cod end is always chosen in the belief that undersized fish can escape from the cod end to grow to a suitable size for fishery later. However, because a diamond mesh cod end becomes too narrow at the middle, and the meshes are almost closed (with the exception of the end of the cod end) during trawling, the benefit of mesh regulation is insufficiently attained. To alleviate the problem, an improvement in selectivity was achieved by using square-mesh cod ends that have more open meshes. The experiments were conducted using cod ends with 4 mesh sizes (26, 31, 36 and 41mm) in a long waterway. The results for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) demonstrated that the square-mesh cod end, as compared with the diamond mesh cod end, could significantly reduce the catch of juveniles and obtain good selectivity.
  • 松岡 達郎, Ting T. Kan
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1321-1329
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A series of experimental prawn trawling tests with a simple trawl efficiency device (TED) was carried out in the vicinity of Yule Island, Papua New Guinea. The tested TED was designed to have a passive function with an inner funnel net and side windows to exclude finfish by-catch, while retaining prawns. The TED windows were closed from time to time to represent an ordinary trawl net without TED. Catches from the two TED conditions, windows closed and opened, were compared in species composition and weight, number of fish, and size distributions of each generic group. Catch of prawn was reduced little when TED windows were opened. Exclusion ratios for finfish by the TED varied from species to species, i.e. excluding 75.8% of javelinfish, while no exclusion was observed for ponyfish when the TED windows were opened. A trend of exclusion of larger species and larger individuals of finfish was observed. The different exclusion ratios are conjectured to be attributable to different swimming abilities of fish species due to body forms and sizes. Behavioral differences due to different dwelling patterns may also be a factor.
  • 松岡 達郎
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1331-1338
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In a tank experiment, the selectivity mechanisms of a trammel-net and a gill-net were com-pared. The selectivity of the tested trammel-net was represented by four components attributable to the wedging and entangling functions of the original gill-net and the additional function induced by the outer nets. The components of wedging and entangling were represented by normal and logarithmic normal curves. The gross selectivity of the trammel-net, the sum of the four com-ponents, was found to be consistently high for larger fish. The selectivity for smaller fish was reduced compared to the gill-net. This is attributed to the negative effect of the additional wedging function, i.e. wedging is obstructed in the trammel-net. Consequently, the dominant function of the trammel-net is entangling, therefore, its aggregated function is largely different from that of the gill-net. The trammel-net is presumed to have bimodal selectivity.
  • 向井 幸則, 小林 博
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1339-1346
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The free neuromasts were morphologically investigated in the larvae of two cyprinid fish, Zacco platypus and Gnathopogon elongatus caerulescens. In Z. platypus that mainly inhabits rivers, cupulae increased in length and became flat in shape (the so-called nail type) along with growth in the larval stage. Afterwards, the cupulae became shorter during the juvenile stage. The short and nail type cupulae of Z. platypus seem to be adaptive to rheotactic swimming. On the other hand, in G. elongatus caerulescens that lives in lakes, the cupulae were long and did not change in length until the 72nd day after hatching in the juvenile stage, but it changed in shape from a stick to a flat type like marine algae (laminaria). The surface area of these cupulae is larger than that of Z. platypus, and therefore the cupulae of G. elongatus caerulescens will be more receptive to mechanical stimulus by water flow. The photographs (SEM) of neuromast showed that the direction of the best physiological sensitivity of sensory hair cells coincided with the minor axis of the outline of the neuromast area, namely the bending direction of cupulae. From these results, it was considered that the neuro-masts of G. elongates caerulescens have a high sensitivity not only regarding their swimming behavior but also for perceiving weak water movements caused by prey and predators.
  • Joebert D. Toledo, 黒倉 寿, 中川 平介
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1347-1350
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Cryopreserevation of different strains of Brachionus plicatilis symmetrical stage embryos was conducted. One S-type strain, namely Yashima-S (YS), and three L-type strains, namely Yashima-L (YL), Nagasaki (NG), and Hamana (HA), were used. Symmetrical stage embryos in 10% DMSO-28% sea water solution were frozen at -196°C using a two-step freezing pro-cedure; the embryos were first cooled slowly from -5°C to -20°C at a rate of 0.3°C/min and then cooled rapidly by direct transfer to liquid nitrogen. Frozen samples were thawed in a gently stirred water bath at room temperature. A mean survival rate of 36% after 30 days storage in liquid nitrogen of HA strain was significantly lower than YS (55%), YL (58%), and NG (54%), and is due likely to its relatively larger embryo volume. There was no significant difference in the intrinsic rate of increase (r) between strains among clones taken from the cryopreservation or unfrozen control group. The results also indicate that various strains of B. plicatilis embryos can be cryopreserved without seriously altering their reproductive capability. The freezing method described could be of great potential in aquaculture and in future studies on rotifer genetics.
  • 安藤 清一, 吉田 明彦, 中島 一也, 羽田野 六男
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1351-1353
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Attempts were made to find marine bacteria which were capable of hydrolyzing n-3 polyunsa-turated fatty acid-containing fish oils. Out of 45 strains of marine bacteria screened, 3, 6, and 13 strains from genera Alteromonas, Pseudomonas, and Vibrio, respectively, showed the hydrolytic activities of Tween 80 or tributyrin. One strain of genus Vibrio, tentatively named VB-5, showed a high activity of hydrolyzing fish oils. The lipase activity from the strain VB-5 was enhanced by adding olive oil into the medium. The olive oil-induced lipase from the strain VB-5 was capable of liberating eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids as free fatty acids along with palmitic and oleic acids from fish oils.
  • 大久保 宏一, 瀬古 玲, 石井 孝司, 重松 亮, 北島 健, 井上 康男, 岩崎 万理子, 井上 貞子, 林 不二雄, 手島 千里, 佐 ...
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1355-1364
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In unfertilized fish eggs there exist unique carbohydrate-rich glycoproteins, “hyosophorin”, as a component of the cortical vesicles (alveoli). In salmonid fish egg hyosophorin molecules oligo/polysialylglycan chains are known to be O-glycosidically linked to serine and threonine residues while hyosophorin molecules so far examined for other fish species including Oryzias latipes (medaka), Plecoglossus altivelis (ayu), and Tribolodon hakonensis (Japanese dace) contain large N-glycan chains. We found a new hyosophorin having large N-glycan chains in the unfertilized eggs of rainbow trout of delayed maturity (3-year maturating strain) bred in the Gunma Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station at Kawaba. We have examined for hyoso-phorin of the unfertilized eggs of rainbow trout fishes including Donaldson, Steelhead, Nikko, and California. We have failed to detect such N-glycan type of hyosophorin as we found in the eggs of the 3-year maturating rainbow trout fish. Thus, we can safely conclude that hyoso-phorin, i.e. a glycoprotein of the Golgi-derived secretory vesicles, cortical alveoli, localized in the cortex of unfertilized eggs, can be used as a molecular marker to differentiate rainbow trout of delayed maturity (3-year maturating strain) at Kawaba from other usual 2-year maturat-ing rainbow trout fishes.
  • 馬 龍濱, 山中 英明
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1365-1368
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The thaw-rigor was investigated in frozen red sea bream and carp muscles in relation to physical properties, ATP and its related compounds, and lactate.
    The firmness and the penetration of the muscle of red sea bream immediately after death were 24.1g/cm2 and 4.4mm, and the contents of ATP, ADP, AMP, IMP, and lactate were 3.5, 1.8, 0.5, 2.6, and 28μmol/g, respectively. When air blast frozen muscle of red sea bream was thawed by running water at 18°C, the contraction of muscle was observed and the firmness reached the maxi-mum level (32.7g/cm2) and at the same time the penetration decreased to the minimum level (3.9mm) at -1.6°C where the contraction of muscle was judged to be strongest. ATP disappeared completely, whereas IMP and lactate increased and were accumulated in large amounts (8.4 and 55μmol/g, respectively) at -1.6°C. In case of carp the firmness and the penetration of the muscle immediately after death were 29.5g/cm2 and 3.1mm, and the contents of ATP, ADP, AMP, IMP, and lactate were 3.8, 1.6, 0.4, 2.6, and 18μmol/g, respectively. When air blast frezen muscle of carp was thawed by running water at 18°C, the firmness reached an extremely high level (390g/cm2) and the penetration decreased to the lowest level (1.1mm) at -1.1°C where the contraction of carp muscle was strongest. ATP decreased to zero, while IMP and lactate increased to 4.1 and 33μmol/g at -1.1°C, respectively.
  • Consuelo Esteve, Esperanza Garay
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1369-1375
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The heterotrophic bacterial microflora of European eel reared in freshwater and its surround-ing aqueous environment is reported. Quality of eel culture water is also discussed with respect to its physicochemical and bacteriological characteristics. The presence of bacterial species pathogenic for eel and its serological classification was investigated in fishery water and eels. Overall 675 isolates from fishery water and healthy or diseased were eel identified at genus level. Pseudo-monas was the most frequently encountered genus. Moraxella sp. and Acinetobacter sp. were abundant in fishery water, and Aeromonas sp. in elver and internal organs of silver eel. Plesiomonas sp., Escherichia sp., Enterobacter sp., Serratia sp., Citrobacter sp., and Streptococcus sp. were minority genera that were only recovered from eel. The species Aeromonas hydrophila, A. sobria, and Alteromonas putrefaciens were mostly isolated from diseased eel whereas other potential fish pathogens such as P. fluorescens, V. anguillarum, and Plesiomonas shigelloides were generally observed in fishery water or healthy eel. Following the typing scheme of Guinée and Jensen, most of the isolates of A. hydrophila from diseased European eels, as well as the strain A. hydrophila Y-62 pathogenic for Japanese eel, belonged to O19 serogroup. A relationship between origin and serogroup for A. sobria was not observed. None Vibrio anguillarum isolates agglutinated with O1 and O2 antisera of Sorensen and Larsen.
  • Jaime Fábregas, Angeles Muñoz, Ana Otero, Juan Luis Barj ...
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1377-1382
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A survey of antibacterial and/or antifungal substance producing bacteria from neritic seawater and sediments, and extraction of the activity with different organic solvents were carried out. From eighty-eight strains of isolated bacteria only fifteen were found to have antimicrobial activity, some against Pseudomonas sp. that are highly resistant to current antibiotics. The Corynebacterium-Arthrobacter group accounted for 30.7% of the strains isolated and 46.7% of those with antimicro-bial activity. Only one of the fifeen antimicrobial strains produced pigment. Production of antimicrobial substances varied with the culture medium and the screening tests used (disc and plate diffusion). Of three organic solvents of differing polarity used sequentially to extract the active principles from the 15 active strains, ethyl acetate was the most efficient; none of the solvents used extracted substances with antifungal activity.
  • 松本 美鈴, 山中 英明, 畑江 敬子
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1383-1387
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Muscles of live kuruma prawn which was decapitated and deshelled were immediately washed in water (0°C for 5 min, 18°C for 3 min, and 49°C for 20 sec) to prepare “arai”. The present study was conducted to investigate biochemical changes in the kuruma prawn muscle subjected to washing in either chilled or heated water.
    After “arai” treatments, ATP content decreased and AMP and IMP accumulated in the prawn muscle. In addition, the degradation of arginine phosphate, along with the production of lactate proceeded during “arai” treatments. Especially, 49°C “arai” treatment led to drastic changes in contents of ATP, AMP, IMP, arginine phosphate, and lactate. Sensory panel members judged “arai” by 0°C treatment to be tasteless. On the other hand, “arai” by 49°C treatment was significantly tasteful, and besides it was judged to have a stronger umami taste than untreated muscle. The tastelessness of “arai” by 0°C treatment was mainly due to the decrease in glycine which decreased to 60% of its original value by washing out. The increase of umami taste in “arai” by 49°C treatment was attributed to the accumulation of large amounts of AMP and IMP. This accumulation was also found to be maximum at 48-50°C. From these results, it was concluded that “arai” treatments at 48-50°C were appropriate for kuruma prawn muscle in order to strengthen its taste
  • 木村 郁夫, 杉本 昌明, 豊田 恭平, 関 伸夫, 新井 健一, 藤田 孝夫
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1389-1396
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effect of water soluble proteins of hoki surimi on suwari was investigated, and the following results were obtained.
    1. The water soluble protein component in the surimi catalyzed the reaction of the cross-linking of myosin heavy chain and formation of suwari kamaboko gel. 2. Ca ion was essential for the cross-linking reaction of myosin heavy chain and formation of suwari kamaboko gel. 3. Formation of ε-(γ-glutamyl)-lysine was found in suwari kamaboko gel.
    These results reinforced the possibility that suwari reaction may involve an enzymatic process catalyzing by transglutaminase.
  • 林 賢治, 岸村 栄毅
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1397-1401
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Seasonal changes in the contents of eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5ω3)-containing triglycerides from the hepatopancreas of the scallop Patinopecten yessoensis were investigated.
    The content of hepatopancreas lipids varied considerably and seasonally, ranging from 1.2 to 8.2% of the tissue wet weight. Of the total lipids, the contents of the triglyceride class ranged from 14.5 to 87.4%. They had especially high values (mean: 75.8%) between April and October. Over an 11-month sampling period, the most predominant fatty acid in triglycerides isolated from the hepatopancreas lipids was 20:5ω3. Due to seasonal changes, the percentages of this ω3 poly-unsaturated fatty acid in triglycerides from the tissues from March to September were higher (32.3%) than those at other times (22.0%). In particular, the content of 20:5ω3-rich triglycerides (4.7g; 30.8% 20:5ω3 in triglycerides) in the hepatopancreas of the scallops harvested between April and October was greater than that obtained during other months (0.6g; 23.8%). This indicated that scallop hepatopancreas could be used as a potential natural source of 20: 5ω3-rich triglycerides in the production of nutritional or pharmaceutical products.
  • 岡田 茂, 廖 文亮, 森 徹, 山口 勝己, 渡辺 武
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1403-1406
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Pigmentation of cultured striped jack Caranx delicatissimus was attempted by feeding diets supplemented with a commercial spray-dried preparation of the blue-green alga Spirulina maxima which is abundant in zeaxanthin. The integumentary color of the fish reared on diets containing the alga at 5% or 10% became irridescent greenish gray at the back with a characteristic yellow band near the lateral line, whereas those reared on the control diet or frozen sardine exhibited dark gray. Analysis of the integuments revealed that contents of carotenoids were 0.28-1.50mg/100g at the dorsal part and 0.14-0.48mg/100g at the ventral one, being higher in the fish reared on the diets containing the alga. More than 95% of the carotenoids in the dorsal integuments were com-posed of three yellow ones, tunaxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin, and all of them increased by sup-plementation of S. maxima.
  • 鈴木 信雄, 井上 玲, 鹿野 真弓, 矢澤 一良, 近藤 聖
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1407
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 今井 一郎, 石田 祐三郎, 澤山 茂樹, 畑 幸彦
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1409
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 松宮 政弘, 望月 篤, 大竹 茂夫
    1991 年 57 巻 7 号 p. 1411
    発行日: 1991年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー