The thaw-rigor was investigated in frozen red sea bream and carp muscles in relation to physical properties, ATP and its related compounds, and lactate.
The firmness and the penetration of the muscle of red sea bream immediately after death were 24.1g/cm
2 and 4.4mm, and the contents of ATP, ADP, AMP, IMP, and lactate were 3.5, 1.8, 0.5, 2.6, and 28μmol/g, respectively. When air blast frozen muscle of red sea bream was thawed by running water at 18°C, the contraction of muscle was observed and the firmness reached the maxi-mum level (32.7g/cm
2) and at the same time the penetration decreased to the minimum level (3.9mm) at -1.6°C where the contraction of muscle was judged to be strongest. ATP disappeared completely, whereas IMP and lactate increased and were accumulated in large amounts (8.4 and 55μmol/g, respectively) at -1.6°C. In case of carp the firmness and the penetration of the muscle immediately after death were 29.5g/cm
2 and 3.1mm, and the contents of ATP, ADP, AMP, IMP, and lactate were 3.8, 1.6, 0.4, 2.6, and 18μmol/g, respectively. When air blast frezen muscle of carp was thawed by running water at 18°C, the firmness reached an extremely high level (390g/cm
2) and the penetration decreased to the lowest level (1.1mm) at -1.1°C where the contraction of carp muscle was strongest. ATP decreased to zero, while IMP and lactate increased to 4.1 and 33μmol/g at -1.1°C, respectively.