Eight isolates of the toxic dinoflagellate
Alexandrium tamarense from four different bays of Japan and the Gulf of Thailand were examined for differentiation using seven monoclonal antibodies, M8751-1, M151-1, M22-1, M102-3, MT15-1, MT15-2, and MT15-4, against cell surface antigens of
Antibodies M8751-1, M102-3, and M151-1 derived from Japanese strains reacted to all the Japanese strains of
A. tamarense tested, but not to Thai strains by means of indirect immunofluorescence assay, while two antibodies MT15-2 and MT15-4 derived from the Thai strain reacted to two Thai strains but not to all Japanese strains. Antibodies M22-1 and MT15-1 reacted with all strains from both countries. These data corresponded with the results of ELISA and SDSPAGE analysis of whole protein. Using the western-blotting method, M8751-1 reacted with a protein band at about 50kDa, which were found in most of the Japanese isolates, but not in the Thai ones.
All isolates that have been morphologically identified as the same species,
A. tamarense, are grouped into two different populations according to monoclonal antibodies. One of these is the Japanese population, while the other group is the Thai one. These monoclonal antibodies appear to be useful for the identification of intra-and inter-species of these organisms.