岡本 一利
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The influence of temperature on the survival and growth of larvae of
Macrocheira kaempferi was investigated in the laboratory.
Artemia nauplii were given as prey. Survival temperature ranges for zoea and megalopa were 12 to 23°C and 11 to 18°C, respectively. The duration of each stage increased exponentially at lower temperature. In the survival range of temperature, survival time in starvation decreased with the increase in temperature for the larvae in each stage. Molting interval and survival time in starvation were longest for megalopa, followed in order by the 2nd zoea and 1st zoea in that order. The optimum rearing temperature for all the larval stages was 15 to 18°C. The duration of the planktonic larval stage could range from one to three months. The larvae could therefore live in depths shallower than 300m.
桐原 慎二, 能登谷 正浩, 有賀 祐勝
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Research was carried out to discover the most suitable time for outplanting seedlings of
Lam-inaria japonica for cultivation in three coastal areas of Aomori Prefecture, Japan. The seedlings were outplanted in the sea each month from July to December 1989 at Sameura on the Pacific coast, at Okunai on the Mutsu Bay coast, and at Kodomari on the Japan Sea coast. Similar results were obtained in the three areas. The seedlings outplanted in July survived for about a month, but were dead by September. The seedlings outplanted in August to October did not survive until the following month. The seedlings outplanted in November and December survived and continued to grow until the end of experimental period (April 1990). These results indicate that the suitable time for outplanting seedlings of
Laminaria japonica is from the period when seawater temperature is lower than 16°C off the coast of Aomori Prefecture.
能登谷 正浩, 菊地 則雄, 松尾 雅志, 有賀 祐勝, 三浦 昭雄
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Porphyra lacerata, P. tenuipedalis, P. suborbiculata, and
P. dentata were cultured under various photon flux densities (10-80 μmol m
-1), temperatures (10-25°C), and photoperiods (14L: 10D, 10L: 14D) to observe their life cycles.
P. lacerata and
P. suboribculata both had a similar type of life cycle with a monoecious, foliose thallus producing monospores at an early stage at 10-25°C and a conchocelis-phase which produced only conchosporangial branches.
P. dentata had a dioecious, foliose thallus which produced no monospores.
P. tenuipedalis had a monoecious, foliose thallus which produced no conchosporangial branches. In these four species, the optimum temperature and photoperiod for growth of the conchocelis- and foliose-phases were similar; 20-25°C under 14L: 10D for the conchocelis-phase and 15-20°C under 1OL: 14D for foliose thalli.
宮崎 多恵子
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The visual acuties of striped beakperch larvae and juveniles were calculated from the size of baits taken and the reaction distance of the fish at 1000-1100 lx and the apparent contrast of the target at 2.0-3.0. The visual acuities were 0.011 for larva of 5.5mmTL and 0.06 for juvenile of 18mmTL. The relationship between visual acuity (VA) and fish size (TL) for the larval and juvenile stages were expressed by the equations
exp (0.326TL) and
ln TL, respectively. The visual acuity of the juveniles was estimated to reach that of the adults at 38mmTL.
The visible ranges for 1 and 3mm size targets at the larval stage were 4 and 12cm, respectively, while at the juvenile stage they were five times those at the larval stage.
谷口 和也, 小島 博, 山田 秀秋
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The growth and maturation of one-year-old plants of
Eisenia bicyclis were investigated by the leaf-marking method from June 1988 through June 1989 at Oshika Peninsula on the Pacific coast of northeastern Honshu, Japan. During this year, stips grew from 1 to 3cm in arm length and from 25 to 100g in weight. The leaf area and weight of lateral blades showed a seasonal peak in August or September and a low from October to December. Lateral blades grew rapidly from April to June because of the enlargement in their weight and length and increases in the number of lateral blades and number of bladelets per lateral blade. The lateral blades with sori were observed from October to December, when the leaf area and weight showed a seasonal low. Plants were found to produce 54 lateral blades and to discard 36 lateral blades in a year. From the wet weight of lateral blades and the number of lateral blades falling off per year, it is estimated that the annual fallout product of one-year-old plants is about 0.8kg in wet weight.
川端 豊喜, 茅田 弘荘, 乾 政秀, 平山 和次
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The growth of eelgrass
Zostera marina in tidal flats was investigated in Yanai Bay, Seto Inland Sea, Japan, from late April to late July 1982. Field surveys were conducted seven times with a marking method at about 15 day intervals. In May and June, the fastest growth of vegetative shoots of eelgrass was observed. The average number of leaves on a vegetative shoot was 4.5 and the plastochrone interval was about 10 days. The average life of a leaf on a vegetative shoot was about 40 days. The growth rates of leaves 10 and 30 days after formation, were 2.5 cm/day and 0.5 cm/day, respectively. The growth rate of rhizomes was about 2cm/day in May. The formation of nodes was synchronized with a loss of leaves by washing away. In generative shoots, neither growth of rhizome nor branching was observed in the period of investigation. Spadices were fromed from late April and became dominant in June. In July, all spadices were washed away and subsequently all generative shoots withered. Our observation suggests that seeds were released together with the spadix when it was washed away, but not scattered one by one.
川端 豊喜, 茅田 弘荘, 乾 政秀, 平山 和次
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The net production of eelgrass
Zostera marina in tidal flats at Yanai Bay in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, was estimated from seven field surveys using a marking method from April to July 1982. The increase of actual leaf length observed was corrected by the addition of assumed increases which had been washed away in the interval between surveys. The net production in the overground part was obtained by converting the corrected increase of leaf length into dry weight. The net production in the underground part was obtained from the weight increase of biomass during the investigation. The net production rates in overground and underground parts were 2.3 and 0.4g dry wt./m
2•day, respectively. The net organic productions of the former and latter parts were 8.0 and 6.6 times greater than the biomass at the start of the investigation, respectively. The production rates of eelgrass beds in the infralittoral zone at Yanai Bay were estimated as 7.4 and 2.7g dry wt./m
2•day for the former and latter parts, respectively.
中嶋 正道, 藤尾 芳久
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Comparative growth profiles were investigated for strain difference in 8 strains of the guppy
Poecilia reticulata. There was an obvious difference in body length between female and male from Day 60, which became more pronounced with growth to Day 180. Differences in body length between strains were found significantly at each age.
Using strain comparison, the heritability of body length at various ages was estimated, and this heritability changed with age. The change of heritability suggests different genetic control in three stages for the growth curve. They are maternal genotypic effects on the body size at birth, growth genes in the growing stage, and an inhibitory gene influencing final body size.
遠藤 宜成
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
櫻井 泉
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The age and growth of the sunray surf clam
Mactra chinensis in Tomakomai were studied by measuring shell rings. Monthly measurement of shell increment from the last ring indicated ring formation to occur annually from November to January when seawater temperature dropped below about 10°C, and thus to be regardable as an age indicator. Age at the first ring formation was estimated at 0 by observing the shell rings of newly settled clams. Age was determined by counting the number of rings, and the relationship between age and shell length was expressed using von Bertalanffy's growth equation:
Lt=78.31 [1-exp{-0.67(
Lt being shell length (mm) at age
t (years).
金 文官, 有元 貴文, 松下 吉樹, 井上 喜洋
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The migrating behaviour of fish schools such as jack mackerel
Trachurus japonicus, spotted mackerel
Scomber australasicus, and Japanese anchovy
Engraulis japonicus was investigated in set-net fishing grounds by means of sonar image records. The spotted mackerel and Japanese anchovy schools moved at an average speed of 18-19cm/s, while the jack mackerel schools moved at 29cm/s. Schools of all species changed their direction of movement at an average veering angle of 19 ?? 36°. However, the veering angle of Japanese anchovy schools showed a tendency to be larger than that of the other two species. The average duration of straight movement of the spotted mackerel and Japanese anchovy schools was 2 ?? 2.4min, while that of the jack mackerel schools was 2.9min. This confirms a frequent veering of fish schools in the set-net fishing grounds. The jack mackerel and Japanese anchovy schools tend to move along the isobathic route with a depth change ratio of 0.6 ?? 0.8m/min between the first and final image. In case of the spotted mackerel schools the larger depth change was observed up to 6m/min.
張 秀梅, 秋山 清二, 有元 貴文, 井上 喜洋, 松下 吉樹
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The retinal adaptations were examined for the walleye pollock
Theragra chalcogramma taken at different times of day and night from different depths of trawling in the north Pacific. Even in the daytime, some retina sampled from depths of 150 to 200m showed a tendency towards dark adaptation. This suggests the inactive response of the walleye pollock against the gear due to reduced visual acuity and colour vision. To confirm the results from the on-board sampling, the retinomotor response was also examined by laboratory experiment. The light intensity for darkadaptation of walleye pollock was revealed to be much lower than 10
-2 lx. These results are dissussed in relation to the ambient light intensity in the sea, and the visual function and swimming ability of fish during the capture process by trawl net.
五利江 重昭
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
A seawater challenge test was conducted on 0
+ age-group landlocked rainbow trout
Oncorhynchus mykiss to estimate the sufficient size for seawater culture. The seawater adaptability of fish of different body weights (averages respectively 50, 100, 150, and 200g) was assessed accoring to mortality, muscle moisture content, gill Na
+ATPase activity, and serum Na concentration, at intervals of 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 96h after direct transfer into seawater (31.6‰). A high mortality occurred among fish in the 50g weight class. Muscle moisture content in the 200g weight class showed less change than in other classes. The serum Na concentration in the 50 and 100g weight classes was higher than in the 150 and 200g weight classes after seawater transfer. These results indicate that the seawater adaptability of fish is size dependent, and that fish over 150g may acquire complete seawater adaptability. Therefore, fish over 150g are of sufficient size to develop in seawater culture and these fish can be transferred directly into seawater without any acclimation.
藤岡 康弘
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The production of gynogenetic diploids of honmoroko by cold-shock treatment with UV-ir-radiated nigorobuna sperm was examined. 2000 ?? 10000ergs/mm
2 was the optimum UV dose to genetically inactivate nigorobuna sperm which was diluted 100 times by physiological saline solution. The highest yield of gynogenetic diploids was produced after a 40 min duration of cold-shock (CS: 0 ?? 0.3°C) treatment. When the eggs were incubated at 15.0, 20.0, and 25.4°C, the best times to start CS treatment were 12, 7, and 4.5 min after insemination, respectively. The hatching from the eggs CS treated (for a 40 min duration) between just after insemination and after 90 min peaked at 7, 12, 40, 70, and 90 min and showed periodical fluctuations. The yield of normal fry showed higher values when the CS treatment was started 3 ?? 7 min after insemination, but there were low rates of normal fry hatched at times between 10 and 90 min. The egg showed the metaphase of the second maturation division at the time of insemination, and advanced to the anaphase by 5 to 7 min after insemination. The extrusion of the second polar body was observed 10 min after in-semination. The metaphase of the first cleavage and the prophase of the second cleavage were seen 40 and 60 min after insemination, respectively. These results suggest that CS treatment (0°C, for 40 min 3 ?? 7 min after insemination) is a practical method for the induction of gynogenetic di-ploids in honmoroko, caused by prevention of the formation of the second polar body.
渡辺 裕子, 山中 英明, 山川 紘
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The differences of extractive components were investigated in the five parts (adductor muscle, central part of foot muscle, rim of foot muscle, mantle, and viscera) of adult and juvenile disk abalone
Haliotis discus in the spawning season.
Glycogen was detected in larger amounts in adults than in juveniles and its levels were highest in the central part of the foot muscle of adults and in the adductor muscle of juveniles. D-Lactic and organic acids in juveniles were higher than those in adults except for pyruvic acid. Larger amounts of homarine were detected in adults than juveniles and its contents in the adductor muscle, central part of foot muscle, and viscera were higher than in other parts. The total amounts of free amino acids and those of ATP and its related compounds were high in the adductor muscle and the central part of foot muscle. The large amounts of taste-active components such as glutamic acid, glycine, and AMP were also contained in the adductor muscle and the central part of the foot muscle. Moisture content was highest in the mantle.
示野 貞夫, 竹田 正彦, 滝井 健二, 小野 俊和
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
In order to clarify differences in the digestion and absorption processes of raw fish and formulated diets (single moist pellets) in young yellowtail
Seriola quinqueradiata, the digesta contents and plasma constituent concentrations were determined with time after feeding. The digesta contents in the stomach of fish fed with a formulated diet (group F) decreased with time after feeding similarly to those of fish fed with raw fish (group R), but the contents of TCA-soluble nitrogen of the digesta in group F were less than those in group R during the test period. Though the digesta contents in the pyloric caeca and intestine were virtually constant in the two groups throughout the experimental period, both TCA-soluble and -insoluble nitrogen contents of the digesta were 2-3 times higher in group F than those in group R. Plasma concentrations of many amino acids in group R showed gentle peaks 4h after feeding, while those in group F exhibited plateaus over 2-8h. The results, together with data on organ size, digestive enzyme activities, and nutrient digestibility suggest that there are no marked differences in the digestion or absorption process of raw fish and formulated diet under experimental conditions.
小関 宏明, 加藤 早苗, 今野 久仁彦
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Myosin extractability from thermally treated carp myofibrils (Mf) was measured as a possible indicator for Mf denaturation. Mf thermally treated at 40°C in 0.1M KCl, 20mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) was dissolved in 0.5M KCl, and salted out with ammonium sulfate at 40% saturation in the presence of 5mM ATP-Mg. The amounts of myosin recovered in the supernatant decreased rapidly (within 15min), and the rate was much greater than the inactivation rate of its Ca-ATPase. Nevertheless, myosin obtained in the supernatant exhibited an identical Ca-ATPase activity regardless of the thermal treatment period of Mf, and this myosin was proved to be monomeric by Sepharose CL-4B gel filtration. Therefore, myosin extractability could be used as a sensitive indicator for Mf denaturation.
高橋 克彰, 猪上 徳雄, 信濃 晴雄
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The effect of storage temperature on the freeze denaturation of carp myofibrils with NaCl was compared with that of KCl in the range of -3 ?? -30°C. The amount of unfrozen water was meas-ured by a calorimeter at each storage temperature, and the salt concentration was then calculated. The extent of denaturation was monitored by changes in Ca-, Mg-, and EDTA-ATPase activity, apparent rate constant of freeze inactivation, viscosity, ATP-sensitivity, and soluble actin. These changes reached their maximum levels at -13°C with KCl, and -8 ?? -18°C with NaCl. The apparent rate constant with KCl was less than that with NaCl in the -3 ?? -30°C range. The ex-tent of denaturation increased with a decrease in temperature from -3 to -13°C, and decreased with a decrease in temperature from -13°C to -30°C. These findings show that freeze denaturation above -13°C is caused by the concentration of unfrozen salt solution, while that below -13°C is caused by the decrease in the amount of unfrozen solution.
Komkhai Promma, 三木 英三, 松田 政広, 奥谷 康一
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Aureobasidium pullulans designated AL-2 strain, isolated from the intestine of the marine fish
Hexagrammos otakii, produces an extracellular acidic polysaccharide containing malic acid. The polysaccharide was extracted with 1% phenol solution and purified by the addition of ethanol followed by precipitation with Cetavoln and DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. This polysaccharide preparation, which was homogeneous in both ultracentrifugal and electrophoretic analyses, was composed of glucose and malic acid at a molar ratio of 1:1.
松田 政広, 蓮井 昌彦, 奥谷 康一
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
A marine
Pserludomenas species designated as WAK-1 strain produces an acidic muco-(
A-1) and a sulfated (
B-1) polysaccharide. The structure of the polysaccharide
B-1 was determined by means of methylation, acetolysis, periodate oxidation, and Smith degradation. Conformation of the polysaccharide was established by
1H and
13C NMR spectroscopy. Assignments for proton signals were carried out by DQF-COSY spectra.
It is concluded that the polysaccharide is composed of trisaccharide repeating-units with the structure: ??
加藤 早苗, 今野 久仁彦
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Carp myosin rod was isolated from the chymotryptic digest of myosin by using DEAE-Toyopearl chromatography. The carp rod thus prepared was very similar to rabbit rod in its molecular mass, viscosity, sedimentation velocity, and amino acid composition. Changes in tryptophan fluorescence intensity indicated that carp rod more easily unfolded upon addition of urea or guanidine-HCI, and thus was structurally less stable than rabbit rod. It was found that the addition of 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS) to carp rod solution resulted in no change in fluorerescence intensity, providing no information on its structural stability. However, ANS was an excellent probe for detecting the structural change of myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) portion; namely carp S-1 required a lower urea concentration than rabbit S-1 for inducing an increase in the ANS fluorescence intensity.
鈴木 健, 中井 清典, 吉江 由美子, 白井 隆明, 平野 敏行
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Comparative effects of sodium alginates rich in guluronic and mannuronic acids on cholesterol levels and digestive organs were evaluated in rats fed with diets containing both alginates and cholesterol. Food intake of rats fed on diets with alginate was significantly smaller than that without alginate. Animals on guluronic acid-rich alginate had a significantly lower food intake and grew more poorly than did those on mannuronic acid-rich alginate. Both alginate diets produced a significantly lighter liver and spleen, but a heavier cecum, small intestine, and large intestine compared to diets without alginate. Alginates protected to become a fatty liver in rats which took a large quantity of cholesterol. Dramatic reductions in liver cholesterol were found in rats fed with each alginate, and cholesterol accumulation was significantly low in mannuronic acid-rich alginate. In addition, both alginates were shown to have a high potential for lowering the serum cholesterol level, but the HDL-cholesterol levels were statistically similar. The main reason for the lowering of the serum cholesterol level seemed to be the lower amount of ingested cholesterol. The fatty acid composition of liver fat in rats fed with alginates was nearly the same as that without cholesterol.
Shi-Yen Shiau, Jean-Yu Hwang
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
A feeding trial was conducted to estimate the optimum vitamin D requirement in the diet for juvenile hybrid tilapia
Oreochromis niloticus×0. aureus. Eight vitamin D levels, ranging from 0 to 2, 100IU/kg diet at a 300IU increment were fed for 16 weeks to triplicate groups of tilapia weighing 0.78g in a recirculated double filtered rearing system. Results indicated that fish fed with diets lacking supplementary vitamin D had poor growth and feed conversion ratio (FCR), and low hemoglobin, hepatosomatic index values, and plasma alkaline phosphatase activity. Plasma calcium and phosphorus concentration were similar in all the dietary groups. Weight gain analyzed by broken line regression indicated the vitamin D requirement for maximum growth in tilapia to be 374.8IU/kg.
熊野 康孝, 関 伸夫
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
When carp, rainbow trout, stone flounder, and flatfish muscles were stored at 0°C, it was found that the content of α-connectin decreased rapidly at the beginning of the storage, with a simultaneous decrease in the breaking strength of the muscles to 70-75% of the initial value. α-Connectin content was, however, kept constant over the experimental period for 1 year at -20°C.
A decrease in α-connectin also occurred rapidly when the muscle temperature reached -2°C, and progressed continuously even below 0°C during thawing and post-thaw storage. The breaking strength of the thawed muscle was greatly reduced after thaw rigor, compared with that of unfrozen muscle at the same storage time and temperature. Furthermore, thawed carp muscle continuously decreased in breaking strength even after α-connectin had been completely lost. On the other hand, rainbow trout muscle decreased more rapidly in breaking strength than in α-connectin. These findings suggest that some additional factors are required for and will contribute more greatly to the tenderization of thawed muscle.
安井 肇
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
河原 栄二郎, 稲荷森 輝明, 浦野 謙, 野村 節三, 高橋 幸則
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
小栗 幹郎
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
鈴木 信雄, 矢澤 一良, 渡部 和郎, 石川 千夏子, 矢野 純博, 福塚 典子, 中間 俊彦, 古東 宜勝
1993 年 59 巻 3 号 p.
発行日: 1993/03/25
公開日: 2008/02/29