Many researches in ca ?? bohydrates of seaweeds have been reported, in which ketose as well as alc'oses are found. But there have been few reports made in detail of the ketose in ' hydio'sate of seaweeds. To investigate the ketose, the author determined total reducing sugar: fier B
ERTRAND's method and aldose value after K
OLTHOFF's, and calculated the amount of the ketose by the difference between them. If the aldose is present, this difference is to show positive; if not it is to show nought, but never negative.
But on my experiment this difference showed negative value for 18 cases in 19 samples, therefore I investigated about this fact. The result is as follows: 1) Difference between re-ducing sugar and aldose value was the greatest in chlorophyceae, and less in phaeophyceae and least in rhodophyceae. 2) In the case of 15 hrs.' hydrolysis of seaweeds with 3% H
4. reducing sugar showed maximum value. 3) The substance absorbed by animal charcoal from the bydrolysate was first extracted by the warm 70% alcohol and then that extract was evaporated into syrup to which 95% alcohol was added and a precipitate was thus obtained, which had high aldose value. The extensive reductive power of iodine may be attributed to this precipitate. The hydro'ysate of the precipitate obtained by the addition of base from the acid solublesubstance in seaweed-held very strong reducing power against iodine. 4) It was suggested that the determ'nation of aldose value after K
OLTHOFF did not hold good for hydrolysate of seaweeds.