Dashi is constituted by taste of umami and flavor from the materials of broth. Although the umami taste is accepted by the people in the world, but the flavor, coming from the materials, is not, because palatability of flavor is obtained "a-posteriori". The present paper dealt with the preference of flavor from the bonito bouillon solution, which is one of the characteristic seasonings of Japanese foods. We found that the reinforcing effect of the bonito bouillon in dextrin solution as well as fat and sugar, using conditioned place preference test (CPP) and operant lever press test. The mixture of amino acids and nucleotides in dextrin solution at the same concentrations as occur in bonito bouillon showed no such reinforcing effects, suggesting that the flavor of bonito bouillon might contribute to the acquired preference. Bonito bouillon flavoring enhanced intake of the high-carbohydrate diet. Moreover, pre-weaning flavor experience of the bonito bouillon-flavored diet enhanced the mice's preference for bonito bouillon after growing up. I discussed educational merit of the early experience of Dashi flavor.