In hot strip rolling, the work roll shift method has been widely used to disperse thermal crown and wear of work roll in axial direction. This paper provides a strategic control method for the work roll profile surpassing the conventional work roll shifting method.
A numerical simulation model which enables prediction of thermal crown and wear of work roll with high accuracy was developed.
Focusing on the problems of the conventional shifting method, a new shifting method was proposed.
In the conventional shifting method, thermal crown within the contact area is calculated with a cyclic fixed stroke and step. As the stroke increases, the average value of the thermal crown in rolling campaign decreases without concentration of heat input from the strip to the axial center of the work roll. On the other hand, as the stroke increases, variance of the thermal crown in rolling campaign increases.
Although the work roll shift method is effective for the dispersion of thermal crown and wear of work roll, the thickness profile of the strip is affected by the positional relationship between the work roll and strip.
For further improvement of the work roll shift method, the need for a flexible shift method which takes into account the positional relationship between work rolls throughout the whole rolling campaign is suggested.