Water model experiment has been carried out to investigate motion of bath in bottom blown converter with tuyeres set in two rows.
Visual observation has indicated the occurrence of two types of wave motions (A- and B-type). A type of wave motion is similar to that generated in a U-shaped tube. B type resembles that two separated bubble regions interfere laterally and repeat collision and repulsion alternately.
The generation of wave motions is varied by gas flow rate, bath depth and tuyere configuration. On keeping gas flow rate at which either of the wave motion is generated, the criterion for the generation of wave motion has been characterized by
D and L
1, where
H is the bath depth,
D is the bath depth,
D is the diameter of the bottom, L
2 is the spacing of the two rows of tuyeres, and L
1 is the length of the row of tuyeres.
Period of the wave motion is calculated by means of simple models. The calculated results agree well with the observed ones for a variety of experimental conditions.
A type of wave motion carries larger energy of oscillation than that of B type at the same rate of energy input into the bath, indicating that B type of wave motion occurs in preference to A type version.