The effects of misorientation on intergranular corrosion in boiling H
4 and boiling HNO
3 solutions and on intergranular stress corrosion cracking in FeCl
3 solution were investigated on type 304 steel with coarse columnar crystals. As the deviations of the growing direction around <100> orientation were within 10°, the grain boundaries were treated as simple tilt boundaries with <100> rotation axis.
The depth of interglranular corrosion,
DI, and the depth of intergranular stress corrosion cracking,
DC, of the specimen water-quenched, followed by sensitization at 923K for 7.2ks clearly decreased at coincidence boundaries (Σ13, Σ17, and Σ5) and the grain boundaries with rotation angle, ω, which were less than 10°and more than4 0°.
DI and
DC of the specimen water-quenched, followed by sensitization at 823K for 7.2ks after strained to 3.0% clearly decreased at coincidence boundaries and at the grain boundaries with ω which were more than 40°. However,
DI and
DC changed over a wide range at the grain boundaries with ω which were less than 10°. Schmid factor of component crystals was larger for deep
DI and
DC, and was smaller for shallow
DI and
DC. This suggests that
DI and
DC do not only depend on ω but also on the degree of plastic deformation near grain boundaries.
According to observation of carbide precipitation at grain boundaries, carbides were recognized at random boundaries, but not recognized at coincidence boundaries and the grain boundaries with ω which were about 45°.