We analyzed characteristics of land use change especially LRRA (low-rise residential area) along national roads in Tokyo metropolitan area using "detailed digital information (10m grid land use)", high resolution and periodic land use data, and "JMC Map (ALL JAPAN)", general cartographic data including roads. We selected some zones called blocks in the area by two kind of buffering, one is from the Tokyo station and the other is from the national road center lines. We calculated land use area and its increasing rate on the blocks by overlaying the land use data, and represented them using 3D-graphs and other methods. We found following two rules on change of LRRA. (1) LRRA tends to increase, if influence of satellite cities can be ignored, and if the percentage of area of source land use area supplying LRRA (forest, farming land, and vacant land) is more than 10% in 1979. (2) The first rule is not applied, if the percentage of LRRA is over 30% for blocks within 100 m from the road center lines, and over 40% for farther blocks.